Example #1
        public static List <ResultsR> GetResults()
            List <ResultsR>      Results      = new List <ResultsR>();
            IRobotCollection     Bars         = robotApp.Project.Structure.Bars.GetAll();
            IRobotCaseCollection LoadingCases = robotApp.Project.Structure.Cases.GetAll();

            for (int i = 1; i <= Bars.Count; i++)
                IRobotBar Element = Bars.Get(i);
                for (int j = 1; j <= LoadingCases.Count; j++)
                    IRobotCase         Case      = LoadingCases.Get(j);
                    int                caseNum   = Case.Number;
                    IRobotBarForceData Force     = barForceServer.Value(i, caseNum, 0.5);
                    double             FX        = Force.FX;
                    double             FY        = Force.FY;
                    double             FZ        = Force.FZ;
                    double             MX        = Force.MX;
                    double             MY        = Force.MY;
                    double             MZ        = Force.MZ;
                    double             KY        = Force.KY;
                    double             KZ        = Force.KZ;
                    ResultsR           barResult = new ResultsR(FX, FY, FZ, MX, MY, MZ, KY, KZ);
Example #2
        public static double[,] Run_analysis()

            results     = robApp.Project.Structure.Results.Bars.Forces;
            double[,] a = new double[6, Genome.towerBar_cnt];
            // for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) //para 5 casos de carga
            // {
            for (int i = 0; i < Genome.towerBar_cnt; i++)
                IRobotBar current_bar = (IRobotBar)robApp.Project.Structure.Bars.Get(i + 1);
                a[0, i] = i + 1;
                a[1, i] = current_bar.Length;

                a[2, i] = Max(results.Value(i + 1, 1, 0).FX * -1.0, results.Value(i + 1, 1, 0.5).FX * -1.0, results.Value(i + 1, 1, 1).FX * -1.0) / 1000;     //converter N para Kn *-1 porque comp = + no robot

                // a[3, i] = Max(results.Value(i + 1, 1, 0).MY, results.Value(i + 1, 1, 0.5).MY, results.Value(i + 1, 1, 1).MY) / 1000; //N/m -> kN/m
                // a[4, i] = Max(results.Value(i + 1, 1, 0).MZ, results.Value(i + 1, 1, 0.5).MZ, results.Value(i + 1, 1, 1).MZ) / 1000;
                //a[5, i] = 1; //remover(era para o V)
                // para comparar multiplos load cases
                for (int k = 2; k < 5; k++)
                    double temp = Max(results.Value(i + 1, k, 0).FX * -1.0, results.Value(i + 1, k, 0.5).FX * -1.0, results.Value(i + 1, k, 1).FX * -1.0) / 1000;

                    if (a[2, i] < 0 && temp < 0)    // se a verificação e de buckling
                        a[2, i] = Math.Min(a[2, i], temp);
                    else if (a[2, i] < 0 && temp > 0)
                        if (temp * 0.4 > Math.Abs(a[2, i]))
                            a[2, i] = temp;
                        }                                                           // so se força de traçao for muito maior é que substitui força de comp
                    else if (a[2, i] > 0 && temp < 0)
                        if (Math.Abs(temp) > 0.4 * a[2, i])
                            a[2, i] = temp;
                        }                                                           // so se a F tração for muito grande é que nao é subst por comp
                    else if (a[2, i] > 0 && temp > 0)
                        a[2, i] = Math.Max(temp, a[2, i]);

            return(a); //[rbt_bar_num,Lenght,Fx,My,Mz]
Example #3
        public void test()
            RobotApplication appRSA = new RobotApplication();

            RobotStructure       structureRSA = appRSA.Project.Structure;
            RobotBarServer       barsRSA      = structureRSA.Bars;
            RobotNodeServer      nodesRSA     = structureRSA.Nodes;
            RobotObjObjectServer objRSA       = structureRSA.Objects;

            RobotLabelServer labelsRSA = appRSA.Project.Structure.Labels;

