public void TestInjectedTypeForOverrideIsCorrect() { IReflectedClass overrideBase = reflector.Get <BaseInheritanceOverride>(); IReflectedClass overrideExtended = reflector.Get <ExtendedInheritanceOverride>(); Assert.AreEqual(overrideExtended.Setters[0].type, typeof(IExtendedInterface)); }
public object Inject(object target, bool attemptConstructorInjection) { failIf(binder == null, "Attempt to inject into Injector without a Binder", InjectionExceptionType.NO_BINDER); failIf(reflector == null, "Attempt to inject without a reflector", InjectionExceptionType.NO_REFLECTOR); failIf(target == null, "Attempt to inject into null instance", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_TARGET); //Some things can't be injected into. Bail out. Type t = target.GetType(); if (t.IsPrimitive || t == typeof(Decimal) || t == typeof(string)) { return(target); } IReflectedClass reflection = reflector.Get(t); if (attemptConstructorInjection) { target = performConstructorInjection(target, reflection); } performSetterInjection(target, reflection); PerformFieldInjection(target, reflection); postInject(target, reflection); return(target); }
//Note that uninjection can only clean publicly settable points private void performUninjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { foreach (ReflectedAttribute attr in reflection.Setters) { attr.propertyInfo.SetValue(target, null, null); } }
public void TestSettersOnDerivedClass() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <InjectableDerivedClass> (); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.Setters.Length); bool foundIntType = false; bool foundClassToBeInjectedType = false; foreach (ReflectedAttribute attr in reflected.Setters) { if (attr.type == typeof(int)) { foundIntType = true; Assert.AreEqual("intValue", attr.propertyInfo.Name); } if (attr.type == typeof(ClassToBeInjected)) { foundClassToBeInjectedType = true; Assert.AreEqual("injected", attr.propertyInfo.Name); } } Assert.True(foundIntType); Assert.True(foundClassToBeInjectedType); }
public void TestNamedSetters() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <HasNamedInjections> (); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.Setters.Length); int a = 0; int injectableSuperClassCount = 0; bool foundSomeEnum = false; bool foundMarkerClass = false; foreach (ReflectedAttribute attr in reflected.Setters) { if (attr.type == typeof(InjectableSuperClass)) { injectableSuperClassCount++; if ( { Assert.False(foundSomeEnum); foundSomeEnum = true; } if ( { Assert.False(foundMarkerClass); foundMarkerClass = true; } } a++; } Assert.AreEqual(2, injectableSuperClassCount); }
private void MapMethods(IReflectedClass reflected, IBinding binding, Type type) { MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods(BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod); ArrayList methodList = new ArrayList(); List <KeyValuePair <MethodInfo, Attribute> > attrMethods = new List <KeyValuePair <MethodInfo, Attribute> >(); foreach (MethodInfo method in methods) { object[] tagged = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PostConstruct), true); if (tagged.Length > 0) { methodList.Add(method); attrMethods.Add(new KeyValuePair <MethodInfo, Attribute>(method, (Attribute)tagged[0])); } object[] listensToAttr = method.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(ListensTo), true); if (listensToAttr.Length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < listensToAttr.Length; i++) { attrMethods.Add(new KeyValuePair <MethodInfo, Attribute>(method, (ListensTo)listensToAttr[i])); } } } methodList.Sort(new PriorityComparer()); reflected.postConstructors = (MethodInfo[])methodList.ToArray(typeof(MethodInfo)); reflected.attrMethods = attrMethods.ToArray(); }
public void TestMultipleSetters() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <HasTwoInjections> (); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.Setters.Length); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.SetterNames.Length); Assert.IsNull(reflected.SetterNames[0]); bool foundStringType = false; bool foundInjectableSuperClassType = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> pair in reflected.Setters) { if (pair.Key == typeof(string)) { foundStringType = true; Assert.AreEqual("injectionTwo", pair.Value.Name); } if (pair.Key == typeof(InjectableSuperClass)) { foundInjectableSuperClassType = true; Assert.AreEqual("injectionOne", pair.Value.Name); } } Assert.True(foundStringType); Assert.True(foundInjectableSuperClassType); }
