public async Task <IActionResult> Index()
            var result = await questionProvider.GetAllItemsAsync();

            if (!result.Item1.Success || result.Item1.IsError)

            var model = new List <IndexQuestionViewModel>();

            foreach (var q in result.Item2)
                model.Add(new IndexQuestionViewModel
                    CanDelete             = q.Owner == User.Identity.Name,
                    Name                  = q.Name,
                    Description           = q.Description,
                    Id                    = q.Id,
                    TargettedAzureService = q.TargettedAzureService,
                    QuestionType          = q.QuestionType

        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(string challengeId)
            // Get the challenge details
            var challenge = await challengeProvider.GetItemAsync(challengeId);

            // Get the list of available questions
            var questions = await questionProvider.GetAllItemsAsync();

            var userProfile = await userManager.GetUserAsync(User);

            var model = new VM.EditChallengeViewModel()
                Questions          = new List <VM.Question>(),
                Id                 = challengeId,
                Description        = challenge.Item2.Description,
                IsPublic           = challenge.Item2.IsPublic,
                IsLocked           = challenge.Item2.IsLocked,
                OldIsPublic        = challenge.Item2.IsPublic,
                Name               = challenge.Item2.Name,
                ChallengeQuestions = challenge.Item2.Questions.OrderBy(p => p.Index)
                                     .Select(p => new VM.ChallengeQuestion
                    Description          = p.Description,
                    Difficulty           = p.Difficulty,
                    Id                   = p.Id,
                    Index                = p.Index,
                    Name                 = p.Name,
                    NextQuestionId       = p.NextQuestionId,
                    AssociatedQuestionId = p.AssociatedQuestionId
                CurrentUserProfile = new EditChallengeViewModel.UserProfile
                    SubscriptionId = userProfile.SubscriptionId,
                    TenantId       = userProfile.TenantId,
                    UserNameHashed = userProfile.UserNameHashed()
                AzureServiceCategory = challenge.Item2.AzureServiceCategory,
                Duration             = challenge.Item2.Duration,
                PrereqLinks          = challenge.Item2.PrereqLinks,
                WelcomeMessage       = challenge.Item2.WelcomeMessage,
                TrackAndDeductPoints = challenge.Item2.TrackAndDeductPoints

            foreach (var q in questions.Item2)
                if (!model.ChallengeQuestions.Exists(p => p.AssociatedQuestionId == q.Id))
                    model.Questions.Add(new VM.Question()
                        AzureService = q.TargettedAzureService,
                        Id           = q.Id,
                        Name         = $"{q.Name} - (Level: {q.DifficultyString}) - {q.QuestionType}",
                        Selected     = false
