Example #1
        public void Test_GLB_Export()
            string fileName   = "N43E005.hgt";
            string sourceFile = Path.Combine("TestData", fileName + ".zip");
            bool   fileOk     = File.Exists(sourceFile);

            Assert.True(fileOk, "TestData is missing");

            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(sourceFile, ".", true);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fileName), "Unzip failed.");

            // Pass the full file name
            fileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName);
            using (IRasterFile raster = _rasterService.OpenFile(fileName, DEMFileFormat.SRTM_HGT))
                FileMetadata metaData = raster.ParseMetaData();

                string    str2      = "zsq4";
                HeightMap heightMap = _elevationService.GetHeightMap(metaData)

                MeshPrimitive meshPrimitive = _gltfService.GenerateTriangleMesh(heightMap);
                Model         model         = _gltfService.GenerateModel(meshPrimitive, str2);
                _gltfService.Export(model, ".", str2, false, true);
Example #2
        public void Test_GLB_Export()
            string fileName   = "N43E005.hgt";
            string sourceFile = Path.Combine("TestData", fileName + ".zip");
            bool   fileOk     = File.Exists(sourceFile);

            Assert.True(fileOk, "TestData is missing");

            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(sourceFile, ".", true);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fileName), "Unzip failed.");

            // Pass the full file name
            fileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName);
            using (IRasterFile raster = _rasterService.OpenFile(fileName, DEMFileType.SRTM_HGT))
                FileMetadata metaData = raster.ParseMetaData(new DEMFileDefinition(DEMFileType.SRTM_HGT, DEMFileRegistrationMode.Grid));

                HeightMap heightMap = _elevationService.GetHeightMap(metaData)

                var model = _sharpGltfService.CreateTerrainMesh(heightMap);
                model.SaveGLB(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "test.glb"));
Example #3
        public void Test_FileFormat_GeoTIFF()
            string fileName   = "N043E005_AVE_DSM.tif";
            string sourceFile = Path.Combine("TestData", fileName + ".zip");
            bool   fileOk     = File.Exists(sourceFile);

            Assert.True(fileOk, "TestData is missing");

            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(sourceFile, ".");

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fileName), "Unzip failed.");

            // Pass the full file name
            fileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName);
            using (IRasterFile raster = _rasterService.OpenFile(fileName, DEMFileType.GEOTIFF))
                FileMetadata metaData = raster.ParseMetaData(new DEMFileDefinition(DEMFileType.GEOTIFF, DEMFileRegistrationMode.Cell));

                float elevation = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metaData, 1000, 200);
                Assert.Equal(304f, elevation);

                elevation = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metaData, 200, 1000);
                Assert.Equal(95f, elevation);
Example #4
        public void Test_FileFormat_HGT_OutOfRange()
            string fileName   = "N43E005.hgt";
            string sourceFile = Path.Combine("TestData", fileName + ".zip");
            bool   fileOk     = File.Exists(sourceFile);

            Assert.True(fileOk, "TestData is missing");

            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(sourceFile, ".");

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fileName), "Unzip failed.");

            // Pass the full file name
            fileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName);
            using (IRasterFile raster = _rasterService.OpenFile(fileName, DEMFileType.SRTM_HGT))
                FileMetadata metaData = raster.ParseMetaData(new DEMFileDefinition(DEMFileType.SRTM_HGT, DEMFileRegistrationMode.Grid));

                Assert.Throws <IndexOutOfRangeException>(() =>
                    float elevation = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metaData, 10000, 10000);
                // Expect exception
Example #5
        public void Test_FileFormat_HGT()
            string fileName   = "N43E005.hgt";
            string sourceFile = Path.Combine("TestData", fileName + ".zip");
            bool   fileOk     = File.Exists(sourceFile);

            Assert.True(fileOk, "TestData is missing");

            if (!File.Exists(fileName))
                ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory(sourceFile, ".", true);

            Assert.True(File.Exists(fileName), "Unzip failed.");

            // Pass the full file name
            fileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName);
            using (IRasterFile raster = _rasterService.OpenFile(fileName, DEMFileFormat.SRTM_HGT))
                FileMetadata metaData = raster.ParseMetaData();

                float elevation = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metaData, 300, 10);
                Assert.Equal(751f, elevation);

                elevation = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metaData, 10, 300);
                Assert.Equal(297f, elevation);
Example #6
        public float GetPointElevation(IRasterFile raster, FileMetadata metadata, double lat, double lon, IInterpolator interpolator = null)
            // Do not dispose Dictionary, as IRasterFile disposal is the caller's responsability
            RasterFileDictionary rasters = new RasterFileDictionary();

            rasters.Add(metadata, raster);
            return(GetElevationAtPoint(raster, rasters, metadata, lat, lon, 0, interpolator));
Example #7
        public HeightMap GetHeightMap(BoundingBox bbox, DEMDataSet dataSet)
            DownloadMissingFiles(dataSet, bbox);

