Example #1
        public static BoundingBox RectToBoundingBox(IProjection projection, Rectangle rectangle)
            var minPoint = projection.Project(new Vector3(rectangle.BottomLeft.x, 0, rectangle.BottomLeft.y));
            var maxPoint = projection.Project(new Vector3(rectangle.TopRight.x, 0, rectangle.TopRight.y));

            return(new BoundingBox(minPoint, maxPoint));
Example #2
        public IEnumerable <IFeature> GetFeatures(FetchInfo fetchInfo)
            // Note that the FetchInfo.CRS is ignored in this method. A better solution
            // would be to use the fetchInfo.CRS everywhere, but that would only make
            // sense if GetExtent would also get a CRS argument. Room for improvement.
            if (fetchInfo.Extent == null)
                return(new List <IFeature>());

            var copiedExtent = new MRect(fetchInfo.Extent);

            // throws exception when CRS or _provider.CRS is null (so I don't have to check it here)
            _projection.Project(CRS !, _provider.CRS !, copiedExtent);
            fetchInfo = new FetchInfo(copiedExtent, fetchInfo.Resolution, CRS, fetchInfo.ChangeType);

            var features = _provider.GetFeatures(fetchInfo) ?? new List <IFeature>();

            if (!CrsHelper.IsProjectionNeeded(_provider.CRS, CRS))

            if (!CrsHelper.IsCrsProvided(_provider.CRS, CRS))
                throw new NotSupportedException($"CRS is not provided. From CRS: {_provider.CRS}. To CRS {CRS}");

            var copiedFeatures = features.Copy().ToList();

            _projection.Project(_provider.CRS, CRS, copiedFeatures);
Example #3
        public static Rectangle QuadKeyToRect(IProjection projection, QuadKey quadKey)
            var boundingBox = QuadKeyToBoundingBox(quadKey);
            var minPoint = projection.Project(boundingBox.MinPoint, 0);
            var maxPoint = projection.Project(boundingBox.MaxPoint, 0);

            return new Rectangle(minPoint.x, minPoint.z, maxPoint.x - minPoint.x, maxPoint.z - minPoint.z);
Example #4
        public static Rectangle QuadKeyToRect(IProjection projection, QuadKey quadKey)
            var boundingBox = QuadKeyToBoundingBox(quadKey);
            var minPoint    = projection.Project(boundingBox.MinPoint, 0);
            var maxPoint    = projection.Project(boundingBox.MaxPoint, 0);

            return(new Rectangle(minPoint.x, minPoint.z, maxPoint.x - minPoint.x, maxPoint.z - minPoint.z));
Example #5
        private static void GetBoundsAndOffset(string osmPath)
            // get an offset because we want the center of the osm file
            // to be the 0|0 point on the game map
            bounds = GetOsmBounds(osmPath);
            var projBoundsMin = projection.Project(
                bounds.Min.Latitude, bounds.Min.Longitude);
            var projBoundsMax = projection.Project(
                bounds.Max.Latitude, bounds.Max.Longitude);

            projectedBounds = new BBox <Point>(projBoundsMin, projBoundsMax);
            // change bounds to match the UV grid of the sat images
            projectedBounds.Min.X -= projectedBounds.Min.X % TerrainCreator.XSize;
            projectedBounds.Min.Y -= projectedBounds.Min.Y % TerrainCreator.YSize;
            CalculateOffset(bounds.Min, bounds.Max);
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the coordinates of a way's nodes projected and with elevation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="way"></param>
        /// <param name="offsetX"></param>
        /// <param name="offsetY"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<Vector3> ProjectWay(CompleteWay way, Point offset,
            IProjection projection, Elevation elevation, bool fetchElevation = true)
            var nodes = new List<Vector3>();
            for (int i = 0; i < way.Nodes.Length; i++)
                var node = way.Nodes[i];
                // convert to X/Y
                var projPos = projection.Project(node);

                // apply offset
                projPos.X -= offset.X;
                projPos.Y -= offset.Y;

                // flip vertically because Z is down
                projPos.Y *= -1;

                double el = 0;
                if (fetchElevation)
                    el = elevation.GetElevation(node.Latitude.Value, node.Longitude.Value);

                var vector = new Vector3((float)projPos.X, (float)el, (float)projPos.Y);

            return nodes;
Example #7
        public MRect?GetExtent()
            if (_provider.GetExtent() == null)
            var extent = _provider.GetExtent() !;

            if (!CrsHelper.IsProjectionNeeded(_provider.CRS, CRS))

            if (!CrsHelper.IsCrsProvided(_provider.CRS, CRS))
                throw new NotSupportedException($"CRS is not provided. From CRS: {_provider.CRS}. To CRS {CRS}");

            // This projects the full extent of the source. Usually the full extent of the source does not change,
            // so perhaps this should be calculated just once. Then again, there are probably situations where it does
            // change so a way to refresh this should be possible.
            var copiedExtent = new MRect(extent);

            _projection.Project(_provider.CRS, CRS, copiedExtent);
Example #8
    /// <inheritdoc />
    public async Task <IProcessingResult> Process(CommittedEvent @event, PartitionId partitionId, ExecutionContext executionContext, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        Log.EventProcessorIsProcessing(_logger, Identifier, @event.Type.Id, partitionId);
        if (!ShouldProcessEvent(@event))
            return(new SuccessfulProcessing());

        var tryGetCurrentState = await TryGetCurrentState(@event, partitionId, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

        if (!tryGetCurrentState.Success)
            return(new FailedProcessing(tryGetCurrentState.Exception.Message));

        var result = await _projection.Project(tryGetCurrentState.Result, @event, partitionId, executionContext, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);

        return(await HandleResult(tryGetCurrentState.Result.Key, result).ConfigureAwait(false));
Example #9
        public Polygon2 Project(IProjection projection, IList <Point3> pointList)
            var polygon2 = new Polygon2();

            foreach (var projected in Points.Select(i => projection.Project(pointList[i])).Where(projected => projected != null))

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts a way into a projected path that includes a point for every elevation change on the path.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="way"></param>
        /// <param name="offset"></param>
        /// <param name="projection"></param>
        /// <param name="elevation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static List<Vector3> ProjectWayWithLineElevation(CompleteWay way, Point offset,
            IProjection projection, Elevation elevation)
            // get line points
            var geoPoints = elevation.GetWayElevation(way.Nodes).ToList();

            // convert to projected points
            var nodes = geoPoints.Select(point =>
                // convert to X/Y
                var projPos = projection.Project(point.Latitude, point.Longitude);

                // apply offset
                projPos.X -= offset.X;
                projPos.Y -= offset.Y;

                // flip vertically because Z is down
                projPos.Y *= -1;

                return new Vector3((float)projPos.X, (float)point.Elevation, (float)projPos.Y);

            // remove points that are too close to each other to avoid "Curve item is too small" errors
            const float epsilon = 0.8f;
            const float epsilonSquared = epsilon * epsilon;
            var unique = new List<Vector3>(nodes.Count);
            for (int i = 1; i < nodes.Count; i++)
                if (Vector3.DistanceSquared(nodes[i - 1], nodes[i]) < epsilonSquared)

            return unique;
Example #11
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public Vector3 Project(GeoCoordinate coordinate, double height)
     return(_projection.Project(coordinate, height) * _scale);