Example #1
		/// <ToBeCompleted></ToBeCompleted>
		public bool CanSplitShapeAggregation(Diagram diagram, IReadOnlyShapeCollection shapes, out string reason)
			if (diagram == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("diagram");
			if (shapes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shapes");
			reason = null;
			Shape compositeShape = shapes.TopMost;
			if (shapes.Count == 0)
				reason = "No shapes selected.";
			else if (shapes.Count > 1)
				reason = "Too many shapes selected.";
			else if (compositeShape is IShapeGroup)
				reason = "Groups cannot be disaggregated.";
			else if (!CanInsertShapes(diagram, compositeShape.Children))
				reason = string.Format("Permission {0} is not granted.", Permission.Insert);
			else if (!Project.SecurityManager.IsGranted(Permission.Present, compositeShape))
				reason = string.Format("Permission {0} is not granted.", Permission.Present);
			return string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason);
Example #2
		/// <ToBeCompleted></ToBeCompleted>
		public bool CanSplitShapeAggregation(Diagram diagram, IReadOnlyShapeCollection shapes)
			string reason;
			return CanSplitShapeAggregation(diagram, shapes, out reason);
		/// <ToBeCompleted></ToBeCompleted>
		public bool CanSplitShapeAggregation(Diagram diagram, IReadOnlyShapeCollection shapes) {
			if (diagram == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("diagram");
			if (shapes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shapes");
			if (shapes.Count == 1 && !(shapes.TopMost is IShapeGroup)) {
				Shape s = shapes.TopMost;
				if (s.Children.Count > 0 && CanInsertShapes(diagram, shapes.TopMost.Children))
					return true;
			return false;
Example #4
		/// <ToBeCompleted></ToBeCompleted>
		public bool CanAggregateShapes(Diagram diagram, IReadOnlyShapeCollection shapes, out string reason)
			if (diagram == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("diagram");
			if (shapes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shapes");
			reason = null;
			Shape compositeShape = shapes.Bottom;
			if (shapes.Count <= 1)
				reason = "No shapes selected.";
			else if (shapes.Count <= 1)
				reason = "Not enough shapes selected.";
			else if (!CanDeleteShapes(diagram, shapes))
				reason = string.Format("Permission {0} is not granted.", Permission.Delete);
			else if (!Project.SecurityManager.IsGranted(Permission.Present, compositeShape))
				reason = string.Format("Permission {0} is not granted.", Permission.Present);
			else if (compositeShape is IShapeGroup)
				reason = "Groups cannot be aggregated.";
			return string.IsNullOrEmpty(reason);
		/// <ToBeCompleted></ToBeCompleted>
		public bool CanAggregateShapes(Diagram diagram, IReadOnlyShapeCollection shapes) {
			if (diagram == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("diagram");
			if (shapes == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("shapes");
			return CanDeleteShapes(diagram, shapes)
				&& shapes.Count > 1
				&& !(shapes.Bottom is IShapeGroup);