Example #1
        internal Feed(int heartbeat)
            var rtd = Type.GetTypeFromCLSID(
                new Guid(Registry.GetValue(registryKey, "", null).ToString()));

            this.server            = (IRTDServer)Activator.CreateInstance(rtd);
            this.HeartbeatInterval = heartbeat;
Example #2
        public RTDClient(string address)
            var a = new EndpointAddress(address);
            var b = new NetTcpBinding();
            var f = new DuplexChannelFactory <IRTDServer>(this, b, a);

            _server = f.CreateChannel();
Example #3
        public void AutoOpen()
            // setup support for RTD functions

            // setup error handler
            ExcelIntegration.RegisterUnhandledExceptionHandler(ex => "!!! EXCEPTION: " + ex.ToString());

            // setup connection to server
            var a = new EndpointAddress("net.tcp://localhost:8080/hello");
            var b = new NetTcpBinding();
            var f = new DuplexChannelFactory <IRTDServer>(this, b, a);

            _server = f.CreateChannel();
            _server.Register(); // this makes the server get a callback channel to us so it can call SendValue

            // increase RTD refresh rate since the 2 seconds default is too slow (move as setting to ribbon later)
            object app;
            object rtd;

            app = ExcelDnaUtil.Application;
            rtd = app.GetType().InvokeMember("RTD", BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, app, null);
            rtd.GetType().InvokeMember("ThrottleInterval", BindingFlags.SetProperty, null, rtd, new object[] { 100 });
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Load assemblies
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="binPath">path to the kit binaries, empty use location of this assembly</param>
        private void loadRTDAssemblies(string binPath)
                if(binPath.Length ==0)
                    // get the location of the current assembly i.e. K2RTDServerKit, assume dependancies are there
                    string[] reqAssyDef = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().FullName.Split(',');
                    int reqDllNamePos = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.IndexOf(reqAssyDef[0]);
                    binPath = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().Location.Substring(0, reqDllNamePos - 1);

                //m_PlugInLog.Info("DynamicLoad:" + myPath);
                string mainDllPath = binPath + @"\K2RTDRequestHandler.dll";

                //string mainDllPath = binPath + @"\K2RTDRequestHandler.dll";
                m_Server = DynamicLoad(mainDllPath);
