public async Task Shippers_UseCase()
            await using var redisClient = new RedisClient(TestConfig.SingleHost).ForAsyncOnly();
            //Create a 'strongly-typed' API that makes all Redis Value operations to apply against Shippers
            IRedisTypedClientAsync <Shipper> redis = redisClient.As <Shipper>();

            //Redis lists implement IList<T> while Redis sets implement ICollection<T>
            var currentShippers     = redis.Lists["urn:shippers:current"];
            var prospectiveShippers = redis.Lists["urn:shippers:prospective"];

            await currentShippers.AddAsync(
                new Shipper
                Id          = await redis.GetNextSequenceAsync(),
                CompanyName = "Trains R Us",
                DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ShipperType = ShipperType.Trains,
                UniqueRef   = Guid.NewGuid()

            await currentShippers.AddAsync(
                new Shipper
                Id          = await redis.GetNextSequenceAsync(),
                CompanyName = "Planes R Us",
                DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ShipperType = ShipperType.Planes,
                UniqueRef   = Guid.NewGuid()

            var lameShipper = new Shipper
                Id          = await redis.GetNextSequenceAsync(),
                CompanyName = "We do everything!",
                DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ShipperType = ShipperType.All,
                UniqueRef   = Guid.NewGuid()

            await currentShippers.AddAsync(lameShipper);

            Dump("ADDED 3 SHIPPERS:", await currentShippers.ToListAsync());

            await currentShippers.RemoveAsync(lameShipper);

            Dump("REMOVED 1:", await currentShippers.ToListAsync());

            await prospectiveShippers.AddAsync(
                new Shipper
                Id          = await redis.GetNextSequenceAsync(),
                CompanyName = "Trucks R Us",
                DateCreated = DateTime.UtcNow,
                ShipperType = ShipperType.Automobiles,
                UniqueRef   = Guid.NewGuid()

            Dump("ADDED A PROSPECTIVE SHIPPER:", await prospectiveShippers.ToListAsync());

            await redis.PopAndPushItemBetweenListsAsync(prospectiveShippers, currentShippers);

            Dump("CURRENT SHIPPERS AFTER POP n' PUSH:", await currentShippers.ToListAsync());
            Dump("PROSPECTIVE SHIPPERS AFTER POP n' PUSH:", await prospectiveShippers.ToListAsync());

            var poppedShipper = await redis.PopItemFromListAsync(currentShippers);

            Dump("POPPED a SHIPPER:", poppedShipper);
            Dump("CURRENT SHIPPERS AFTER POP:", await currentShippers.ToListAsync());

            //reset sequence and delete all lists
            await redis.SetSequenceAsync(0);

            await redis.RemoveEntryAsync(new[] { currentShippers, prospectiveShippers });

            Dump("DELETING CURRENT AND PROSPECTIVE SHIPPERS:", await currentShippers.ToListAsync());