private void dataGridView1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int featureId = int.Parse((sender as DataGridView).CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); IFeatureClass curFeatureClass = null; foreach (IFeatureClass fc in fcMap.Keys) { curFeatureClass = fc; IRowBuffer fdeRow = curFeatureClass.GetRow(featureId); if (fdeRow != null) { int nPos = fdeRow.FieldIndex("Geometry"); if (nPos != -1 && !fdeRow.IsNull(nPos)) { IPOI mp = fdeRow.GetValue(nPos) as IPOI; // 从库中读取值 IPoint pos = new GeometryFactory().CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ); pos.Position = mp.Position; pos.SpatialCRS = mp.SpatialCRS; IEulerAngle angle = new EulerAngle(); angle.Heading = 0; angle.Tilt = -60; angle.Roll = 0; this.axRenderControl1.Camera.LookAt2(pos, 3000, angle); this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.UnhighlightAll(); this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.HighlightFeature(curFeatureClass, int.Parse(fdeRow.GetValue(0).ToString()), System.Drawing.Color.Yellow); mp.ImageName = (strMediaPath + @"\png\lan.png"); IRenderPOI rpoi = this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPOI(mp); rpoi.Highlight(System.Drawing.Color.Red); this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(rpoi.Guid, 60000); } } } }
// 读数据库获取逻辑树xml内容 private byte[] GetLogicTreeContent(IFeatureDataSet dataset) { byte[] strContent = null; try { IQueryDef qd = dataset.DataSource.CreateQueryDef(); qd.AddSubField("content"); qd.Tables = new string[] { "cm_logictree", "cm_group" }; qd.WhereClause = string.Format("cm_group.groupuid = cm_logictree.groupid " + " and cm_group.DataSet = '{0}'", dataset.Name); IFdeCursor cursor = qd.Execute(false); IRowBuffer row = null; if ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { //content int nPose = row.FieldIndex("content"); if (nPose != -1 || row.IsNull(nPose)) { IBinaryBuffer bb = row.GetValue(nPose) as IBinaryBuffer; strContent = (byte[])bb.AsByteArray(); } } } catch (COMException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); return(null); } return(strContent); }
public int GetMaxOID(IFeatureClass fc) { int maxOID = -1; if (fc == null) { return(maxOID); } QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.AddSubField("max(oid) as MaxID"); IFdeCursor cur = fc.Search(filter, true); IRowBuffer row = cur.NextRow(); //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cur); if (row == null) { return(maxOID); } if (row.IsNull(0)) { return(maxOID); } maxOID = int.Parse(row.GetValue(0).ToString()); return(maxOID); }
public static string GetString(IRowBuffer r, int nPos) { if (((r != null) && (nPos != -1)) && !r.IsNull(nPos)) { return(r.GetValue(nPos).ToString()); } return(""); }
public static IGeometry GetGeometry(IRowBuffer r, int nPos) { if (((r == null) || (nPos == -1)) || r.IsNull(nPos)) { return(null); } return(r.GetValue(nPos) as IGeometry); }
public static TopoClass GetTopoClassByFacClassCode(string facClassCode) { if (DF3DPipeCreateApp.App.TemplateLib == null) { return(null); } IFdeCursor o = null; IRowBuffer buffer = null; IQueryFilter filter = null; try { IFeatureDataSet fds = DF3DPipeCreateApp.App.TemplateLib.OpenFeatureDataset("DataSet_BIZ"); if (fds == null) { return(null); } IObjectClass oc = fds.OpenObjectClass("OC_Catalog"); if (oc == null) { return(null); } filter = new QueryFilterClass { WhereClause = string.Format("Code = '{0}'", facClassCode), SubFields = "TopoLayerId" }; o = oc.Search(filter, true); buffer = o.NextRow(); if (buffer != null) { if (buffer.IsNull(0)) { return(null); } return(FacilityInfoService.GetTopoClassByObjectId(buffer.GetValue(0).ToString())); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } finally { if (o != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(o); o = null; } if (buffer != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(buffer); buffer = null; } } }
public static double GetDouble(IRowBuffer r, int nPos) { double result = 0.0; if (((r != null) && (nPos != -1)) && !r.IsNull(nPos)) { double.TryParse(r.GetValue(nPos).ToString(), out result); } return(result); }
public static int GetInt(IRowBuffer r, int nPos) { int result = 0; if (((r != null) && (nPos != -1)) && !r.IsNull(nPos)) { int.TryParse(r.GetValue(nPos).ToString(), out result); } return(result); }
private void GetResultSet(IFeatureClass fc, IQueryFilter filter, DataTable dt) { if (fc != null) { IFdeCursor cursor = null; try { if (filter != null) { filter.PostfixClause = "order by oid asc"; } // 查找所有记录 cursor = fc.Search(filter, true); if (cursor != null) { dt.BeginLoadData(); IRowBuffer fdeRow = null; DataRow dr = null; while ((fdeRow = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { dr = dt.NewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; ++i) { string strColName = dt.Columns[i].ColumnName; int nPos = fdeRow.FieldIndex(strColName); if (nPos == -1 || fdeRow.IsNull(nPos)) { continue; } object v = fdeRow.GetValue(nPos); // 从库中读取值 dr[i] = v; } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } dt.EndLoadData(); } // 通过解析逻辑树获取GroupId对应的GroupName GroupId2LayerName(dt, fc.FeatureDataSet); } catch (COMException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { if (cursor != null) { //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } } } }
private void InitData() { try { this.cbxFacilityStyle.SelectedIndex = -1; this.listStyles.SelectedIndex = -1; DF3DFeatureClass dffc = CommonUtils.Instance().CurEditLayer; if (dffc == null) { return; } int count = SelectCollection.Instance().GetCount(false); if (count == 1) { HashMap hm = SelectCollection.Instance().GetSelectGeometrys(); if (hm != null && hm.Count == 1) { IRowBufferCollection rowBufferCollection = hm[dffc] as IRowBufferCollection; if (rowBufferCollection.Count == 1) { IRowBuffer rowBuffer = rowBufferCollection.Get(0); int index = rowBuffer.FieldIndex("StyleId"); if (index != -1 && !rowBuffer.IsNull(index)) { string styleId = rowBuffer.GetValue(index).ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < this.cbxFacilityStyle.Properties.Items.Count; i++) { FacStyleClass fsc = this.cbxFacilityStyle.Properties.Items[i] as FacStyleClass; if (fsc.ObjectId == styleId) { this.cbxFacilityStyle.SelectedIndex = i; this.listStyles.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void ClickQuery() { DF3DApplication app = DF3DApplication.Application; if (app == null || app.Current3DMapControl == null) { return; } try { IFeatureLayer fl = this._drawTool.GetSelectFeatureLayerPickResult().FeatureLayer; if (fl == null) { return; } int featureId = this._drawTool.GetSelectFeatureLayerPickResult().FeatureId; FacilityClass facc = Dictionary3DTable.Instance.GetFacilityClassByDFFeatureClassID(fl.FeatureClassId.ToString()); if (facc == null || facc.Name != "PipeNode") { XtraMessageBox.Show("您选中的不是管点设施,请选择管点设施。", "提示"); return; } DF3DFeatureClass dffc = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByID(fl.FeatureClassId.ToString()); if (dffc == null || dffc.GetFeatureClass() == null) { return; } IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); if (this._bFinished) { Clear(); this._startFCGuid = fc.Guid.ToString(); this._startOid = featureId; this._bFinished = false; ILabel label = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateLabel(app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); label.Text = "起点"; ITextSymbol ts = new TextSymbol(); ts.TextAttribute.TextSize = SystemInfo.Instance.TextSize; ts.TextAttribute.TextColor = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.TextColor, 16); label.TextSymbol = ts; label.Position = this._drawTool.GetSelectPoint(); this._listRGuid.Add(label.Guid); } else { if (this._startFCGuid == fc.Guid.ToString() && this._startOid == featureId) { XtraMessageBox.Show("您选中的是同一个管点设施。", "提示"); return; } this._bFinished = true; ILabel label = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateLabel(app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); label.Text = "终点"; ITextSymbol ts = new TextSymbol(); ts.TextAttribute.TextSize = SystemInfo.Instance.TextSize; ts.TextAttribute.TextColor = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.TextColor, 16); label.TextSymbol = ts; label.Position = this._drawTool.GetSelectPoint(); this._listRGuid.Add(label.Guid); if (this._startFCGuid != fc.Guid.ToString()) { XtraMessageBox.Show("您选中的不是同一类管点设施。", "提示"); return; } else { WaitForm.Start("正在分析...", "请稍后"); FacClassReg reg = FacilityInfoService.GetFacClassRegByFeatureClassID(fc.Guid.ToString()); if (reg == null) { return; } TopoClass tc = FacilityInfoService.GetTopoClassByFacClassCode(reg.FacClassCode); if (tc == null) { return; } TopoNetwork net = tc.GetNetwork(); if (net == null) { XtraMessageBox.Show("构建拓扑网络失败!", "提示"); return; } else { string startId = this._startFCGuid + "_" + this._startOid.ToString(); string endId = fc.Guid.ToString() + "_" + featureId.ToString(); List <string> path; double shortestLength = net.SPFA(startId, endId, out path); if ((shortestLength > 0.0 && shortestLength != double.MaxValue) || (path != null && path.Count > 0)) { List <IPoint> listPt = new List <IPoint>(); foreach (string nodeId in path) { int index = nodeId.LastIndexOf("_"); string fcguid = nodeId.Substring(0, index); string oid = nodeId.Substring(index + 1, nodeId.Length - index - 1); DF3DFeatureClass dffcTemp = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByID(fcguid); if (dffcTemp == null || dffcTemp.GetFeatureClass() == null) { continue; } if (dffcTemp.GetFacilityClassName() != "PipeNode") { continue; } IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.WhereClause = "oid = " + oid; filter.SubFields = "oid,Shape"; IRowBuffer row = null; IFdeCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = dffcTemp.GetFeatureClass().Search(filter, false); while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { if (!row.IsNull(1) && (row.GetValue(1) is IGeometry)) { IGeometry geo = row.GetValue(1) as IGeometry; switch (geo.GeometryType) { case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPoint: IPoint pt = geo as IPoint; pt.Z = pt.Z + 1; listPt.Add(pt); break; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } } IPolyline polyline = (new GeometryFactory()).CreateGeometry(gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolyline, gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ) as IPolyline; foreach (IPoint pt in listPt) { ISimplePointSymbol ps = new SimplePointSymbol(); ps.Size = 5; ps.Style = gviSimplePointStyle.gviSimplePointCircle; ps.FillColor = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.FillColor, 16); IRenderPoint rp = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPoint(pt, ps, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); rp.Glow(5000); polyline.AppendPoint(pt); this._listRGuid.Add(rp.Guid); } ICurveSymbol cs = new CurveSymbol(); cs.Color = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.LineColor, 16); cs.Width = -5; IRenderPolyline rpl = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPolyline(polyline, cs, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); rpl.Glow(5000); this._listRGuid.Add(rpl.Guid); } else { XtraMessageBox.Show("两点不连通!", "提示"); } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { XtraMessageBox.Show("分析出错!", "提示"); } finally { WaitForm.Stop(); } }
