Example #1
        public static IRasterRenderer ClassifyRenderer(IRasterLayer raslyr,IRgbColor start_clr,IRgbColor end_clr,int count)
            IRasterClassifyColorRampRenderer pRClassRend = new RasterClassifyColorRampRendererClass();
            IRasterRenderer rasterRenderer = pRClassRend as IRasterRenderer;

            IRaster pRaster = raslyr.Raster;
            IRasterBandCollection pRBandCol = pRaster as IRasterBandCollection;
            IRasterBand pRBand = pRBandCol.Item(0);
            if (pRBand.Histogram == null)
            rasterRenderer.Raster = pRaster;
            pRClassRend.ClassCount = count;

            IAlgorithmicColorRamp colorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass();
            colorRamp.Size = count;
            colorRamp.FromColor = start_clr;
            colorRamp.ToColor = end_clr;
            bool createColorRamp;
            colorRamp.CreateRamp(out createColorRamp);

            IFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
            for (int i = 0; i < pRClassRend.ClassCount; i++)
                fillSymbol.Color = colorRamp.get_Color(i);
                pRClassRend.set_Symbol(i, fillSymbol as ISymbol);
                pRClassRend.set_Label(i, pRClassRend.get_Break(i).ToString("0.00"));
            return rasterRenderer;
 /// <summary>
 /// 将ArcGIS Engine中的IRgbColor接口转换至.NET中的Color结构
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pRgbColor">IRgbColor</param>
 /// <returns>.NET中的System.Drawing.Color结构表示ARGB颜色</returns>
 public Color ConvertIRgbColorToColor(IRgbColor pRgbColor)
     IRgbColor pRGB = pRgbColor;
     Color color = ColorTranslator.FromOle(pRGB.RGB);
     //return ColorTranslator.FromOle(pRgbColor.RGB);
     return color;
Example #3
 public static ISimpleLineSymbol GetSimpleLineSymbol(IRgbColor rgbColor,double width)
     var simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
     simpleLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
     simpleLineSymbol.Width = width;
     simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
     return simpleLineSymbol;
Example #4
        public static ISimpleMarkerSymbol CreateSimpleMarkerSymbol(IRgbColor rgbColor, esriSimpleMarkerStyle inputStyle)
            if (rgbColor == null || inputStyle == null)
                return null;
            ISimpleMarkerSymbol simpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
            simpleMarkerSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            simpleMarkerSymbol.Style = inputStyle;

            return simpleMarkerSymbol;
Example #5
        public static ISimpleLineSymbol CreateSimpleLineSymbol(IRgbColor rgbColor, System.Double inWidth, esriSimpleLineStyle inStyle)
            if (rgbColor == null)
                return null;

            ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
            simpleLineSymbol.Style = inStyle;
            simpleLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            simpleLineSymbol.Width = inWidth;

            return simpleLineSymbol;
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 构造RGBa颜色
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="intR"></param>
        /// <param name="intG"></param>
        /// <param name="intB"></param>
        /// <param name="alpha"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static public IRgbColor getRgbColor(int intR, int intG, int intB, byte alpha)
            IRgbColor pRgbColor = null;

            if (intR < 0 || intR > 255 || intG < 0 || intG > 255 || intB < 0 || intB > 255)
            pRgbColor              = new RgbColorClass();
            pRgbColor.Red          = intR;
            pRgbColor.Green        = intG;
            pRgbColor.Blue         = intB;
            pRgbColor.Transparency = alpha;
Example #7
        private IElement LineElementRenderer(IGeometry geo, IRgbColor color)
            ISimpleLineSymbol pLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol();

            pLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
            pLineSymbol.Width = 5;
            pLineSymbol.Color = color;
            IElement element = new LineElement();

            element.Geometry = geo;
            ILineElement pLineElement = element as ILineElement;

            pLineElement.Symbol = pLineSymbol;
Example #8
        //打开颜色选择对话框 并未IRGB类的三原色赋值
        private void selectColor(IRgbColor selColor)
            ColorDialog colorDialog = new ColorDialog();

            colorDialog.AllowFullOpen = true;
            colorDialog.FullOpen      = true;
            colorDialog.ShowHelp      = true;
            colorDialog.Color         = Color.Black; //获取或设置用户所选定的颜色
            selColor.Red   = colorDialog.Color.R;
            selColor.Green = colorDialog.Color.G;
            selColor.Blue  = colorDialog.Color.B;
            MessageBox.Show("您选择的各颜色分量值分别为" + "\nR:" + colorDialog.Color.R.ToString()
                            + "\nG:" + colorDialog.Color.G.ToString() + "\nB:" + colorDialog.Color.B.ToString());
 private void ResetIRgbColor()
     F = Properties.IRgbColorSettings.Default.FromColor;
     if (F == null)
         F = Color.Black;
     FromC = RGB2IRgb(F);
     T     = Properties.IRgbColorSettings.Default.ToColor;
     if (T == null)
         T = Color.White;
     ToC = RGB2IRgb(T);
Example #10
        public FrmCheQiConfig(IAppContext context)
            this.cmbFlagLayer.Map           = context.FocusMap;
            this.cmbFlagLayer.GeometryTypes = new List <esriGeometryType>()
            this.cmbFlagAnnoLayer.Map          = context.FocusMap;
            this.cmbFlagLineLayer.Map          = context.FocusMap;
            this.cmbFlagLineLayer.GeometryType = esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline;

            _fontColor = new RgbColorClass();
Example #11
        public static void DrawExtent(IEnvelope envelope, AxMapControl axMapControl_HawkEye)
            IRgbColor fillColor = CreateRgbColor(0, 0, 0, 0);
            IRgbColor outColor  = CreateRgbColor(255, 0, 0);
            IElement  pElement  = new RectangleElementClass()
                Geometry = envelope,
                Symbol   = CreateSimpleFillSymbol(fillColor, outColor, 2)
            IGraphicsContainer pGC = axMapControl_HawkEye.Map as IGraphicsContainer;

            pGC.AddElement(pElement, 0);
            axMapControl_HawkEye.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
Example #12
        public static void easy_line(string filename, IRgbColor point_rgb, int width)
            Console.WriteLine("++++++++++++++" + filename);
            //实例化ISimpleFillSysmbol变量, 提供简单的填充符号类型
            ISimpleLineSymbol pSimplelineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbol();

            pSimplelineSymbol.Color = point_rgb;
            pSimplelineSymbol.Width = width;

