public void Fetch(IResultSet result) { HtrnId = result.GetInt("id"); CstId = result.GetInt("cust_id"); HtrnExpl = result.GetString("htrn_explanation"); HtrnDocnum = result.GetInt("docnum"); TransDate = Common.JavaDateToDatetime(result.GetDate("trans_date")); CstName = result.GetString("cst_desc"); IsNew = false; }
public static TransCust GetTransCust(IResultSet result) { return(new TransCust() { Id = result.GetInt("id"), CstId = result.GetInt("cst_id"), VouchId = result.GetInt("vouch_id"), VoserId = result.GetInt("voser_id"), Docnum = result.GetInt("docnum"), DtrnType = result.GetString("dtrn_type"), DtrnNetValue = (decimal)result.GetDouble("dtrn_net_value"), DtrnVatValue = (decimal)result.GetDouble("dtrn_vat_value"), DtrnDate = Common.JavaDateToDatetime(result.GetDate("dtrn_date")), HtrnId = result.GetInt("htrn_id"), }); }
public void LoadItems(Context ctx) { Criteria c = CurrentCriteria; using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { // IPreparedStatement ps1 = conn.PrepareStatement ("select * from ritemlast"); // // IResultSet result1 = ps1.ExecuteQuery (); // // while (result1.Next()) { // Log.Debug ("", result1.GetInt (0) + " " + result1.GetInt (1)); // } string joinLastDate = ""; string fields = ""; if (c.CstId > 0) { fields += @", ritemlast.last_date"; joinLastDate = @" LEFT OUTER JOIN ritemlast ON ritemlast.item_id = AND ritemlast.cst_id = " + c.CstId; } string query = @" SELECT TOP 30 ritems.ID, ritems.item_cod, ritems.item_desc, ritems.item_image, ritems.item_qty_left " + fields + @" FROM ritems" + joinLastDate + @" WHERE 1 = 1 "; if (c.ItemDesc != "") { // query += " AND ritems.item_desc like \'" + c.ItemDesc + "%\'"; query += " AND ritems.item_desc like :ItemDesc "; } if (c.Category1 != 0) { query += " AND ritems.item_ctg_id = " + c.Category1; } if (c.Category2 != 0) { query += " AND ritems.item_ctg2_id = " + c.Category2; } if (c.RetVal != 0) { // query += " AND ritems.item_qty_left = " + c.RetVal; } query += " ORDER BY ritems.item_desc "; IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(query); if (c.ItemDesc != "") { ps.Set("ItemDesc", c.ItemDesc); } IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); while (result.Next()) { ItemInfo item = new ItemInfo() { ItemId = result.GetInt("id"), item_cod = result.GetString("item_cod"), ItemDesc = result.GetString("item_desc"), ItemQtyLeft = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_qty_left")) }; byte[] signatureBytes = result.GetBytes("item_image"); try { if (signatureBytes.Length > 0) { Android.Graphics.Bitmap img = Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(signatureBytes, 0, signatureBytes.Length); item.ItemImage = Android.Graphics.Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap(img, 64, 64, true); img.Recycle(); img = null; } else { item.ItemImage = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { item.ItemImage = null; } if (c.CstId > 0) { item.ItemLastBuyDate = Common.JavaDateToDatetime(result.GetDate("last_date")); } lastLoadedID = item.ItemId; Add(item); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } }
public static void LoadAdapterItems(Context ctx, int page, ArrayAdapter <ItemInfo> adapter, Criteria c) { using (IConnection conn = Sync.GetConnection(ctx)) { string joinLastDate = ""; string fields = ""; if (c.CstId > 0) { fields += @", ritemlast.last_date";//OUTER joinLastDate = @" LEFT JOIN ritemlast ON ritemlast.item_id = AND ritemlast.cst_id = " + c.CstId; } int offset = 1 + page * 30; string query = @" SELECT TOP 30 START AT " + offset + @" ritems.ID, ritems.item_cod, ritems.item_desc, ritems.item_image, ritems.item_qty_left " + fields + @" FROM ritems" + joinLastDate + @" WHERE 1 = 1 "; if (c.ItemDesc != "") { query += " AND ritems.item_desc like \'" + c.ItemDesc + "%\'"; } if (c.Category1 != 0) { query += " AND ritems.item_ctg_id = " + c.Category1; } if (c.Category2 != 0) { query += " AND ritems.item_ctg2_id = " + c.Category2; } if (c.RetVal != 0) { // query += " AND ritems.item_qty_left = " + c.RetVal; } query += " ORDER BY ritems.item_desc "; Log.Debug("select items", query); IPreparedStatement ps = conn.PrepareStatement(query); IResultSet result = ps.ExecuteQuery(); while (result.Next()) { ItemInfo item = new ItemInfo() { ItemId = result.GetInt("id"), item_cod = result.GetString("item_cod"), ItemDesc = result.GetString("item_desc"), ItemQtyLeft = Convert.ToDecimal(result.GetDouble("item_qty_left")) }; byte[] signatureBytes = result.GetBytes("item_image"); try { if (signatureBytes.Length > 0) { Android.Graphics.Bitmap img = Android.Graphics.BitmapFactory.DecodeByteArray(signatureBytes, 0, signatureBytes.Length); item.ItemImage = Android.Graphics.Bitmap.CreateScaledBitmap(img, 64, 64, true); img.Recycle(); img = null; } else { item.ItemImage = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { item.ItemImage = null; } if (c.CstId > 0) { item.ItemLastBuyDate = Common.JavaDateToDatetime(result.GetDate("last_date")); } adapter.Add(item); } result.Close(); ps.Close(); conn.Release(); } }