private void mapSetters(IReflectedClass reflected, IBinding binding, Type type) { KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo>[] pairs = new KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> [0]; object[] names = new object[0]; MemberInfo[] members = type.FindMembers(MemberTypes.Property, BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null); foreach (MemberInfo member in members) { object[] injections = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Inject), true); if (injections.Length > 0) { Inject attr = injections [0] as Inject; PropertyInfo point = member as PropertyInfo; Type pointType = point.PropertyType; KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> pair = new KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> (pointType, point); pairs = AddKV(pair, pairs); object bindingName =; names = Add(bindingName, names); } } reflected.setters = pairs; reflected.setterNames = names; }
public void TestNamedSetters() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <HasNamedInjections> (); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.Setters.Length); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.SetterNames.Length); int a = 0; int injectableSuperClassCount = 0; bool foundSomeEnum = false; bool foundMarkerClass = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> pair in reflected.Setters) { if (pair.Key == typeof(InjectableSuperClass)) { injectableSuperClassCount++; object name = reflected.SetterNames [a]; if (name.Equals(SomeEnum.ONE)) { Assert.False(foundSomeEnum); foundSomeEnum = true; } if (name.Equals(typeof(MarkerClass))) { Assert.False(foundMarkerClass); foundMarkerClass = true; } } a++; } Assert.AreEqual(2, injectableSuperClassCount); }
public void TestConstructorNamedInjection() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <ConstructorNamedInjection>(); Assert.That(reflected.ConstructorParameters.Length == 2); Assert.That(reflected.ConstructorParameterNames.Length == 2); }
public void TestSettersOnDerivedClass() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <InjectableDerivedClass> (); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.Setters.Length); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.SetterNames.Length); bool foundIntType = false; bool foundClassToBeInjectedType = false; foreach (KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> pair in reflected.Setters) { if (pair.Key == typeof(int)) { foundIntType = true; Assert.AreEqual("intValue", pair.Value.Name); } if (pair.Key == typeof(ClassToBeInjected)) { foundClassToBeInjectedType = true; Assert.AreEqual("injected", pair.Value.Name); } } Assert.True(foundIntType); Assert.True(foundClassToBeInjectedType); }
private void mapPreferredConstructor(IReflectedClass reflected, IBinding binding, Type type) { ConstructorInfo constructor = findPreferredConstructor(type); if (constructor == null) { throw new ReflectionException("The reflector requires concrete classes.\nType " + type + " has no constructor. Is it an interface?", ReflectionExceptionType.CANNOT_REFLECT_INTERFACE); } ParameterInfo[] parameters = constructor.GetParameters(); Type[] paramList = new Type[parameters.Length]; object[] names = new object[parameters.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (ParameterInfo param in parameters) { Type paramType = param.ParameterType; paramList [i] = paramType; object[] attributes = param.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Name), false); if (attributes.Length > 0) { names [i] = ((Name)attributes [0]).name; } i++; } reflected.Constructor = constructor; reflected.ConstructorParameters = paramList; reflected.ConstructorParameterNames = names; }