            ISimpleRenderer pSimpleRender = new SimpleRenderer();

            pSimpleRender.Symbol = pSimplelineSymbol as ISymbol;

            Render_tool(pSimpleRender, filename);
        /// <summary>
        /// 设置点元素的样式
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rgbColor">颜色</param>
        /// <param name="OutLineColor">轮廓颜色</param>
        private IElement createElement(IRgbColor rgbColor, IRgbColor OutLineColor)
            ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSimpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol();

            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Color        = rgbColor;
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Outline      = true;
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.OutlineColor = OutLineColor;
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Size         = 15;
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Style        = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSDiamond;
            IMarkerElement pMElement = new MarkerElement() as IMarkerElement;

            pMElement.Symbol = pSimpleMarkerSymbol;
            IElement ele = (IElement)pMElement;

Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取RGB颜色
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="intR">红</param>
        /// <param name="intG">绿</param>
        /// <param name="intB">蓝</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static IRgbColor GetRgbColor(int intR, int intG, int intB)
            IRgbColor pRgbColor = null;

            if (intR < 0 || intR > 255 || intG < 0 || intG > 255 || intB < 0 || intB > 255)
            pRgbColor = new RgbColorClass
                Red   = intR,
                Green = intG,
                Blue  = intB
Example #15
        public static void easy_point(string filename, IRgbColor point_rgb, int width)
            //实例化ISimpleFillSysmbol变量, 提供简单的填充符号类型
            ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSimplemarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol();

            pSimplemarkerSymbol.Color       = point_rgb;
            pSimplemarkerSymbol.OutlineSize = width;

            ISimpleRenderer pSimpleRender = new SimpleRenderer();

            pSimpleRender.Symbol = pSimplemarkerSymbol as ISymbol;

            Render_tool(pSimpleRender, filename);
Example #16
        /// <summary>
        /// 选择起止颜色。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="FromIC">输出的起始颜色。</param>
        /// <param name="ToIC">输出的终止颜色。</param>
        /// <returns>操作是否成功。</returns>
        public static bool SelectColor(out IRgbColor FromIC, out IRgbColor ToIC)
            FromIC = null;
            ToIC   = null;
            ColorSelection CS = new ColorSelection();

            if (CS.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
            FromIC = CS.FromC;
            ToIC   = CS.ToC;
Example #17
        private void GetDecorationColor(IFrameDecoration pFrameDecoration, Button btn)
                IRgbColor pRgbColor = null;
                Color     pColor;

                pRgbColor     = (IRgbColor)pFrameDecoration.Color;
                pColor        = Color.FromArgb(pRgbColor.Red, pRgbColor.Green, pRgbColor.Blue);
                btn.BackColor = pColor;
                btn.BackColor = this.BackColor;
Example #18
        //yjl 20110827 add
        private System.Drawing.Color cWinColor(IColor incolor)
            if (!(incolor is IRgbColor))
            IRgbColor color = incolor as IRgbColor;

            System.Drawing.Color rgb = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(
                color.Red, color.Green, color.Blue);

            //rgb. = Convert.ToByte(color.Red);
            //rgb.G = Convert.ToByte(color.Green);
            //rgb.B = Convert.ToByte(color.Blue);
Example #19
        private void button_Apply_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int         vID        = int.Parse(treeView_Layers.SelectedNode.Name);
            LayerStruct vLayer     = Layers.Where(m => m.ID == vID).FirstOrDefault();
            string      vLayerName = vLayer.Name;

            int vLayerColor = label_Color.Tag == null ? 0 : (int)label_Color.Tag;

            if (vLayerColor != 0)
                VMainForm.ChangeLayerColor(vLayerName, vLayerColor);
                vLayer.Color = vLayerColor;
                treeView_Layers.SelectedNode.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(vLayerColor);
                label_Color.BackColor = treeView_Layers.SelectedNode.ForeColor;

            vLayer.ShowAnnotation = checkBox_Annotation.Checked;
            // string vAnnotationField = comboBox_Label.Text;
            string vAnnotationField = textBox_Express.Text;

            vLayer.AnnotationField = vAnnotationField;
            int vAnnotationColor = label_AnnotationColor.Tag == null ? -1 : (int)label_AnnotationColor.Tag;

            vLayer.AnnotationFontColor = vAnnotationColor;
            IRgbColor vRgbColor = vAnnotationColor == -1 ? null : CommonUnit.ColorToIRgbColor(Color.FromArgb(vAnnotationColor));

            int vFontSize = int.Parse(comboBox_FontSize.Text);

            vLayer.AnnotationFontSize = vFontSize;
            if (vLayer.ShowAnnotation)
                VMainForm.EnableFeatureLayerLabel(vLayerName, vAnnotationField, vRgbColor, vFontSize);

            short vTransparency = Convert.ToInt16(trackBar_Transparency.Value);

            vLayer.Transparency = vTransparency;
            VMainForm.ChangeLayerTransparency(vLayerName, vTransparency);

            button_Apply.Enabled = false;
Example #20
        ///<summary>Draw a specified graphic on the map using the supplied colors.</summary>
        ///<param name="map">An IMap interface.</param>
        ///<param name="geometry">An IGeometry interface. It can be of the geometry type: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryPolyline, or esriGeometryPolygon.</param>
        ///<param name="rgbColor">An IRgbColor interface. The color to draw the geometry.</param>
        ///<param name="outlineRgbColor">An IRgbColor interface. For those geometry's with an outline it will be this color.</param>
        ///<remarks>Calling this function will not automatically make the graphics appear in the map area. Refresh the map area after after calling this function with Methods like IActiveView.Refresh or IActiveView.PartialRefresh.</remarks>
        public void AddGraphicToMap(IMap map, IGeometry geometry, IRgbColor rgbColor, IRgbColor outlineRgbColor)
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = (IGraphicsContainer)map; // Explicit Cast
            IElement           element           = null;

            if ((geometry.GeometryType) == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                // Marker symbols
                ISimpleMarkerSymbol simpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Color        = rgbColor;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Outline      = true;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.OutlineColor = outlineRgbColor;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Size         = 15;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Style        = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;

