Example #1
        private static object Get <TPrimaryKey>(this IQueryLite query, TPrimaryKey id)
            Type                 entityType           = query.EntityType;
            EntityMetadata       entityMetadata       = entityType.GetEntityMetadata();
            ICollection <string> primaryKeyFieldNames = entityMetadata.PrimaryKeyPropertyNames;

            if (primaryKeyFieldNames.Count == 0)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("cannot get {0} by {1} ID, because it has no primary key", entityType.Name, typeof(TPrimaryKey).Name));
            if (primaryKeyFieldNames.Count > 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("cannot get {0} by {1} ID, because its primary key is multiple", entityType.Name, typeof(TPrimaryKey).Name));
            string       primaryKeyFieldName = primaryKeyFieldNames.First();
            PropertyInfo pi = entityMetadata.Properties[primaryKeyFieldName].PropertyInfo;

            if (pi == null || pi.PropertyType != typeof(TPrimaryKey))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("cannot get {0} by {1} ID, because its primary key is not an {1}", entityType.Name, typeof(TPrimaryKey).Name));
            query.Filter.Add(new ConditionLite
                FieldName       = primaryKeyFieldName,
                LogicalOperator = LogicalOperatorLite.And,
                Operator        = OperatorLite.Equals,
                FieldValue      = id
Example #2
        static void ShowQuesoCabralesOrders()

            IQueryLite <OrderDetail> orderDetailSubQuery = ds.OrderDetailRepository.Query(Projection.BaseTable)
                                                           .Fields(FieldsOption.None, OrderDetailFields.OrderId)
                                                           .Where(OrderDetailFields.ProductId, 11);

            var orderIds = orderDetailSubQuery.ToEnumerable().Select(x => x.OrderId).ToList();

            // SELECT OrderId, OrderDate, CustomerId
            // FROM dbo.Orders
            // WHERE OrderId IN (
            //       SELECT OrderId
            //       FROM dbo.OrderDetails
            //       WHERE ProductId = 11
            //    )
            //IQueryLite<Order> orderQuery = ds.OrderRepository.Query(Projection.BaseTable)
            //    .Fields(OrderFields.OrderId, OrderFields.OrderDate, OrderFields.CustomerId)
            //    .Where(OrderFields.OrderId, OperatorLite.In, orderDetailSubQuery);

            IQueryLite <Order> orderQuery = ds.OrderRepository.Query(Projection.BaseTable)
                                            .Fields(OrderFields.OrderId, OrderFields.OrderDate, OrderFields.CustomerId)
                                            .Where(OrderFields.OrderId, OperatorLite.In, orderIds);

            foreach (var order in orderQuery.ToEnumerable())
                Console.WriteLine("OrderId {0}, OrderDate {1}, CustomerId {2}",
                                  order.OrderId, order.OrderDate, order.CustomerId);
		public static IQueryLite<TEntity> Or<TEntity>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, string fieldName, OperatorLite oper)
			if (query == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));
			if (oper != OperatorLite.IsNotNull && oper != OperatorLite.IsNull) throw new ArgumentException("El operador sólo puede ser IsNull o IsNotNull", nameof(oper));
			query.Filter.Or(fieldName, oper);
			return query;
		public static IQueryLite<TEntity> Option<TEntity>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, string option)
			if (query == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));
			if (option == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(option));
			return query;
		public static IQueryLite<TEntity> Where<TEntity>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, string fieldName, OperatorLite oper)
			if (query == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));
			if (fieldName == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(fieldName));
			query.Filter.Where(fieldName, oper);
			return query;
Example #6
        static void BuggyShowQuesoCabralesOrders()

                IQueryLite <OrderDetail> orderDetailSubQuery = ds.OrderDetailRepository.Query(Projection.BaseTable)
                                                               .Where(OrderDetailFields.ProductId, 11);

                // SELECT OrderId, OrderDate, CustomerId
                // FROM dbo.Orders
                // WHERE OrderId IN (
                //       SELECT OrderId
                //       FROM dbo.OrderDetails
                //       WHERE ProductId = 11
                //    )
                IQueryLite <Order> orderQuery = ds.OrderRepository.Query(Projection.BaseTable)
                                                .Fields(OrderFields.OrderId, OrderFields.OrderDate, OrderFields.CustomerId)
                                                .Where(OrderFields.OrderId, OperatorLite.In, orderDetailSubQuery);

                foreach (var order in orderQuery.ToEnumerable())
                    Console.WriteLine("OrderId {0}, OrderDate {1}, CustomerId {2}",
                                      order.OrderId, order.OrderDate, order.CustomerId);
            catch (Exception ex)
Example #7
        //public static IQueryLite<TEntity> OrderBy<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> selector)
        //	return query.OrderBy(selector.GetMemberName());

