Example #1
        public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
            var n = this.Vertices.Count;
            const int window = 2;

            var prev = double.MaxValue;
            var curr = 0.0;
            var inserted = new HashSet<int> ();
            var candidates = new Result (Math.Max(K, 32));
            // var candidates = new Result (K+K);

            while (prev > curr) {
                prev = res.CoveringRadius;
                for (int i = 0; i < window; ++i) {
                    var next = this.rand.Next (this.Vertices.Count);
                    if (inserted.Add (next)) {
                        var _res = new Result (res.K);
                        var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [next]);
                        candidates.Push (next, d);
                        res.Push (next, d);
                        this.InternalSearch (q, candidates, inserted, _res);
                        foreach (var p in _res) {
                            res.Push (p.ObjID, p.Dist);
                curr = res.CoveringRadius;
            return res;
Example #2
 protected override void SearchKNNNode(Node node, object q, IResult res)
     // res.Push (node.objID, dist);
     var D = new double[node.Children.Count];
     var closer_child = node.Children[0];
     var closer_dist = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[closer_child.objID]);
     res.Push(closer_child.objID, closer_dist);
     D[0] = closer_dist;
     for (int i = 1; i < D.Length; ++i) {
         var child = node.Children[i];
         D[i] = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[child.objID]);
         res.Push(child.objID, D[i]);
         if (D[i] < closer_dist) {
             closer_dist = D[i];
             closer_child = child;
     if (closer_child.Children.Count > 0) {
         this.SearchKNNNode (closer_child, q, res);
     //                for (int i = 0; i < D.Length; ++i) {
     //                    if (D[i] <= closer_dist + 2 * res.CoveringRadius) {
     //                        this.SearchKNNNode(D[i], node.Children[i], q, res);
     //                    }
     //                }
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult final_result)
     var state = new SearchState ();
     var beam = this.FirstBeam (q, final_result, state);
     var beamsize = beam.Count;
     double prevcov = 0;
     int count_ties = 0;
     for (int i = 0; i < this.RepeatSearch; ++i) {
         prevcov = final_result.CoveringRadius;
         var _beam = new Result (beamsize);
         //if (this.Vertices.Count == this.DB.Count)
         //	Console.WriteLine ("=== Iteration {0}/{1}, res-count: {2}, res-cov: {3}", i, this.RepeatSearch, final_result.Count, final_result.CoveringRadius);
         foreach (var pair in beam) {
             foreach(var neighbor_docID in this.Vertices [pair.docid]) {
                 // Console.WriteLine ("=== B i: {0}, docID: {1}, parent: {2}, beamsize: {3}", i, neighbor_docID, pair, beam.Count);
                 if (state.evaluated.Add(neighbor_docID)) {
                     var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [neighbor_docID]);
                     final_result.Push (neighbor_docID, d);
                     _beam.Push (neighbor_docID, d);
         if (final_result.CoveringRadius == prevcov) {
             if (count_ties == 1) {
                 // we stop after two ties
         } else {
             count_ties = 0;
         beam = _beam;
     return final_result;
Example #4
        public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
            var window = 2;
            if (this.Vertices.Count > 16) {
                window = 8;
            //			if (this.Vertices.Count > 10000) {
            //				Console.WriteLine ("STARTING SEARCH");
            //			}
            var prev = double.MaxValue;
            var curr = 0.0;
            var inserted = new HashSet<int> ();
            var candidates = new Result (this.Vertices.Count);