            //Определение выборок выделенных в модели объектов
            RobotSelection barSel   = structureRSA.Selections.Get(IRobotObjectType.I_OT_BAR);
            RobotSelection plateSel = structureRSA.Selections.Get(IRobotObjectType.I_OT_PANEL);
            RobotSelection holesSel = structureRSA.Selections.Get(IRobotObjectType.I_OT_GEOMETRY);

            RobotBarCollection       barsMany   = (RobotBarCollection)barsRSA.GetMany(barSel);
            RobotObjObjectCollection platesMany = (RobotObjObjectCollection)objRSA.GetMany(plateSel);
            IRobotBar       barRSA = barsMany.Get(3);
            IRobotObjObject plate  = platesMany.Get(1);

            IRobotLabel labelPlate = plate.GetLabel(IRobotLabelType.I_LT_PANEL_THICKNESS);
            RobotGeoPoint3DCollection defPoints = (RobotGeoPoint3DCollection)plate.Main.DefPoints;
            RobotGeoPoint3D           pt1       = defPoints.Get(1);
            RobotGeoPoint3D           pt2       = defPoints.Get(2);
            RobotGeoPoint3D           pt3       = defPoints.Get(defPoints.Count);
            //IRobotGeoContour geoContour=(IRobotGeoContour)plate.Main.Geometry;
            //IRobotGeoObject geoObj=plate.Main.Geometry;

            IRobotLabel                 labelBar = barRSA.GetLabel(IRobotLabelType.I_LT_BAR_SECTION);
            RobotBarSectionData         data     = labelBar.Data;
            RobotBarSectionConcreteData cData    = data.Concrete;
            double b    = cData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionConcreteDataValue.I_BSCDV_COL_B);
            double h    = cData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionConcreteDataValue.I_BSCDV_COL_H);
            double l1   = cData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionConcreteDataValue.I_BSCDV_COL_L1);
            double l2   = cData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionConcreteDataValue.I_BSCDV_COL_L2);
            double h1   = cData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionConcreteDataValue.I_BSCDV_COL_H1);
            double h2   = cData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionConcreteDataValue.I_BSCDV_COL_H2);
            double de   = cData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionConcreteDataValue.I_BSCDV_COL_DE);
            double alfa = barRSA.Gamma;
Example #4
        public static void GetResults()
            IRobotCollection     Bars         = robotApp.Project.Structure.Bars.GetAll();
            IRobotCaseCollection LoadingCases = robotApp.Project.Structure.Cases.GetAll();

            for (int i = 1; i <= Bars.Count; i++)
                IRobotBar Element = Bars.Get(i);
                for (int j = 1; j <= LoadingCases.Count; j++)
                    IRobotCase         Case    = LoadingCases.Get(j);
                    int                caseNum = Case.Number;
                    IRobotBarForceData Force   = barForceServer.Value(i, caseNum, 0.5);
                    double             FX      = Force.FX;
                    double             FY      = Force.FY;
                    double             FZ      = Force.FZ;
                    double             MX      = Force.MX;
                    double             MY      = Force.MY;
                    double             MZ      = Force.MZ;
Example #5
        public void CopyData()
            button1.Text = "Loading...";
            //this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Minimized;

            //Load Cases
            IRobotCaseCollection robotCaseCollection = robapp.Project.Structure.Cases.GetAll();
            int loadCase = 0;

            int FindCase(string casename)
                int        number    = 1;
                IRobotCase robotCase = robapp.Project.Structure.Cases.Get(1);

                for (int i = 0; i < robotCaseCollection.Count; i++)
                    robotCase = robapp.Project.Structure.Cases.Get(i);
                    if (robotCase != null)
                        if (robotCase.Name == casename)
                            number = i;
                loadCase = number;

            //Get Number of Bars Selected
            RobotSelection barSel = robapp.Project.Structure.Selections.Get(IRobotObjectType.I_OT_BAR);
            //Get All Load Cases
            RobotSelection casSel = robapp.Project.Structure.Selections.Get(IRobotObjectType.I_OT_CASE);