            // Locate which files are needed
            // Find files matching coords
            List <FileMetadata> bboxMetadata = GetCoveringFiles(bbox, dataSet);

            if (bboxMetadata.Count == 0)
                string errorMessage = $"Dataset {dataSet.Name} has no coverage for provided bounding box.";
                throw new Exception(errorMessage);
                // Check if bounding box is fully covered (will result in invalid models without any error being thrown)
                bool covered = this.IsBoundingBoxCovered(bbox, bboxMetadata.Select(m => m.BoundingBox));
                if (!covered)
                    const string errorMessage = "Bounding box is partially covered by DEM dataset. Heightmap in its current state supports only full data tiles.";
                    throw new Exception(errorMessage);
                    // get height map for each file at bbox
                    List <HeightMap> tilesHeightMap = new List <HeightMap>(bboxMetadata.Count);
                    foreach (FileMetadata metadata in bboxMetadata)
                        using (IRasterFile raster = _IRasterService.OpenFile(metadata.Filename, dataSet.FileFormat))
                            tilesHeightMap.Add(raster.GetHeightMapInBBox(bbox, metadata, NO_DATA_OUT));

                    // Merge height maps
                    int totalHeight = tilesHeightMap.GroupBy(h => h.BoundingBox.xMin).Select(g => g.Sum(v => v.Height)).First();
                    int totalWidth  = tilesHeightMap.GroupBy(h => h.BoundingBox.yMin).Select(g => g.Sum(v => v.Width)).First();

                    HeightMap heightMap = new HeightMap(totalWidth, totalHeight);
                    heightMap.BoundingBox = new BoundingBox(xmin: tilesHeightMap.Min(h => h.BoundingBox.xMin)
                                                            , xmax: tilesHeightMap.Max(h => h.BoundingBox.xMax)
                                                            , ymin: tilesHeightMap.Min(h => h.BoundingBox.yMin)
                                                            , ymax: tilesHeightMap.Max(h => h.BoundingBox.yMax));
                    heightMap.Coordinates = tilesHeightMap.SelectMany(hmap => hmap.Coordinates).Sort();
                    heightMap.Count       = totalWidth * totalHeight;
                    heightMap.Minimum     = tilesHeightMap.Min(hmap => hmap.Minimum);
                    heightMap.Maximum     = tilesHeightMap.Max(hmap => hmap.Maximum);

                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(heightMap.Count == tilesHeightMap.Sum(h => h.Count));

Example #8
        public HeightMap GetHeightMap(FileMetadata metadata)
            HeightMap map = null;

            using (IRasterFile raster = _IRasterService.OpenFile(metadata.Filename, metadata.fileFormat))
                map = raster.GetHeightMap(metadata);
Example #9
        public HeightMap GetHeightMap(BoundingBox bbox, string rasterFilePath, DEMFileFormat format)
            HeightMap heightMap = null;

            using (IRasterFile raster = _IRasterService.OpenFile(rasterFilePath, format))
                var metaData = raster.ParseMetaData();
                heightMap = raster.GetHeightMapInBBox(bbox, metaData, NO_DATA_OUT);

Example #10
        public float GetPointElevation(FileMetadata metadata, double lat, double lon, IInterpolator interpolator = null)
            float heightValue = 0;

                using (IRasterFile raster = _IRasterService.OpenFile(metadata.Filename, metadata.fileFormat))
                    heightValue = GetPointElevation(raster, metadata, lat, lon, interpolator);
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger?.LogError(e, $"Error while getting elevation data : {e.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{e.ToString()}");
Example #11
        public FileMetadata ParseMetadata(string fileName, DEMFileFormat fileFormat, bool makeRelativePath = true)
            FileMetadata metadata = null;

            fileName = Path.GetFullPath(fileName);

            using (IRasterFile rasterFile = OpenFile(fileName, fileFormat))
                metadata = rasterFile.ParseMetaData();

            Uri fullPath = new Uri(metadata.Filename, UriKind.Absolute);
            Uri relRoot  = new Uri(Path.GetFullPath(_localDirectory) + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, UriKind.Absolute);

            metadata.Filename = Uri.UnescapeDataString(relRoot.MakeRelativeUri(fullPath).ToString());
Example #12
        public HeightMap GetHeightMap(BoundingBox bbox, DEMDataSet dataSet)
            DownloadMissingFiles(dataSet, bbox);

