Example #1
        public void OverflowPutGetManagedMT()
            IRegion <object, object> region = CreateOverflowRegion("OverFlowRegion", "Apache.Geode.Plugins.SqLite",


            List <Thread> threadsList = new List <Thread>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                Thread t = new Thread(delegate()
                    // put some values into the cache.
                    DoNput(region, 100);
                    CheckNumOfEntries(region, 100);

                    // check whether value get evicted and token gets set as overflow
                    CheckOverflowToken(region, 100, 20);
                    // do some gets... printing what we find in the cache.
                    DoNget(region, 100);
                    TestGetOp(region, 100);

            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
Example #2
 public void DestroyRegion(IRegion region)
Example #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
                // Create CacheFactory using the user specified settings or from the gfcpp.properties file by default.
                Properties <string, string> prp = Properties <string, string> .Create <string, string>();

                prp.Insert("cache-xml-file", "XMLs/clientExceptions.xml");

                CacheFactory cacheFactory = CacheFactory.CreateCacheFactory(prp);

                Console.WriteLine("Created CacheFactory");

                // Create a Geode Cache with the "clientExceptions.xml" Cache XML file.
                Cache cache = cacheFactory.SetSubscriptionEnabled(true).Create();

                Console.WriteLine("Created the Geode Cache");

                // Get the example Regions from the Cache which are declared in the Cache XML file.
                IRegion <object, string> region  = cache.GetRegion <object, string>("exampleRegion");
                IRegion <object, string> region2 = cache.GetRegion <object, string>("exampleRegion2");

                Console.WriteLine("Obtained the generic Region from the Cache");

                // Put an Entry (Key and Value pair) into the Region using the IDictionary interface.
                region["Key1"] = "Value1";

                Console.WriteLine("Put the first Entry into the Region");

                // Put an Entry into the Region by manually creating a Key and a Value pair.
                int    key   = 123;
                string value = "123";
                region[key] = value;

                Console.WriteLine("Put the second Entry into the Region");

                // Get Entries back out of the Region.
                string result1 = region["Key1"];

                Console.WriteLine("Obtained the first Entry from the Region");

                string result2 = region[key];

                Console.WriteLine("Obtained the second Entry from the Region");

                //Destroy exampleRegion2.
                object userData = null;

                    // Try to Put an Entry into a destroyed Region.
                    region2["Key1"] = "Value1";

                    Console.WriteLine("UNEXPECTED: Put should not have succeeded");
                catch (RegionDestroyedException gfex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Expected RegionDestroyedException: {0}", gfex.Message);

                    //Its not valid to create two instance of Cache with different settings.
                    //If the settings are the same it returns the existing Cache instance.
                    CacheFactory cacheFactory2 = CacheFactory.CreateCacheFactory(prp);
                    Cache        cache1        = cacheFactory2.SetSubscriptionEnabled(true).AddServer("localhost", 40405).Create();

                    Console.WriteLine("UNEXPECTED: Cache create should not have succeeded");
                catch (IllegalStateException gfex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Expected IllegalStateException: {0}", gfex.Message);

                // Close the Geode Cache.

                Console.WriteLine("Closed the Geode Cache");

                    // Put an Entry into the Region when Cache is already closed.
                    region["Key1"] = "Value1";

                    Console.WriteLine("UNEXPECTED: Put should not have succeeded");
                catch (RegionDestroyedException gfex)
                    Console.WriteLine("Expected RegionDestroyedException: {0}", gfex.Message);
            // An exception should not occur
            catch (GeodeException gfex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exceptions Geode Exception: {0}", gfex.Message);