            //Get Bar and Node Data
            IRobotBarServer  robotBarServer = robapp.Project.Structure.Bars;
            IRobotNodeServer inds           = robapp.Project.Structure.Nodes;

            //Get a List of the bars and Setup bar information Struct
            int[]            barSelArray = new int[barSel.Count];
            BeamDataStruct[] beamData    = new BeamDataStruct[barSelArray.Length];
            for (int i = 1; i < barSel.Count + 1; i++)
                //Setup bar no. array
                barSelArray[i - 1] = barSel.Get(i);

                //Get node information from bar data
                IRobotBar  bar         = (IRobotBar)robotBarServer.Get(barSelArray[i - 1]);
                int        startNodeNo = bar.StartNode;
                int        endNodeNo   = bar.EndNode;
                IRobotNode startNode   = (IRobotNode)inds.Get(startNodeNo);
                IRobotNode endNode     = (IRobotNode)inds.Get(endNodeNo);

                //If a Beam, Skip
                if (startNode.Z == endNode.Z)

                //Which is highest node
                IRobotNode node = (startNode.Z > endNode.Z) ? startNode : endNode;

                //Populate beam data from node and bar data.
                beamData[i - 1].barNo = barSelArray[i - 1];

                IRobotBarSectionData sectData = bar.GetLabel(IRobotLabelType.I_LT_BAR_SECTION).Data;
                double depth  = sectData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_BF);
                double breath = sectData.GetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_D);
                if (depth < breath)
                    double holder = breath;
                    breath = depth;
                    depth  = holder;
                depth  = depth * 1000;
                breath = breath * 1000;
                beamData[i - 1].section = $"C1 {depth} x {breath}";
                beamData[i - 1].x       = node.X;
                beamData[i - 1].y       = node.Y;
                beamData[i - 1].z       = node.Z;
                beamData[i - 1].height  = bar.Length;
                IRobotMaterialData concrete  = bar.GetLabel(IRobotLabelType.I_LT_MATERIAL).Data;
                Double             concreteS = concrete.RE / 1000000;
                beamData[i - 1].concreteStrength = concreteS.ToString();

            beamData = beamData.OrderBy(x => x.z).ToArray();
            beamData = beamData.OrderBy(x => x.y).ToArray();
            beamData = beamData.OrderBy(x => x.x).ToArray();

            int group      = 1;
            int posInGroup = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < beamData.Length; i++)
                posInGroup = 0;

                for (int j = 0; j < beamData.Length; j++)
                    if (beamData[i].x - beamData[j].x < 0.0001 && beamData[i].y - beamData[j].y < 0.0001 && beamData[i].barNo != beamData[j].barNo)
                        if (beamData[j].group != 0)
                            beamData[i].group = beamData[j].group;
                            for (int k = 0; k < beamData.Length; k++)
                                if (beamData[i].group == beamData[k].group && beamData[i].barNo != beamData[k].barNo)
                            beamData[i].posInGroup = posInGroup;
                            beamData[i].group = group;

            void CalculateResults()
                textBox2.AppendText($"\r\nStarting calculation: {DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")}");
                RobotExtremeParams robotExtremeParams = robapp.CmpntFactory.Create(IRobotComponentType.I_CT_EXTREME_PARAMS);

                robotExtremeParams.Selection.Set(IRobotObjectType.I_OT_CASE, casSel);
                IRobotBarForceServer robotBarResultServer = robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Bars.Forces;
                int    total           = beamData.Length;
                bool   firstLoop       = true;
                string columnsSelected = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < beamData.Length; i++)
                    DateTime startTime = DateTime.Now;
                    textBox2.AppendText($"\r\nStart Calculation {i + 1} / {total} before bar selection: {DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")}");
                    robotExtremeParams.Selection.Set(IRobotObjectType.I_OT_BAR, barSel);