            // Locate which files are needed
            // Find files matching coords
            List <FileMetadata> bboxMetadata = GetCoveringFiles(bbox, dataSet);

            // get height map for each file at bbox
            List <HeightMap> tilesHeightMap = new List <HeightMap>(bboxMetadata.Count);

            foreach (FileMetadata metadata in bboxMetadata)
                using (IRasterFile raster = _IRasterService.OpenFile(metadata.Filename, dataSet.FileFormat))
                    tilesHeightMap.Add(raster.GetHeightMapInBBox(bbox, metadata, NO_DATA_OUT));

            // Merge height maps
            int totalHeight = tilesHeightMap.GroupBy(h => h.BoundingBox.xMin).Select(g => g.Sum(v => v.Height)).First();
            int totalWidth  = tilesHeightMap.GroupBy(h => h.BoundingBox.yMin).Select(g => g.Sum(v => v.Width)).First();

            HeightMap heightMap = new HeightMap(totalWidth, totalHeight);

            heightMap.BoundingBox = new BoundingBox(xmin: tilesHeightMap.Min(h => h.BoundingBox.xMin)
                                                    , xmax: tilesHeightMap.Max(h => h.BoundingBox.xMax)
                                                    , ymin: tilesHeightMap.Min(h => h.BoundingBox.yMin)
                                                    , ymax: tilesHeightMap.Max(h => h.BoundingBox.yMax));
            heightMap.Coordinates = tilesHeightMap.SelectMany(hmap => hmap.Coordinates).Sort();
            heightMap.Count       = totalWidth * totalHeight;
            heightMap.Minimum     = tilesHeightMap.Min(hmap => hmap.Minimum);
            heightMap.Maximum     = tilesHeightMap.Max(hmap => hmap.Maximum);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(heightMap.Count == tilesHeightMap.Sum(h => h.Count));

Example #13
 public FileMetadata ParseMetadata(IRasterFile rasterFile, bool makeRelativePath = false)
Example #14
 public FileMetadata ParseMetadata(IRasterFile rasterFile, DEMFileDefinition format)
Example #15
        private float GetElevationAtPoint(IRasterFile mainRaster, RasterFileDictionary adjacentTiles, FileMetadata metadata, double lat, double lon, float lastElevation, IInterpolator interpolator)
            float heightValue = 0;

                //const double epsilon = (Double.Epsilon * 100);
                float noData = metadata.NoDataValueFloat;

                double yPixel, xPixel, xInterpolationAmount, yInterpolationAmount;

                // pixel coordinates interpolated
                if (metadata.FileFormat.Registration == DEMFileRegistrationMode.Grid)
                    yPixel = Math.Sign(metadata.pixelSizeY) == 1 ?
                             (metadata.DataEndLat - lat) / metadata.pixelSizeY
                        : (lat - metadata.DataEndLat) / metadata.pixelSizeY;
                    xPixel = (lon - metadata.DataStartLon) / metadata.pixelSizeX;
                    // If at pixel center (ending by .5, .5), we are on the data point, so no need for adjacent raster checks
                    xInterpolationAmount = (double)(xPixel) % 1d;
                    yInterpolationAmount = (double)(yPixel) % 1d;
                    // In cell registration mode, the actual data point is at pixel center
                    // If at pixel center (ending by .5, .5), we are on the data point, so no need for adjacent raster checks
                    yPixel = Math.Sign(metadata.pixelSizeY) == 1 ?
                             ((metadata.PhysicalEndLat + metadata.pixelSizeY / 2) - lat) / metadata.pixelSizeY
                        : (lat - (metadata.PhysicalEndLat + metadata.pixelSizeY / 2)) / metadata.pixelSizeY;
                    xPixel = (lon - (metadata.PhysicalStartLon + metadata.pixelSizeX / 2)) / metadata.pixelSizeX;

                    xInterpolationAmount = Math.Abs((double)(xPixel) % 1d);
                    yInterpolationAmount = Math.Abs((double)(yPixel) % 1d);

                bool xOnDataPoint = Math.Abs(xInterpolationAmount) < EPSILON;
                bool yOnDataPoint = Math.Abs(yInterpolationAmount) < EPSILON;