private object performConstructorInjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { failIf(target == null, "Attempt to perform constructor injection into a null object", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_TARGET); failIf(reflection == null, "Attempt to perform constructor injection without a reflection", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_REFLECTION); ConstructorInfo constructor = reflection.constructor; failIf(constructor == null, "Attempt to construction inject a null constructor", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_CONSTRUCTOR); Type[] parameterTypes = reflection.constructorParameters; object[] parameterNames = reflection.ConstructorParameterNames; object[] values = new object[parameterTypes.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (Type type in parameterTypes) { values[i] = getValueInjection(type, parameterNames[i], target, null); i++; } if (values.Length == 0) { return(target); } object constructedObj = constructor.Invoke(values); return((constructedObj == null) ? target : constructedObj); }
public void TestMultipleSetters() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <HasTwoInjections> (); Assert.AreEqual(2, reflected.Setters.Length); Assert.IsNull(reflected.Setters[0].name); bool foundStringType = false; bool foundInjectableSuperClassType = false; foreach (ReflectedAttribute attr in reflected.Setters) { if (attr.type == typeof(string)) { foundStringType = true; Assert.AreEqual("injectionTwo", attr.propertyInfo.Name); } if (attr.type == typeof(InjectableSuperClass)) { foundInjectableSuperClassType = true; Assert.AreEqual("injectionOne", attr.propertyInfo.Name); } } Assert.True(foundStringType); Assert.True(foundInjectableSuperClassType); }
private void mapPostConstructors(IReflectedClass reflected, IBinding binding, Type type) { MethodInfo[] methods = type.GetMethods( BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.InvokeMethod); ArrayList methodList = new ArrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.Length; i++) { MethodInfo info = methods[i]; if (info == null) { continue; } object[] tagged = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PostConstruct), true); if (tagged.Length > 0) { methodList.Add(info); } } methodList.Sort(new PriorityComparer()); MethodInfo[] postConstructors = (MethodInfo[])methodList.ToArray(typeof(MethodInfo)); reflected.PostConstructors = postConstructors; }
public void TestPrereflectAll() { binder.Bind <HasNamedInjections> ().To <HasNamedInjections> (); binder.Bind <ISimpleInterface> ().To <SimpleInterfaceImplementer> ().ToName(SomeEnum.ONE); binder.Bind <ISimpleInterface> ().To <PolymorphicClass> (); binder.Bind <InjectableSuperClass> ().To <InjectableDerivedClass> (); binder.Bind <int>().ToValue(42); binder.Bind <string>().ToValue("zaphod"); //primitives won't get reflected... int count = binder.ReflectAll(); Assert.AreEqual(4, count); // list length will not include primitives ISimpleInterface s = binder.GetInstance <ISimpleInterface> () as ISimpleInterface; Assert.IsTrue(s is PolymorphicClass); IReflectedClass reflected1 = binder.injector.reflector.Get <HasNamedInjections> (); Assert.True(reflected1.preGenerated); IReflectedClass reflected2 = binder.injector.reflector.Get <SimpleInterfaceImplementer> (); Assert.True(reflected2.preGenerated); IReflectedClass reflected3 = binder.injector.reflector.Get <PolymorphicClass> (); Assert.True(reflected3.preGenerated); Assert.AreNotEqual(reflected2.constructor, reflected3.constructor); IReflectedClass reflected4 = binder.injector.reflector.Get <InjectableDerivedClass> (); Assert.True(reflected4.preGenerated); }
public bool IsForeignKey(IReflectedProperty reflectedProperty, IReflectedClass reflectedClass) { var potentialForeignKeyNames = reflectedClass.ReflectedProperties.Where(x => x.IsComplex).Select(x => _namingConventionManager.GetForiegnKeyByComplexProperty(reflectedClass.Name, x.Name)).ToList(); var foreignKeyNames = reflectedClass.ReflectedProperties.Where(x => potentialForeignKeyNames.Contains(x.Name)).Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); return(foreignKeyNames.Contains(reflectedProperty.Name)); }
public IEnumerable <DynamicMethod> GetDynamicMethods(IReflectedClass reflectedClass) { var dynamicMethods = new List <DynamicMethod>(); var reflectedMethods = reflectedClass.ReflectedMethods.Where(x => x.HasAttribute <DynamicMethodAttribute>()); foreach (var reflectedMethod in reflectedMethods) { var dynamicMethodAttribute = reflectedMethod.GetAttribute <DynamicMethodAttribute>(); var dynamicMethod = new DynamicMethod(); dynamicMethod.MethodName = reflectedMethod.Name; dynamicMethod.SubmitValue = dynamicMethodAttribute.SubmitValue ?? reflectedMethod.Name; dynamicMethod.ButtonText = dynamicMethodAttribute.ButtonText ?? reflectedMethod.Name; dynamicMethod.RedirectUrl = dynamicMethodAttribute.RedirectUrl; dynamicMethod.TemplateTypeEnum = dynamicMethodAttribute.TemplateTypeEnum; var dynamicMethodInvokers = _dynamicMethodInvokers.Where(x => x.DynamicMethodInvokerName() == dynamicMethodAttribute.InvokerName); if (dynamicMethodInvokers.Count() > 1) { throw new Exception("More than one DynamicMethodInvoker was found for InvokerName " + dynamicMethodAttribute.InvokerName + " (Method: " + reflectedMethod.Name + ")"); } if (!dynamicMethodInvokers.Any()) { throw new Exception("No DynamicMethodInvoker was found for InvokerName " + dynamicMethodAttribute.InvokerName + " (Method: " + reflectedMethod.Name + ")"); } dynamicMethod.DynamicMethodInvoker = dynamicMethodInvokers.Single(); dynamicMethod.InvokeMethodFunction = reflectedMethod.ReflectedMethodOperations.InvokeFunction; dynamicMethods.Add(dynamicMethod); } return(dynamicMethods); }
public void TestVirtualOverrideInjection() { IReflectedClass overrideBase = reflector.Get <BaseInheritanceOverride>(); IReflectedClass overrideExtended = reflector.Get <ExtendedInheritanceImplied>(); Assert.AreEqual(1, overrideBase.Setters.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, overrideExtended.Setters.Length); }
public void TestReflectionCaching() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <HasNamedInjections> (); Assert.False(reflected.PreGenerated); IReflectedClass reflected2 = reflector.Get <HasNamedInjections> (); Assert.True(reflected2.PreGenerated); }
private void mapSetters(IReflectedClass reflected, IBinding binding, Type type) { //MemberInfo[] privateMembers = type.FindMembers(MemberTypes.Property, // BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | // BindingFlags.SetProperty | // BindingFlags.NonPublic | // BindingFlags.Instance, // null, null); //foreach (MemberInfo member in privateMembers) //{ // object[] injections = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Inject), true); // if (injections.Length > 0) // { // throw new ReflectionException ("The class " + type.Name + " has a non-public Injection setter " + member.Name + ". Make the setter public to allow injection.", ReflectionExceptionType.CANNOT_INJECT_INTO_NONPUBLIC_SETTER); // } //} MemberInfo[] members = type.FindMembers(MemberTypes.Property, BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null); // to reflectedattribute //This is to test for 'hidden' or overridden injections. Dictionary <String, ReflectedAttribute> namedAttributes = new Dictionary <string, ReflectedAttribute>(); foreach (MemberInfo member in members) { object[] injections = member.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Inject), true); if (injections.Length > 0) { Inject attr = injections [0] as Inject; PropertyInfo point = member as PropertyInfo; Type baseType = member.DeclaringType.BaseType; bool hasInheritedProperty = baseType != null?baseType.GetProperties().Any(p => p.Name == point.Name) : false; bool toAddOrOverride = true; //add or override by default //if we have an overriding value, we need to know whether to override or leave it out. //We leave out the base if it's hidden //And we add if its overriding. if (namedAttributes.ContainsKey(point.Name)) { toAddOrOverride = hasInheritedProperty; //if this attribute has been 'hidden' by a new or override keyword, we should not add this. } if (toAddOrOverride) { namedAttributes[point.Name] = new ReflectedAttribute(point.PropertyType, point,; } } } reflected.Setters = namedAttributes.Values.ToArray(); }
private void mapSetters(IReflectedClass reflected, IBinding binding, Type type) { KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo>[] pairs = new KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> [0]; object[] names = new object[0]; MemberInfo[] privateMembers = type.FindMembers( MemberTypes.Property, BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null); for (int i = 0; i < privateMembers.Length; i++) { MemberInfo info = privateMembers[i]; if (info == null) { continue; } object[] injections = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Inject), true); if (injections.Length > 0) { throw new ReflectionException("The class " + type.Name + " has a non-public Injection setter " + info.Name + ". Make the setter public to allow injection.", ReflectionExceptionType.CANNOT_INJECT_INTO_NONPUBLIC_SETTER); } } MemberInfo[] members = type.FindMembers(MemberTypes.Property, BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy | BindingFlags.SetProperty | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, null, null); for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { MemberInfo info = members[i]; if (info == null) { continue; } object[] injections = info.