public override void Verify(CommandCall commandCall, IEvaluator evaluator, IResultRecorder resultRecorder) { try { m_command.Verify(commandCall, evaluator, resultRecorder); } catch (Exception e) { resultRecorder.Error(e); AnnounceThrowableCaught(commandCall.Element, e, commandCall.Expression); } }
public override void Setup(CommandCall commandCall, IEvaluator evaluator, IResultRecorder resultRecorder) { try { m_command.Setup(commandCall, evaluator, resultRecorder); } catch (Exception e) { resultRecorder.Error(e); AnnounceThrowableCaught(commandCall.Element, e, commandCall.Expression); } }
public override void Execute(CommandCall commandCall, IEvaluator evaluator, IResultRecorder resultRecorder) { Check.IsFalse(commandCall.HasChildCommands, "Nesting commands inside a 'run' is not supported"); var element = commandCall.Element; var href = element.GetAttributeValue("href"); Check.NotNull(href, "The 'href' attribute must be set for an element containing concordion:run"); var runnerType = commandCall.Expression; var expression = element.GetAttributeValue("params", "concordion"); if (expression != null) { evaluator.Evaluate(expression); } try { IRunner concordionRunner; Runners.TryGetValue(runnerType, out concordionRunner); // TODO - re-check this. Check.NotNull(concordionRunner, "The runner '" + runnerType + "' cannot be found. " + "Choices: (1) Use 'concordion' as your runner (2) Ensure that the 'concordion.runner." + runnerType + "' System property is set to a name of an IRunner implementation " + "(3) Specify an assembly fully qualified class name of an IRunner implementation"); var result = concordionRunner.Execute(evaluator.Fixture, commandCall.Resource, href).Result; if (result == Result.Success) { resultRecorder.Success(); AnnounceSuccess(element); } else if (result == Result.Ignored) { resultRecorder.Ignore(); AnnounceIgnored(element); } else { resultRecorder.Failure(string.Format("test {0} failed", href), commandCall.Element.ToXml()); AnnounceFailure(element); } } catch (Exception e) { resultRecorder.Error(e); AnnounceError(e, element, expression); } }