            while (prev > curr) {
                prev = res.CoveringRadius;
                for (int i = 0; i < window; ++i) {
                    var next = this.rand.Next (this.Vertices.Count);
                    if (inserted.Add (next)) {
                        var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [next]);
                        candidates.Push (next, d);
                        res.Push (next, d);
                        this.InternalSearch (q, candidates, inserted, res);
                curr = res.CoveringRadius;
            return res;
Example #5
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     int m = this.nodes.Length; // ~10% of the pivots will be seen
     var distances = new double[m];
     var sortedNodes = new Node[m];
     for (int i = 0; i < m; ++i) {
         sortedNodes [i] = this.nodes [i];
         var objID = this.nodes [i].objID;
         distances [i] = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [objID]);
         res.Push (objID, distances [i]);
     this.internal_numdists += m;
     Array.Sort (distances, sortedNodes);
     foreach (var objID in sortedNodes[0].IterateRange(res, distances[0])) {
         bool discarded = false;
         var rad = res.CoveringRadius;
         for (int i = 1; i < m; ++i) {
             var node = sortedNodes [i];
             if (node.Discarded (objID, rad, distances [i])) {
                 discarded = true;
         if (discarded) {
         var d = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[objID]);
         res.Push (objID, d);
     return res;
Example #6
        public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult final_result)
            var window = 2;
            if (this.Vertices.Count > 16) {
                window = 4;
            var prev = double.MaxValue;
            var curr = 0.0;
            var inserted = new HashSet<int> ();
            var expanded = new HashSet<int> ();

            while (prev > curr) {
                prev = final_result.CoveringRadius;
                for (int i = 0; i < window; ++i) {
                    var res = new Result (K);
                    var next = this.rand.Next (this.Vertices.Count);
                    if (expanded.Add(next)) {
                        this.GreedySearch (q, next, expanded, res);
                        foreach (var p in res) {
                            if (inserted.Add(p.ObjID)) {
                                final_result.Push(p.ObjID, p.Dist);
                curr = final_result.CoveringRadius;
            return final_result;
Example #7
 protected override Result FirstBeam(object q, HashSet<int> evaluated, IResult res)
     int samplesize = 0;
     // the real value can bee really complex, Monte Carlo methods
     // just use the larger sustainable value, however we are interested
     // on keep a fixed upper bound
     if (this.Vertices.Count > 4) {
         if (this.Vertices.Count < 10000) {
             samplesize = (int) Math.Sqrt (this.Vertices.Count) * 2;
         } else {
             samplesize = 1000;
     // int samplesize = Math.Min (2, this.Vertices.Count);
     int beamsize = Math.Min (this.BeamSize, this.Vertices.Count);
     var beam = new Result (beamsize);
     // initializing the first beam
     for (int i = 0; i < samplesize; ++i) {
         var docID = this.Vertices.GetRandom().Key;
         if (evaluated.Add (docID)) {
             var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [docID]);
             beam.Push (docID, d);
             res.Push(docID, d);
     return beam;
Example #8
 //, Result C)
 protected void GreedySearchGlobalMinima(int parent, object q, IResult res)
     var rs = this.SEQ.Unravel (parent);
     var children_count = rs.Count1;
     var closer_dist = double.MaxValue;
     var closer_objID = -1;
     for (int rank = 1; rank <= children_count; ++rank) {
         var objID = rs.Select1(rank);
         var dist = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[objID]);
         res.Push (objID, dist);
         if (dist < closer_dist) {
             closer_dist = dist;
             closer_objID = objID;
         //if (C != null) C.Push (objID, dist);
     if (closer_objID >= 0) {
         this.GreedySearchGlobalMinima (closer_objID, q, res); //, C);
