Example #1
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var isMultiple = property.PropertyType.DataType.ConfigurationAs <MediaPickerConfiguration>().Multiple;
            var arrayItems = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>();

            if (isMultiple)
                var items = property.GetValue <IEnumerable <IPublishedContent> >(culture);
                foreach (var item in items)
                    var mediaObject = ConvertToEnterspeedProperty(item);
                    if (mediaObject != null)
                var item        = property.GetValue <IPublishedContent>(culture);
                var mediaObject = ConvertToEnterspeedProperty(item);
                if (mediaObject != null)

            return(new ArrayEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, arrayItems.ToArray()));
Example #2
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var isMultiple = property.PropertyType.DataType.ConfigurationAs <MultiUrlPickerConfiguration>().MaxNumber != 1;
            var arrayItems = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>();

            using (var context = _umbracoContextFactory.EnsureUmbracoContext())
                if (isMultiple)
                    var items = property.GetValue <IEnumerable <Link> >(culture);
                    if (items != null)
                        foreach (var item in items)
                            var linkObject = ConvertToEnterspeedProperty(item, context.UmbracoContext, culture);
                            if (linkObject != null)
                    var item       = property.GetValue <Link>(culture);
                    var linkObject = ConvertToEnterspeedProperty(item, context.UmbracoContext, culture);
                    if (linkObject != null)

            return(new ArrayEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, arrayItems.ToArray()));
Example #3
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var colorValue = string.Empty;
            var colorLabel = string.Empty;

            if (UseLabel(property.PropertyType))
                var colorPickerValue = property.GetValue <ColorPickerValueConverter.PickedColor>(culture);
                colorValue = colorPickerValue.Color;
                colorLabel = colorPickerValue.Label;
                colorValue = property.GetValue <string>(culture);
                colorLabel = colorValue;

            var colorPickerProperties = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>
                new StringEnterspeedProperty("color", colorValue),
                new StringEnterspeedProperty("label", colorLabel)

            var properties = colorPickerProperties.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x);

            return(new ObjectEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, properties));
Example #4
    public static IHtmlContent GetGridHtml(this IHtmlHelper html, IPublishedProperty property, string framework = "bootstrap3")
        if (property.GetValue() is string asString && string.IsNullOrEmpty(asString))
            return(new HtmlString(string.Empty));

        var view = "grid/" + framework;

        return(html.Partial(view, property.GetValue()));
 /// <summary>
 /// Get linked node value from Multi Url Picker
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">List with already linked Nodes</param>
 /// <param name="node">Content Node to check</param>
 /// <param name="prop">Property to check</param>
 /// <param name="nodePath">Complete node Path</param>
 /// <param name="currentUdi">UDI from current Content Node</param>
 /// <returns>List of LinkedNodesDataModel</returns>
 private List <LinkedNodesDataModel> AddRelatedNodeMultiUrlPicker(List <LinkedNodesDataModel> list, IPublishedContent node, IPublishedProperty prop, string nodePath, string currentUdi)
     if (prop.GetValue() != null)
         foreach (Umbraco.Web.Models.Link link in prop.GetValue() as IEnumerable <Umbraco.Web.Models.Link> )
             list = AddRelatedNode(list, node, null, prop, nodePath, currentUdi, link.Udi.ToString());
 /// <summary>
 /// Get linked node value from Multi Node Tree Picker
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="list">List with already linked Nodes</param>
 /// <param name="node">Content Node to check</param>
 /// <param name="prop">Property to check</param>
 /// <param name="nodePath">Complete node Path</param>
 /// <param name="currentUdi">UDI from current Content Node</param>
 /// <returns>List of LinkedNodesDataModel</returns>
 private List <LinkedNodesDataModel> AddRelatedNodeMultiNodeTreePicker(List <LinkedNodesDataModel> list, IPublishedContent node, IPublishedProperty prop, string nodePath, string currentUdi)
     if (prop.GetValue() != null)
         foreach (IPublishedContent item in prop.GetValue() as List <IPublishedContent> )
             list = AddRelatedNode(list, node, item, prop, nodePath, currentUdi);
    public static object?Value(this IPublishedProperty property, IPublishedValueFallback publishedValueFallback, string?culture = null, string?segment = null, Fallback fallback = default, object?defaultValue = default)
        if (property.HasValue(culture, segment))
            return(property.GetValue(culture, segment));