                    robotExtremeParams.ValueType = IRobotExtremeValueType.I_EVT_FORCE_BAR_MZ;

                    if (Math.Abs(robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).Value) > Math.Abs(robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).Value))
                        beamData[i].mZForceServer    = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 1);
                        beamData[i].mZForceServerbtm = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 0);
                        beamData[i].mZForceServer    = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 1);
                        beamData[i].mZForceServerbtm = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 0);

                    beamData[i].mzValue = Math.Abs(beamData[i].mZForceServer.MZ) > Math.Abs(beamData[i].mZForceServerbtm.MZ) ? beamData[i].mZForceServer.FX : beamData[i].mZForceServerbtm.FX;

                    robotExtremeParams.ValueType = IRobotExtremeValueType.I_EVT_FORCE_BAR_MY;

                    if (Math.Abs(robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).Value) > Math.Abs(robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).Value))
                        beamData[i].mYForceServer    = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 1);
                        beamData[i].mYForceServerbtm = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 0);
                        beamData[i].mYForceServer    = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 1);
                        beamData[i].mYForceServerbtm = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 0);

                    beamData[i].myValue = Math.Abs(beamData[i].mYForceServer.MY) > Math.Abs(beamData[i].mYForceServerbtm.MY) ? beamData[i].mYForceServer.FX : beamData[i].mYForceServerbtm.FX;

                    robotExtremeParams.ValueType = IRobotExtremeValueType.I_EVT_FORCE_BAR_FX;

                    if (Math.Abs(robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).Value) > Math.Abs(robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).Value))
                        beamData[i].fXForceServer    = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 1);
                        beamData[i].fXForceServerbtm = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MaxValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 0);
                        beamData[i].fXForceServer    = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 1);
                        beamData[i].fXForceServerbtm = robotBarResultServer.ValueEx(beamData[i].barNo, loadCase, robapp.Project.Structure.Results.Extremes.MinValue(robotExtremeParams).CaseCmpnt, 0);

                    beamData[i].fxValue = Math.Abs(beamData[i].fXForceServer.FX) > Math.Abs(beamData[i].fXForceServerbtm.FX) ? beamData[i].fXForceServer.FX : beamData[i].fXForceServerbtm.FX;

                    double totalTime = (DateTime.Now - startTime).TotalSeconds;
                    textBox2.AppendText($"\r\nEnd Calculation {i + 1} / {total} {DateTime.Now.ToString("h:mm:ss tt")} \r\nTime taken: {totalTime}");

                    if (firstLoop)
                        textBox2.AppendText($"\r\nEstimated finish time: {DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(total * totalTime).ToString("h:mm:ss tt")}");
                        firstLoop = false;

                    columnsSelected += $"{beamData[i].barNo.ToString()} ";

                textBox2.AppendText($"\r\ncolumns selected {columnsSelected}");

            int maxCol = 1;

            void WriteResults()
                int column       = 1;
                int currentGroup = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < beamData.Length; i++)
                    if (beamData[i].group == currentGroup)
                        column = beamData[i].posInGroup;
                        if (column >= maxCol)
                            maxCol = column;
                        column = 0;

                    int row       = currentGroup + 2;
                    int columnPos = beamData[i].posInGroup + 1;
                    WriteCell(row, 0, columnPos.ToString());

                    WriteCell(row, 1 + 22 * column, beamData[i].section.ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 2 + 22 * column, beamData[i].barNo.ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 3 + 22 * column, beamData[i].concreteStrength.ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 4 + 22 * column, beamData[i].group.ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 5 + 22 * column, beamData[i].posInGroup.ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 6 + 22 * column, beamData[i].height.ToString());

                    WriteCell(row, 7 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].fxValue / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 8 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].fXForceServer.MY / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 9 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].fXForceServer.MZ / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 10 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].fXForceServerbtm.MY / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 11 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].fXForceServerbtm.MZ / 1000).ToString());