     //			for (int childID = 0; childID < children_count; ++childID) {
     //				var child_objID = C[childID];
     //				var child_dist = D[childID];
     //				var radius = res.CoveringRadius;
     //				//Console.WriteLine ("---- cov: {0}", this.COV[child_objID]);
     //				if (child_dist <= radius + this.GetCOV(child_objID) && child_dist <= closer_dist + radius + radius) {
     //					this.SearchKNNNode(child_objID, q, res);
     //                }
     //            }
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// KNN Search
 /// </summary>
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int k, IResult R)
     int L = this.DB.Count;
     for (int docid = 0; docid < L; docid++) {
         double d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB[docid]);
         R.Push (docid, d);
     return R;
Example #10
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     var n = this.DB.Count;
     for (int i = 0; i < this.SampleSize; ++i) {
         var objID = this.rand.Next (0, n);
         var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [objID]);
         res.Push (objID, d);
     return res;
Example #11
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     if (this.root == null) {
         return res;
     var dist_root = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[this.root.objID]);
     res.Push(this.root.objID, dist_root);
     if (this.root.Children.Count > 0) {
         this.SearchKNNNode (this.root, q, res);
     return res;
Example #12
 protected void ApproxSearchKNNNode(Node node, object q, IResult res)
     // res.Push (node.objID, dist);
     var D = new double[node.Children.Count];
     var closer_child = node.Children[0];
     var closer_dist = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[closer_child.objID]);
     res.Push(closer_child.objID, closer_dist);
     D[0] = closer_dist;
     for (int i = 1; i < D.Length; ++i) {
         var child = node.Children[i];
         D[i] = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[child.objID]);
         res.Push(child.objID, D[i]);
         if (D[i] < closer_dist) {
             closer_dist = D[i];
             closer_child = child;
     if (closer_child.Children.Count > 0) {
         this.ApproxSearchKNNNode (closer_child, q, res);
Example #13
 protected void ExpandNode(object q, IResult res, int startID, SearchState state, int level)
     var nodeS = this.Vertices [startID];
     foreach (var nodeID in nodeS) {
         if (state.visited.Add(nodeID)) {
             if (level > 0) {
                 this.ExpandNode (q, res, nodeID, state, level - 1);
         if (state.evaluated.Add (nodeID)) {
             var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [nodeID]);
             res.Push(nodeID, d);
Example #14
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     var visited = new HashSet<int> ();
     var evaluated = new HashSet<int> ();
     for (int i = 0; i < this.RepeatSearch; ++i) {
         var objID = this.rand.Next (this.Vertices.Count);
         while (visited.Add (objID)) {
             if (evaluated.Add (objID)) {
                 var d = this.DB.Dist (this.DB [objID], q);
                 res.Push (objID, d);
             this.GreedySearch(q, res, visited, evaluated, objID);
     return res;
Example #15
 protected override Result FirstBeam(object q, IResult final_result, SearchState state)
     int samplesize = Math.Min (1024, this.Vertices.Count);
     //WARNING fixing the parameter beamsize for construction step for testing purposes
     int beamsize = Math.Min (this.BeamSize, this.Vertices.Count);
     var beam = new Result (beamsize);
     // initializing the first beam
     for (int i = 0; i < samplesize; ++i) {
         var docID = this.rand.Next(this.Vertices.Count);
         if (state.evaluated.Add (docID)) {
             var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [docID]);
             beam.Push (docID, d);
             final_result.Push(docID, d);
     return beam;
Example #16
        public void InternalSearch(object q, Result candidates, HashSet<int> inserted, IResult res)
            do {
                var start = candidates.PopFirst ();
                if (start.Dist > res.CoveringRadius) {
                var adjList = this.Vertices[start.ObjID];