public List <PipeLineFac> GetTopoPipeLine() { if (this._tc == null) { return(null); } if (DF3DPipeCreateApp.App.PipeLib == null) { return(null); } IQueryFilter filter = null; IFdeCursor o = null; IRowBuffer r = null; Dictionary <string, List <int> > dictionary = null; Dictionary <string, FacClassReg> dictReg = null; Dictionary <int, int> dictionary2 = null; List <PipeLineFac> list = null; try { IFeatureDataSet fds = DF3DPipeCreateApp.App.PipeLib.OpenFeatureDataset("DataSet_BIZ"); if (fds == null) { return(null); } IFeatureClass class2 = fds.OpenFeatureClass(this._tc.TopoTable); if (class2 == null) { return(null); } filter = new QueryFilterClass { WhereClause = string.Format("(P_FacClass = '{0}' and PNode = {1}) or (E_FacClass = '{0}' and ENode = {1})", this._facClassReg.FeatureClassId, base._oid), SubFields = "oid,A_FacClass,Edge,PNode,ENode" }; int count = class2.GetCount(filter); if (count == 0) { return(null); } dictionary = new Dictionary <string, List <int> >(); dictionary2 = new Dictionary <int, int>(); dictReg = new Dictionary <string, FacClassReg>(); o = class2.Search(filter, true); while ((r = o.NextRow()) != null) { if (!r.IsNull(1) && !r.IsNull(2)) { FacClassReg reg = GetFacClassReg(r.GetValue(1).ToString()); if (!dictionary.ContainsKey(reg.FacClassCode)) { dictionary.Add(reg.FacClassCode, new List <int>()); dictReg.Add(reg.FacClassCode, reg); } dictionary[reg.FacClassCode].Add(Fac.GetInt(r, 2)); if (Fac.GetInt(r, 3) == this._oid) { dictionary2.Add(Fac.GetInt(r, 2), 0); } else { dictionary2.Add(Fac.GetInt(r, 2), 1); } } } if (dictionary.Count == 0) { return(null); } list = new List <PipeLineFac>(); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, List <int> > pair in dictionary) { FacClassReg reg = dictReg[pair.Key]; if (reg.FacilityType.Name == "PipeLine") { IFeatureClass class3 = reg.GetFeatureClass(); o = class3.GetRows(pair.Value.ToArray(), false); while ((r = o.NextRow()) != null) { int index = r.FieldIndex("StyleId"); if (index == -1) { continue; } FacStyleClass style = GetFacStyleByID(r.GetValue(index).ToString()); if (style != null) { PipeLineFac line = new PipeLineFac(reg, style, r, this._tc); line.Tag = dictionary2[line.FeatureId]; list.Add(line); } } } } return(list); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } finally { if (o != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(o); o = null; } if (r != null) { Marshal.ReleaseComObject(r); r = null; } } }
private void GetData() { string whereClause = _dict[_currentClass]; SubClass sc = _currentClass; if (sc.Parent == null) { return; } string[] arrFc3DId = sc.Parent.Fc3D.Split(';'); if (arrFc3DId == null) { return; } foreach (string fc3DId in arrFc3DId) { DF3DFeatureClass dffc = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByID(fc3DId); if (dffc == null) { continue; } FacilityClass facc = dffc.GetFacilityClass(); IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); if (fc == null || facc == null || facc.Name != this._facType) { continue; } List <DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo> facFields = facc.FieldInfoCollection; if (facFields == null || facFields.Count == 0) { return; } ISpatialFilter filter = new SpatialFilter(); filter.SpatialRel = gviSpatialRel.gviSpatialRelIntersects; filter.Geometry = this._geo; filter.GeometryField = "FootPrint"; filter.WhereClause = whereClause; _count = fc.GetCount(filter); if (_num > _count || _count == 0) { return; } filter.ResultBeginIndex = _num - 1; filter.ResultLimit = 1; IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { cursor = fc.Search(filter, false); if ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { #region 定位 int geoindex = row.FieldIndex("Geometry"); if (geoindex == -1 || !(row.GetValue(geoindex) is IModelPoint)) { continue; } DF3DApplication app = DF3DApplication.Application; if (app != null && app.Current3DMapControl != null) { IModelPoint geo = row.GetValue(geoindex) as IModelPoint; IModelPointSymbol mps = new ModelPointSymbol(); mps.SetResourceDataSet(fc.FeatureDataSet); IRenderGeometry render = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderModelPoint(geo, mps, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); //app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(render.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionJump); render.Glow(5000); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(render.Guid, 5000); ITableLabel tl = DrawTool.CreateTableLabel1(1); tl.TitleText = "属性查询"; tl.SetRecord(0, 0, dffc.ToString()); IPoint ptTL = null; int geoshapeindex = row.FieldIndex("Shape"); if (geoshapeindex != -1) { if (!row.IsNull(geoshapeindex)) { IGeometry geoShape = row.GetValue(geoshapeindex) as IGeometry; if (geoShape.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPolyline) { double x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0; IMultiPolyline mPolyline = geoShape as IMultiPolyline; for (int m = 0; m < mPolyline.GeometryCount; m++) { IPolyline polyline = mPolyline.GetPolyline(m); IPoint pttemp = polyline.Midpoint; x += pttemp.X; y += pttemp.Y; z += pttemp.Z; } x = x / mPolyline.GeometryCount; y = y / mPolyline.GeometryCount; z = z / mPolyline.GeometryCount; ptTL = (new GeometryFactory()).CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ); ptTL.X = x; ptTL.Y = y; ptTL.Z = z; } else if (geoShape.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPolygon) { double x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0; IMultiPolygon mPolygon = geoShape as IMultiPolygon; for (int m = 0; m < mPolygon.GeometryCount; m++) { IPolygon polygon = mPolygon.GetPolygon(m); IPoint pttemp = polygon.Centroid; x += pttemp.X; y += pttemp.Y; z += pttemp.Z; } x = x / mPolygon.GeometryCount; y = y / mPolygon.GeometryCount; z = z / mPolygon.GeometryCount; ptTL = (new GeometryFactory()).CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ); ptTL.X = x; ptTL.Y = y; ptTL.Z = z; } else if (geoShape.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolyline) { ptTL = (geoShape as IPolyline).Midpoint; } else if (geoShape.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPoint) { ptTL = geoShape as IPoint; } else if (geoShape.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolygon) { ptTL = (geoShape as IPolygon).Centroid; } } } if (ptTL != null) { tl.Position = ptTL; } else { tl.Position = geo; } app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(tl.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionFlyTo); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(tl.Guid, 5000); } #endregion foreach (DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo facField in facFields) { if (!facField.CanQuery) { continue; } int index = row.FieldIndex(facField.Name); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { object obj = row.GetValue(index); string str = ""; IFieldInfo fiFC = row.Fields.Get(index); switch (fiFC.FieldType) { case gviFieldType.gviFieldBlob: case gviFieldType.gviFieldUnknown: case gviFieldType.gviFieldGeometry: continue; case gviFieldType.gviFieldFloat: case gviFieldType.gviFieldDouble: double d; if (double.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out d)) { str = d.ToString("0.00"); } break; default: str = obj.ToString(); break; } DataRow dr = this._dtShow.NewRow(); dr["Property"] = facField.ToString(); dr["Value"] = str; this._dtShow.Rows.Add(dr); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 定位和闪烁 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void dataGridView_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int featureId = int.Parse((sender as DataGridView).CurrentRow.Cells[0].Value.ToString()); IFeatureClass curFeatureClass = null; switch (tabControl1.SelectedTab.Name) { case "tabPage0Road": { foreach (IFeatureClass fc in fcMap.Keys) { if (fc.Name == "Road") { curFeatureClass = fc; } } } break; case "tabPage1Building": { foreach (IFeatureClass fc in fcMap.Keys) { if (fc.Name == "Building") { curFeatureClass = fc; } } } break; case "tabPage2Trees": { foreach (IFeatureClass fc in fcMap.Keys) { if (fc.Name == "Trees") { curFeatureClass = fc; } } } break; case "tabPage3Facility": { foreach (IFeatureClass fc in fcMap.Keys) { if (fc.Name == "Facility") { curFeatureClass = fc; } } } break; case "tabPage4LandScape": { foreach (IFeatureClass fc in fcMap.Keys) { if (fc.Name == "Landscape") { curFeatureClass = fc; } } } break; } string filterString = string.Format("oid={0}", featureId); IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.WhereClause = filterString; IFdeCursor cursor = null; try { cursor = curFeatureClass.Search(filter, true); if (cursor != null) { IRowBuffer fdeRow = null; if ((fdeRow = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { int nPos = fdeRow.FieldIndex("Geometry"); if (nPos != -1 && !fdeRow.IsNull(nPos)) { IModelPoint mp = fdeRow.GetValue(nPos) as IModelPoint; // 从库中读取值 IModelPointSymbol symbol = new ModelPointSymbol(); symbol.SetResourceDataSet(curFeatureClass.FeatureDataSet); IRenderModelPoint rmp = this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.CreateRenderModelPoint(mp, symbol, rootId); if (rmp != null) { // 定位 this.axRenderControl1.Camera.FlyToObject(rmp.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionJump); // 闪烁 rmp.Glow(2000); this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(rmp.Guid, 2000); } } } } } catch (COMException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { if (cursor != null) { //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } } }
private TextureClass GetTextureClass(string objectId) { IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { IDataSource ds = DF3DPipeCreateApp.App.TemplateLib; if (ds == null) { return(null); } IFeatureDataSet fds = ds.OpenFeatureDataset("DataSet_BIZ"); if (fds == null) { return(null); } IObjectClass oc = fds.OpenObjectClass("OC_TextureInfo"); if (oc == null) { return(null); } IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilterClass { WhereClause = "ObjectId = '" + objectId + "'" }; cursor = oc.Search(filter, true); if ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { int id = -1; string name = "", objectid = "", groupid = "", code = "", comment = ""; Image thumbnail = null; int index = row.FieldIndex("oid"); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { id = Convert.ToInt32(row.GetValue(index).ToString()); } index = row.FieldIndex("Name"); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { name = row.GetValue(index).ToString(); } index = row.FieldIndex("ObjectId"); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { objectid = row.GetValue(index).ToString(); } index = row.FieldIndex("GroupId"); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { groupid = row.GetValue(index).ToString(); } index = row.FieldIndex("Code"); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { code = row.GetValue(index).ToString(); } index = row.FieldIndex("Comment"); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { comment = row.GetValue(index).ToString(); } index = row.FieldIndex("Thumbnail"); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { IBinaryBuffer b = row.GetValue(index) as IBinaryBuffer; if (row != null) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(b.AsByteArray()); thumbnail = Image.FromStream(stream); } } if (id != -1 && thumbnail != null) { TextureClass cc = new TextureClass(); cc.Id = id; cc.Name = name; cc.Group = groupid; cc.ObjectId = objectid; cc.Code = code; cc.Comment = comment; cc.Thumbnail = thumbnail; return(cc); } } return(null); } catch (Exception exception) { return(null); } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } }
private void cmbField_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { this.lbcFieldValues.Items.Clear(); this.teFieldValue.Text = ""; if (this.cmbField.SelectedItem == null) { return; } if (this.cmbLayer.SelectedItem == null) { return; } DF3DFeatureClass dffc = this.cmbLayer.SelectedItem as DF3DFeatureClass; IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); if (fc == null) { return; } string fieldName = ""; if (this.cmbField.SelectedItem is DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo) { fieldName = (this.cmbField.SelectedItem as DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo).Name; } if (fieldName == "") { return; } HashSet <string> list = new HashSet <string>(); string cacheType = fc.GuidString + "_3D_" + fieldName; object objCache = CacheHelper.GetCache(cacheType); if (objCache != null && objCache is HashSet <string> ) { HashSet <string> temphs = objCache as HashSet <string>; foreach (string str in temphs) { this.lbcFieldValues.Items.Add(str); } return; } #region IRowBuffer row = null; IFdeCursor cursor = null; try { int index = fc.GetFields().IndexOf(fieldName); bool bString = true; if (index != -1) { IFieldInfo fi = fc.GetFields().Get(index); switch (fi.FieldType) { case gviFieldType.gviFieldDouble: case gviFieldType.gviFieldFID: case gviFieldType.gviFieldFloat: case gviFieldType.gviFieldInt16: case gviFieldType.gviFieldInt32: case gviFieldType.gviFieldInt64: case gviFieldType.gviFieldUUID: bString = false; break; case gviFieldType.gviFieldDate: case gviFieldType.gviFieldString: bString = true; break; default: break; } } IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.SubFields = fieldName; filter.ResultBeginIndex = 0; filter.ResultLimit = 1; while (true) { string strTempClause = fieldName + " is not null and "; string fClause = strTempClause; foreach (string strtemp in list) { if (bString) { fClause += fieldName + " <> '" + strtemp + "' and "; } else { fClause += fieldName + " <> " + strtemp + " and "; } } fClause = fClause.Substring(0, fClause.Length - 5); filter.WhereClause = fClause; cursor = fc.Search(filter, true); if ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { if (row.IsNull(0)) { break; } object temp = row.GetValue(0); string strtemp = temp.ToString(); if (temp != null) { list.Add(strtemp); if (list.Count > 10) { break;// 列举10个 } } if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } } else { break; } } CacheHelper.SetCache(cacheType, list); } catch (Exception Exception) { } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } #endregion foreach (string str in list) { this.lbcFieldValues.Items.Add(str); } } catch (Exception Exception) { } }
private void CircleQuery() { DF3DApplication app = DF3DApplication.Application; if (app == null || app.Current3DMapControl == null) { return; } WaitForm.Start("正在搜索...", "请稍后"); try { FacilityClass fac = FacilityClassManager.Instance.GetFacilityClassByName("PipeNode"); if (fac == null) { return; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo field = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("Additional"); if (field == null) { return; } ISpatialFilter filter = new SpatialFilterClass(); filter.SubFields = "oid,Geometry,FootPrint"; string configFH = Config.GetConfigValue("FireHydrantName"); string fireHydrantName = "'" + configFH + "'"; filter.WhereClause = field.Name + " in (" + fireHydrantName + ")"; filter.Geometry = this._drawTool.GetGeo().Clone2(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeNone); filter.GeometryField = "FootPrint"; filter.SpatialRel = gviSpatialRel.gviSpatialRelContains; List <DF3DFeatureClass> list = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByFacilityClassName("PipeNode"); if (list == null) { return; } foreach (DF3DFeatureClass dffc in list) { IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); if (fc == null) { continue; } MajorClass mc = LogicDataStructureManage3D.Instance.GetMajorClassByDFFeatureClassID(fc.GuidString); if (mc != null && mc.Name != "GS") { continue; } IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { cursor = fc.Search(filter, false); while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { if (!row.IsNull(1)) { IGeometry geo = row.GetValue(1) as IGeometry; switch (geo.GeometryType) { case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPoint: IPoint pt = geo as IPoint; IPOI poi = (new GeometryFactoryClass()).CreateGeometry(gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPOI, gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ) as IPOI; poi.X = pt.X; poi.Y = pt.Y; poi.Z = pt.Z + 2; poi.ImageName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "..\\Resource\\Images\\POI\\fireHydrant.png"); poi.Size = SystemInfo.Instance.SymbolSize; poi.ShowName = false; IRenderPOI rpoi = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPOI(poi); this._listRGuid.Add(rpoi.Guid); continue; case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryModelPoint: IModelPoint pt1 = geo as IModelPoint; IPOI poi1 = (new GeometryFactoryClass()).CreateGeometry(gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPOI, gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ) as IPOI; poi1.X = pt1.X; poi1.Y = pt1.Y; poi1.Z = pt1.Z + 2; poi1.ImageName = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "..\\Resource\\Images\\POI\\fireHydrant.png"); poi1.Size = SystemInfo.Instance.SymbolSize; poi1.ShowName = false; IRenderPOI rpoi1 = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPOI(poi1); this._listRGuid.Add(rpoi1.Guid); continue; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { WaitForm.Stop(); } }
private void btn_ok_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (this._dt.Rows.Count == 0) { return; } if (!this.ceConnectMajorClass.Checked && !this.ceConnectFacility.Checked) { return; } WaitForm.Start("三维数据关联设置启动...", "请稍后", new Size(400, 50)); CheckRowGroup(); WaitForm.SetCaption("设施类关联设置进行中..."); // 设置设施类 HashSet <FacilityClass> listFac = _checkFacCList; if (listFac != null && this.ceConnectFacility.Checked) { foreach (FacilityClass fac in listFac) { string strTemp = ""; foreach (DataRow dr in this._dt.Rows) { if (!(bool)dr["CheckState"]) { continue; } IFeatureClass featureClass = dr["FeatureClass"] as IFeatureClass; if (featureClass == null) { continue; } FacilityClass fcc = dr["FacilityClass"] as FacilityClass; if (fcc == fac) { strTemp += featureClass.GuidString + ";"; } } if (this._facDoc != null) { XmlNode node = this._facDoc.SelectSingleNode(".//FacilityClass[@name=\"" + fac.Name + "\"]"); if (node != null) { if (node.Attributes["fc3D"] == null) { XmlAttribute attr = this._facDoc.CreateAttribute("fc3D"); node.Attributes.Append(attr); } node.Attributes["fc3D"].Value = strTemp; } this._facDoc.Save(this._xmlFacFilePath); } } } //设施大类所属 WaitForm.SetCaption("所属大类关联设置进行中..."); HashSet <MajorClass> listMC = _checkMCList; if (listMC != null && this.ceConnectMajorClass.Checked) { foreach (MajorClass mc in listMC) { string strTemp = ""; List <IFeatureClass> listFc = new List <IFeatureClass>(); foreach (DataRow dr in this._dt.Rows) { if (!(bool)dr["CheckState"]) { continue; } IFeatureClass featureClass = dr["FeatureClass"] as IFeatureClass; if (featureClass == null) { continue; } MajorClass mcc = dr["MajorClass"] as MajorClass; if (mcc == mc) { strTemp += featureClass.GuidString + ";"; listFc.Add(featureClass); } } if (this._logicDoc != null) { XmlNode node = this._logicDoc.SelectSingleNode(".