public static IRoomBilling CreateRoomBillingFromDataRow(DataRow dr, bool isTemp)
            // Using Convert.ToDecimal because values can be either decimal or double depending on if they are from RoomBilling or RoomBillingTemp.

            IRoomBilling item = CreateRoomBillingItem(isTemp);

            item.RoomBillingID     = 0;
            item.Period            = dr.Field <DateTime>("Period");
            item.ClientID          = dr.Field <int>("ClientID");
            item.RoomID            = dr.Field <int>("RoomID");
            item.AccountID         = dr.Field <int>("AccountID");
            item.ChargeTypeID      = dr.Field <int>("ChargeTypeID");
            item.BillingTypeID     = dr.Field <int>("BillingTypeID");
            item.OrgID             = dr.Field <int>("OrgID");
            item.ChargeDays        = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["ChargeDays"]);
            item.PhysicalDays      = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["PhysicalDays"]);
            item.AccountDays       = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["AccountDays"]);
            item.Entries           = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Entries"]);
            item.Hours             = Convert.ToDecimal(dr["Hours"]);
            item.IsDefault         = GetValueOrDefault(dr, "IsDefault", false); //column may not be present
            item.RoomRate          = dr.Field <decimal>("RoomRate");
            item.EntryRate         = dr.Field <decimal>("EntryRate");
            item.MonthlyRoomCharge = dr.Field <decimal>("MonthlyRoomCharge");
            item.RoomCharge        = dr.Field <decimal>("RoomCharge");
            item.EntryCharge       = dr.Field <decimal>("EntryCharge");
            item.SubsidyDiscount   = GetValueOrDefault(dr, "SubsidyDiscount", 0M); //column may not be present

Example #2
        internal static decimal GetLineCost(IRoomBilling item)
            int cleanRoomId   = 6;
            int organicsBayId = 6;

            // [2015-11-13 jg] this is identical to the logic originally in:
            //      1) sselFinOps.AppCode.BLL.FormulaBL.ApplyRoomFormula (for External Invoice)
            //      2) sselIndReports.AppCode.Bll.RoomBillingBL.GetRoomBillingDataByClientID (for User Usage Summary)
            //      3) LNF.WebApi.Billing.Models.ReportUtility.ApplyRoomFormula (for SUB reports)

            decimal result;

            //1. Find out all Monthly type users and apply to Clean room
            if (BillingTypes.IsMonthlyUserBillingType(item.BillingTypeID))
                if (item.RoomID == cleanRoomId) //Clean Room
                    result = item.MonthlyRoomCharge;
                    result = item.TotalCharge;
            //2. The growers are charged with room fee only when they reserve and activate a tool
            else if (BillingTypes.IsGrowerUserBillingType(item.BillingTypeID))
                if (item.RoomID == organicsBayId) //Organics Bay
                    result = item.RoomCharge;     //organics bay must be charged for growers as well
                    result = item.AccountDays * item.RoomRate + item.EntryCharge;
            else if (item.BillingTypeID == BillingTypes.Other)
                result = 0;
            else if (item.BillingTypeID == BillingTypes.Grower_Observer)
                result = item.TotalCharge;
                //Per Use types
                result = item.TotalCharge;

Example #3
        internal static void CalculateRoomLineCost(DataTable dt)
            if (!dt.Columns.Contains("LineCost"))
                dt.Columns.Add("LineCost", typeof(decimal));

            if (!dt.Columns.Contains("DailyFee"))
                dt.Columns.Add("DailyFee", typeof(decimal));

            if (!dt.Columns.Contains("EntryFee"))
                dt.Columns.Add("EntryFee", typeof(decimal));

            if (!dt.Columns.Contains("Room"))
                dt.Columns.Add("Room", typeof(string));

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                IRoomBilling item = RoomBillingRepository.CreateRoomBillingFromDataRow(dr, false);

                dr.SetField("Room", Rooms.GetRoomDisplayName(item.RoomID));

                if (item.RoomCharge > 0)
                    dr.SetField("DailyFee", item.RoomCharge);

                if (item.EntryCharge > 0)
                    dr.SetField("EntryFee", item.EntryCharge);

                dr.SetField("LineCost", GetLineCost(item));
Example #4
 public static IOrg GetOrg(this IRoomBilling item)
Example #5
 public static IAccount GetAccount(this IRoomBilling item)
 public decimal GetLineCost(IRoomBilling item)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// The final billed amount based on BillingType and Room.
 /// </summary>
 public decimal GetLineCost(IRoomBilling item) => RoomBillingUtility.GetLineCost(item);
Example #8
 /*===== Room ============================================================================*/
 public static RoomBillingItem CreateRoomBillingItem(this IRoomBilling item) => CreateRoomBillingItems(Utility.ToQueryable(item)).FirstOrDefault();