                foreach (var item in adjList) {
                    if (inserted.Add(item.ObjID)) { // true iff it wasn't evaluated
                        var d = this.DB.Dist (this.DB [item.ObjID], q);
                        candidates.Push (item.ObjID, d);
                        res.Push(item.ObjID, d);
            } while (candidates.Count > 0);
Example #17
 void GreedySearch(object q, IResult res, HashSet<int> visited, HashSet<int> evaluated, int startID)
     var minDist = double.MaxValue;
     var minItem = 0;
     do {
         // Console.WriteLine ("XXXXXX======= SEARCH  startID: {0}, count: {1}, res-count: {2}", startID, this.Vertices.Count, res.Count);
         foreach (var objID in this.Vertices[startID]) {
             if (evaluated.Add (objID)) {
                 var d = this.DB.Dist (this.DB [objID], q);
                 res.Push (objID, d);
                 if (minDist > d) {
                     minDist = d;
                     minItem = objID;
         startID = minItem;
     } while (visited.Add (startID));
Example #18
        public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
            // var state = new SearchState (final_result);
            HashSet<int> evaluated = new HashSet<int> ();
            var beam = this.FirstBeam (q, evaluated, res);
            var maxbeamsize = beam.Count;
            var beamsize = maxbeamsize;

            double prev;

            do {
                prev = res.CoveringRadius;
                var _beamsize = Math.Min (beamsize, beam.Count);
            //				var _beam = new Result(_beamsize);
                var _beam = new Result(_beamsize);
                for (int j = 0; j < _beamsize; ++j) {
                    var item = beam.PopFirst ();
                    foreach (var neighbor_docID in this.Vertices [item.ObjID]) {
                        if (evaluated.Add (neighbor_docID)) {
                            var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [neighbor_docID]);
                            res.Push (neighbor_docID, d);
                            _beam.Push(neighbor_docID, d);
            //							beam.Push (neighbor_docID, d);   // this can include distant items at any step
                beam = _beam;
            //				foreach (var p in _beam) {
            //					beam.Push(p.ObjID, p.Dist);
            //				}
                if (beamsize > 32) {
                    beamsize = beamsize / 2;
                if (prev == res.CoveringRadius) {
                    beamsize = beamsize / 2;
            } while (beamsize > 1);
            // } while (prev > curr);
            // } while (beamsize <= maxbeamsize);
            return res;
Example #19
 public override int SearchKNN(MetricDB db, object q, int K, IResult res, short[] A, short current_rank_A)
     int abs_pos = 0;
     int count_dist = 0;
     foreach (var piv in this.Pivs) {
         var pivOBJ = db [piv.objID];
         var dqp = db.Dist (q, pivOBJ);
         res.Push (piv.objID, dqp);
         // checking near ball radius
         if (dqp <= piv.last_near + res.CoveringRadius * this.ApproxFactor) {
             for (int j = 0; j < piv.num_near; ++j, ++abs_pos) {
                 var item = this.Items [abs_pos];
                 // checking covering pivot
                 if (Math.Abs (item.Dist - dqp) <= res.CoveringRadius) {
                     ++A [item.ObjID];
         } else {
             abs_pos += piv.num_near;
         // checking external radius
         if (dqp + res.CoveringRadius * this.ApproxFactor >= piv.first_far) {
             for (int j = 0; j < piv.num_far; ++j, ++abs_pos) {
                 var item = this.Items [abs_pos];
                 // checking covering pivot
                 if (Math.Abs (item.Dist - dqp) <= res.CoveringRadius) {
                     ++A [item.ObjID];
         } else {
             abs_pos += piv.num_far;
         if (dqp + res.CoveringRadius*this.ApproxFactor <= piv.last_near || piv.first_far <= dqp - res.CoveringRadius*this.ApproxFactor) {
     return count_dist;
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult final_result)
     var state = new SearchState ();
     var beam = this.FirstBeam (q, final_result, state);
     var beamsize = beam.Count;
     double prevcov = 0;
     int count_ties = 0;
     var neighborhood = new List<int> (32);
     for (int i = 0; i < this.RepeatSearch; ++i) {
         prevcov = final_result.CoveringRadius;
         var _beam = new Result (beamsize);
         foreach (var pair in beam) {
             neighborhood.Clear ();
             // neighborhood.Add (pair.docid);
             foreach (var neighbor_docID in this.Vertices [pair.docid]) {
                 this.ExpandNeighborhood (q, neighbor_docID, neighborhood, state, 8);
             foreach (var neighbor_docID in neighborhood) {
                 var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [neighbor_docID]);
                 final_result.Push (neighbor_docID, d);
                 _beam.Push (neighbor_docID, d);
         if (final_result.CoveringRadius == prevcov) {
             if (count_ties == 1) {
                 // we stop after two ties
         } else {
             count_ties = 0;
         beam = _beam;
     return final_result;
Example #21
        public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult final_result)
            var knr = Math.Min (this.RepeatSearch, this.Vertices.Count);
            var knrseq = new Result (knr);
            var n = this.Vertices.Count;
            int ss = Math.Min (this.SampleSize, this.Vertices.Count);