                // If xOnGrid and yOnGrid, we are on a grid intersection, and that's all
                // TODO fix that
                // When cell registered, this true when interpolation is 0.5 / 0.5
                // When grid registered, this is true
                if (xOnDataPoint && yOnDataPoint)
                    int x    = (int)Math.Round(xPixel, 0);
                    int y    = (int)Math.Round(yPixel, 0);
                    var tile = FindTile(metadata, adjacentTiles, x, y, out x, out y);
                    heightValue = mainRaster.GetElevationAtPoint(tile, x, y);
                    int xCeiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(xPixel);
                    int xFloor   = (int)Math.Floor(xPixel);
                    int yCeiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(yPixel);
                    int yFloor   = (int)Math.Floor(yPixel);
                    // Get 4 grid nearest points (DEM grid corners)

                    // If not yOnGrid and not xOnGrid we are on grid horizontal line
                    // We need elevations for top, bottom, left and right grid points (along x axis and y axis)
                    float northWest = GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, adjacentTiles, xFloor, yFloor, noData);
                    float northEast = GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, adjacentTiles, xCeiling, yFloor, noData);
                    float southWest = GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, adjacentTiles, xFloor, yCeiling, noData);
                    float southEast = GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, adjacentTiles, xCeiling, yCeiling, noData);

                    float avgHeight = GetAverageExceptForNoDataValue(noData, NO_DATA_OUT, southWest, southEast, northWest, northEast);

                    if (northWest == noData)
                        northWest = avgHeight;
                    if (northEast == noData)
                        northEast = avgHeight;
                    if (southWest == noData)
                        southWest = avgHeight;
                    if (southEast == noData)
                        southEast = avgHeight;

                    heightValue = (float)interpolator.Interpolate(southWest, southEast, northWest, northEast, xInterpolationAmount, yInterpolationAmount);

                if (heightValue == NO_DATA_OUT)
                    heightValue = lastElevation;
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger?.LogError(e, $"Error while getting elevation data : {e.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{e.ToString()}");
        public void GenerateModel(string bboxWkt, DEMDataSet litto3DDataset, ImageryProvider imageryProvider, float zFactor = 3f, bool withTexture = true, bool withboat = true, bool withWaterSurface = true, DEMDataSet fallbackDataset = null)
                bool   centerOnOrigin = true;
                int    TEXTURE_TILES  = 20;
                string outputDir      = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

                string modelName = $"{litto3DDataset.ResolutionMeters}m_z{zFactor}_{imageryProvider.Name}-{DateTime.Now:yyyyMMdd-hhmmss}";

                _logger.LogInformation($"Getting height map data...");

                var bbox      = GeometryService.GetBoundingBox(bboxWkt).ReprojectTo(4326, litto3DDataset.SRID);
                var heightMap = _elevationService.GetHeightMap(ref bbox, litto3DDataset);

                heightMap = heightMap.BakeCoordinates();
                var nullCoordsEnumerator = heightMap.Coordinates.Where(c => (c.Elevation ?? litto3DDataset.NoDataValue) == litto3DDataset.NoDataValue);

                var interpolator = _elevationService.GetInterpolator(InterpolationMode.Bilinear);
                using (IRasterFile raster = _rasterService.OpenFile(@"D:\Data\ELEVATION_DO_NOT_DELETE\GEBCO2020\cote azur\gebco_2020_subset.tif", DEMFileType.GEOTIFF))
                    using (RasterFileDictionary dic = new RasterFileDictionary())
                        var metadata = raster.ParseMetaData(fallbackDataset.FileFormat);
                        dic.Add(metadata, raster);
                        foreach (var pt in nullCoordsEnumerator)
                            var proj = pt.ReprojectTo(litto3DDataset.SRID, fallbackDataset.SRID);
                            pt.Elevation = _elevationService.GetElevationAtPoint(raster, dic, metadata, proj.Latitude, proj.Longitude, 0, interpolator, NoDataBehavior.UseNoDataDefinedInDem);

                var nullCoords              = heightMap.Coordinates.Where(c => (c.Elevation ?? litto3DDataset.NoDataValue) == litto3DDataset.NoDataValue).ToList();
                var nullCoordsFallbackProj  = nullCoords.ReprojectTo(litto3DDataset.SRID, fallbackDataset.SRID, nullCoords.Count);
                var nullCoordsFallbackProj2 = _elevationService.GetPointsElevation(nullCoordsFallbackProj, fallbackDataset, InterpolationMode.Bilinear, NoDataBehavior.UseNoDataDefinedInDem);

                ModelGenerationTransform transform         = new ModelGenerationTransform(bbox, 3857, centerOnOrigin: centerOnOrigin, zFactor, centerOnZOrigin: false);
                ModelGenerationTransform transformFrom4326 = new ModelGenerationTransform(bbox.ReprojectTo(2154, 4326), 3857, centerOnOrigin: centerOnOrigin, zFactor, centerOnZOrigin: false);

