//    Private Function GetHandler(fullyQualifiedClassName As String, assemblyName As String) As ImportHandlerBase
        //    Dim key = fullyQualifiedClassName + assemblyName

        //    If Not _HandlerCache.ContainsKey(key) Then
        //        'load the dll and instantiate the class
        //        'call import
        //        'return results
        //        Dim asb As Assembly = System.Reflection.Assembly.Load(assemblyName)

        //        Dim handler As ImportHandlerBase = asb.CreateInstance(fullyQualifiedClassName)

        //        _HandlerCache.Add(key, handler)
        //    End If

        //    Return _HandlerCache(key)

        //End Function

        public System.IO.StringWriter RunReport(int reportid)

            ReportConfig config;

            config = ReportConfig.GetById(reportid);

            //get the config
            //call get reporter on factory
            //return report and call download
            //send back

            IReporter writer = ReportMgrFactory.GetReporter(config);

            return(writer.Download(config.Name, config.ConfigInfo));