                    WriteCell(row, 12 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mzValue / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 13 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mZForceServer.MY / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 14 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mZForceServer.MZ / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 15 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mZForceServerbtm.MY / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 16 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mZForceServerbtm.MZ / 1000).ToString());

                    WriteCell(row, 17 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].myValue / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 18 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mYForceServer.MY / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 19 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mYForceServer.MZ / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 20 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mYForceServerbtm.MY / 1000).ToString());
                    WriteCell(row, 21 + 22 * column, (beamData[i].mYForceServerbtm.MZ / 1000).ToString());

                WriteCell(0, 0, currentGroup.ToString());

            void PopulateHeaders()
                for (int i = 0; i <= maxCol; i++)
                    WriteCell(1, 1 + 22 * i, "Cross Section");
                    WriteCell(1, 2 + 22 * i, "Bar No.");
                    WriteCell(1, 3 + 22 * i, "Concrete Strength");
                    WriteCell(1, 4 + 22 * i, "Group");
                    WriteCell(1, 5 + 22 * i, "Pos In Group");
                    WriteCell(1, 6 + 22 * i, "Length");

                    //FZ Max
                    WriteCell(1, 7 + 22 * i, "Fx (Max) [kN]");
                    WriteCell(1, 8 + 22 * i, "My (Top) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 9 + 22 * i, "Mz (Top) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 10 + 22 * i, "My (Btm) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 11 + 22 * i, "Mz (Btm) [kNm]");

                    //MX Max
                    WriteCell(1, 12 + 22 * i, "Fx (Max) [kN]");
                    WriteCell(1, 13 + 22 * i, "My (Top) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 14 + 22 * i, "Mz (Top) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 15 + 22 * i, "My (Btm) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 16 + 22 * i, "Mz (Btm) [kNm]");

                    //MY Max
                    WriteCell(1, 17 + 22 * i, "Fx (Max) [kN])");
                    WriteCell(1, 18 + 22 * i, "My (Top) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 19 + 22 * i, "Mz (Top) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 20 + 22 * i, "My (Btm) [kNm]");
                    WriteCell(1, 21 + 22 * i, "Mz (Btm) [kNm]");

                    WriteCell(0, 9 + 22 * i, "Fx (Max)");
                    WriteCell(0, 14 + 22 * i, "Mz (Max)");
                    WriteCell(0, 19 + 22 * i, "My (Max)");

            button1.Text = "Start";
            textBox2.AppendText("\r\nDone, view your documents for the file named 'Results for bars ~date~', you may close this window or select more columns and press 'Start'.");
            robapp           = null;
            this.WindowState = FormWindowState.Normal;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Extract the straight-line geometry of a Robot bar as a Nucleus line
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bar">The bar to extract geometry for</param>
 /// <param name="structureNodes">The full collection of nodes within the structure that contains the bar</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Line GeometryOf(IRobotBar bar, RobotNodeServer structureNodes)
     return(new Line(PositionOf(bar.Start, structureNodes), PositionOf(bar.End, structureNodes)));
Example #7

        //Divide columns into a number of bars
        //Reference: https://forums.autodesk.com/t5/robot-structural-analysis-forum/api-divide-bars/m-p/4422193#M16921
        public void divideColumns(int divisionNumber, string section)
            int firstIsolatedNode = iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.FreeNumber; //First new created node

            int freeNodeNumber = firstIsolatedNode;

            //Add columns to the selection
            foreach (Bar bar in bars)
                if (bar.type == MemberType.Column)
                    IRobotBar  robotBar  = (RobotBar)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Bars.Get(bar.id);
                    IRobotNode startNode = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get(bar.startNode.id);
                    IRobotNode endNode   = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get(bar.endNode.id);