                _logger.LogInformation($"Processing height map data ({heightMap.Count} coordinates)...");
                heightMap = transform.TransformHeightMap(heightMap);

                var min = heightMap.Coordinates.Where(g => (g.Elevation ?? 0d) > litto3DDataset.NoDataValue).Min(g => g.Elevation ?? 0d);
                heightMap.Coordinates = heightMap.Coordinates.Select(p =>
                    if (p.Elevation.GetValueOrDefault(0) <= litto3DDataset.NoDataValue)
                        p.Elevation = min;

                // Textures
                PBRTexture pbrTexture = null;
                if (withTexture)
                    var bbox4326 = bbox.ReprojectTo(2154, 4326);
                    Console.WriteLine("Download image tiles...");
                    TileRange tiles    = _imageryService.DownloadTiles(bbox4326, imageryProvider, TEXTURE_TILES);
                    string    fileName = Path.Combine(outputDir, "Texture.jpg");

                    Console.WriteLine("Construct texture...");
                    //TextureInfo texInfo = _imageryService.ConstructTexture(tiles, bbox4326, fileName, TextureImageFormat.image_jpeg);

                    TextureInfo texInfo;
                    if (withboat)
                        var trackPoints = GetGeoPointFromGeoJson(BoatCourseGeoJson);
                        texInfo = _imageryService.ConstructTextureWithGpxTrack(tiles, bbox4326, fileName, TextureImageFormat.image_jpeg, trackPoints, drawGpxVertices: true, color: SixLabors.ImageSharp.PixelFormats.Rgba32.Green, 30);
                        texInfo = _imageryService.ConstructTexture(tiles, bbox4326, fileName, TextureImageFormat.image_jpeg);


                    // Normal map
                    Console.WriteLine("Height map...");
                    //float Z_FACTOR = 0.00002f;

                    //hMap = hMap.CenterOnOrigin().ZScale(Z_FACTOR);
                    //var normalMap = _imageryService.GenerateNormalMap(heightMap, outputDir);

                    pbrTexture = PBRTexture.Create(texInfo, null);// normalMap);

                    //hMap = hMap.CenterOnOrigin(Z_FACTOR);
                // Triangulate height map
                // and add base and sides
                _logger.LogInformation($"Triangulating height map and generating 3D mesh...");

                heightMap = heightMap.BakeCoordinates();
                var coords = heightMap.Coordinates.ToList();

                var model = _sharpGltfService.CreateTerrainMesh(heightMap, pbrTexture);

                if (withWaterSurface)
                    var bottomLeft  = coords[heightMap.Width * (heightMap.Height - 1)].AsVector3(); bottomLeft.Z = 0;
                    var topRight    = coords[heightMap.Width - 1].AsVector3(); topRight.Z = 0;
                    var topLeft     = coords[0].AsVector3(); topLeft.Z = 0;
                    var bottomRight = coords.Last().AsVector3(); bottomRight.Z = 0;

                    var waterSurface = _meshService.CreateWaterSurface(bottomLeft, topRight, topLeft, bottomRight,
                                                                       minZ: (float)min,
                                                                       color: VectorsExtensions.CreateColor(0, 150, 255, 64));
                    model = _sharpGltfService.AddMesh(model, "Water", waterSurface, doubleSided: true);

                if (withboat)
                    var boatInitPos = centerOnOrigin ? new GeoPoint(0, 0).AsVector3() : new GeoPoint(43.010625204304304, 6.3711613671060086).ReprojectTo(4326, 3857).AsVector3();
                    var axis        = _meshService.CreateAxis(2, 10, 3, 3).Translate(boatInitPos);
                    model = _sharpGltfService.AddMesh(model, "Boat", axis, doubleSided: false);
                    var boatCourse = transformFrom4326.TransformPoints(GetGeoPointFromGeoJson(BoatCourseGeoJson)).ToList(); //ReprojectGeodeticToCartesian().CenterOnOrigin().ToList();
                    model = _sharpGltfService.AddLine(model, "BoatCourse", boatCourse, VectorsExtensions.CreateColor(255, 0, 0, 128), 4);

                model.SaveGLB(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), modelName + ".glb"));

                _logger.LogInformation($"Model exported as {Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), modelName + ".gltf")} and .glb");

