public bool Read()
            var hasData = _reader.Read(_readerId);

            if (hasData)
                // If there is a row to read data for then get all of the values for it and, if we don't already have them, the names
                // of the fields in the current result set. This will allow any requests for individual fields in the row (whether
                // requested by field name or by index) to be returned from data in memory, rather than having to go back to the
                // remote host every time (chatty WCF services can be slow). This has the disadvantage that every value from
                // current row has been pulled in to memory and we might not need them all, but hopefully that's worth the
                // trade-off (and, where performance is important, queries should only specify fields they want data for).
                if (_currentColumnNamesLookupIfKnown == null)
                    var fieldNames = _reader.GetFieldNames(_readerId);
                    _currentColumnNamesLookupIfKnown = new Dictionary <string, int>(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
                    for (var i = 0; i < fieldNames.Length; i++)
                        if (!_currentColumnNamesLookupIfKnown.ContainsKey(fieldNames[i]))
                            _currentColumnNamesLookupIfKnown.Add(fieldNames[i], i);

                // If any field names are repeated in the query (which can happen if the the same name is explicitly listed multiple times
                // or there is a SELECT * and tables are joined that have columns with the same name) then the number of entries in the
                // _currentColumnNamesLookupIfKnown dictionary will be fewer than the actual number of fields in the recordset. So,
                // pass int.MaxValue as the maximumNumberOfValuesToRead argument in the GetValues call in order to get as many
                // values are there are fields.
                _valuesInCurrentRowIfKnown = _reader.GetValues(_readerId, int.MaxValue);
                _valuesInCurrentRowIfKnown = null;                 // If there is no more data then there can be no values for the current row