            // Get the HSP!!!
            bool[] subdb=new bool[this.DB.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < ss; ++i) {
                var objID = this.rand.Next (0, n);
                //knrseq.Push (objID, d);
            // Get the hsp-neigbors of q
            IList<int> hsp_neighbors= HSP.ComputeEdges(q,this.DB,subdb);
            foreach (int id in hsp_neighbors)
                var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [id]);
                Console.WriteLine("id:{0} d:{1}",id,d);
            Console.WriteLine( knrseq.Count);
            // End getting the HSP

            var res_array = new Result[knrseq.Count];
            int I = 0;
            // on a parallel implementation these two hashsets must be set to null
            var state = new SearchState ();
            // visited = evaluated = null;
            foreach (var p in knrseq) {
                var res = new Result (K);
                //Console.WriteLine ("** starting GreedySearch");
                this.GreedySearch(q, res, p.docid, state);
                res_array [I] = res;
            var inserted = new HashSet<int> ();
            foreach (var res in res_array) {
                if (res == null) {
                foreach (var p in res) {
                    if (inserted.Add(p.docid)) {
                        final_result.Push(p.docid, p.dist);
            return final_result;
Example #22
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int knn, IResult res)
     var R = this.IDX.SearchKNN (q, knn, new Result (res.K, res.Ceiling));
     var P = (this.IDX.DB as SampleSpace);
     foreach (var p in R) {
         // res.Push(P.PERM.Inverse(p.docid), p.dist);
         res.Push(P.SAMPLE[p.docid], p.dist);
     return res;
Example #23
File: PMI.cs Project: sadit/natix
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     Action<int> on_intersection = delegate(int item) {
         var dist = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [item]);
         res.Push (item, dist);
     var cache = new Dictionary<int, double>(this.LC_LIST[0].NODES.Count);
     return this.PartialSearchKNN (q, res, this.LC_LIST.Count, cache, on_intersection);
Example #24
File: SAT.cs Project: sadit/natix
        //        Sequential S;
        protected virtual void SearchKNNNode(Node node, object q, IResult res)
            // res.Push (node.objID, dist);
            var D = new double[node.Children.Count];
            var closer_child = node.Children[0];
            var closer_dist = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[closer_child.objID]);
            D[0] = closer_dist;
            for (int i = 1; i < D.Length; ++i) {
                var child = node.Children[i];
                D[i] = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[child.objID]);
                if (D[i] < closer_dist) {
                    closer_dist = D[i];
                    closer_child = child;
            for (int i = 0; i < D.Length; ++i) {
                var child = node.Children[i];
                res.Push(child.objID, D[i]);
                var radius = res.CoveringRadius;
                if (child.Children.Count > 0
                    && D[i] <= radius + child.cov
                    && D[i] <= closer_dist + radius + radius) {

                    this.SearchKNNNode(child, q, res);
Example #25
File: KVP.cs Project: sadit/natix
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     int m = this.pivs.Count;
     var D = new double[m];
     for (int pivID = 0; pivID < m; ++pivID) {
         var objID = this.pivs [pivID];
         var piv = this.DB [objID];
         var d = this.DB.Dist(q, piv);
         D[pivID] = d;
         res.Push (objID, d);
     this.internal_numdists += m;
     int n = this.DB.Count;
     for (int objID = 0; objID < n; ++objID) {
         if (this.ispivot [objID] == 1) {
         var rad = res.CoveringRadius;
         var review = true;
         foreach (var p in this.assocpivots[objID]) {
             var dqp = D [p.ObjID];
             var dup = p.Dist;
             if (Math.Abs (dup - dqp) > rad) {
                 review = false;
         if (review) {
             var d = this.DB.Dist (q, this.DB [objID]);
             res.Push (objID, d);
     return res;
Example #26
File: SAT.cs Project: sadit/natix
        public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
            if (this.root == null) {
                return res;
            /*var rand = new Random();
            double min = double.MaxValue;
            for (int i = 0; i < 128; ++i) {
                var obj = this.DB[ rand.Next(0, this.DB.Count) ];
                min = Math.Min(this.DB.Dist(q, obj), min);
            this.SearchRangeNode (this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[this.root.objID]), this.root, q, min, res);
            return res;