        return(publishedValueFallback.TryGetValue(property, culture, segment, fallback, defaultValue, out var value)
            ? value
            : property.GetValue(culture, segment)); // give converter a chance to return it's own vision of "no value"
        public static MvcHtmlString GetGridHtml(this HtmlHelper html, IPublishedProperty property, string framework = "bootstrap3")
            var asString = property.GetValue() as string;

            if (asString != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(asString))
                return(new MvcHtmlString(string.Empty));

            var view = "Grid/" + framework;

            return(html.Partial(view, property.GetValue()));
Example #9
        public static T Value <T>(this IPublishedProperty property, string culture = null, string segment = null, Fallback fallback = default, T defaultValue = default)
            if (property.HasValue(culture, segment))
                // we have a value
                // try to cast or convert it
                var value = property.GetValue(culture, segment);
                if (value is T valueAsT)
                var valueConverted = value.TryConvertTo <T>();
                if (valueConverted)

                // cannot cast nor convert the value, nothing we can return but 'defaultValue'
                // note: we don't want to fallback in that case - would make little sense

            // we don't have a value, try fallback
            if (PublishedValueFallback.TryGetValue(property, culture, segment, fallback, defaultValue, out var fallbackValue))

            // we don't have a value - neither direct nor fallback
            // give a chance to the converter to return something (eg empty enumerable)
            var noValue = property.GetValue(culture, segment);

            if (noValue == null)
            if (noValue is T noValueAsT)

            var noValueConverted = noValue.TryConvertTo <T>();

            if (noValueConverted)

            // cannot cast noValue nor convert it, nothing we can return but 'defaultValue'
Example #10
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var value = property.GetValue <string>();

            value = _mediaUrlProvider.GetUrl(value);
            return(new StringEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, value));
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the content service unpublished event.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The sender.</param>
        /// <param name="e"> The <see cref="PublishEventArgs{IContent}"/> containing information about the event.</param>
        private void ContentServiceUnPublished(IPublishingStrategy sender, PublishEventArgs <IContent> e)
            string        alias  = BloodhoundPropertyEditor.PropertyEditorAlias;
            UmbracoHelper helper = new UmbracoHelper(UmbracoContext.Current);

            // Loop through the items and remove the url, value pair from the cache.
            foreach (IContent content in e.PublishedEntities)
                IPublishedContent publishedVersion = helper.TypedContent(content.Id);

                IPublishedProperty rewriteProperties =
                    .FirstOrDefault(p => publishedVersion.ContentType.GetPropertyType(p.PropertyTypeAlias).PropertyEditorAlias.Equals(alias));

                if (rewriteProperties != null)
                    List <BloodhoundUrlRewrite> rewrites = rewriteProperties.GetValue <List <BloodhoundUrlRewrite> >();
                    foreach (BloodhoundUrlRewrite rewrite in rewrites)
    /// <summary>
    ///     Gets the value of a content's property identified by its alias.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="content">The content.</param>
    /// <param name="publishedValueFallback">The published value fallback implementation.</param>
    /// <param name="alias">The property alias.</param>
    /// <param name="culture">The variation language.</param>
    /// <param name="segment">The variation segment.</param>
    /// <param name="fallback">Optional fallback strategy.</param>
    /// <param name="defaultValue">The default value.</param>
    /// <returns>The value of the content's property identified by the alias, if it exists, otherwise a default value.</returns>
    /// <remarks>
    ///     <para>
    ///         The value comes from <c>IPublishedProperty</c> field <c>Value</c> ie it is suitable for use when rendering
    ///         content.
    ///     </para>
    ///     <para>
    ///         If no property with the specified alias exists, or if the property has no value, returns
    ///         <paramref name="defaultValue" />.
    ///     </para>
    ///     <para>
    ///         If eg a numeric property wants to default to 0 when value source is empty, this has to be done in the
    ///         converter.
    ///     </para>
    ///     <para>The alias is case-insensitive.</para>
    /// </remarks>
    public static object?Value(
        this IPublishedElement content,
        IPublishedValueFallback publishedValueFallback,
        string alias,
        string?culture      = null,
        string?segment      = null,
        Fallback fallback   = default,
        object?defaultValue = default)
        IPublishedProperty?property = content.GetProperty(alias);