//MajorClass[@name=\"" + mc.Name + "\"]"); if (node != null) { if (node.Attributes["fc3D"] == null) { XmlAttribute attr = this._logicDoc.CreateAttribute("fc3D"); node.Attributes.Append(attr); } node.Attributes["fc3D"].Value = strTemp; } for (int i = node.ChildNodes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { XmlNode childNode = node.ChildNodes[i]; node.RemoveChild(childNode); } //foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes) //{ // node.RemoveChild(childNode); //} // 二级分组 WaitForm.SetCaption("小类分组中..."); IQueryFilter filter = null; IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; HashSet <string> hsValues = new HashSet <string>(); try { foreach (IFeatureClass fc in listFc) { WaitForm.SetCaption("要素类【" + (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.AliasName) ? fc.Name : fc.AliasName) + "】分组中..."); if (fc.GetFields().IndexOf(mc.ClassifyField) == -1) { continue; } if (fc.GetFields().IndexOf("GroupId") == -1) { continue; } filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.SubFields = mc.ClassifyField; cursor = fc.Search(filter, true); while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { if (!row.IsNull(0)) { hsValues.Add(row.GetValue(0).ToString()); } } if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } fc.SubTypeFieldName = ""; fc.SubTypeFieldName = "GroupId"; } // 重设groupid WaitForm.SetCaption("启动重置GroupId..."); foreach (IFeatureClass fc in listFc) { string strfcname = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(fc.AliasName) ? fc.Name : fc.AliasName); WaitForm.SetCaption("要素类【" + strfcname + "】重置GroupId中..."); if (fc.GetFields().IndexOf(mc.ClassifyField) == -1) { continue; } if (fc.GetFields().IndexOf("GroupId") == -1) { continue; } filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.SubFields = "GroupId,oid"; int groupid = -1; foreach (string str in hsValues) { groupid++; filter.WhereClause = mc.ClassifyField + " = '" + str + "'"; int fccount = fc.GetCount(filter); if (fccount == 0) { continue; } int counttemp = 0; cursor = fc.Update(filter); while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { row.SetValue(0, groupid); cursor.UpdateRow(row); counttemp++; WaitForm.SetCaption("要素类【" + strfcname + "】子类【" + str + "】(" + counttemp + "/" + fccount + ")重置GroupId中..."); } if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } if (filter != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(filter); row = null; } } WaitForm.SetCaption("分组信息写入配置文件中..."); int index = -1; foreach (string str in hsValues) { index++; XmlElement ele = this._logicDoc.CreateElement("SubClass"); ele.SetAttribute("name", str); ele.SetAttribute("groupid", index.ToString()); node.AppendChild(ele); foreach (IFeatureClass fc in listFc) { if (fc.GetFields().IndexOf(mc.ClassifyField) == -1) { continue; } if (fc.GetFields().IndexOf("GroupId") == -1) { continue; } SubTypeInfo sti = new SubTypeInfo(); sti.Code = index; sti.Name = str; fc.AddSubType(sti); } } //XmlElement ele1 = this._logicDoc.CreateElement("SubClass"); //ele1.SetAttribute("name", "其他"); //ele1.SetAttribute("groupid", index.ToString()); //node.AppendChild(ele1); this._logicDoc.Save(this._xmlLogicFilePath); } } } WaitForm.Stop(); XtraMessageBox.Show("设置成功!", "提示"); } catch (Exception ex) { WaitForm.Stop(); XtraMessageBox.Show("设置失败!", "提示"); } }
private void ExecuteUndoRedo(IUndoRedoResultCollection Coll) { if (Coll != null) { int nCount = Coll.Count; if (nCount == 0) return; for (int i = 0; i < nCount; ++i) { IUndoRedoResult result = Coll.Get(i) as IUndoRedoResult; if (result == null) continue; IObjectClass oc = result.ObjectClass; IRowBufferCollection Rows = result.RowBuffers; List<int> insert_updata_Ids = new List<int>(); if (Rows != null) { for (int j = 0; j < Rows.Count;j ++ ) { IRowBuffer row = Rows.Get(j); if (row.IsNull(0)) continue; insert_updata_Ids.Add(Convert.ToInt32(row.GetValue(0))); } } gviCommandType type = result.Type; switch (type) { case gviCommandType.gviCommandInsert: //Insert { this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.CreateFeatures(oc as IFeatureClass, Rows); this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.UnhighlightAll(); this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.HighlightFeatures(oc as IFeatureClass, insert_updata_Ids.ToArray(), System.Drawing.Color.Red); } break; case gviCommandType.gviCommandDelete: //Delete { int[] OidArray = result.FidArray; this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.DeleteFeatures(oc as IFeatureClass, OidArray); } break; case gviCommandType.gviCommandUpdate: //Update { this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.EditFeatures(oc as IFeatureClass, Rows); this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.UnhighlightAll(); this.axRenderControl1.FeatureManager.HighlightFeatures(oc as IFeatureClass, insert_updata_Ids.ToArray(), System.Drawing.Color.Red); } break; } if (Rows != null) { Rows.Clear(); //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Rows); } //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(oc); //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(result); } //Marshal.ReleaseComObject(Coll); } }
private DataTable DoStats() { DataTable dtResult = new DataTable(); dtResult.TableName = "DataStats"; dtResult.Columns.AddRange(new DataColumn[] { new DataColumn("PIPELINETYPE"), new DataColumn("FIELDNAME"), new DataColumn("PVALUE"), new DataColumn("LENGTH", typeof(double)), new DataColumn("TOTALLENGTH", typeof(double)) }); string localDataPath = SystemInfo.Instance.LocalDataPath; string tmpPath = ""; tmpPath = Path.Combine(localDataPath, "Stats"); if (!Directory.Exists(tmpPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(tmpPath); } string filePath = tmpPath + "\\全库3D管线统计.xml"; bool bHaveXml = false; if (File.Exists(filePath)) { dtResult.ReadXml(filePath); if (dtResult != null && dtResult.Rows.Count != 0) { bHaveXml = true; return(dtResult); } else { bHaveXml = false; } } List <MajorClass> list = LogicDataStructureManage3D.Instance.GetAllMajorClass(); foreach (MajorClass mc in list) { string[] arrFc3DId = mc.Fc3D.Split(';'); if (arrFc3DId == null) { continue; } double majorclasslength = 0.0; int indexStart = dtResult.Rows.Count; foreach (SubClass sc in mc.SubClasses) { double subclasslength = 0.0; bool bHave = false; foreach (string fc3DId in arrFc3DId) { DF3DFeatureClass dffc = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByID(fc3DId); if (dffc == null) { continue; } FacilityClass facc = dffc.GetFacilityClass(); IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); if (fc == null || facc == null || facc.Name != "PipeLine") { continue; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiPipeLength = facc.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("PipeLength"); if (fiPipeLength == null) { continue; } int indexPipeLength = fc.GetFields().IndexOf(fiPipeLength.Name); if (indexPipeLength == -1) { continue; } IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.SubFields = fiPipeLength.Name; filter.WhereClause = "GroupId = " + sc.GroupId; int count = fc.GetCount(filter); if (count == 0) { continue; } int loop = (int)Math.Ceiling(count / 800.0); for (int k = 1; k <= loop; k++) { if (k == 1) { filter.ResultBeginIndex = 0; } else { filter.ResultBeginIndex = (k - 1) * 800; } filter.ResultLimit = 800; IFdeCursor cur = null; IRowBuffer rowBuf = null; try { cur = fc.Search(filter, true); while ((rowBuf = cur.NextRow()) != null) { if (!rowBuf.IsNull(0)) { object tempobj = rowBuf.GetValue(0); double dtemp = 0.0; if (tempobj != null && double.TryParse(tempobj.ToString(), out dtemp)) { subclasslength += dtemp; bHave = true; } } } } catch { } finally { if (cur != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cur); cur = null; } if (rowBuf != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(rowBuf); rowBuf = null; } } } } if (bHave) { DataRow dr = dtResult.NewRow(); dr["PIPELINETYPE"] = mc; dr["FIELDNAME"] = ""; dr["PVALUE"] = sc; dr["LENGTH"] = subclasslength.ToString("0.00"); majorclasslength += subclasslength; dtResult.Rows.Add(dr); } } int indexEnd = dtResult.Rows.Count; for (int i = indexStart; i < indexEnd; i++) { DataRow dr = dtResult.Rows[i]; dr["TOTALLENGTH"] = majorclasslength.ToString("0.00"); } } if (!bHaveXml) { dtResult.WriteXml(filePath); } return(dtResult); }
private void GetResultSet(IFeatureClass fc, IQueryFilter filter, DataTable dt) { if (fc != null) { IFdeCursor cursor = null; try { if (filter != null) { filter.PostfixClause = "order by oid asc"; } // 查找所有记录 cursor = fc.Search(filter, true); if (cursor != null) { dt.BeginLoadData(); IRowBuffer fdeRow = null; DataRow dr = null; while ((fdeRow = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { dr = dt.NewRow(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Columns.Count; ++i) { string strColName = dt.Columns[i].ColumnName; int nPos = fdeRow.FieldIndex(strColName); if (nPos == -1 || fdeRow.IsNull(nPos)) { continue; } object v = fdeRow.GetValue(nPos); // 从库中读取值 dr[i] = v; if (i == 0) { // 创建管子 int geoPos = fdeRow.FieldIndex("Geometry"); IGeometry geo = (IGeometry)fdeRow.GetValue(geoPos); if (geo.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolyline) { IPolyline pl = (IPolyline)fdeRow.GetValue(geoPos); IRenderPipeLine rpl = this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPipeLine(pl, rootId); rpl.Radius = 10; rpl.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red; ArrayList rpls = new ArrayList(); rpls.Add(rpl); pipeMap.Add(v, rpls); } else if (geo.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPolyline) { IMultiPolyline multiPolyline = geo as IMultiPolyline; ArrayList rpls = new ArrayList(); for (int g = 0; g < multiPolyline.GeometryCount; g++) { IPolyline plIndex = multiPolyline.GetGeometry(g) as IPolyline; IRenderPipeLine rpl = this.axRenderControl1.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPipeLine(plIndex, rootId); rpl.Radius = 10; rpl.Color = System.Drawing.Color.Red; rpls.Add(rpl); } pipeMap.Add(v, rpls); } } } dt.Rows.Add(dr); } dt.EndLoadData(); } } catch (COMException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine(ex.Message); } finally { if (cursor != null) { cursor.Dispose(); cursor = null; } } } }