        public static IQueryLite <TEntity> OrderByDesc <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, params string[] sortFieldNames)
            foreach (var sortFieldName in sortFieldNames)
                query.Sort.Add(new SortDescriptor(sortFieldName, SortOrder.Descending));
Example #8
 public static IQueryLite <TEntity> WithAlias <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, Alias alias)
     if (query.EntityType != alias.EntityType)
         throw new ArgumentException("The entity type of the alias must be the same as the entity type of the query");
     query.Alias = alias;
Example #9
        //public static FilterLite<TEntity> Or<TEntity, TProperty>(this FilterLite<TEntity> filter, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> selector, OperatorLite oper) where TEntity : class, new()
        //	return (FilterLite<TEntity>)filter.Or(selector.GetMemberName(), oper);

        public static IQueryLite <TEntity> Or <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string fieldName, OperatorLite oper)
            if (oper != OperatorLite.IsNotNull && oper != OperatorLite.IsNull)
                throw new ArgumentException("El operador sólo puede ser IsNull o IsNotNull", "oper");
            query.Filter.Or(fieldName, oper);
		public static IQueryLite<TEntity> OrderByDesc<TEntity>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, params string[] sortFieldNames)
			if (query == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));
			if (sortFieldNames == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(sortFieldNames));
			foreach (var sortFieldName in sortFieldNames)
				query.Sort.Add(new SortDescriptor(sortFieldName, SortOrder.Descending));
			return query;
Example #11
        //public static IQueryLite<TEntity> OrderByDesc<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> selector)
        //	return query.OrderByDesc(selector.GetMemberName());

        public static object Get(this IQueryLite query, object ID)
            string primaryKeyFieldName = query.EntityType.GetPrimaryKeyFieldName();
            var    condition           = new ConditionLite
                FieldName  = primaryKeyFieldName,
                Operator   = OperatorLite.Equals,
                FieldValue = ID

		public static object Get(this IQueryLite query, object ID)
			if (query == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(query));
			string primaryKeyFieldName = query.EntityType.GetPrimaryKeyFieldName();
			var condition = new ConditionLite
				FieldName = primaryKeyFieldName,
				Operator = OperatorLite.Equals,
				FieldValue = ID
			return query.FirstOrDefault();
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Allows you to specify the fields in the select list
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TEntity"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <param name="fields"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IQueryLite <TEntity> Fields <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, FieldsOption options, params string[] fields)
            if (fields == null || fields.Length == 0)

            var metadata = typeof(TEntity).GetEntityMetadata();

            var invalidField = fields.FirstOrDefault(x => {
                if (x == "*")
                PropertyMetadata propMetadata;
                if (metadata.Properties.TryGetValue(x, out propMetadata))
                    return(propMetadata.SqlField == null && !propMetadata.IsLocalizedFiled);

            if (invalidField != null)
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("\"{0}\" is an invalid field for \"{1}\"", invalidField, typeof(TEntity).Name));

            List <string> sortedFields = new List <string>(fields);

            // Ordenamos los campos por dos razones:
            // 1.- evitar tener que crear un nuero método dinámico de carga de un datareader cuando son los mismos campos especificados en orden diferente
            // 2.- acelerar la búsqueda de los campos de la clave primaria y EntityRowVersion

            if ((options & FieldsOption.IncludePrimaryKey) != 0)

            if ((options & FieldsOption.IncludeEntityRowVersion) != 0)
                sortedFields.EnsureField(metadata, query.DataService.SpecialFieldNames.EntityRowVersionFieldName);

            query.FieldList = sortedFields;
Example #14
        static void CreateServeralQueries()

            // this query is based on the dbo.Categories table
            IQueryLite <Category> query1 = ds.CategoryRepository.Query(Projection.BaseTable);

            Console.WriteLine("Query created");

            // this query is based on the dbo.Product_Detailed view
            IQueryLite <Product> query2 = ds.ProductRepository.Query(Projection.Detailed);

            Console.WriteLine("Query created");

            // this query is based on the dbo.ProductSale_Quarter view
            IQueryLite <ProductSale> query3 = ds.ProductSaleRepository.Query("Quarter");