                //var point = new GeoPoint(43.01142119356318, 6.385200681010872).ReprojectTo(4326, 2154);
                //point = _elevationService.GetPointElevation(point, litto3DDataset);
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger.LogError(e, e.Message);
Example #17
 public FileMetadata ParseMetadata(IRasterFile rasterFile, DEMFileDefinition format, bool makeRelativePath = false)
Example #18
        private bool InsertImage(IFeatureUpdater fdb, IFeatureClass rasterFC, FileInfo fi, Dictionary <string, Guid> providers)
            if (!_cancelTracker.Continue)
                _errMsg = "Canceled by user...";

            if (ReportAction != null)
                ReportAction(this, "Insert Image: " + fi.FullName);
            if (ReportProgress != null)
                ReportProgress(this, 1);

            System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg;
            switch (fi.Extension.ToLower())
            case ".png":
                format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png;

            case ".tif":
            case ".tiff":
                format = System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Tiff;

            #region RasterFileDataset bestimmen
            List <IRasterFileDataset> rFileDatasets = new List <IRasterFileDataset>();
            IRasterFileDataset        rFileDataset  = null;
            IRasterLayer  rasterLayer = null;
            PlugInManager compMan     = new PlugInManager();
            foreach (XmlNode ds in compMan.GetPluginNodes(Plugins.Type.IDataset))
                IRasterFileDataset rds = compMan.CreateInstance(ds) as IRasterFileDataset;
                if (rds == null)

                if (rds.SupportsFormat(fi.Extension) < 0)
                if (providers != null && providers.ContainsKey(fi.Extension.ToLower()))
                    if (!providers[fi.Extension.ToLower()].Equals(PlugInManager.PlugInID(rds)))
            if (rFileDatasets.Count == 0)
                _errMsg = "No Rasterfile Provider for " + fi.Extension;

            // RasterFileDataset nach priorität sortieren
            rFileDatasets.Sort(new RasterFileDatasetComparer(fi.Extension));

            // RasterFileDataset suchen, mit dem sich Bild öffnen läßt
            foreach (IRasterFileDataset rfd in rFileDatasets)

                if (rfd.Elements.Count == 0)
                    //Console.WriteLine(_errMsg = fi.FullName + " is not a valid Raster File...");
                IDatasetElement element = rfd.Elements[0];
                if (!(element is IRasterLayer))
                    //Console.WriteLine(_errMsg = fi.FullName + " is not a valid Raster Layer...");

                // gefunden...
                rasterLayer  = (IRasterLayer)element;
                rFileDataset = rfd;
            if (rasterLayer == null || rFileDataset == null)
                Console.WriteLine(_errMsg = fi.FullName + " is not a valid Raster Layer...");

            FileInfo fiWorld = null;
            double   cellX   = 1;
            double   cellY   = 1;

            IRasterFile rasterFile = null;
            if (rasterLayer is IRasterFile)
                rasterFile = (IRasterFile)rasterLayer;
            if (rasterLayer.RasterClass != null)
                if (rasterLayer.RasterClass is IRasterFile &&
                    ((IRasterFile)rasterLayer.RasterClass).WorldFile != null)
                    rasterFile = (IRasterFile)rasterLayer.RasterClass;
                    IRasterClass c = (IRasterClass)rasterLayer.RasterClass;
                    cellX = Math.Sqrt(c.dx1 * c.dx1 + c.dx2 * c.dx2);
                    cellY = Math.Sqrt(c.dy1 * c.dy1 + c.dy2 * c.dy2);
            if (rasterFile != null)
                    IRasterWorldFile world = rasterFile.WorldFile;
                    if (world != null)
                        if (!world.isGeoReferenced)
                            if (handleNonGeorefAsError)
                                _errMsg = "Can't add non georeferenced images: " + fi.FullName;

                        cellX = Math.Sqrt(world.dx_X * world.dx_X + world.dx_Y * world.dx_Y);
                        cellY = Math.Sqrt(world.dy_X * world.dy_X + world.dy_Y * world.dy_Y);

                        fiWorld = new FileInfo(rasterFile.WorldFile.Filename);
                        if (!fiWorld.Exists)
                            fiWorld = null;
                    fiWorld = null;

            #region Check if already Exits
            // Suchen, ob Image mit gleichen Pfad schon vorhanden ist, wenn ja
            // nur weitermachen, wenn sich das änderungsdatum unterscheidet...