                IMarkerElement markerElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                markerElement.Symbol = simpleMarkerSymbol;
                element = (IElement)markerElement; // Explicit Cast
            else if ((geometry.GeometryType) == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                //  Line elements
                ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                simpleLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                simpleLineSymbol.Width = 5;

                ILineElement lineElement = new LineElementClass();
                lineElement.Symbol = simpleLineSymbol;
                element            = (IElement)lineElement; // Explicit Cast
            else if ((geometry.GeometryType) == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                // Polygon elements
                ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                simpleFillSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSForwardDiagonal;
                IFillShapeElement fillShapeElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFillSymbol;
                element = (IElement)fillShapeElement; // Explicit Cast
            if (!(element == null))
                element.Geometry = geometry;
                graphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);
Example #21
        private IElement PointElementRenderer(IGeometry geo, IRgbColor color)
            ISimpleMarkerSymbol simpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol();

            simpleMarkerSymbol.Color   = color;
            simpleMarkerSymbol.Outline = false;
            simpleMarkerSymbol.Size    = 5;
            simpleMarkerSymbol.Style   = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;

            IMarkerElement pMarkerElement = new MarkerElementClass();

            pMarkerElement.Symbol = simpleMarkerSymbol;
            IElement pElement = pMarkerElement as IElement;

            pElement.Geometry = geo;
Example #22
        private static List <IColor> CreateDoDColorRamp()
            List <IColor> lColors  = new List <IColor>();
            IRgbColor     rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(230, 0, 0);

            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(235, 45, 23);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(240, 67, 41);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(242, 88, 61);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(245, 108, 81);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(245, 131, 105);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(245, 151, 130);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(242, 171, 155);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(237, 190, 180);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(230, 208, 207);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(218, 218, 224);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(197, 201, 219);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(176, 183, 214);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(155, 166, 207);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(135, 150, 201);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(110, 131, 194);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(92, 118, 189);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(72, 105, 184);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(49, 91, 176);
            rgbColor = CreateRGBColor(2, 77, 168);
        public void AddCallout(IPoint pPoint, string strText)
            DF2DApplication app = DF2DApplication.Application;

            m_ActiveView = app.Current2DMapControl.ActiveView;
            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = m_ActiveView.GraphicsContainer;
            IPoint             pPointText         = new PointClass();

            pPointText.PutCoords(pPoint.X + 1.5, pPoint.Y + 1.5);

            ITextElement         pTextElement = new TextElementClass();
            IFormattedTextSymbol pTextSymbol  = new TextSymbolClass();

            IElement pElement = pTextElement as IElement;

            pTextElement.Text      = strText;
            pTextElement.ScaleText = true;
            pElement.Geometry      = pPointText;

            IRgbColor pRgbColor = GetRGBColor(255, 255, 0);

            ISimpleFillSymbol pSmplFill = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();

            pSmplFill.Color = pRgbColor;
            pSmplFill.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSHollow;

            IBalloonCallout pBalloonCallout = new BalloonCalloutClass();

            pBalloonCallout.Symbol          = pSmplFill;
            pBalloonCallout.Style           = esriBalloonCalloutStyle.esriBCSOval;
            pBalloonCallout.AnchorPoint     = pPointText;
            pBalloonCallout.LeaderTolerance = 5;

            pRgbColor = GetRGBColor(255, 0, 0);

            pTextSymbol.Background = pBalloonCallout as ITextBackground;
            pTextSymbol.Color      = pRgbColor;
            pTextSymbol.Size       = (app.Current2DMapControl.MapScale / 100) * 5;
            //pTextSymbol.Size = 25;
            pTextSymbol.HorizontalAlignment = esriTextHorizontalAlignment.esriTHALeft;

            pTextElement.Symbol = pTextSymbol;

            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 1);
        private void SetLineStyle(ILayer pLayer, double lineWidth, IRgbColor pColor)
            IGeoFeatureLayer  pGeoFeatureLayer = pLayer as IGeoFeatureLayer;
            ISimpleRenderer   pSimpleRender    = new SimpleRenderer();
            ISimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol       = new SimpleLineSymbol();

            lineSymbol.Width     = lineWidth;
            lineSymbol.Color     = pColor;
            pSimpleRender.Symbol = lineSymbol as ISymbol;
            if (pGeoFeatureLayer != null)
                pGeoFeatureLayer.Renderer = pSimpleRender as IFeatureRenderer;
Example #25
        private void DrawLineOnActiveView(int intFromLinkID, List <int> arrToLinks, double[,] arrXYCoord, IActiveView pActiveView)
                IGraphicsContainer pGraphicContainer = pActiveView.GraphicsContainer;

                IRgbColor pRgbColor = m_pSnippet.getRGB(0, 255, 255);

                ISimpleLineSymbol pSimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                pSimpleLineSymbol.Width = 2;
                pSimpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                pSimpleLineSymbol.Color = pRgbColor;
                int intFromIdx = intFromLinkID;
                ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint FromP = new PointClass();
                FromP.X = arrXYCoord[intFromIdx, 0]; FromP.Y = arrXYCoord[intFromIdx, 1];

                int intArrLengthCnt = arrToLinks.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < intArrLengthCnt; i++)
                    int intToIdx = arrToLinks[i] - 1;

                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint ToP = new PointClass();
                    ToP.X = arrXYCoord[intToIdx, 0]; ToP.Y = arrXYCoord[intToIdx, 1];

                    IPolyline        polyline  = new PolylineClass();
                    IPointCollection pointColl = polyline as IPointCollection;