        // if we have a property, and it has a value, return that value
        if (property != null && property.HasValue(culture, segment))
            return(property.GetValue(culture, segment));

        // else let fallback try to get a value
        if (publishedValueFallback.TryGetValue(content, alias, culture, segment, fallback, defaultValue, out var value))

        // else... if we have a property, at least let the converter return its own
        // vision of 'no value' (could be an empty enumerable) - otherwise, default
        return(property?.GetValue(culture, segment));
Example #13
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var value = property.GetValue <string>();

            value = PrefixRelativeImagesWithDomain(value);
            return(new StringEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, value));
Example #14
        private string TdMntp(IPublishedProperty Property, bool FancyFormat)
            var tableData = new StringBuilder();

            var items = Property.GetValue <IEnumerable <IPublishedContent> >().ToList();


            if (items.Any())
                //start list

                foreach (var item in items)
                    tableData.AppendLine($"<li>{item.Name} ({item.DocumentTypeAlias})</li>");

                //end list
                tableData.AppendLine($"<i>No items added</i>");


        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var nodeIds    = property.GetValue <string>()?.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).Select(int.Parse);
            var arrayItems = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>();

            if (nodeIds != null)
                var umbracoHelper = UmbracoContextHelper.GetUmbracoHelper();
                foreach (var nodeId in nodeIds)
                    var node = umbracoHelper.TypedContent(nodeId);

                    if (node == null)
                        node = umbracoHelper.TypedMember(nodeId);

                    if (node == null)
                        node = umbracoHelper.TypedMedia(nodeId);

                    var convertedNode = ConvertToEnterspeedProperty(node);
                    if (convertedNode != null)

            return(new ArrayEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, arrayItems.ToArray()));
Example #16
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var value     = property.GetValue <IPublishedContent>(culture);
            var contentId = _entityIdentityService.GetId(value, culture);

            return(new StringEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, contentId));
Example #17
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var value = property.GetValue <HtmlString>(culture).ToString();

            value = PrefixRelativeImagesWithDomain(value, _enterspeedConfigurationService.GetConfiguration().MediaDomain);
            return(new StringEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, value));
        public static T GetValue <T>(this IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            if (!property.PropertyType.VariesByCulture())
                culture = null;

Example #19
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var configuration = property.PropertyType.DataType.ConfigurationAs <SliderConfiguration>();

            if (configuration.EnableRange)
                var range      = property.GetValue <Range <decimal> >(culture);
                var properties = new Dictionary <string, IEnterspeedProperty>();
                properties.Add("minimum", new NumberEnterspeedProperty(ConvertToDouble(range.Minimum)));
                properties.Add("maximum", new NumberEnterspeedProperty(ConvertToDouble(range.Maximum)));

                return(new ObjectEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, properties));

            var value = property.GetValue <decimal>(culture);

            return(new NumberEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, ConvertToDouble(value)));
        private bool TryGetPropertyAsDbType(IPublishedProperty property, DatabaseType type, out object propertyValue, string dataTypeName)
            switch (type)
            case DatabaseType.Date:
                propertyValue = property.GetValue <DateTime>();

            case DatabaseType.Integer:
                propertyValue = property.GetValue <int>();