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(Inject), true); if (injections.Length > 0) { Inject attr = injections[0] as Inject; PropertyInfo point = info as PropertyInfo; Type pointType = point.PropertyType; KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> pair = new KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo>(pointType, point); pairs = AddKV(pair, pairs); object bindingName =; names = Add(bindingName, names); } } reflected.Setters = pairs; reflected.SetterNames = names; }
//Note that uninjection can only clean publicly settable points private void performUninjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { int aa = reflection.setters.Length; for (int a = 0; a < aa; a++) { KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> pair = reflection.setters [a]; pair.Value.SetValue(target, null, null); } }
public void TestMultipleLevelsOfInheritance() { IReflectedClass overrideBase = reflector.Get <BaseInheritanceOverride>(); IReflectedClass overrideExtended = reflector.Get <ExtendedInheritanceOverride>(); IReflectedClass overrideExtendedTwo = reflector.Get <ExtendedInheritanceOverrideTwo>(); Assert.AreEqual(1, overrideBase.Setters.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, overrideExtended.Setters.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, overrideExtendedTwo.Setters.Length); }
//Note that uninjection can only clean publicly settable points private void performUninjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { var aa = reflection.setters.Length; for (var a = 0; a < aa; a++) { var pair = reflection.setters [a]; pair.Value.SetValue(target, null, null); } }
private void performSetterInjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { failIf(target == null, "Attempt to inject into a null object", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_TARGET); failIf(reflection == null, "Attempt to inject without a reflection", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_REFLECTION); foreach (ReflectedAttribute attr in reflection.Setters) { object value = getValueInjection(attr.type,, target, attr.propertyInfo); injectValueIntoPoint(value, target, attr.propertyInfo); } }
private void PerformFieldInjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { failIf(target == null, "Attempt to inject into a null object", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_TARGET); failIf(reflection == null, "Attempt to inject without a reflection", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_REFLECTION); foreach (var attr in reflection.Fields) { var value = getValueInjection(attr.Type, attr.Name, target, attr.FieldInfo); InjectValueIntoField(value, target, attr.FieldInfo); } }
public void TestSingleSetter() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <PostConstructTwo> (); Assert.AreEqual(1, reflected.Setters.Length); Assert.IsNull(reflected.Setters[0].name); ReflectedAttribute attr = reflected.Setters [0]; Assert.AreEqual(attr.type, typeof(float)); }
public void TestSingleSetter() { IReflectedClass reflected = reflector.Get <PostConstructTwo> (); Assert.AreEqual(1, reflected.Setters.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, reflected.SetterNames.Length); Assert.IsNull(reflected.SetterNames[0]); KeyValuePair <Type, PropertyInfo> pair = reflected.Setters [0]; Assert.AreEqual(pair.Key, typeof(float)); }
public object Instantiate(IInjectionBinding binding, bool tryInjectHere) { failIf(binder == null, "Attempt to instantiate from Injector without a Binder", InjectionExceptionType.NO_BINDER); failIf(factory == null, "Attempt to inject into Injector without a Factory", InjectionExceptionType.NO_FACTORY); armorAgainstInfiniteLoops(binding); object retv = null; Type reflectionType = null; if (binding.value is Type) { reflectionType = binding.value as Type; } else if (binding.value == null) { object[] tl = binding.key as object[]; reflectionType = tl [0] as Type; if (reflectionType.IsPrimitive || reflectionType == typeof(Decimal) || reflectionType == typeof(string)) { retv = binding.value; } } else { retv = binding.value; } if (retv == null) //If we don't have an existing value, go ahead and create one. { IReflectedClass reflection = reflector.Get(reflectionType); Type[] parameterTypes = reflection.constructorParameters; object[] parameterNames = reflection.ConstructorParameterNames; int aa = parameterTypes.Length; object[] args = new object [aa]; for (int a = 0; a < aa; a++) { args [a] = getValueInjection(parameterTypes[a] as Type, parameterNames[a], reflectionType, null); } retv = factory.Get(binding, args); if (tryInjectHere) { TryInject(binding, retv); } } infinityLock = null; //Clear our infinity lock so the next time we instantiate we don't consider this a circular dependency return(retv); }
//After injection, call any methods labelled with the [PostConstruct] tag private void postInject(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { failIf(target == null, "Attempt to PostConstruct a null target", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_TARGET); failIf(reflection == null, "Attempt to PostConstruct without a reflection", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_REFLECTION); MethodInfo[] postConstructors = reflection.postConstructors; if (postConstructors != null) { foreach(MethodInfo method in postConstructors) { method.Invoke (target, null); } } }
//Note that uninjection can only clean publicly settable points private void performUninjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { int aa = reflection.setters.Length; for(int a = 0; a < aa; a++) { KeyValuePair<Type, PropertyInfo> pair = reflection.setters [a]; pair.Value.SetValue (target, null, null); } }
private void performSetterInjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { failIf(target == null, "Attempt to inject into a null object", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_TARGET); failIf(reflection == null, "Attempt to inject without a reflection", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_REFLECTION); failIf(reflection.setters.Length != reflection.setterNames.Length, "Attempt to perform setter injection with mismatched names.\nThere must be exactly as many names as setters.", InjectionExceptionType.SETTER_NAME_MISMATCH); int aa = reflection.setters.Length; for(int a = 0; a < aa; a++) { KeyValuePair<Type, PropertyInfo> pair = reflection.setters [a]; object value = getValueInjection(pair.Key, reflection.setterNames[a], target); injectValueIntoPoint (value, target, pair.Value); } }
private void performPseudoConstructorInjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { if (reflection.PseudoConstructor == null) { return; } failIf(target == null, "Attempt to perform pseudo-constructor injection into a null object", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_TARGET); failIf(reflection == null, "Attempt to perform pseudo-constructor injection without a reflection", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_REFLECTION); MethodInfo pseudoConstructor = reflection.PseudoConstructor; Type[] parameterTypes = reflection.PseudoConstructorParameters; object[] parameterNames = reflection.PseudoConstructorParameterNames; object[] values = new object[parameterTypes.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (Type type in parameterTypes) { values[i] = getValueInjection(type, parameterNames[i], target); ++i; } pseudoConstructor.Invoke(target, values); }
private object performConstructorInjection(object target, IReflectedClass reflection) { failIf(target == null, "Attempt to perform constructor injection into a null object", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_TARGET); failIf(reflection == null, "Attempt to perform constructor injection without a reflection", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_REFLECTION); ConstructorInfo constructor = reflection.constructor; failIf(constructor == null, "Attempt to construction inject a null constructor", InjectionExceptionType.NULL_CONSTRUCTOR); Type[] parameterTypes = reflection.constructorParameters; object[] parameterNames = reflection.ConstructorParameterNames; object[] values = new object[parameterTypes.Length]; int i = 0; foreach (Type type in parameterTypes) { values[i] = getValueInjection(type, parameterNames[i], target); i++; } if (values.Length == 0) { return target; } object constructedObj = constructor.Invoke (values); return (constructedObj == null) ? target : constructedObj; }