            QueryFilter filter = new QueryFilter();

            string fullName = fi.FullName.Replace(@"\", @"\\");
            if (_fdb is AccessFDB)
                filter.WhereClause = ((AccessFDB)_fdb).DbColName("PATH") + "='" + fullName + "'";
                filter.WhereClause = "PATH='" + fullName + "'";
            int deleteOID = -1;
            using (IFeatureCursor cursor = rasterFC.GetFeatures(filter))
                IFeature existingFeature = cursor.NextFeature;
                if (existingFeature != null)
                    DateTime dt1 = (DateTime)existingFeature["LAST_MODIFIED"];
                    if (Math.Abs(((TimeSpan)(dt1 - fi.LastWriteTimeUtc)).TotalSeconds) > 1.0)
                        deleteOID = existingFeature.OID;
                    else if (fiWorld != null &&
                             existingFeature["PATH2"] != System.DBNull.Value &&
                             existingFeature["PATH2"].ToString() != String.Empty)
                        DateTime dt2 = (DateTime)existingFeature["LAST_MODIFIED2"];
                        if (existingFeature["PATH2"].ToString().ToLower() != fiWorld.FullName.ToLower() ||
                            Math.Abs(((TimeSpan)(dt2 - fiWorld.LastWriteTimeUtc)).TotalSeconds) > 1.0)
                            deleteOID = existingFeature.OID;

                    if (deleteOID == -1)
                        //Console.WriteLine(fi.FullName + " already exists...");
            if (deleteOID != -1)
                if (!fdb.Delete(rasterFC, deleteOID))
                    Console.WriteLine(_errMsg = "Can't delete old record " + fi.FullName + "\n" + fdb.lastErrorMsg);

            Feature feature = new Feature();
            feature.Shape = rasterLayer.RasterClass.Polygon;
            feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("PATH", fi.FullName));
            feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("LAST_MODIFIED", fi.LastWriteTimeUtc));
            if (fiWorld != null)
                feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("PATH2", fiWorld.FullName));
                feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("LAST_MODIFIED2", fiWorld.LastWriteTimeUtc));
                feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("PATH2", ""));
            feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("RF_PROVIDER", PlugInManager.PlugInID(rFileDataset).ToString()));
            feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("MANAGED", _managed && (rasterLayer is IBitmap)));
            feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("FORMAT", fi.Extension.Replace(".", "")));
            feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("CELLX", cellX));
            feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("CELLY", cellY));
            feature.Fields.Add(new FieldValue("LEVELS", (_managed) ? Math.Max(_levels, 1) : 0));

            if (!fdb.Insert(rasterFC, feature))
                Console.WriteLine("\nERROR@" + fi.FullName + ": " + fdb.lastErrorMsg);
                if (_managed && (rasterLayer is IBitmap) && (fdb is SqlFDB))
                    QueryFilter qfilter = new QueryFilter();
                    qfilter.SubFields = "FDB_OID";
                    if (_fdb is AccessFDB)
                        filter.WhereClause = ((AccessFDB)_fdb).DbColName("PATH") + "='" + fi.FullName + "'";
                        qfilter.WhereClause = "PATH='" + fi.FullName + "'";
                    IFeatureCursor cursor = ((SqlFDB)fdb).Query(rasterFC, qfilter);
                    if (cursor != null)
                        IFeature feat = cursor.NextFeature;
                        if (feat != null)
                            InsertImageDatasetBitmap(feat.OID, rasterLayer, _levels, format);

                Console.WriteLine(">" + fi.FullName + " added...");

Example #19
        private float GetElevationAtPoint(RasterFileDictionary adjacentTiles, FileMetadata metadata, double lat, double lon, float lastElevation, IInterpolator interpolator)
            float heightValue = 0;

                IRasterFile mainRaster = adjacentTiles[metadata];

                //const double epsilon = (Double.Epsilon * 100);
                float noData = metadata.NoDataValueFloat;

                // precise position on the grid (with commas)
                double ypos = (lat - metadata.StartLat) / metadata.pixelSizeY;
                double xpos = (lon - metadata.StartLon) / metadata.pixelSizeX;

                // If pure integers, then it's on the grid
                float xInterpolationAmount = (float)xpos % 1;
                float yInterpolationAmount = (float)ypos % 1;

                bool xOnGrid = Math.Abs(xInterpolationAmount) < float.Epsilon;
                bool yOnGrid = Math.Abs(yInterpolationAmount) < float.Epsilon;

                // If xOnGrid and yOnGrid, we are on a grid intersection, and that's all
                if (xOnGrid && yOnGrid)
                    int x    = (int)Math.Round(xpos, 0);
                    int y    = (int)Math.Round(ypos, 0);
                    var tile = FindTile(metadata, adjacentTiles, x, y, out x, out y);
                    heightValue = mainRaster.GetElevationAtPoint(tile, x, y);
                    int xCeiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(xpos);
                    int xFloor   = (int)Math.Floor(xpos);
                    int yCeiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(ypos);
                    int yFloor   = (int)Math.Floor(ypos);
                    // Get 4 grid nearest points (DEM grid corners)