            case DatabaseType.Ntext:
            case DatabaseType.Nvarchar:
                propertyValue = property.DataValue;
Example #21
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var value = property.GetValue <string>();

            if (DateTime.TryParse(value, out var date) && date == default)
                value = null;

            return(new StringEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, value));
Example #22
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var value  = property.GetValue <decimal>();
            var number = 0d;

            if (double.TryParse(value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out var n))
                number = n;

            return(new NumberEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, number));
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var value      = property.GetValue <IEnumerable <string> >(culture);
            var arrayItems = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>();

            foreach (var item in value)
                arrayItems.Add(new StringEnterspeedProperty(item));

            return(new ArrayEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, arrayItems.ToArray()));
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var configuration = property.PropertyType.DataType.ConfigurationAs <MultiNodePickerConfiguration>();
            var isMultiple    = configuration.MaxNumber != 1;
            var objectType    = configuration?.TreeSource?.ObjectType;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(objectType))
                throw new Exception($"Missing ObjectType/NodeType for MultiNodeTreePicker: {property.Alias}");

            var arrayItems = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>();

            if (isMultiple)
                var items = property.GetValue <IEnumerable <IPublishedContent> >(culture);
                if (items != null)
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        var contentObject = ConvertToEnterspeedProperty(item, culture, objectType);
                        if (contentObject != null)
                var item          = property.GetValue <IPublishedContent>(culture);
                var contentObject = ConvertToEnterspeedProperty(item, culture, objectType);
                if (contentObject != null)

            return(new ArrayEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, arrayItems.ToArray()));
Example #25
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var value = property.GetValue <string>();

            ObjectEnterspeedProperty mediaValue = null;

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) && int.TryParse(value, out var mediaId))
                var media = UmbracoContextHelper.GetUmbracoHelper().TypedMedia(mediaId);
                mediaValue = ConvertToEnterspeedProperty(media);

            return(new ObjectEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, mediaValue?.Properties));
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var items      = property.GetValue <string[]>();
            var arrayItems = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>();

            if (items != null)
                foreach (var item in items)
                    arrayItems.Add(new StringEnterspeedProperty(item));

            return(new ArrayEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, arrayItems.ToArray()));
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var isMultiple = property.PropertyType.DataType.ConfigurationAs <DropDownFlexibleConfiguration>().Multiple;
            var arrayItems = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>();

            if (isMultiple)
                var items = property.GetValue <string[]>(culture);
                foreach (var item in items)
                    arrayItems.Add(new StringEnterspeedProperty(item));
                var value = property.GetValue <string>(culture);
                if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value))
                    arrayItems.Add(new StringEnterspeedProperty(value));

            return(new ArrayEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, arrayItems.ToArray()));
Example #28
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var values     = property.GetValue <string>()?.Split(new[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var arrayItems = new List <IEnterspeedProperty>();

            if (values != null)
                foreach (var value in values)
                    arrayItems.Add(new StringEnterspeedProperty(value));

            return(new ArrayEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, arrayItems.ToArray()));
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property)
            var value = property.GetValue <string>();

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(value) && int.TryParse(value, out var prevalueId))
                value = UmbracoContextHelper.GetUmbracoHelper().GetPreValueAsString(prevalueId);
                value = null;

            return(new StringEnterspeedProperty(property.PropertyTypeAlias, value));
        public IEnterspeedProperty Convert(IPublishedProperty property, string culture)
            var value = property.GetValue<IPublishedContent>(culture);

            Dictionary<string, IEnterspeedProperty> properties = null;
            if (value != null)
                properties = new Dictionary<string, IEnterspeedProperty>
                    { "id", new NumberEnterspeedProperty(value.Id) },
                    { "name", new StringEnterspeedProperty(value.Name) },
                    { "memberType", new StringEnterspeedProperty(value.ContentType.Alias) }

            return new ObjectEnterspeedProperty(property.Alias, properties);