                    IElement     pElement     = new LineElementClass();
                    ILineElement pLineElement = (ILineElement)pElement;
                    pLineElement.Symbol = pSimpleLineSymbol;
                    pElement.Geometry   = polyline;

                    pGraphicContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

            catch (Exception ex)
                frmErrorLog pfrmErrorLog = new frmErrorLog(); pfrmErrorLog.ex = ex; pfrmErrorLog.ShowDialog();
Example #26
        private void button7_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ICartographicLineSymbol cartographicLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass();

            cartographicLineSymbol.Cap        = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Join       = esriLineJoinStyle.esriLJSBevel;
            cartographicLineSymbol.Width      = 10;
            cartographicLineSymbol.MiterLimit = 4;
            ILineProperties lineProperties;

            lineProperties        = cartographicLineSymbol as ILineProperties;
            lineProperties.Offset = 0;
            double[] dob = new double[6];
            dob[0] = 0;
            dob[1] = 1;
            dob[2] = 2;
            dob[3] = 3;
            dob[4] = 4;
            dob[5] = 5;
            ITemplate template = new TemplateClass();

            template.Interval = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < dob.Length; i += 2)
                template.AddPatternElement(dob[i], dob[i + 1]);
            lineProperties.Template = template;

            IPolyline polyline = new PolylineClass();
            IPoint    point    = new PointClass();

            point.PutCoords(1, 1);
            polyline.FromPoint = point;
            point.PutCoords(10, 10);
            polyline.ToPoint = point;
            IRgbColor rgbColor = getRGB(0, 255, 0);

            cartographicLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            IActiveView activeView = this.axMapControl1.ActiveView;

            activeView.ScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(activeView.ScreenDisplay.hDC, (short)esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.SetSymbol(cartographicLineSymbol as ISymbol);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.DrawPolyline(polyline as IGeometry);
Example #27
        private void button14_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass();
            IRgbColor          rgbColor          = getRGB(255, 0, 0);

            arrowMarkerSymbol.Color  = rgbColor as IColor;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Length = 10;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Width  = 10;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Style  = esriArrowMarkerStyle.esriAMSPlain;

            IMarkerFillSymbol markerFillSymbol = new MarkerFillSymbolClass();

            markerFillSymbol.MarkerSymbol = arrowMarkerSymbol;
            rgbColor = getRGB(0, 255, 0);
            markerFillSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            markerFillSymbol.Style = esriMarkerFillStyle.esriMFSGrid;

            IFillProperties fillProperties = markerFillSymbol as IFillProperties;

            fillProperties.XOffset     = 2;
            fillProperties.YOffset     = 2;
            fillProperties.XSeparation = 15;
            fillProperties.YSeparation = 20;

            object           Missing         = Type.Missing;
            IPolygon         polygon         = new PolygonClass();
            IPointCollection pointCollection = polygon as IPointCollection;
            IPoint           point           = new PointClass();

            point.PutCoords(5, 5);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(5, 10);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(10, 10);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(10, 5);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            IActiveView activeView = this.axMapControl1.ActiveView;

            activeView.ScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(activeView.ScreenDisplay.hDC, (short)esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.SetSymbol(markerFillSymbol as ISymbol);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.DrawPolygon(polygon as IGeometry);
Example #28
        ///<summary>Draw a specified graphic on the map using the supplied colors.</summary>
        ///<param name="map">An IMap interface.</param>
        ///<param name="geometry">An IGeometry interface. It can be of the geometry type: esriGeometryPoint, esriGeometryPolyline, or esriGeometryPolygon.</param>
        ///<param name="rgbColor">An IRgbColor interface. The color to draw the geometry.</param>
        ///<param name="outlineRgbColor">An IRgbColor interface. For those geometry's with an outline it will be this color.</param>
        ///<remarks>Calling this function will not automatically make the graphics appear in the map area. Refresh the map area after after calling this function with Methods like IActiveView.Refresh or IActiveView.PartialRefresh.</remarks>
        public void AddGraphicToMap(IMap map, IGeometry geometry, IRgbColor rgbColor, IRgbColor outlineRgbColor)
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = (IGraphicsContainer)map; // Explicit Cast
            IElement element = null;
            if ((geometry.GeometryType) == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                // Marker symbols
                ISimpleMarkerSymbol simpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Outline = true;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.OutlineColor = outlineRgbColor;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Size = 15;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;

                IMarkerElement markerElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                markerElement.Symbol = simpleMarkerSymbol;
                element = (IElement)markerElement; // Explicit Cast
            else if ((geometry.GeometryType) == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                //  Line elements
                ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                simpleLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                simpleLineSymbol.Width = 5;

                ILineElement lineElement = new LineElementClass();
                lineElement.Symbol = simpleLineSymbol;
                element = (IElement)lineElement; // Explicit Cast
            else if ((geometry.GeometryType) == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                // Polygon elements
                ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                simpleFillSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSForwardDiagonal;
                IFillShapeElement fillShapeElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFillSymbol;
                element = (IElement)fillShapeElement; // Explicit Cast
            if (!(element == null))
                element.Geometry = geometry;
                graphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);
Example #29
        public static void DrawLine(IPoint fromPoint, IPoint toPoint)
            IPolyline pPolyline = new PolylineClass()
                FromPoint = fromPoint,
                ToPoint   = toPoint
            IRgbColor pColor = Func.CreateRgbColor(0, 0, 0);
            ICartographicLineSymbol pCartoLineSymbol = new CartographicLineSymbolClass()
                Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSRound,
                Color = pColor,
                Width = 1
            ILineProperties pLineProp = pCartoLineSymbol as ILineProperties;

            pLineProp.DecorationOnTop = true;
            ILineDecoration pLineDecoration = new LineDecorationClass();
            ISimpleLineDecorationElement pSimpleLineDecoElem = new SimpleLineDecorationElementClass()
                MarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbolClass()
                    Size  = 16,
                    Color = pColor

            pLineDecoration.AddElement(pSimpleLineDecoElem as ILineDecorationElement);
            pLineProp.LineDecoration = pLineDecoration;
            ILineSymbol pLineSymbol = pCartoLineSymbol as ILineSymbol;
            IElement    pElement    = new LineElementClass()
                Symbol   = pLineSymbol,
                Geometry = pPolyline
            IGraphicsContainer pGC = m_pMapC2.Map as IGraphicsContainer;

            pGC.AddElement(pElement, 0);
            IEnvelope pEnvelope = pPolyline.Envelope;

            pEnvelope.Expand(5, 5, true);
            m_pMapC2.Extent = pEnvelope;
Example #30
        public override void OnMouseDown(int Button, int Shift, int X, int Y)
                if (Button == 2)