                    //Console.WriteLine("freeNodeNumber: " + freeNodeNumber);
                    //Bar vector
                    double vx, vy, vz, vl;
                    vx = endNode.X - startNode.X;
                    vy = endNode.Y - startNode.Y;
                    vz = endNode.Z - startNode.Z;
                    //Vector length
                    vl = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(vx, 2) + Math.Pow(vy, 2) + Math.Pow(vz, 2));
                    vx /= vl;
                    vy /= vl;
                    vz /= vl;
                    //distance between nodes
                    double distance = vl / divisionNumber;

                    //Adding new nodes
                    for (int j = 0; j < divisionNumber - 1; j++)
                        //Add to the list of nodes
                        //Add a new node
                        Node node = new Node(freeNodeNumber,
                                             startNode.X + (j + 1) * vx * distance,
                                             startNode.Y + (j + 1) * vy * distance,
                                             startNode.Z + (j + 1) * vz * distance);
                        //Console.Write("startNode.X = " + startNode.X);
                        //Console.Write(" startNode.Y = " + startNode.Y);
                        //Console.WriteLine(" startNode.Z = " + startNode.Z);
                        //Console.WriteLine("vx: " + vx + " vy: " + vy + " vz: " + vz + " vl: " + vl);

                        //Console.WriteLine("Node id: " + node.id + " x: " + node.xCoord + " y: " + node.yCoord + " z: " + node.zCoord);
                        //Add a node to the structure
                        iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Create(freeNodeNumber, node.xCoord, node.yCoord, node.zCoord);

            //Creating aditional bars
            int numberOfBars = bars.Count + 1;
            int barIndex     = numberOfBars;
            //Console.WriteLine("Number of bars: " + numberOfBars);
            int index = firstIsolatedNode;