            var dist = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[this.root.objID]);
            res.Push (this.root.objID, dist);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("CHILDREN-count: {0}", this.root.Children.Count);
            if (this.root.Children.Count > 0 && dist <= res.CoveringRadius + this.root.cov) {
                this.SearchKNNNode (this.root, q, res);
            //			Console.WriteLine ("\n ROOT: {0}", this.root.objID);
            //			if (this.S == null) {
            //				this.S = new Sequential ();
            //				S.Build (this.DB);
            //			}
            //			var R = S.SearchKNN (q, K);
            //			if (R.First.docid != res.First.docid) {
            //				Console.WriteLine ("XXXXX seq {0} != sat {1} XXXXXX", R, res);
            //			}
            return res;
Example #27
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     var m = this.PIVS.Count;
     var n = this.DB.Count;
     var _PIVS = (this.PIVS as SampleSpace).SAMPLE;
     var P = new float[ m ];
     var A = new HashSet<int>();
     for (int piv_id = 0; piv_id < m; ++piv_id) {
         var dqp = this.DB.Dist (q, this.PIVS [piv_id]);
         var i = _PIVS[piv_id];
         P[piv_id] = (float)dqp;
         res.Push (i, dqp);
     for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
         if (A.Contains(i)) {
         bool check_object = true;
         for (int piv_id = 0; piv_id < m; ++piv_id) {
             var dqp = P[piv_id];
             var seq = this.DIST[piv_id];
             var sym = seq[i];
             var stddev = this.STDDEV[piv_id];
             var mean = this.MEAN[piv_id];
             var lower = this.Discretize(Math.Abs (dqp - res.CoveringRadius), stddev, mean);
             var upper = this.Discretize(dqp + res.CoveringRadius, stddev, mean);
             if (sym < lower || upper < sym ) {
                 check_object = false;
         if (check_object) {
             res.Push(i, this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[i]));
     return res;
Example #28
File: VPTX.cs Project: sadit/natix
            public void SearchKNN(object q, IResult res, MetricDB db)
                var d = db.Dist (db [this.refID], q);
                res.Push (this.refID, d);

                if (this.left != null && d - res.CoveringRadius <= this.median) {
                    this.left.SearchKNN (q, res, db);

                if (this.right != null && this.median <= d + res.CoveringRadius) {
                    this.right.SearchKNN (q, res, db);
Example #29
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     var l = this.forest.Length;
     var n = this.DB.Count;
     float[] Linf = new float[n];
     byte[] A = new byte[n];
     var D_trees = new double[this.forest.Length][];
     for (int rowID = 0; rowID < this.forest.Length; ++rowID) {
         var pivs = this.forest[rowID].Pivs;
         var D = D_trees[rowID] = new double[pivs.Length];
         for (int pivID = 0; pivID < pivs.Length; ++pivID) {
             var objID = pivs[pivID].objID;
             D[pivID] = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[objID]);
             res.Push (objID, D[pivID]);
             Linf[objID] = float.MaxValue;
         this.internal_numdists += pivs.Length;
     for (short treeID = 0; treeID < l; ++treeID) {
         var t = this.forest[treeID];
         t.SearchKNN(this.DB, q, K, res, A, treeID, Linf, D_trees[treeID]);
     for (int docID = 0; docID < n; ++docID) {
         if (A[docID] == l && Linf[docID] <= res.CoveringRadius) {
             var d = this.DB.Dist(q, this.DB[docID]);
             res.Push(docID, d);
     return res;
Example #30
 public override IResult SearchKNN(object q, int K, IResult res)
     int maxC = this.MaxCandidates;
     if (maxC < 0) {
         maxC = this.DB.Count;
     var cand = this.InternalIndex.SearchKNN(q, maxC);
     foreach (var p in cand) {
         var d = this.DB.Dist(this.DB[p.docid], q);
         res.Push (p.docid, d);
     return res;