                IMap map = GetMapFromArcMap(m_application);
                IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = (IGraphicsContainer)map;
                activeView = (IActiveView)map;

                point = GetPointFromMouseClicks(activeView);

                IRgbColor rgbColor = GetColor(frmOptions.colorOfPoints.R, frmOptions.colorOfPoints.B, frmOptions.colorOfPoints.G);
                AddGraphicToMap(map, point, rgbColor, rgbColor);
                activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);

                Variables.s_NumberOfPoints += 1;


                if (Variables.s_LstPoints.Count == 3)
                    Variables.s_polyline = new PolylineClass();
                    IPointCollection pc = (IPointCollection)Variables.s_polyline;
                    for (int i = 0; i < Variables.s_LstPoints.Count; i++)
                    Variables.s_polyline.SpatialReference = map.SpatialReference;

                    rgbColor = GetColor(frmOptions.colorOfLines.R, frmOptions.colorOfLines.B, frmOptions.colorOfLines.G);
                    AddGraphicToMap(map, Variables.s_polyline, rgbColor, rgbColor);
                    activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error");
Example #31
        public static ISimpleFillSymbol CreateSimpleFillSymbol(IRgbColor fillColor, esriSimpleFillStyle fillStyle, IRgbColor borderColor, esriSimpleLineStyle borderStyle, System.Double borderWidth)
            if (fillColor == null || fillStyle == null || borderColor == null || borderStyle == null)
                return null;
            ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
            simpleLineSymbol.Width = borderWidth;
            simpleLineSymbol.Color = borderColor;
            simpleLineSymbol.Style = borderStyle;

            ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
            simpleFillSymbol.Outline = simpleLineSymbol;
            simpleFillSymbol.Style = fillStyle;
            simpleFillSymbol.Color = fillColor;

            return simpleFillSymbol;
Example #32
        /// <summary>
        /// This function takes in two ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IRgbColor object for the color and outline, then returns a marker element
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">the color to make the marker element</param>
        /// <param name="outline">the outline color of the marker element</param>
        /// <returns>a simple marker symbol as a marker element</returns>
        public static IMarkerElement ReturnMarkerElement(IRgbColor color, IRgbColor outline)
            ISimpleMarkerSymbol simpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass
                Color        = color,
                Outline      = true,
                OutlineColor = outline,
                Size         = 30,
                Style        = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle

            IMarkerElement markerElement = new MarkerElementClass
                Symbol = simpleMarkerSymbol

Example #33
        public HouseShowcaseManager(AxMapControl mc)
            mapControl = mc;

            outerColor = new RgbColor();
            outerColor.Red = 206;
            outerColor.Green = 206;
            outerColor.Blue = 206;
            innerColor = new RgbColor();
            innerColor.Red = 250;
            innerColor.Green = 247;
            innerColor.Blue = 201;
            textColor = new RgbColor();
            textColor.Red = 255;
            textColor.Green = 0;
            textColor.Blue = 0;

Example #34
        public IArrowMarkerSymbol CreateArrowMarkerSymbol(IRgbColor color = null,
                                                          double length   = 5,
                                                          int angle       = 90,
                                                          double width    = 1)
            IArrowMarkerSymbol arrowMarkerSymbol = new ArrowMarkerSymbol();

            arrowMarkerSymbol.Angle = angle;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Style = esriArrowMarkerStyle.esriAMSPlain;
            if (color == null)
                color = getRGB(50, 96, 220) as IRgbColor;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Color  = color;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Width  = width;
            arrowMarkerSymbol.Length = length;
Example #35
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据传入的点集合绘制符号
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">传入的点集合</param>
        /// <param name="symbolStyle">符号样式</param>
        /// <param name="symbolColor">符号颜色</param>
        /// <param name="symbolSize">符号大小</param>
        public static void AddGraphics(IScene pScene, IPoint point, string name)
                esriSimple3DMarkerStyle symbolStyle = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
                IRgbColor             symbolColor   = GetRGBColor(255, 0, 0);
                int                   symbolSize    = 1;
                ISimpleMarker3DSymbol pSimpleMarker3DSymbol;
                pSimpleMarker3DSymbol                   = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();
                pSimpleMarker3DSymbol.Style             = symbolStyle;
                pSimpleMarker3DSymbol.ResolutionQuality = 0.1;

                IMarker3DPlacement pMarker3DPlacement;
                pMarker3DPlacement       = (IMarker3DPlacement)pSimpleMarker3DSymbol;
                pMarker3DPlacement.Color = symbolColor;
                pMarker3DPlacement.Width = 1;
                pMarker3DPlacement.Size  = symbolSize;
                pMarker3DPlacement.Depth = 1;
                pMarker3DPlacement.SetRotationAngles(0, 0, 0);

                IGraphicsContainer3D pGC3D;
                pGC3D = pScene.BasicGraphicsLayer as IGraphicsContainer3D;

                MarkerElementClass pElement = new MarkerElementClass();

                IMarkerElement pPointElement;
                pPointElement = (IMarkerElement)pElement;

                IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol;
                pMarkerSymbol       = (IMarkerSymbol)pSimpleMarker3DSymbol;
                pMarkerSymbol.Color = symbolColor;

                pPointElement.Symbol = pMarkerSymbol;
                (pPointElement as IElementProperties).Name = name;

                pElement.Geometry = point;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
Example #36
        private void DrawLineOnActiveView(List <int> lstIndices, double[][] arrValue, IActiveView pActiveView)
            int intLstCnt = lstIndices.Count;

            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicContainer = pActiveView.GraphicsContainer;


            IRgbColor pRgbColor = m_pSnippet.getRGB(0, 255, 255);

            ISimpleLineSymbol pSimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();

            pSimpleLineSymbol.Width = 2;
            pSimpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
            pSimpleLineSymbol.Color = pRgbColor;

            for (int i = 0; i < intLstCnt; i++)
                int      intIdx      = lstIndices[i];
                double[] arrSelValue = arrValue[intIdx];
                //drawing a polyline
                IPoint FromP = new PointClass();
                FromP.X = arrSelValue[0]; FromP.Y = arrSelValue[1];

                IPoint ToP = new PointClass();
                ToP.X = arrSelValue[2]; ToP.Y = arrSelValue[3];

                IPolyline        polyline  = new PolylineClass();
                IPointCollection pointColl = polyline as IPointCollection;