private void btnAnalysis_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (this._dt.Rows.Count < 2) { XtraMessageBox.Show("点数少于2个", "提示"); return; } IPoint startPt = this._dt.Rows[0]["InterPoint"] as IPoint; if (startPt == null) { return; } WaitForm.Start("正在进行纵断面分析...", "请稍后"); DF3DApplication app = DF3DApplication.Application; if (app == null || app.Current3DMapControl == null) { return; } string road1 = ""; string road2 = ""; bool bAlert = false; double hmax = double.MinValue; double hmin = double.MaxValue; List <PPLine> pplines = new List <PPLine>(); foreach (DataRow dr in this._dt.Rows) { IFeatureClass fc = dr["FeatureClass"] as IFeatureClass; MajorClass mc = dr["PipeType"] as MajorClass; if (fc == null || mc == null) { continue; } DF3DFeatureClass dffc = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByID(fc.GuidString); if (dffc == null) { continue; } FacilityClass fac = dffc.GetFacilityClass(); if (fac == null || fac.Name != "PipeLine") { continue; } IFieldInfoCollection fields = fc.GetFields(); int indexShape = fields.IndexOf("Shape"); if (indexShape == -1) { continue; } int indexFootPrint = fields.IndexOf("FootPrint"); if (indexFootPrint == -1) { continue; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiDiameter = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("Diameter"); if (fiDiameter == null) { continue; } int indexDiameter = fields.IndexOf(fiDiameter.Name); if (indexDiameter == -1) { continue; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiRoad = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("Road"); int indexRoad = -1; if (fiRoad != null) { indexRoad = fields.IndexOf(fiRoad.Name); } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiHLB = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("HLB"); int indexHLB = -1; if (fiHLB != null) { indexHLB = fields.IndexOf(fiHLB.Name); } int indexClassify = fields.IndexOf(mc.ClassifyField); int fid = int.Parse(dr["Fid"].ToString()); IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.WhereClause = "oid=" + fid; cursor = fc.Search(filter, false); if ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { if (indexRoad != -1 && !row.IsNull(indexRoad)) { if (road2 == "") { road1 = row.GetValue(indexRoad).ToString(); road2 = row.GetValue(indexRoad).ToString(); } else { road1 = row.GetValue(indexRoad).ToString(); if (road1 != road2) { if (!bAlert) { XtraMessageBox.Show("跨越多条道路,当前只绘制在【" + road2 + "】上的管线纵断面图。", "提示"); bAlert = true; } continue; } } } double startSurfHeight = double.MaxValue; double endSurfHeight = double.MaxValue; if (!app.Current3DMapControl.Terrain.IsRegistered) { DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiStartSurfHeight = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("StartSurfHeight"); if (fiStartSurfHeight == null) { continue; } int indexStartSurfHeight = fields.IndexOf(fiStartSurfHeight.Name); if (indexStartSurfHeight == -1) { continue; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiEndSurfHeight = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("EndSurfHeight"); if (fiEndSurfHeight == null) { continue; } int indexEndSurfHeight = fields.IndexOf(fiEndSurfHeight.Name); if (indexEndSurfHeight == -1) { continue; } if (!row.IsNull(indexStartSurfHeight)) { startSurfHeight = double.Parse(row.GetValue(indexStartSurfHeight).ToString()); } if (!row.IsNull(indexEndSurfHeight)) { endSurfHeight = double.Parse(row.GetValue(indexEndSurfHeight).ToString()); } } if (!row.IsNull(indexShape) && !row.IsNull(indexFootPrint)) { object objFootPrint = row.GetValue(indexFootPrint); object objShape = row.GetValue(indexShape); if (objFootPrint is IPolyline && objShape is IPolyline) { IPolyline polylineFootPrint = objFootPrint as IPolyline; IPolyline polylineShape = objShape as IPolyline; PPLine ppline = new PPLine(); if (indexClassify == -1 || row.IsNull(indexClassify)) { ppline.facType = mc.Name; } else { ppline.facType = row.GetValue(indexClassify).ToString(); } if (!row.IsNull(indexDiameter)) { string diameter = row.GetValue(indexDiameter).ToString(); if (diameter.Trim() == "") { continue; } ppline.dia = diameter; int indexDia = diameter.IndexOf('*'); if (indexDia != -1) { ppline.isrect = true; int iDia1; bool bDia1 = int.TryParse(diameter.Substring(0, indexDia), out iDia1); if (!bDia1) { continue; } int iDia2; bool bDia2 = int.TryParse(diameter.Substring(indexDia + 1, diameter.Length - indexDia - 1), out iDia2); if (!bDia2) { continue; } ppline.gj.Add(iDia1); ppline.gj.Add(iDia2); } else { ppline.isrect = false; int iDia; bool bDia = int.TryParse(diameter, out iDia); if (!bDia) { continue; } ppline.gj.Add(iDia); ppline.gj.Add(iDia); } } int hlb = 0; if (indexHLB != -1 && !row.IsNull(indexHLB)) { string strhlb = row.GetValue(indexHLB).ToString(); if (strhlb.Contains("内")) { hlb = 1; } else if (strhlb.Contains("外")) { hlb = -1; } else { hlb = 0; } ppline.hlb = hlb; } IPoint ptIntersect = dr["InterPoint"] as IPoint; ppline.interPoint = new PPPoint(ptIntersect.X, ptIntersect.Y, ptIntersect.Z); ppline.clh = GetInterPointHeight(ptIntersect, polylineShape, polylineFootPrint); if (ppline.clh > hmax) { hmax = ppline.clh; } if (ppline.clh < hmin) { hmin = ppline.clh; } if (app.Current3DMapControl.Terrain.IsRegistered) { ppline.cgh = app.Current3DMapControl.Terrain.GetElevation(ptIntersect.X, ptIntersect.Y, Gvitech.CityMaker.RenderControl.gviGetElevationType.gviGetElevationFromDatabase); } else { ppline.cgh = startSurfHeight + (endSurfHeight - startSurfHeight) * Math.Sqrt((polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.X - ptIntersect.X) * (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.X - ptIntersect.X) + (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.Y - ptIntersect.Y) * (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.Y - ptIntersect.Y)) / polylineFootPrint.Length; } if (ppline.cgh > hmax) { hmax = ppline.cgh; } if (ppline.cgh < hmin) { hmin = ppline.cgh; } // 辅助画图 ppline.startPt = new PPPoint(startPt.X, startPt.Y, startPt.Z); pplines.Add(ppline); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } } WaitForm.Stop(); if (pplines.Count < 2) { XtraMessageBox.Show("点数少于2个", "提示"); return; } pplines.Sort(new PPLineCompare()); double spacesum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < pplines.Count; i++) { PPLine line1 = pplines[i - 1]; PPLine line2 = pplines[i]; = Math.Sqrt((line1.interPoint.X - line2.interPoint.X) * (line1.interPoint.X - line2.interPoint.X) + (line1.interPoint.Y - line2.interPoint.Y) * (line1.interPoint.Y - line2.interPoint.Y)); spacesum +=; } ; var str1 = (pplines[0].interPoint.X / 1000).ToString("0.00"); var str2 = (pplines[0].interPoint.Y / 1000).ToString("0.00"); string mapNum = str2 + "-" + str1; string mapName = SystemInfo.Instance.SystemFullName + "纵断面图"; FrmSectionAnalysis dialog = new FrmSectionAnalysis("纵断面分析结果", 1); dialog.SetInfo(mapName, mapNum, pplines, hmax, hmin, spacesum, road2); dialog.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { WaitForm.Stop(); } finally { } }
public static List <FacStyleClass> GetFacStyleByFacClassCode(string fcCode) { IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { IFeatureDataSet fds = DF3DPipeCreateApp.App.TemplateLib.OpenFeatureDataset("DataSet_BIZ"); if (fds == null) { return(null); } IObjectClass oc = fds.OpenObjectClass("OC_FacilityStyle"); if (oc == null) { return(null); } IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilterClass { WhereClause = string.Format("FacClassCode = '{0}'", fcCode) }; cursor = oc.Search(filter, true); List <FacStyleClass> list = new List <FacStyleClass>(); while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { StyleType type; FacStyleClass fs = null; if (row.FieldIndex("StyleType") >= 0 && Enum.TryParse <StyleType>(row.GetValue(row.FieldIndex("StyleType")).ToString(), out type)) { Dictionary <string, string> dictionary = null; if (row.FieldIndex("StyleInfo") >= 0) { object obj = row.GetValue(row.FieldIndex("StyleInfo")); if (obj != null) { IBinaryBuffer buffer2 = row.GetValue(row.FieldIndex("StyleInfo")) as IBinaryBuffer; if (buffer2 != null) { dictionary = JsonTool.JsonToObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer2.AsByteArray())); } } } switch (type) { case StyleType.PipeNodeStyle: fs = new PipeNodeStyleClass(dictionary); break; case StyleType.PipeLineStyle: fs = new PipeLineStyleClass(dictionary); break; case StyleType.PipeBuildStyle: fs = new PipeBuildStyleClass(dictionary); break; } } if (fs == null) { continue; } if (row.FieldIndex("oid") >= 0) { object obj = row.GetValue(row.FieldIndex("oid")); if (obj != null) { fs.Id = int.Parse(obj.ToString()); } } if (row.FieldIndex("ObjectId") >= 0) { object obj = row.GetValue(row.FieldIndex("ObjectId")); if (obj != null) { fs.ObjectId = obj.ToString(); } } if (row.FieldIndex("FacClassCode") >= 0) { object obj = row.GetValue(row.FieldIndex("FacClassCode")); if (obj != null) { fs.FacClassCode = obj.ToString(); } } if (row.FieldIndex("Name") >= 0) { object obj = row.GetValue(row.FieldIndex("Name")); if (obj != null) { fs.Name = obj.ToString(); } } int index = row.FieldIndex("Thumbnail"); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { IBinaryBuffer b = row.GetValue(index) as IBinaryBuffer; if (row != null) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(b.AsByteArray()); fs.Thumbnail = Image.FromStream(stream); } } list.Add(fs); } return(list); } catch (Exception exception) { return(null); } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } }
private void ShowFlowDirect(IFeatureLayerPickResult pr) { if (pr == null) { return; } IRowBuffer row = null; IFdeCursor cursor = null; try { int fid = pr.FeatureId; DF3DFeatureClass dffc = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByID(pr.FeatureLayer.FeatureClassId.ToString()); if (dffc == null) { return; } IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); FacilityClass fac = dffc.GetFacilityClass(); if (fc == null || fac == null || fac.Name != "PipeLine") { return; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fi = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("FlowDirect"); if (fi == null) { return; } IFieldInfoCollection fiCol = fc.GetFields(); int index = fiCol.IndexOf(fi.Name); if (index == -1) { return; } int indexShape = fiCol.IndexOf("Shape"); IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.WhereClause = "oid=" + fid; cursor = fc.Search(filter, false); row = cursor.NextRow(); if (row == null) { return; } IPolyline line = null; if (indexShape != -1 && !row.IsNull(indexShape)) { object obj = row.GetValue(indexShape); if (obj != null && obj is IPolyline) { line = obj as IPolyline; } } string flowDirectValue = "0"; int type = 1;// 1表示具有流向字段;2表示从高到低 if (!row.IsNull(index)) { flowDirectValue = row.GetValue(index).ToString(); if (flowDirectValue != "0" && flowDirectValue != "1") { flowDirectValue = "0"; } type = 1; } else if (line != null) { if (line.StartPoint.Z > line.EndPoint.Z) { flowDirectValue = "0"; } else { flowDirectValue = "1"; } type = 2; } if (line == null) { return; } if (this._isAuth) { #region 流向渲染1 FacClassReg reg = FacilityInfoService.GetFacClassRegByFeatureClassID(fc.Guid.ToString()); if (reg == null) { return; } TopoClass tc = FacilityInfoService.GetTopoClassByFacClassCode(reg.FacClassCode); if (tc == null) { return; } FacStyleClass style = null; List <FacStyleClass> facilityStyles = FacilityInfoService.GetFacStyleByFacClassCode(reg.FacClassCode); if ((facilityStyles != null) && (facilityStyles.Count > 0)) { style = facilityStyles[0]; } PipeLineFac plfac = new PipeLineFac(reg, style, row, tc); IRenderModelPoint rmp = null; DrawGeometry.Ocx = DF3DApplication.Application.Current3DMapControl; plfac.ShowFlowDirection(int.Parse(flowDirectValue), out rmp); if (rmp != null) { this._listRender.Add(rmp.Guid); } #endregion } else { #region 流向渲染2 IEulerAngle angle = DF3DApplication.Application.Current3DMapControl.Camera.GetAimingAngles2(line.StartPoint, line.EndPoint); double dia = 0.0; string diaField = fac.GetFieldInfoNameBySystemName("Diameter"); int indexDia = fiCol.IndexOf(diaField); if (indexDia != -1 && !row.IsNull(indexDia)) { string diaStr = row.GetValue(indexDia).ToString(); int indexDia1 = diaStr.ToString().IndexOf('*'); if (indexDia1 != -1) { var dia1 = int.Parse(diaStr.ToString().Substring(0, indexDia1)); var dia2 = int.Parse(diaStr.ToString().Substring(indexDia1 + 1, diaStr.ToString().Length)); dia = ((dia1 > dia2) ? dia1 : dia2) * 0.001; } else { dia = int.Parse(diaStr) * 0.001; } } List <IPoint> points = new List <IPoint>(); if (flowDirectValue == "0") { for (int i = 0; i < line.PointCount; i++) { IPoint pt = line.GetPoint(i); pt.Z += dia / 2; points.Add(pt); } } else if (flowDirectValue == "1") { for (int i = line.PointCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { IPoint pt = line.GetPoint(i); pt.Z += dia / 2; points.Add(pt); } } for (int i = 0; i < points.Count - 1; i++) { IPoint pt1 = points[i]; var pt2 = points[i + 1]; double delt = 0; double _rate, _distance; if (!(Math.Abs(dia) < 0.0000001)) { delt = 2.0 * dia; if (dia <= 0.5 && dia >= 0.3) { _rate = 7 * dia; _distance = 3 * dia / 0.4; } else if (dia < 0.3 && dia > 0.1) { _rate = 12 * dia; _distance = 6 * dia / 0.4; } else if (dia <= 0.1) { _rate = 22 * dia; _distance = 9 * dia / 0.4; } else { _rate = 3.5 * dia; _distance = 1.5 * dia / 0.4; } } else { _rate = 2.0; _distance = 3.0; //z = maxZ + 0.2; delt = 0.2; } List <IPoint> list = DisPerseLine(pt1, pt2, _distance); if (list.Count < 2) { return; } List <IPoint> list1 = new List <IPoint>(); IGeometryFactory geoFact = new GeometryFactoryClass(); for (int j = 0; j < list.Count - 1; j++) { IPoint p = geoFact.CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ); p.X = (list[j].X + list[j + 1].X) / 2; p.Y = (list[j].Y + list[j + 1].Y) / 2; p.Z = (list[j].Z + list[j + 1].Z) / 2; list1.Add(p); } for (var m = 0; m < list1.Count; m++) { IPosition pos = new PositionClass(); pos.X = list1[m].X; pos.Y = list1[m].Y; pos.Altitude = list1[m].Z + delt; pos.AltitudeType = gviAltitudeType.gviAltitudeTerrainAbsolute; pos.Heading = angle.Heading; pos.Tilt = angle.Tilt; pos.Roll = angle.Roll; UInt32 color; if (type == 1) { color = 0xFFFFFF00; } else { color = 0xFF00FFFF; } ITerrainArrow rArrow = DF3DApplication.Application.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateArrow(pos, 0.8 * _rate, 3, color, color, DF3DApplication.Application.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); this._listRender.Add(rArrow.Guid); } } #endregion } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } }
public TopoNetwork GetNetwork() { if (TopoNetworkManager.Instance.Exists(this._objectId)) { return(TopoNetworkManager.Instance.GetTopoNetWorkByObjectId(this._objectId)); } if (DF3DPipeCreateApp.App.PipeLib == null) { return(null); } TopoNetwork network = null; IFeatureClass class2 = null; IQueryFilter filter = null; IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer buffer = null; try { IFeatureDataSet fds = DF3DPipeCreateApp.App.PipeLib.OpenFeatureDataset("DataSet_BIZ"); if (fds == null) { return(null); } class2 = fds.OpenFeatureClass(this._topotable); filter = new QueryFilterClass { SubFields = "A_FacClass,Edge,P_FacClass,PNode,E_FacClass,ENode,Geometry" }; Dictionary <string, Node> dictNode = new Dictionary <string, Node>(); // 点字典 int totalcount = class2.GetCount(null); int loop = (int)Math.Ceiling((decimal)(totalcount / 1000.0)); for (int i = 1; i <= loop; i++) { if (i == 1) { filter.ResultBeginIndex = 0; } else { filter.ResultBeginIndex = (i - 1) * 1000; } filter.ResultLimit = 1000; cursor = class2.Search(filter, true); while ((buffer = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { string edgeFC, edgeOid, snodeFC, snodeOid, enodeFC, enodeOid; if (!buffer.IsNull(0)) { edgeFC = buffer.GetValue(0).ToString(); } else { edgeFC = "0"; } if (!buffer.IsNull(1)) { edgeOid = buffer.GetValue(1).ToString(); } else { edgeOid = BitConverter.ToString(ObjectIdGenerator.Generate()).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant(); } if (!buffer.IsNull(2)) { snodeFC = buffer.GetValue(2).ToString(); } else { snodeFC = "0"; } if (!buffer.IsNull(3)) { snodeOid = buffer.GetValue(3).ToString(); } else { snodeOid = BitConverter.ToString(ObjectIdGenerator.Generate()).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant(); } if (!buffer.IsNull(4)) { enodeFC = buffer.GetValue(4).ToString(); } else { enodeFC = "0"; } if (!buffer.IsNull(5)) { enodeOid = buffer.GetValue(5).ToString(); } else { enodeOid = BitConverter.ToString(ObjectIdGenerator.Generate()).Replace("-", string.Empty).ToLowerInvariant(); } double edgeLength = double.MaxValue; if (!buffer.IsNull(6) && buffer.GetValue(6) is IPolyline) { IPolyline line = buffer.GetValue(6) as IPolyline; edgeLength = line.Length; } Node sn = null; Node en = null; string key = snodeFC + "_" + snodeOid; if (!dictNode.ContainsKey(key)) { if (NodeManager.Instance.GetNodeByID(key) == null) { sn = new Node(snodeFC, snodeOid); NodeManager.Instance.Add(sn); } else { sn = NodeManager.Instance.GetNodeByID(key); } dictNode.Add(key, sn); } else { sn = dictNode[key]; } key = enodeFC + "_" + enodeOid; if (!dictNode.ContainsKey(key)) { if (NodeManager.Instance.GetNodeByID(key) == null) { en = new Node(enodeFC, enodeOid); NodeManager.Instance.Add(en); } else { en = NodeManager.Instance.GetNodeByID(key); } dictNode.Add(key, en); } else { en = dictNode[key]; } if (sn == null || en == null) { continue; } Edge e = new Edge(edgeFC, edgeOid, sn, en, edgeLength); EdgeManager.Instance.Add(e); } } network = new TopoNetwork(this._objectId, dictNode); TopoNetworkManager.Instance.Add(this.ObjectId, network); return(network); } catch (Exception ex) { return(null); } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (buffer != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(buffer); buffer = null; } } }
private void InitialView() { try { IRowBuffer myRow = fc.GetRow(fid); IFieldInfoCollection fieldinfos = fc.GetFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldinfos.Count; i++) { int iRowIndex = -1; IFieldInfo fieldinfo = fieldinfos.Get(i); if (null == fieldinfo) { continue; } if (fieldinfo.FieldType == gviFieldType.gviFieldGeometry) { if (myRow.IsNull(i)) { iRowIndex = this.dgv_FieldValue.Rows.Add(new object[] { fieldinfo.Name, null }); continue; } IGeometry geo = myRow.GetValue(i) as IGeometry; string geoValue = null; if (geo != null) { switch (geo.GeometryType) { case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryModelPoint: geoValue = "ModelPoint"; break; case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPoint: geoValue = "Point"; break; case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPoint: geoValue = "MultiPoint"; break; case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolyline: geoValue = "Polyline"; break; case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPolyline: geoValue = "MultiPolyline"; break; case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolygon: geoValue = "Polygon"; break; case gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPolygon: geoValue = "MultiPolygon"; break; } } iRowIndex = this.dgv_FieldValue.Rows.Add(new object[] { fieldinfo.Name, geoValue }); } else if (fieldinfo.FieldType == gviFieldType.gviFieldFID) { iRowIndex = this.dgv_FieldValue.Rows.Add(new object[] { fieldinfo.Name, myRow.GetValue(i) }); } else { IDomain fieldDomain = fieldinfo.Domain; if (fieldDomain != null && fieldDomain.DomainType == gviDomainType.gviDomainCodedValue) { DataGridViewComboBoxCell comCell = new DataGridViewComboBoxCell(); comCell.DisplayStyle = DataGridViewComboBoxDisplayStyle.Nothing; comCell.Items.Clear(); comCell.Items.Add(""); Dictionary <object, string> codeValue = this.GetDomainCodeValuePair(fieldDomain); comCell.Items.AddRange(codeValue.Values.ToArray()); iRowIndex = this.dgv_FieldValue.Rows.Add(); DataGridViewRow myViewRow = this.dgv_FieldValue.Rows[iRowIndex]; myViewRow.Cells[1] = comCell; object oCodeValue = myRow.GetValue(i); if (codeValue.ContainsKey(oCodeValue)) { myViewRow.SetValues(new object[] { fieldinfo.Name, codeValue[oCodeValue] }); } else { myViewRow.SetValues(new object[] { fieldinfo.Name, oCodeValue }); } } else { iRowIndex = this.dgv_FieldValue.Rows.Add(new object[] { fieldinfo.Name, myRow.GetValue(i) }); } } this.dgv_FieldValue.Rows[iRowIndex].Tag = new EditField(fieldinfo, i); } this.dgv_FieldValue.Tag = myRow; } catch (COMException comEx) { MessageBox.Show(comEx.Message); } catch (System.Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } finally { } }
