internal ISet <TypeDescriptor> GetPotentialTypes(PropGraphNodeDescriptor n, MethodCallInfo callInfo, IProjectCodeProvider codeProvider)
            return(GetPotentialTypesAsync(n, callInfo, codeProvider).Result);

            //var result = new HashSet<TypeDescriptor>();
            //var types = this.GetTypes(n);

            //if (types.Count() == 0)
            //    /// We get the instantiated type that are compatible with the receiver type
            //    types.UnionWith(
            //        callInfo.InstantiatedTypes
            //            .Where(type => codeProvider.IsSubtype(type, callInfo.Receiver.Type)));
            //if (types.Count() == 0)
            //    types.Add(callInfo.Receiver.Type);

            //foreach (var typeDescriptor in types)
            //    // TO-DO fix by adding a where T: AnalysisType
            //    if (typeDescriptor.IsConcreteType)
            //    {
            //        result.Add(typeDescriptor);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        // If it is a declaredTyped it means we were not able to compute a concrete type
            //        // Therefore, we instantiate all compatible types for the set of instantiated types
            //        //result.UnionWith(this.InstatiatedTypes.Where(iType => iType.IsSubtype(typeDescriptor)));
            //        Contract.Assert(callInfo.InstantiatedTypes != null);
            //        // Diego: This requires a Code Provider. Now it will simply fail.
            //        result.UnionWith(callInfo.InstantiatedTypes.Where(candidateTypeDescriptor
            //                                => codeProvider.IsSubtype(candidateTypeDescriptor, typeDescriptor)));
            //    }
            //return result;
 internal void SetCodeProvider(IProjectCodeProvider codeProvider)
     this.codeProvider = codeProvider;
        public static async Task <IEnumerable <FileResponse> > GetDocumentEntitiesAsync(IProjectCodeProvider projectProvider, OrleansClient.Analysis.DocumentInfo documentInfo)
            var result = CodeGraphHelper.CreateFileResponse(documentInfo.Document);

            result.declarationAnnotation = new List <DeclarationAnnotation>();
            result.referenceAnnotation   = new List <ReferenceAnnotation>();

            foreach (var entry in documentInfo.DeclaredMethods)
                var methodDescriptor = entry.Key;
                var methodInfo       = entry.Value;
                var methodEntity     = await projectProvider.GetMethodEntityAsync(methodDescriptor);

                var annotations = await methodEntity.GetAnnotationsAsync();

                // Add method declaration
                var methodDeclaration = GetMethodDeclarationInfo(methodInfo.DeclarationSyntaxNode, methodInfo.MethodSymbol);

                //var span = GetSpan(methodInfo.DeclarationSyntaxNode);
                //var baseRange = GetRange(span);
                // Annotations are relative to method declaration. Here we make it absolute
                var baseRange = methodDeclaration.range;
                foreach (var anotation in annotations)
                    anotation.range = GetAbsoluteRange(anotation.range, baseRange);

                var declarations = annotations.OfType <DeclarationAnnotation>();

                var references = annotations.OfType <ReferenceAnnotation>();


            return(new List <FileResponse>()
Example #4
 internal ProjectCodeProviderWithCache(IProjectCodeProvider codeProvider)
     this.codeProvider = codeProvider;
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates a dictionary invocationNode -> potential callees
        /// This is used for example by the demo to get the caller / callee info
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static async Task <IDictionary <AnalysisCallNode, ISet <MethodDescriptor> > > GetCalleesInfo(MethodEntity methodEntity, IProjectCodeProvider codeProvider)
            var calleesPerEntity = new Dictionary <AnalysisCallNode, ISet <MethodDescriptor> >();

            foreach (var calleeNode in methodEntity.PropGraph.CallNodes)
                calleesPerEntity[calleeNode] = await GetCalleesAsync(methodEntity, calleeNode, codeProvider);

        /// <summary>
        /// Compute all the calless of this method entities
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        //internal static async Task<ISet<MethodDescriptor>> GetCalleesAsync(MethodEntity methodEntity, IProjectCodeProvider codeProvider)
        //	var result = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();

        //	foreach (var callNode in methodEntity.PropGraph.CallNodes)
        //	{
        //		result.UnionWith(await GetCalleesAsync(methodEntity, callNode, codeProvider));
        //	}

        //	return result;

        /// <summary>
        /// Computes all the potential callees for a particular method invocation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="node"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        internal static async Task <ISet <MethodDescriptor> > GetCalleesAsync(MethodEntity methodEntity, AnalysisCallNode node, IProjectCodeProvider codeProvider)
            var stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            ISet <MethodDescriptor> result;
            var calleesForNode = new HashSet <MethodDescriptor>();
            var invExp         = methodEntity.PropGraph.GetInvocationInfo((AnalysisCallNode)node);

            Meausure("ME.PG.GetInvocationInfo", stopWatch);

            Contract.Assert(invExp != null);
            Contract.Assert(codeProvider != null);

            var calleeResult = await methodEntity.PropGraph.ComputeCalleesForNodeAsync(invExp, codeProvider);

            Meausure("ME.PG.ComputeCalleesForNode", stopWatch);



            result = calleesForNode;