                IElement     pElement     = new LineElementClass();
                ILineElement pLineElement = (ILineElement)pElement;
                pLineElement.Symbol = pSimpleLineSymbol;
                pElement.Geometry   = polyline;

                pGraphicContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

Example #37
        /// <summary>
        /// CreateSimpleFillSymbol
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">color</param>
        /// <param name="outline">outline</param>
        /// <param name="style">style</param>
        /// <returns>IFillSymbol</returns>
        public IFillSymbol CreateSimpleFillSymbol(IRgbColor color           = null,
                                                  ILineSymbol outline       = null,
                                                  esriSimpleFillStyle style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSCross)
            ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol();

            if (color == null)
                color = getRGB(63, 99, 150) as IRgbColor;
            if (outline == null)
                outline = CreateSimpleLineSymbol(getRGB(99, 99, 240) as IRgbColor, 2);
            simpleFillSymbol.Style   = style;
            simpleFillSymbol.Color   = color;
            simpleFillSymbol.Outline = outline;
Example #38
 public static IRasterLayer SetStretchRenderer(IRaster pRaster)
         IRasterStretchColorRampRenderer pStretchRen = new RasterStretchColorRampRenderer();
         IRasterRenderer pRasRen = pStretchRen as IRasterRenderer;
         pRasRen.Raster = pRaster;
         IColor    pFromColor = new RgbColor();
         IRgbColor pRgbColor  = pFromColor as IRgbColor;
         pRgbColor.Red   = 255;
         pRgbColor.Green = 0;
         pRgbColor.Blue  = 0;
         IColor pToColor = new RgbColor();
         pRgbColor       = pToColor as IRgbColor;
         pRgbColor.Red   = 0;
         pRgbColor.Green = 255;
         pRgbColor.Blue  = 0;
         IAlgorithmicColorRamp pRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRamp();
         pRamp.Size      = 255;
         pRamp.FromColor = pFromColor;
         pRamp.ToColor   = pToColor;
         bool ok = true;
         pRamp.CreateRamp(out ok);
         pStretchRen.BandIndex = 0;
         pStretchRen.ColorRamp = pRamp;
         IRasterLayer pRLayer = new RasterLayer();
         pRLayer.Renderer = pStretchRen as IRasterRenderer;
     catch (Exception ex)
Example #39
 public static string ColorToHex(IRgbColor color)
     string theReturn = Convert.ToString(color.Red, 16) + Convert.ToString(color.Green, 16) + Convert.ToString(color.Blue, 16);
     return theReturn;
 private static ITextSymbol SetUpTextSymbol(System.Drawing.Font font, IRgbColor rgbColor)
     ITextSymbol textSymbol = new TextSymbolClass();
     stdole.IFontDisp fontDisp = ESRI.ArcGIS.ADF.COMSupport.OLE.GetIFontDispFromFont(font) as stdole.IFontDisp;
     textSymbol.Font = fontDisp;
     textSymbol.HorizontalAlignment = esriTextHorizontalAlignment.esriTHALeft;
     textSymbol.VerticalAlignment = esriTextVerticalAlignment.esriTVABottom;
     textSymbol.Angle = 0;
     textSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
     return textSymbol;
Example #41
        public static void drawText(string text, IPoint pt, IRgbColor color, AxMapControl mapControl)
            ITextSymbol pTextSymbol = new TextSymbolClass();
            pTextSymbol.Size = 10;
            pTextSymbol.Color = color;
            ITextElement pTextElement = new TextElementClass();
            pTextElement.Text = text;
            pTextElement.ScaleText = false;
            pTextElement.Symbol = pTextSymbol;

            IElement pElement = pTextElement as IElement;
            pElement.Geometry = pt;

            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = mapControl.Map as IGraphicsContainer;
            IActiveView pActiveView = mapControl.ActiveView;
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);
            pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
        private void DrawLine(DataSet ds, IRgbColor color)
            IMxDocument doc = ArcMap.Document;
            IMap map = doc.FocusMap;
            IActiveView activeView = doc.ActiveView.FocusMap as IActiveView;
            IPoint pPoint = new PointClass();

            ISimpleLineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
            lineSymbol.Color = color;
            lineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSDashDotDot;
            lineSymbol.Width = 2;

            ILineElement lineElement = new LineElementClass();
            lineElement.Symbol = lineSymbol;

            IPolyline m_Polyline = new PolylineClass();

            IPointCollection m_PointCollection = new PolylineClass();

            ArrayList arrPoint = new ArrayList();
            object missing = Type.Missing;

            //while (sqlread.Read()) //前进一条纪录
            //    int i = sqlread.GetInt32(0);
            //    double x = sqlread.GetDouble(1);
            //    double y = sqlread.GetDouble(2);
            //    int index = sqlread.GetInt32(3);
            //    //标记
            //    IPoint pPoints = new PointClass();
            //    //调用GetProject2方法经纬度转换成米
            //    pPoints = GetProject(x, y);
            //    CreateTextElment(pPoints.X, pPoints.Y, index);

            //    pPoint.PutCoords(Convert.ToDouble(pPoints.X), Convert.ToDouble(pPoints.Y));
            //    m_PointCollection.AddPoint(pPoint, ref missing, ref missing);
            if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    double dx = Convert.ToDouble(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["GISLongitude"]);
                    double dy = Convert.ToDouble(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["GISLatitude"]);
                    int index = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Seq"]);
                    IPoint pPoints = new PointClass();
                    pPoints = GetProject(dx, dy);
                    pPoint.PutCoords(Convert.ToDouble(pPoints.X), Convert.ToDouble(pPoints.Y));
                    m_PointCollection.AddPoint(pPoint, ref missing, ref missing);

            m_Polyline = m_PointCollection as IPolyline;

            IEnvelope pEnvelope = m_Polyline.Envelope;
            IArea pArea = pEnvelope as IArea;
            pPoint = pArea.Centroid;
            IElement element = lineElement as IElement;
            element.Geometry = m_Polyline;

            activeView.GraphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);
            activeView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);

            if (ds != null && ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count; i++)
                    int index = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["Seq"]);
                    double dx = Convert.ToDouble(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["GISLongitude"]);
                    double dy = Convert.ToDouble(ds.Tables[0].Rows[i]["GISLatitude"]);

