Example #1
        /// <see cref="IWDClientServices.StartRemoteStreamingSink"></see>
        async Task IWDClientServices.StartRemoteStreamingSink(string streamType,
                                                              UInt16 port, string streamScreenResolution)
            // First stop eventually running remote streaming-sink

            string sinkScreenResolution = await

            string scriptArgs = _scriptArgsStartStreamingSink;

            scriptArgs = scriptArgs.Replace(MagicStrings.PLACEHOLDER_STREAMING_TYPE, streamType);
            scriptArgs = scriptArgs.Replace(MagicStrings.PLACEHOLDER_SOURCE_IP, _localIpAddress);
            scriptArgs = scriptArgs.Replace(MagicStrings.PLACEHOLDER_PORT, port.ToString());
            scriptArgs = scriptArgs.Replace(MagicStrings.PLACEHOLDER_SINK_SCREEN_RESOLUTION, sinkScreenResolution);
            scriptArgs = scriptArgs.Replace(MagicStrings.PLACEHOLDER_STREAM_SCREEN_RESOLUTION, streamScreenResolution);

            // Exceptions have to be handled by the caller.
            // Store the process-ID of the started process in _processIdStreamingSink
            _processIdStreamingSink = await _remoteScriptRunner.StartScript(
                _scriptNameStartStreamingSink, scriptArgs);

            _logger?.LogInformation($"Started remote streaming-sink of type '{streamType}', listening on port {port}. Process-Id={_processIdStreamingSink}.");
Example #2
        public async Task StartQueryAndStopScript_NormalUsecase_everythingOk()
            // Start script
            int processId = await _scriptRunner.StartScript(
                scriptName : TEST_SCRIPT_FOR_START_STOP,
                scriptArgs : string.Join(" ", TEST_SCRIPT_ARGS),
                stdin :      TEST_SCRIPT_STDIN


            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Write("Waiting 11 seconds");
            for (int i = 0; i < 11; i++)

            // Query, if script is still running
            bool isRunning = await _scriptRunner.IsScriptRunning(processId);


            // Stop script
            (int exitCode, List <string> stdoutLines, List <string> stderrLines) = await

            // Exit code is not 5, because "sleep"-command is killed and produces an
            // exit-codes like 137.

            // The following assertions only appy, if "LetShellWindowsPopUpWhenStartScript"
            // in config.json of the ScritingRestApiServer is set to "false", so leave them
            // commented out generally:

            // The testscript writes the first two arguments to stdout
            //Assert.AreEqual( stdoutLines[0], TEST_SCRIPT_ARGS[0]);
            //Assert.AreEqual( stdoutLines[1], TEST_SCRIPT_ARGS[1]);

            // The testsript writes the third and fourth argument to stderr
            //Assert.AreEqual( stderrLines[0], TEST_SCRIPT_ARGS[2]);
            //Assert.AreEqual( stderrLines[1], TEST_SCRIPT_ARGS[3]);