            //Console.WriteLine("firstIsolatedNode: " + index);
            for (int i = 0; i < (divisionNumber - 1); i++)
                //Finding the nodes for a line of bars
                IRobotNode iNode1 = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get(index);
                //Console.WriteLine("Node 1  - " + iNode1.Number);
                IRobotNode iNode2 = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get((index + 2));
                //Console.WriteLine("Node 2  - " + iNode2.Number);
                IRobotNode iNode3 = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get((index + 4));
                //Console.WriteLine("Node 3  - " + iNode3.Number);
                IRobotNode iNode4 = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get((index + 6));
                //Console.WriteLine("Node 4  - " + iNode4.Number);
                Node node1 = new Node(iNode1.Number, iNode1.X, iNode1.Y, iNode1.Z);
                Node node2 = new Node(iNode2.Number, iNode2.X, iNode2.Y, iNode2.Z);
                Node node3 = new Node(iNode3.Number, iNode3.X, iNode3.Y, iNode3.Z);
                Node node4 = new Node(iNode4.Number, iNode4.X, iNode4.Y, iNode4.Z);
                barIndex += i;
                Bar bar1 = new Bar(barIndex, node1, node2, MemberType.Bar, section);
                //Console.WriteLine("Bar id: " + bar1.id + ", first node id: " + bar1.startNode.id + ", last node id: " + bar1.endNode.id);
                barIndex += 1;
                Bar bar2 = new Bar(barIndex, node1, node3, MemberType.Bar, section);
                //Console.WriteLine("Bar id: " + bar2.id + ", first node id: " + bar2.startNode.id + ", last node id: " + bar2.endNode.id);
                barIndex += 2;
                Bar bar3 = new Bar(barIndex, node2, node4, MemberType.Bar, section);
                //Console.WriteLine("Bar id: " + bar3.id + ", first node id: " + bar3.startNode.id + ", last node id: " + bar3.endNode.id);
                barIndex += 3;
                Bar bar4 = new Bar(barIndex, node3, node4, MemberType.Bar, section);
                //Console.WriteLine("Bar id: " + bar4.id + ", first node id: " + bar4.startNode.id + ", last node id: " + bar4.endNode.id);
                index += 1;
            index    += 6;
            barIndex += 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < (divisionNumber - 1); i++)
                //Finding the nodes for a line of bars
                IRobotNode iNode1 = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get(index);
                //Console.WriteLine("Node 1  - " + iNode1.Number);
                IRobotNode iNode2 = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get((index + 2));
                //Console.WriteLine("Node 2  - " + iNode2.Number);
                IRobotNode iNode3 = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get((index + 4));
                //Console.WriteLine("Node 3  - " + iNode3.Number);
                IRobotNode iNode4 = (RobotNode)iRobotApp.Project.Structure.Nodes.Get((index + 6));
                //Console.WriteLine("Node 4  - " + iNode4.Number);
                Node node1 = new Node(iNode1.Number, iNode1.X, iNode1.Y, iNode1.Z);
                Node node2 = new Node(iNode2.Number, iNode2.X, iNode2.Y, iNode2.Z);
                Node node3 = new Node(iNode3.Number, iNode3.X, iNode3.Y, iNode3.Z);
                Node node4 = new Node(iNode4.Number, iNode4.X, iNode4.Y, iNode4.Z);
                barIndex += i;
                Bar bar1 = new Bar(barIndex, node1, node2, MemberType.Bar, section);
                //Console.WriteLine("Bar id: " + bar1.id + ", first node id: " + bar1.startNode.id + ", last node id: " + bar1.endNode.id);
                barIndex += 1;
                Bar bar2 = new Bar(barIndex, node1, node3, MemberType.Bar, section);
                //Console.WriteLine("Bar id: " + bar2.id + ", first node id: " + bar2.startNode.id + ", last node id: " + bar2.endNode.id);
                barIndex += 2;
                Bar bar3 = new Bar(barIndex, node2, node4, MemberType.Bar, section);
                //Console.WriteLine("Bar id: " + bar3.id + ", first node id: " + bar3.startNode.id + ", last node id: " + bar3.endNode.id);
                barIndex += 3;
                Bar bar4 = new Bar(barIndex, node3, node4, MemberType.Bar, section);
                //Console.WriteLine("Bar id: " + bar4.id + ", first node id: " + bar4.startNode.id + ", last node id: " + bar4.endNode.id);
                index += 1;
            addRobotBars(numberOfBars - 1, null, null, null, section);
Example #8
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Excel.Application xlApp        = new Excel.Application();
            Excel.Workbook    xlWorkbook   = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(@"EXCELPATH...\excelFile.xlsx", 0, false);
            Excel.Sheets      xlSheets     = xlWorkbook.Worksheets;
            string            currentSheet = "Sheet1";

            Excel.Worksheet   xlWorksheet = (Excel.Worksheet)xlSheets.get_Item(currentSheet);
            IRobotApplication robotApp    = new RobotApplication();
            IRobotLabelServer lab_serv    = robotApp.Project.Structure.Labels;

            progressBar1.Value   = 0;
            progressBar1.Maximum = 151;
            progressBar1.Minimum = 0;
            progressBar1.Step    = 1;

            for (int i = 1; i < 152; i++)
                string secName = xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 1].Value.ToString();
                double secAx   = double.Parse(xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 2].Value.ToString());
                double secIx   = double.Parse(xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 3].Value.ToString());
                double secIy   = double.Parse(xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 4].Value.ToString());
                double secIz   = double.Parse(xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 5].Value.ToString());
                double secVy   = double.Parse(xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 6].Value.ToString());
                double secVpy  = double.Parse(xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 7].Value.ToString());
                double secVz   = double.Parse(xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 8].Value.ToString());
                double secVpz  = double.Parse(xlWorksheet.Cells[i + 1, 9].Value.ToString());

                IRobotLabel          sec  = lab_serv.Create(IRobotLabelType.I_LT_BAR_SECTION, secName);
                IRobotBarSectionData data = sec.Data;
                data.Type      = IRobotBarSectionType.I_BST_STANDARD;
                data.ShapeType = IRobotBarSectionShapeType.I_BSST_UNKNOWN;

                data.SetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_AX, secAx);
                data.SetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_IX, secIx);
                data.SetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_IY, secIy);
                data.SetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_IZ, secIz);
                data.SetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_VY, secVy);
                data.SetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_VPY, secVpy);
                data.SetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_VZ, secVz);
                data.SetValue(IRobotBarSectionDataValue.I_BSDV_VPZ, secVpz);