                    IPoint pPoints = new PointClass();
                    pPoints = GetProject(dx, dy);
                    if (!check_DatailInformation.Checked)
                        CreateTextElment(pPoints.X, pPoints.Y, index);
            if (check_DatailInformation.Checked)
        private void OnActiveViewEventsAfterDraw(ESRI.ArcGIS.Display.IDisplay display, ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.esriViewDrawPhase phase)

            ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.esriViewDrawPhase m_phase = phase;

            //if the drawing pahse geography, find all feature layer and selected feature and draw them on screen if they are polygons. Please note don't call   display::StartDrawing as it is already started by the system.
            if (m_phase == ESRI.ArcGIS.Carto.esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography)
                IMap m_Map = m_MxDoc.FocusMap;
                ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID m_UID = new ESRI.ArcGIS.esriSystem.UID();
                m_UID.Value = "{40A9E885-5533-11d0-98BE-00805F7CED21}";
                IEnumLayer m_EnumLayer = m_Map.Layers[m_UID];
                ILayer m_Layer = m_EnumLayer.Next();

                //if you want to change the selection color you can change it here.
                ISimpleFillSymbol m_FillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol();
                m_Rgb = new RgbColor();
                m_Rgb.Red = 255;
                m_FillSymbol.Color = m_Rgb;
                display.SetSymbol(m_FillSymbol as ISymbol);

                    if (m_Layer is IFeatureLayer)
                         if (m_Layer != null)
                        IFeatureSelection m_FeatureSelection = (IFeatureSelection)m_Layer;
                        ISelectionSet m_SelSet = m_FeatureSelection.SelectionSet;
                        IFeatureCursor m_FeatCur;
                        ICursor m_Cursor;
                        m_SelSet.Search(null, false, out m_Cursor);

                        m_FeatCur = (IFeatureCursor) m_Cursor;
                        IFeature m_Feature;

                        m_Feature = m_FeatCur.NextFeature();

                            if (m_Feature != null)
                                if (m_Feature.Shape is IPolygon)
                            m_Feature = m_FeatCur.NextFeature();
                        } while (m_Feature != null);

                   m_Layer = m_EnumLayer.Next();
                } while (m_Layer != null);

        /// <summary>
        /// 设置点元素的样式
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rgbColor">颜色</param>
        /// <param name="OutLineColor">轮廓颜色</param>
        private IElement createElement(IRgbColor rgbColor, IRgbColor OutLineColor)
            ISimpleMarkerSymbol pSimpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbol();
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Outline = true;
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.OutlineColor = OutLineColor;
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Size = 15;
            pSimpleMarkerSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSDiamond;
            IMarkerElement pMElement = new MarkerElement() as IMarkerElement;
            pMElement.Symbol = pSimpleMarkerSymbol;
            IElement ele = (IElement)pMElement;
            return ele; 

 /// <summary>
 /// 设置标注的样式外观
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="size">缩放比例 1.5</param>
 /// <param name="pColor">颜色</param>
 /// <param name="pEle">要改变的颜色</param>
 /// <param name="direction">true为改变,false为还原</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static IElement setElementStyle(double size, IRgbColor pColor, IElement pEle,bool direction)
     IMarkerElement pMarEle = pEle as IMarkerElement;
     ISimpleMarkerSymbol pMarSymbol = pMarEle.Symbol as ISimpleMarkerSymbol;
     //axMapControl1.FlashShape(pEle.Geometry, 1, 300, pMarEle.Symbol);          //element闪烁,symbol没有则闪烁Geometry
     if (direction)
         pMarSymbol.Size *= size;
         pMarSymbol.Size /= size;
     pMarSymbol.Color = pColor;
     pMarEle.Symbol = pMarSymbol;
     pEle = pMarEle as IElement;
     return pEle;
Example #46
        ///<summary>Draw a specified graphic on the map using the supplied colors.</summary>
        ///<param name="map">An IMap interface.</param>
        ///<param name="geometry">An IPoint interface. It can be of the geometry type esriGeometryPoint</param>
        ///<param name="rgbColor">An IRgbColor interface. The color to draw the geometry.</param>
        ///<param name="outlineRgbColor">An IRgbColor interface. For marker anfd polygons the outline it will be this color, for lines this is ignored</param>
        ///<param name="size">size in pixel as integer linewidth of outLine or of intire marker if point</param>
        ///<param name="userLock">locked from editing by user?</param>
        public static IElement AddGraphicToMap(IMap map, IGeometry geometry, IRgbColor rgbColor, IRgbColor outlineRgbColor, int size = 5, bool userLock = false)
            IGraphicsContainer graphicsContainer = (IGraphicsContainer)map; // Explicit Cast
            IElement element = null;
            if ((geometry.GeometryType) == esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint)
                // Marker symbols
                ISimpleMarkerSymbol simpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Outline = true;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.OutlineColor = outlineRgbColor;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Size = size;
                simpleMarkerSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSDiamond;

                IMarkerElement markerElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                markerElement.Symbol = simpleMarkerSymbol;
                element = (IElement)markerElement; // Explicit Cast
            else if ((geometry.GeometryType) == ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
                //  Line elements
                ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                simpleLineSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                simpleLineSymbol.Width = size;

                ILineElement lineElement = new LineElementClass();
                lineElement.Symbol = simpleLineSymbol;
                element = (IElement)lineElement; // Explicit Cast
            else if ((geometry.GeometryType) == ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon)
                // Polygon elements
                ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                simpleLineSymbol.Color = outlineRgbColor;
                simpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                simpleLineSymbol.Width = size;

                ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                simpleFillSymbol.Color = rgbColor;
                simpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSForwardDiagonal;
                simpleFillSymbol.Outline = simpleLineSymbol;

                IFillShapeElement fillShapeElement = new PolygonElementClass();
                fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFillSymbol;

                element = (IElement)fillShapeElement; // Explicit Cast
            if (!(element == null))
                element.Geometry = geometry;
                element.Locked = userLock;
                graphicsContainer.AddElement(element, 0);
            return element;
Example #47
 public Color ConvertIRgbColorToColor(IRgbColor pRgbColor)
     return ColorTranslator.FromOle(pRgbColor.RGB);
		private void SymbolizeData(ILayer layer, double dWidth, IRgbColor colorLine, IRgbColor colorFill)
			//Create a line symbol and get the ILineSymbol interface
			ILineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
			//Set the line symbol properties
			lineSymbol.Width = dWidth;
			lineSymbol.Color = colorLine;