private void treelist_AfterCheckNode(object sender, NodeEventArgs e) { this.teValue.Text = ""; this.listBoxControlValues.Items.Clear(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._sysFieldName)) { return; } IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { WaitForm.Start("正在加载列表...", "请稍后"); HashSet <string> list = new HashSet <string>(); bool bBreak = false; foreach (TreeListNode node in this.treelist.GetAllCheckedNodes()) { object obj = node.GetValue("NodeObject"); if (obj != null && obj is SubClass) { SubClass sc = obj as SubClass; if (sc.Parent == null) { continue; } string cacheType = sc.Parent.Name + "_" + sc.GroupId + "_3D_" + this._sysFieldName; object objCache = CacheHelper.GetCache(cacheType); if (objCache != null && objCache is HashSet <string> ) { HashSet <string> temphs = objCache as HashSet <string>; foreach (string tempstr in temphs) { list.Add(tempstr); } continue; } HashSet <string> listsc = new HashSet <string>(); string[] arrFc3DId = sc.Parent.Fc3D.Split(';'); if (arrFc3DId == null) { continue; } foreach (string fc3DId in arrFc3DId) { DF3DFeatureClass dffc = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByID(fc3DId); if (dffc == null) { continue; } FacilityClass facClass = dffc.GetFacilityClass(); IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); if (fc == null || facClass == null || facClass.Name != this._facType) { continue; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fi = facClass.GetFieldInfoBySystemName(this._sysFieldName); if (fi == null) { continue; } IFieldInfoCollection fiCol = fc.GetFields(); int index = fiCol.IndexOf(fi.Name); if (index < 0) { continue; } Gvitech.CityMaker.FdeCore.FieldInfo gfi = (Gvitech.CityMaker.FdeCore.FieldInfo)fiCol.Get(index); IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter(); filter.SubFields = gfi.Name; filter.ResultBeginIndex = 0; filter.ResultLimit = 1; while (true) { string strTempClause = gfi.Name + " is not null and "; string fClause = strTempClause; foreach (string strtemp in listsc) { fClause += gfi.Name + " <> " + strtemp + " and "; } fClause = fClause.Substring(0, fClause.Length - 5); filter.WhereClause = "GroupId = " + sc.GroupId + " and " + fClause; cursor = fc.Search(filter, true); if ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { if (row.IsNull(0)) { break; } object temp = row.GetValue(0); string strtemp = ""; switch (gfi.FieldType) { case gviFieldType.gviFieldFID: case gviFieldType.gviFieldFloat: case gviFieldType.gviFieldDouble: case gviFieldType.gviFieldInt16: case gviFieldType.gviFieldInt32: case gviFieldType.gviFieldInt64: strtemp = temp.ToString(); break; case gviFieldType.gviFieldDate: case gviFieldType.gviFieldString: case gviFieldType.gviFieldUUID: strtemp = "'" + temp.ToString() + "'"; break; case gviFieldType.gviFieldBlob: case gviFieldType.gviFieldGeometry: case gviFieldType.gviFieldUnknown: default: continue; } if (temp != null) { list.Add(strtemp); listsc.Add(strtemp); if (list.Count > 10) { bBreak = true; break;// 列举10个 } } } else { break; } } if (bBreak) { break; } } CacheHelper.SetCache(cacheType, listsc); } if (bBreak) { break; } } foreach (string str2 in list) { //if (!(string.IsNullOrEmpty(str2))) //{ this.listBoxControlValues.Items.Add(str2); //} } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } WaitForm.Stop(); } }
private void LineQuery() { IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { IGeometry geo = this._drawTool.GetGeo(); if (geo == null || geo.GeometryType != gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolyline) { return; } IPolyline line = geo as IPolyline; IPolyline l = line.Clone2(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeNone) as IPolyline; if (l.Length > 500) { XtraMessageBox.Show("横断面线超过500米,分析效率很低,请重新绘制", "提示"); return; } WaitForm.Start("正在进行横断面分析...", "请稍后"); DF3DApplication app = DF3DApplication.Application; if (app == null || app.Current3DMapControl == null) { return; } List <MajorClass> list = LogicDataStructureManage3D.Instance.GetAllMajorClass(); if (list == null) { return; } string road1 = ""; string road2 = ""; bool bAlert = false; double hmax = double.MinValue; double hmin = double.MaxValue; List <PPLine> pplines = new List <PPLine>(); foreach (MajorClass mc in list) { foreach (SubClass sc in mc.SubClasses) { if (!sc.Visible3D) { continue; } string[] arrFc3DId = mc.Fc3D.Split(';'); if (arrFc3DId == null) { continue; } foreach (string fc3DId in arrFc3DId) { DF3DFeatureClass dffc = DF3DFeatureClassManager.Instance.GetFeatureClassByID(fc3DId); if (dffc == null) { continue; } IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); FacilityClass fac = dffc.GetFacilityClass(); if (fc == null || fac == null || fac.Name != "PipeLine") { continue; } IFieldInfoCollection fields = fc.GetFields(); int indexShape = fields.IndexOf("Shape"); if (indexShape == -1) { continue; } int indexFootPrint = fields.IndexOf("FootPrint"); if (indexFootPrint == -1) { continue; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiDiameter = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("Diameter"); if (fiDiameter == null) { continue; } int indexDiameter = fields.IndexOf(fiDiameter.Name); if (indexDiameter == -1) { continue; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiRoad = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("Road"); int indexRoad = -1; if (fiRoad != null) { indexRoad = fields.IndexOf(fiRoad.Name); } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiHLB = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("HLB"); int indexHLB = -1; if (fiHLB != null) { indexHLB = fields.IndexOf(fiHLB.Name); } int indexClassify = fields.IndexOf(mc.ClassifyField); ISpatialFilter pSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilter(); pSpatialFilter.Geometry = l; pSpatialFilter.GeometryField = "FootPrint"; pSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = gviSpatialRel.gviSpatialRelIntersects; pSpatialFilter.WhereClause = mc.ClassifyField + " = '" + sc.Name + "'"; cursor = fc.Search(pSpatialFilter, false); while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { if (indexRoad != -1 && !row.IsNull(indexRoad)) { if (road2 == "") { road1 = row.GetValue(indexRoad).ToString(); road2 = row.GetValue(indexRoad).ToString(); } else { road1 = row.GetValue(indexRoad).ToString(); if (road1 != road2) { if (!bAlert) { XtraMessageBox.Show("横断面线跨越多条道路,当前只绘制在【" + road2 + "】上的管线横断面图。", "提示"); bAlert = true; } continue; } } } double startSurfHeight = double.MaxValue; double endSurfHeight = double.MaxValue; if (!app.Current3DMapControl.Terrain.IsRegistered) { DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiStartSurfHeight = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("StartSurfHeight"); if (fiStartSurfHeight == null) { continue; } int indexStartSurfHeight = fields.IndexOf(fiStartSurfHeight.Name); if (indexStartSurfHeight == -1) { continue; } DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo fiEndSurfHeight = fac.GetFieldInfoBySystemName("EndSurfHeight"); if (fiEndSurfHeight == null) { continue; } int indexEndSurfHeight = fields.IndexOf(fiEndSurfHeight.Name); if (indexEndSurfHeight == -1) { continue; } if (!row.IsNull(indexStartSurfHeight)) { startSurfHeight = double.Parse(row.GetValue(indexStartSurfHeight).ToString()); } if (!row.IsNull(indexEndSurfHeight)) { endSurfHeight = double.Parse(row.GetValue(indexEndSurfHeight).ToString()); } } if (!row.IsNull(indexShape) && !row.IsNull(indexFootPrint)) { object objFootPrint = row.GetValue(indexFootPrint); object objShape = row.GetValue(indexShape); if (objFootPrint is IPolyline && objShape is IPolyline) { IPolyline polylineFootPrint = objFootPrint as IPolyline; IPolyline polylineShape = objShape as IPolyline; IGeometry geoIntersect = (geo as ITopologicalOperator2D).Intersection2D(polylineFootPrint); if (geoIntersect == null) { continue; } PPLine ppline = new PPLine(); if (indexClassify == -1 || row.IsNull(indexClassify)) { ppline.facType = mc.Name; } else { ppline.facType = row.GetValue(indexClassify).ToString(); } if (!row.IsNull(indexDiameter)) { string diameter = row.GetValue(indexDiameter).ToString(); if (diameter.Trim() == "") { continue; } ppline.dia = diameter; int indexDia = diameter.IndexOf('*'); if (indexDia != -1) { ppline.isrect = true; int iDia1; bool bDia1 = int.TryParse(diameter.Substring(0, indexDia), out iDia1); if (!bDia1) { continue; } int iDia2; bool bDia2 = int.TryParse(diameter.Substring(indexDia + 1, diameter.Length - indexDia - 1), out iDia2); if (!bDia2) { continue; } ppline.gj.Add(iDia1); ppline.gj.Add(iDia2); } else { ppline.isrect = false; int iDia; bool bDia = int.TryParse(diameter, out iDia); if (!bDia) { continue; } ppline.gj.Add(iDia); ppline.gj.Add(iDia); } } int hlb = 0; if (indexHLB != -1 && !row.IsNull(indexHLB)) { string strhlb = row.GetValue(indexHLB).ToString(); if (strhlb.Contains("内")) { hlb = 1; } else if (strhlb.Contains("外")) { hlb = -1; } else { hlb = 0; } ppline.hlb = hlb; } #region 交点为一个 if (geoIntersect.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPoint) //交点为1个 { IPoint ptIntersect = geoIntersect as IPoint; ppline.interPoint = new PPPoint(ptIntersect.X, ptIntersect.Y, ptIntersect.Z); ppline.clh = GetInterPointHeight(ptIntersect, polylineShape, polylineFootPrint); if (ppline.clh > hmax) { hmax = ppline.clh; } if (ppline.clh < hmin) { hmin = ppline.clh; } if (app.Current3DMapControl.Terrain.IsRegistered) { ppline.cgh = app.Current3DMapControl.Terrain.GetElevation(ptIntersect.X, ptIntersect.Y, Gvitech.CityMaker.RenderControl.gviGetElevationType.gviGetElevationFromDatabase); } else { ppline.cgh = startSurfHeight + (endSurfHeight - startSurfHeight) * Math.Sqrt((polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.X - ptIntersect.X) * (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.X - ptIntersect.X) + (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.Y - ptIntersect.Y) * (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.Y - ptIntersect.Y)) / polylineFootPrint.Length; } if (ppline.cgh > hmax) { hmax = ppline.cgh; } if (ppline.cgh < hmin) { hmin = ppline.cgh; } // 辅助画图 ppline.startPt = new PPPoint(l.StartPoint.X, l.StartPoint.Y, l.StartPoint.Z); pplines.Add(ppline); } #endregion #region 交点为多个 else if (geoIntersect.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPoint) //交点为多个 { IMultiPoint multiPts = geoIntersect as IMultiPoint; for (int m = 0; m < multiPts.GeometryCount; m++) { IPoint ptIntersect = multiPts.GetPoint(m); ppline.interPoint = new PPPoint(ptIntersect.X, ptIntersect.Y, ptIntersect.Z); ppline.clh = GetInterPointHeight(ptIntersect, polylineShape, polylineFootPrint); if (ppline.clh > hmax) { hmax = ppline.clh; } if (ppline.clh < hmin) { hmin = ppline.clh; } if (app.Current3DMapControl.Terrain.IsRegistered) { ppline.cgh = app.Current3DMapControl.Terrain.GetElevation(ptIntersect.X, ptIntersect.Y, Gvitech.CityMaker.RenderControl.gviGetElevationType.gviGetElevationFromDatabase); } else { ppline.cgh = startSurfHeight + (endSurfHeight - startSurfHeight) * Math.Sqrt((polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.X - ptIntersect.X) * (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.X - ptIntersect.X) + (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.Y - ptIntersect.Y) * (polylineFootPrint.StartPoint.Y - ptIntersect.Y)) / polylineFootPrint.Length; } if (ppline.cgh > hmax) { hmax = ppline.cgh; } if (ppline.cgh < hmin) { hmin = ppline.cgh; } // 辅助画图 ppline.startPt = new PPPoint(l.StartPoint.X, l.StartPoint.Y, l.StartPoint.Z); pplines.Add(ppline); } } #endregion else { continue; } } } } } } } WaitForm.Stop(); if (pplines.Count < 2) { XtraMessageBox.Show("相交管线少于2个", "提示"); return; } pplines.Sort(new PPLineCompare()); double spacesum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i < pplines.Count; i++) { PPLine line1 = pplines[i - 1]; PPLine line2 = pplines[i]; = Math.Sqrt((line1.interPoint.X - line2.interPoint.X) * (line1.interPoint.X - line2.interPoint.X) + (line1.interPoint.Y - line2.interPoint.Y) * (line1.interPoint.Y - line2.interPoint.Y)); spacesum +=; } ; var str1 = (pplines[0].interPoint.X / 1000).ToString("0.00"); var str2 = (pplines[0].interPoint.Y / 1000).ToString("0.00"); string mapNum = str2 + "-" + str1; string mapName = SystemInfo.Instance.SystemFullName + "横断面图"; FrmSectionAnalysis dialog = new FrmSectionAnalysis("横断面分析结果", 0); dialog.SetInfo(mapName, mapNum, pplines, hmax, hmin, spacesum, road2); dialog.Show(); } catch (Exception ex) { WaitForm.Stop(); } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } }
private DataTable GetTextureInfo() { DataTable table = null; IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { table = new DataTable("TextureInfo"); table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("ObjectId", typeof(string)); table.Columns.Add("Thumbnail", typeof(object)); IFeatureDataSet fds = this._ds.OpenFeatureDataset("DataSet_BIZ"); if (fds == null) { return(null); } IObjectClass oc = fds.OpenObjectClass("OC_TextureInfo"); if (oc == null) { return(null); } IQueryFilter filter = new QueryFilterClass { WhereClause = "GroupId != '-1'", SubFields = "Name,ObjectId,Thumbnail", PostfixClause = "order by Name asc" }; cursor = oc.Search(filter, true); while ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { DataRow dtRow = table.NewRow(); dtRow["Name"] = row.GetValue(0).ToString(); dtRow["ObjectId"] = row.GetValue(1).ToString(); if (!row.IsNull(2)) { try { IBinaryBuffer buffer2 = row.GetValue(2) as IBinaryBuffer; if (buffer2 != null) { MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(buffer2.AsByteArray()); dtRow["Thumbnail"] = Image.FromStream(stream); } } catch (Exception exception) { } } table.Rows.Add(dtRow); } return(table); } catch (Exception exception) { return(null); } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } }
private void GetData() { if (this.cbLayer.SelectedItem == null) { return; } DF3DFeatureClass dffc = this.cbLayer.SelectedItem as DF3DFeatureClass; if (dffc == null) { return; } IFeatureClass fc = dffc.GetFeatureClass(); if (fc == null) { return; } if (_num > _count || _count == 0) { return; } ISpatialFilter filter = this._filter; filter.ResultBeginIndex = _num - 1; filter.ResultLimit = 1; IFdeCursor cursor = null; IRowBuffer row = null; try { cursor = fc.Search(filter, false); if ((row = cursor.NextRow()) != null) { #region 定位 int geoindex = row.FieldIndex("Geometry"); DF3DApplication app = DF3DApplication.Application; if (geoindex != -1 && !row.IsNull(geoindex) && app != null && app.Current3DMapControl != null) { ISurfaceSymbol ss = new SurfaceSymbolClass(); ss.Color = 0xcc00ff00; ICurveSymbol cs = new CurveSymbolClass(); cs.Color = 0xff00ff00; cs.Width = -5; ss.BoundarySymbol = cs; ISimplePointSymbol ps = new SimplePointSymbol(); ps.Size = SystemInfo.Instance.SymbolSize; ps.FillColor = Convert.ToUInt32(SystemInfo.Instance.FillColor, 16); IGeometry geo = row.GetValue(geoindex) as IGeometry; IPoint ptTL = null; if (geo.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPolyline) { double x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0; IMultiPolyline mPolyline = geo as IMultiPolyline; for (int m = 0; m < mPolyline.GeometryCount; m++) { IPolyline polyline = mPolyline.GetPolyline(m); IPoint pttemp = polyline.Midpoint; x += pttemp.X; y += pttemp.Y; z += pttemp.Z; } x = x / mPolyline.GeometryCount; y = y / mPolyline.GeometryCount; z = z / mPolyline.GeometryCount; ptTL = (new GeometryFactory()).CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ); ptTL.X = x; ptTL.Y = y; ptTL.Z = z; IRenderMultiPolyline rMPolyline = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderMultiPolyline(mPolyline, cs, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); rMPolyline.HeightStyle = gviHeightStyle.gviHeightOnEverything; rMPolyline.Glow(8000); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(rMPolyline.Guid, 8000); app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(rMPolyline.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionJump); } else if (geo.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryMultiPolygon) { double x = 0; double y = 0; double z = 0; IMultiPolygon mPolygon = geo as IMultiPolygon; for (int m = 0; m < mPolygon.GeometryCount; m++) { IPolygon polygon = mPolygon.GetPolygon(m); IPoint pttemp = polygon.Centroid; x += pttemp.X; y += pttemp.Y; z += pttemp.Z; } x = x / mPolygon.GeometryCount; y = y / mPolygon.GeometryCount; z = z / mPolygon.GeometryCount; ptTL = (new GeometryFactory()).CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ); ptTL.X = x; ptTL.Y = y; ptTL.Z = z; IRenderMultiPolygon rMPolygon = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderMultiPolygon(mPolygon, ss, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); rMPolygon.HeightStyle = gviHeightStyle.gviHeightOnEverything; rMPolygon.Glow(8000); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(rMPolygon.Guid, 8000); app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(rMPolygon.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionJump); } else if (geo.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolyline) { IPolyline polyline = geo as IPolyline; ptTL = polyline.Midpoint; IRenderPolyline rPolyline = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPolyline(polyline, cs, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); rPolyline.HeightStyle = gviHeightStyle.gviHeightOnEverything; rPolyline.Glow(8000); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(rPolyline.Guid, 8000); app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(rPolyline.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionJump); } else if (geo.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPoint) { IPoint point = geo as IPoint; ptTL = point; IRenderPoint rPoint = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPoint(point, ps, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); rPoint.Glow(8000); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(rPoint.Guid, 8000); app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(rPoint.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionJump); } else if (geo.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryPolygon) { IPolygon polygon = geo as IPolygon; ptTL = polygon.Centroid; IRenderPolygon rPolygon = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderPolygon(polygon, ss, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); rPolygon.HeightStyle = gviHeightStyle.gviHeightOnEverything; rPolygon.Glow(8000); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(rPolygon.Guid, 8000); app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(rPolygon.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionJump); } else if (geo.GeometryType == gviGeometryType.gviGeometryModelPoint) { ptTL = (new GeometryFactory()).CreatePoint(gviVertexAttribute.gviVertexAttributeZ); IModelPoint mp = geo as IModelPoint; ptTL.X = mp.X; ptTL.Y = mp.Y; ptTL.Z = mp.Z; IModelPointSymbol mps = new ModelPointSymbol(); mps.SetResourceDataSet(fc.FeatureDataSet); IRenderGeometry render = app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.CreateRenderModelPoint(mp, mps, app.Current3DMapControl.ProjectTree.RootID); render.Glow(8000); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(render.Guid, 8000); app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(render.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionJump); } if (ptTL != null) { ITableLabel tl = DrawTool.CreateTableLabel1(1); tl.TitleText = "属性查询"; tl.SetRecord(0, 0, dffc.ToString()); if (ptTL != null) { tl.Position = ptTL; } app.Current3DMapControl.Camera.FlyToObject(tl.Guid, gviActionCode.gviActionFlyTo); app.Current3DMapControl.ObjectManager.DelayDelete(tl.Guid, 8000); } } #endregion FacilityClass facc = dffc.GetFacilityClass(); if (facc == null) { IFieldInfoCollection fiCol = fc.GetFields(); for (int i = 0; i < fiCol.Count; i++) { IFieldInfo fi = fiCol.Get(i); object obj = row.GetValue(i); string str = ""; switch (fi.FieldType) { case gviFieldType.gviFieldBlob: case gviFieldType.gviFieldUnknown: case gviFieldType.gviFieldGeometry: continue; case gviFieldType.gviFieldFloat: case gviFieldType.gviFieldDouble: double d; if (double.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out d)) { str = d.ToString("0.00"); } break; default: str = obj.ToString(); break; } DataRow dr = this._dtShow.NewRow(); dr["Property"] = string.IsNullOrEmpty(fi.Alias) ? fi.Name : fi.Alias; dr["Value"] = str; this._dtShow.Rows.Add(dr); } } else { List <DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo> facFields = facc.FieldInfoCollection; if (facFields != null) { foreach (DFDataConfig.Class.FieldInfo facField in facFields) { if (!facField.CanQuery) { continue; } int index = row.FieldIndex(facField.Name); if (index != -1 && !row.IsNull(index)) { object obj = row.GetValue(index); string str = ""; IFieldInfo fiFC = row.Fields.Get(index); switch (fiFC.FieldType) { case gviFieldType.gviFieldBlob: case gviFieldType.gviFieldUnknown: case gviFieldType.gviFieldGeometry: continue; case gviFieldType.gviFieldFloat: case gviFieldType.gviFieldDouble: double d; if (double.TryParse(obj.ToString(), out d)) { str = d.ToString("0.00"); } break; default: str = obj.ToString(); break; } DataRow dr = this._dtShow.NewRow(); dr["Property"] = facField.ToString(); dr["Value"] = str; this._dtShow.Rows.Add(dr); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } finally { if (cursor != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(cursor); cursor = null; } if (row != null) { System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.ReleaseComObject(row); row = null; } } }