/// <summary>
        /// Create a WWW-Authenticate header
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateChallenge(IRequest request, IResponse response)
            var nonce = GetCurrentNonce();

            var challenge = new StringBuilder("Digest realm=\"");

            challenge.Append(", nonce=\"");
            challenge.Append(", opaque=\"" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty) + "\"");

            /* Disable the stale mechanism
             * We should really generate the responses directly in these classes.
             * challenge.Append(", stale=");
             * challenge.Append((bool)options[0] ? "true" : "false");
             * challenge.Append("false");
             * */

            challenge.Append(", algorithm=MD5");
            challenge.Append(", qop=auth");

            response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", challenge.ToString());
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a WWW-Authenticate header
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateChallenge(IRequest request, IResponse response)
            var nonce = _nonceService.CreateNonce();

            var challenge = new StringBuilder();

            challenge.AppendFormat(@"Digest realm=""{0}"", ", _realmRepository.GetRealm(request));
            challenge.AppendFormat(@"nonce=""{0}"", ", nonce);
            challenge.Append(@"qop=""auth"", ");

            /* RFC 2617 3.3
             *  Because the client is required to return the value of the opaque
             * directive given to it by the server for the duration of a session,
             * the opaque data may be used to transport authentication session state
             * information. (Note that any such use can also be accomplished more
             * easily and safely by including the state in the nonce.) For example,
             * a server could be responsible for authenticating content that
             * actually sits on another server. It would achieve this by having the
             * first 401 response include a domain directive whose value includes a
             * URI on the second server, and an opaque directive whose value
             * contains the state information. The client will retry the request, at
             * which time the server might respond with a 301/302 redirection,
             * pointing to the URI on the second server. The client will follow the
             * redirection, and pass an Authorization header , including the
             * <opaque> data.
            // , opaque=""" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", string.Empty) + "\""

            /* Disable the stale mechanism
             * We should really generate the responses directly in these classes.
             * challenge.Append(", stale=");
             * challenge.Append((bool)options[0] ? "true" : "false");
             * challenge.Append("false");
             * */

            response.AddHeader("WWW-Authenticate", challenge.ToString());
            response.StatusCode = 401;