			//Create a fill symbol and get the IFillSymbol interface
			ISimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
			//Set the fill symbol properties
			fillSymbol.Outline = lineSymbol;
			fillSymbol.Color = colorFill;

			//Create a simple renderer and get the ISimpleRenderer interface 
			ISimpleRenderer simpleRenderer = new SimpleRendererClass();
			//Set the simple renderer properties
			simpleRenderer.Symbol = (ISymbol) fillSymbol;

			//QI for the IGeoFeatureLayer interface from the ILayer2 interface
			IGeoFeatureLayer geoFeatureLayer = (IGeoFeatureLayer) layer;
			//Set the GeoFeatureLayer properties
			geoFeatureLayer.Renderer = (IFeatureRenderer) simpleRenderer;
		private void ChangeIllumination(IRgbColor prgb)
			IGlobeDisplayRendering pglbDispRend = (IGlobeDisplayRendering) axGlobeControl1.GlobeDisplay;

			double platitude=0; double plongitude=0;
			Single pSunred; Single pSungreen; Single pSunblue; Single pAmbientLght;

			if ((pglbDispRend.IsSunEnabled == true) & (chkSun.Checked == true))
				//get the Default position and color...
				pglbDispRend.GetSunPosition(out platitude, out plongitude);
				pglbDispRend.GetSunColor(out pSunred, out pSungreen, out pSunblue);
				//Set AmbientLght
				string sVal = TxtAmbient.Text;
				if (Convert.ToSingle(sVal) > 1) sVal = "1";
				if (Convert.ToSingle(sVal) < 0) sVal = "0";
				pglbDispRend.AmbientLight = Convert.ToSingle(sVal);
				//update textbox
				TxtAmbient.Text = sVal;
				pAmbientLght = pglbDispRend.AmbientLight;
				IColor pIcolor = prgb;
				IGlobeDisplay pglbDisp = EnableSetSun(pAmbientLght, platitude, plongitude, pIcolor);
				axGlobeControl1.GlobeDisplay = pglbDisp;
        /// <summary>
        /// Draws the input geometry using the specified colors.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="geometry">The input IGeometry to draw. Supported geometry types are GeometryBag, Polygon, Polyline, Point and Multipoint.</param>
        /// <param name="fillColor">An IRgbColor reference for the fill color</param>
        /// <param name="lineColor">An IRgbColor reference for the line or outline color</param>
        /// <param name="display">An IDisplay reference</param>
        /// <param name="cancelTracker">An ITrackCancel reference</param>
        private static void DrawGeometry(IGeometry geometry, IRgbColor fillColor, IRgbColor lineColor, IDisplay display, ITrackCancel cancelTracker)
            bool continueDrawing = true;
            switch (geometry.GeometryType)
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryBag:
                        IEnumGeometry enumGeometry = (IEnumGeometry)geometry;
                        IGeometry innerGeometry = enumGeometry.Next();
                        while (innerGeometry != null && continueDrawing == true)
                            DrawGeometry(innerGeometry, fillColor, lineColor, display, cancelTracker); // Recursive method call
                            innerGeometry = enumGeometry.Next();
                            if (cancelTracker != null)
                                continueDrawing = cancelTracker.Continue();
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon:
                        // Set the input polygon geometry's symbol.
                        ISimpleFillSymbol fillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
                        fillSymbol.Color = (IColor)fillColor;
                        ILineSymbol lineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                        lineSymbol.Color = lineColor;
                        fillSymbol.Outline = lineSymbol;

                        // Draw the input polygon geometry.
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline:
                        // Set the input polyline geometry's symbol.
                        IMultiLayerLineSymbol multiLineSymbol = new MultiLayerLineSymbolClass();
                        ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol1 = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                        ISimpleLineSymbol simpleLineSymbol2 = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                        simpleLineSymbol1.Width = 3;
                        simpleLineSymbol1.Color = fillColor;
                        simpleLineSymbol2.Width = 5;
                        simpleLineSymbol2.Color = lineColor;

                        // Draw the input polyline geometry.
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPoint:
                        // Set the input point geometry's symbol.
                        ISimpleMarkerSymbol simpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.Size = 12;
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.Color = fillColor;
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.Outline = true;
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.OutlineColor = lineColor;

                        // Draw the input point geometry.
                case esriGeometryType.esriGeometryMultipoint:
                        // Set the input multipoint geometry's symbol.
                        ISimpleMarkerSymbol simpleMarkerSymbol = new SimpleMarkerSymbolClass();
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.Style = esriSimpleMarkerStyle.esriSMSCircle;
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.Size = 8;
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.Color = fillColor;
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.Outline = true;
                        simpleMarkerSymbol.OutlineColor = lineColor;

                        // Draw the input multipoint geometry.
Example #51
 public static void drawPolygon(IGeometry geom, AxMapControl mapControl, IRgbColor color = null)
     ISimpleFillSymbol simpleFillSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbolClass();
     simpleFillSymbol.Style = esriSimpleFillStyle.esriSFSSolid;
     if(color != null)
         simpleFillSymbol.Color = color;
         simpleFillSymbol.Color = GetDefaultRgbColor();
     IFillShapeElement fillShapeElement = new PolygonElementClass();
     fillShapeElement.Symbol = simpleFillSymbol;
     IElement element = fillShapeElement as IElement;
     element.Geometry = geom;
     IGraphicsContainer pGraphics = mapControl.Map as IGraphicsContainer;
     IActiveView pActiveView = mapControl.ActiveView;
     catch (Exception updateExp)
         pGraphics.AddElement(element, 0);
 private void com_Color_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (this.colorDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
         // 将先中的颜色设置为窗体的背景色
         //this.BackColor = colorDialog1.Color;
         this.com_Color.BackColor = colorDialog1.Color;
          //pColor = GetRGB(colorDialog1.Color);
         colors = GetRGB(colorDialog1.Color);