            Console.WriteLine("Query created");
		private static TEntity Get<TEntity, TPrimaryKey>(IQueryLite<TEntity> query, TPrimaryKey ID) where TEntity : class, new()
			Type entityType = typeof(TEntity);
			EntityMetadata entityMetadata = entityType.GetEntityMetadata(); 
			ICollection<string> primaryKeyFieldNames = entityMetadata.PrimaryKeyPropertyNames;
			if (primaryKeyFieldNames.Count == 0)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cannot get {0} by {1} ID, because it has no primary key", entityType.Name, typeof(TPrimaryKey).Name));
			if (primaryKeyFieldNames.Count > 1)
				throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cannot get {0} by {1} ID, because its primary key is multiple", entityType.Name, typeof(TPrimaryKey).Name));
			string primaryKeyFieldName = primaryKeyFieldNames.First();
			PropertyInfo pi = entityMetadata.Properties[primaryKeyFieldName].PropertyInfo;
			if (pi == null || pi.PropertyType != typeof(TPrimaryKey))
				throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "cannot get {0} by {1} ID, because its primary key is not an {1}", entityType.Name, typeof(TPrimaryKey).Name));
			return query.Where(primaryKeyFieldName, OperatorLite.Equals, ID).FirstOrDefault();
Example #16
        //public static FilterLite<TEntity> Or<TEntity, TProperty>(this FilterLite<TEntity> filter, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> selector, OperatorLite oper, TProperty fieldValue, object param) where TEntity : class, new()
        //	return (FilterLite<TEntity>)filter.Or(selector.GetMemberName(), oper, fieldValue, param);

        public static IQueryLite <TEntity> Or <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, ICollection <ConditionLite> filter)
Example #17
 public static IQueryLite <TEntity> WithTimeout <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, int timeout)
     query.CommandTimeout = timeout;
Example #18
 public static IQueryLite <TEntity> WithAlias <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string aliasName)
     query.Alias = new Alias(aliasName, typeof(TEntity));
Example #19
 /// <summary>
 /// Allows you to specify the fields in the select list
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TEntity"></typeparam>
 /// <param name="query"></param>
 /// <param name="fields"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static IQueryLite <TEntity> Fields <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, params string[] fields)
     return(query.Fields(FieldsOption.IncludeBoth, fields));
Example #20
 public static Task <TEntity> GetAsync <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string fieldName, object fieldValue) where TEntity : class, new()
     return(query.Where(fieldName, OperatorLite.Equals, fieldValue).FirstOrDefaultAsync());
Example #21
        //public static IQueryLite<TEntity> Where<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> selector, TProperty fieldValue)
        //	return query.Where(selector.GetMemberName(), fieldValue);

        public static IQueryLite <TEntity> Option <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string option)
Example #22
 public static IQueryLite <TEntity> Where <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string fieldName, OperatorLite oper, object fieldValue)
     query.Filter.Where(fieldName, oper, fieldValue);
Example #23
 public static object Get(this IQueryLite query, int id)
     return(query.Get <int>(id));
Example #24
 public static DbCommand GetSelectCommandForDebuggingPurposes(this IQueryLite query)
Example #25
 public static IQueryLite <TEntity> And <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string fieldName, OperatorLite oper)
     return(query.Where(fieldName, oper));
 public ProjectedQueryBuilder(IQueryLite queryLite)
     : base(queryLite)
Example #27
 public TableOrViewQueryBuilder(IQueryLite queryLite) : base(queryLite)
Example #28
        //public static IQueryLite<TEntity> And<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> selector, OperatorLite oper, TProperty fieldValue)
        //	return query.And(selector.GetMemberName(), oper, (object) fieldValue);

        public static IQueryLite <TEntity> And <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string fieldName, OperatorLite oper, object fieldValue, object param)
            return(query.Where(fieldName, oper, fieldValue, param));
Example #29
        //public static IQueryLite<TEntity> Or<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> selector, OperatorLite oper, TProperty fieldValue)
        //	return query.Or(selector.GetMemberName(), oper, (object) fieldValue);

        public static IQueryLite <TEntity> Or <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string fieldName, OperatorLite oper, object fieldValue, object param)
            query.Filter.Or(fieldName, oper, fieldValue, param);
Example #30
        //public static IQueryLite<TEntity> Or<TEntity, TProperty>(this IQueryLite<TEntity> query, Expression<Func<TEntity, TProperty>> selector, OperatorLite oper, TProperty fieldValue, object param)
        //	return query.Or(selector.GetMemberName(), oper, (object)fieldValue, param);

        public static IQueryLite <TEntity> Or <TEntity>(this IQueryLite <TEntity> query, string fieldName, object fieldValue)
            return(query.Or(fieldName, OperatorLite.Equals, fieldValue));
 protected AbstractQueryBuilder(IQueryLite queryLite)
     this.QueryLite = queryLite;
 protected AbstractQueryBuilder(IQueryLite queryLite)
     this.QueryLite = queryLite;