                    // If not yOnGrid and not xOnGrid we are on grid horizontal line
                    // We need elevations for top, bottom, left and right grid points (along x axis and y axis)
                    float northWest = GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, adjacentTiles, xFloor, yFloor, NO_DATA_OUT);
                    float northEast = GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, adjacentTiles, xCeiling, yFloor, NO_DATA_OUT);
                    float southWest = GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, adjacentTiles, xFloor, yCeiling, NO_DATA_OUT);
                    float southEast = GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, adjacentTiles, xCeiling, yCeiling, NO_DATA_OUT);

                    float avgHeight = GetAverageExceptForNoDataValue(noData, NO_DATA_OUT, southWest, southEast, northWest, northEast);

                    if (northWest == noData)
                        northWest = avgHeight;
                    if (northEast == noData)
                        northEast = avgHeight;
                    if (southWest == noData)
                        southWest = avgHeight;
                    if (southEast == noData)
                        southEast = avgHeight;

                    heightValue = interpolator.Interpolate(southWest, southEast, northWest, northEast, xInterpolationAmount, yInterpolationAmount);

                if (heightValue == NO_DATA_OUT)
                    heightValue = lastElevation;
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger?.LogError(e, $"Error while getting elevation data : {e.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{e.ToString()}");
Example #20
        public float GetPointsElevation(IRasterFile raster, FileMetadata metadata, IEnumerable <GeoPoint> points, IInterpolator interpolator = null)
            float heightValue = 0;

                if (interpolator == null)
                    interpolator = GetInterpolator(InterpolationMode.Bilinear);

                float noData = metadata.NoDataValueFloat;

                foreach (var pointsByLat in points.GroupBy(p => p.Latitude))
                    double lat  = pointsByLat.Key;
                    double ypos = (lat - metadata.StartLat) / metadata.pixelSizeY;
                    foreach (GeoPoint point in pointsByLat)
                        // precise position on the grid (with commas)
                        double lon  = point.Longitude;
                        double xpos = (lon - metadata.StartLon) / metadata.pixelSizeX;

                        // If pure integers, then it's on the grid
                        float xInterpolationAmount = (float)xpos % 1;
                        float yInterpolationAmount = (float)ypos % 1;

                        bool xOnGrid = Math.Abs(xInterpolationAmount) < float.Epsilon;
                        bool yOnGrid = Math.Abs(yInterpolationAmount) < float.Epsilon;

                        // If xOnGrid and yOnGrid, we are on a grid intersection, and that's all
                        if (xOnGrid && yOnGrid)
                            int x = (int)Math.Round(xpos, 0);
                            int y = (int)Math.Round(ypos, 0);
                            heightValue = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, x, y);
                            int xCeiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(xpos);
                            int xFloor   = (int)Math.Floor(xpos);
                            int yCeiling = (int)Math.Ceiling(ypos);
                            int yFloor   = (int)Math.Floor(ypos);
                            // Get 4 grid nearest points (DEM grid corners)

                            // If not yOnGrid and not xOnGrid we are on grid horizontal line
                            // We need elevations for top, bottom, left and right grid points (along x axis and y axis)
                            float northWest = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, xFloor, yFloor);
                            float northEast = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, xCeiling, yFloor);
                            float southWest = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, xFloor, yCeiling);
                            float southEast = raster.GetElevationAtPoint(metadata, xCeiling, yCeiling);

                            float avgHeight = GetAverageExceptForNoDataValue(noData, NO_DATA_OUT, southWest, southEast, northWest, northEast);

                            if (Math.Abs(northWest - noData) < float.Epsilon)
                                northWest = avgHeight;
                            if (Math.Abs(northEast - noData) < float.Epsilon)
                                northEast = avgHeight;
                            if (Math.Abs(southWest - noData) < float.Epsilon)
                                southWest = avgHeight;
                            if (Math.Abs(southEast - noData) < float.Epsilon)
                                southEast = avgHeight;

                            heightValue = interpolator.Interpolate(southWest, southEast, northWest, northEast, xInterpolationAmount, yInterpolationAmount);

                        point.Elevation = heightValue;
            catch (Exception e)
                _logger?.LogError(e, $"Error while getting elevation data : {e.Message}{Environment.NewLine}{e.ToString()}");