                IRobotBar bar = (IRobotBar)robotApp.Project.Structure.Bars.Get(i);

                bar.SetLabel(IRobotLabelType.I_LT_BAR_SECTION, secName);



            MessageBox.Show("All the profiles have been applied!", "Work done !", MessageBoxButtons.OK);
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Add a new Bar entry to this mapping table
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="element"></param>
 /// <param name="bar"></param>
 public void Add(LinearElement element, IRobotBar bar)
     Add(BarCategory, element.GUID, bar.Number.ToString());
Example #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the Nucleus element, if any, mapped to the ID of the specified robot bar
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="bar"></param>
 /// <param name="model"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public LinearElement GetMappedLinearElement(IRobotBar bar, Model.Model model)
     return(GetMappedLinearElement(bar.Number, model));
Example #11
        public void DoCommand(int cmd_id)
            IRobotStructure structure = robot_app.Project.Structure;

            // Get bars and nodes
            IRobotCollection bars  = structure.Bars.GetAll();
            IRobotCollection nodes = structure.Nodes.GetAll();

            // Create 3D points at nodes
            var points = new Dictionary <int, Point3D>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= nodes.Count; i++)
                var node = (IRobotNode)nodes.Get(i);
                points[i] = new Point3D(node.X, node.Y, node.Z);

            // Create 3D vectors for each bar and index of bars connected to a node
            var vectors    = new Dictionary <int, Vector3D>();
            var vect_by_pt = new DefaultDict <int, List <Vector3D> >();

            for (int i = 1; i <= bars.Count; i++)
                var bar      = (IRobotBar)bars.Get(i);
                var start_pt = points[bar.StartNode];
                var end_pt   = points[bar.EndNode];
                vectors[i] = end_pt - start_pt;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <int, Vector3D> vector in vectors)
                // `u` is the vector corresponding to the bar
                Vector3D     u      = vector.Value;
                UnitVector3D u_norm = u.Normalize();
                int          start  = bars.Get(vector.Key).StartNode;
                // TODO: How about the other end?

                // Find the most orthogonal vector `v`
                Vector3D most_orth_v = u;
                double   cur_min     = 1;
                foreach (Vector3D x in vect_by_pt[start])
                    UnitVector3D x_norm   = x.Normalize();
                    double       dot_prod = Math.Abs(u_norm.DotProduct(x_norm));
                    if (dot_prod < cur_min)
                        most_orth_v = x;
                        cur_min     = dot_prod;

                if (cur_min > 0.95)

                var v      = most_orth_v;
                var v_norm = v.Normalize();

                // Vector `a` is vector a orthogonal to `u` in (u,v) plane
                Vector3D     a      = v - u_norm.DotProduct(v) * u;
                UnitVector3D a_norm = a.Normalize();

                // Vector `c` is orthogonal to `u` in the global (X,Y) plane
                UnitVector3D c = u_norm.CrossProduct(UnitVector3D.ZAxis);
                // Vector `d` is orthogonal to `c` and `u`
                UnitVector3D d = c.CrossProduct(u_norm);

                // Calculate the angles of `a` with `d` and `c`
                Angle theta1 = a.AngleTo(d);
                Angle theta2 = a.AngleTo(c);

                // Calculate gamma from `theta1` and `theta2`
                Angle  gamma    = (theta2.Degrees < 90) ? theta1 : -theta1;
                double gamma_up = (gamma.Degrees < 0) ? gamma.Degrees + 90 : gamma.Degrees - 90;

                // Set `Gamma` attribute of bar
                IRobotBar bar = bars.Get(vector.Key);
                bar.Gamma = gamma_up;

            // Redraw all views