Example #1
        protected AGame(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser _, IPreload preload, IPostMode postMode, IMultiplayerMode versusMode, GameSettings settings)
            _state    = GameState.Prepare;
            _textChan = textChan;
            if (_textChan is ITextChannel)
                _guildId = ((ITextChannel)_textChan).GuildId;
                throw new CommandFailed("Games are not yet available in private message."); // TODO!
            _postMode     = postMode;
            _versusMode   = versusMode;
            _lobby        = settings.Lobby;
            _isCustomGame = settings.IsCustomGame;

            _gameName = preload.Name;
            _argument = null;// preload.GetNameArg();
            _messages = new List <ICommandContext>();
            _preload  = preload;

            _contributors = new List <ulong>();
            _score        = 0;

Example #2
        protected AGame(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser _, IPreload preload, IPostMode postMode, IMultiplayerMode multiplayerMode, GameSettings settings)
            _state    = GameState.PREPARE;
            _textChan = textChan;
            if (_textChan is ITextChannel)
                _guildId = ((ITextChannel)_textChan).GuildId;
                throw new CommandFailed("Games are not yet available in private message."); // TODO!
            _postMode        = postMode;
            _multiplayerMode = multiplayerMode;
            _lobby           = settings.Lobby;

            _gameName = preload.GetGameNames()[0];
            _argument = preload.GetNameArg();

            textChan.SendMessageAsync(preload.GetRules() + $"\n\nYou will loose if you don't answer after {GetGameTime()} seconds\n\n" +
                                      "If the game break, you can use the 'Cancel' command to cancel it.\n" +
                                      "You can cooperate with other players to find the answers." +
                                      (_postMode is AudioMode ? "\nYou can listen again to the audio using the 'Replay' command." : "") +
                                      (_lobby != null ? "\n\n**You can join the lobby for the game by doing the 'Join' command**\nThe game will automatically start in " + _lobbyTimer + " seconds, you can start it right away using the 'Start' command" : "")).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            _messages = new List <SocketUserMessage>();

            _contributors = new List <ulong>();
            _score        = 0;

            StaticObjects.Website?.AddGameAsync(_gameName, _argument);
Example #3
        public QuizzBooru(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser user, IPreload preload, GameSettings settings) : base(textChan, user, preload, settings)
            var info = new List <BooruQuizzPreloadResult>(preload.Load().Cast <BooruQuizzPreloadResult>())[0];

            _booru          = info.Booru;
            _allowedFormats = info.AllowedFormats;
Example #4
        public PreloadMgr()
            Preloads = new List <PreloadCtrl>();

            Type[] oTypes = ReflUtils.GetAllTypes((oType) =>
                bool isSucess = false;
                if (oType.IsClass && oType.GetInterface(typeof(IPreload).Name) == typeof(IPreload))
                    isSucess = true;
            for (int i = 0; i < oTypes.Length; i++)
                Type        oType        = oTypes[i];
                IPreload    oPreload     = Activator.CreateInstance(oType) as IPreload;
                object[]    oAttrs       = oType.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(PreloadSortAttribute), false);
                PreloadCtrl oPreloadCtrl = new PreloadCtrl();
                oPreloadCtrl.SortID   = 99;
                oPreloadCtrl.IPreload = oPreload;
                if (oAttrs.Length > 0)
                    oPreloadCtrl.SortID = (oAttrs[0] as PreloadSortAttribute).SortID;

            Preloads.Sort((x, y) => x.SortID.CompareTo(y.SortID));

            IsDone = true;
Example #5
        public ReplayLobby AddReplayLobby(IChannel chan, IPreload preload, Lobby lobby)
            var rLobby = new ReplayLobby(preload, lobby.Host, lobby.GetUsers(), lobby.GetMultiplayerMode());

            _replayLobby.Add(chan.Id.ToString(), rLobby);
Example #6
 public Lobby(IUser host, IPreload preload)
     _users        = new() { host };
     _lobbyOwner   = host;
     _preload      = preload;
     _multiType    = MultiplayerType.VERSUS;
     _creationTime = DateTime.Now;
Example #7
 public Shiritori(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser user, IPreload preload, GameSettings settings) : base(textChan, user, preload, StaticObjects.ModeText, new TurnByTurnMode(), settings)
     _words          = new List <ShiritoriPreloadResult>(preload.Load().Cast <ShiritoriPreloadResult>());
     _isFirst        = true;
     _alreadySaid    = new List <string>();
     _lastUserChoice = null;
     _minWordLength  = 2;
Example #8
 public ReplayLobby(IPreload preload, IUser lastHost, List <IUser> users, MultiplayerType versusType)
     Preload       = preload;
     LastHost      = lastHost;
     _users        = users;
     _ready        = new();
     _versusType   = versusType;
     _creationTime = DateTime.Now;
Example #9
        public IEnumerator Init()
            if (!IsDone)
                Notify(new EventArgs()
                    ErrorStatus = PreloadError.Already
                yield break;

            IsDone = false;

            // 开始加载
            Notify(new EventArgs()
                Status   = PreloadStatus.Start,
                Alreay   = 0,
                TotalNum = Preloads.Count

            int       count          = 0;
            EventArgs oProgEventArgs = new EventArgs();

            // 加载中
            for (int i = 0; i < Preloads.Count; i++)
                oProgEventArgs.Alreay = i;
                oProgEventArgs.Status = PreloadStatus.Loading;

                IPreload oPreload = Preloads[i].IPreload;
                yield return(oPreload.Preloading());

                if (oPreload.IsSucess)

            // 加载完成
            Notify(new EventArgs()
                Alreay = count, Status = PreloadStatus.Finished

            IsDone = true;
Example #10
        public QuizzAudio(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser user, IPreload preload, GameSettings settings) : base(textChan, user, preload, settings, StaticObjects.ModeAudio)
            var gUser = user as IGuildUser;

            if (gUser == null)
                throw new CommandFailed("This game must be played in a server.");
            _voiceChan = gUser.VoiceChannel;
            if (_voiceChan == null)
                throw new CommandFailed("You must be in a vocal channel to play this game.");
            _voiceSession = _voiceChan.ConnectAsync().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            _process      = null;

            while (_voiceSession.ConnectionState != ConnectionState.Connected) // We wait to be connected before starting vocal stuffs
            _outStream = _voiceSession.CreatePCMStream(AudioApplication.Voice);
Example #11
 public QuizzBooruAnime(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser user, IPreload preload, GameSettings settings) : base(textChan, user, preload, settings)
Example #12
        public static async Task InitializeAsync(Credentials credentials)
            await Db.InitAsync("Sanara");

            Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/Keys/GoogleAPI.json");

            if (credentials.RavenKey != null)
                RavenClient = new RavenClient(credentials.RavenKey);

            HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 Sanara");

            Safebooru.HttpClient = HttpClient;
            Gelbooru.HttpClient  = HttpClient;
            E621.HttpClient      = HttpClient;
            E926.HttpClient      = HttpClient;
            Rule34.HttpClient    = HttpClient;
            Konachan.HttpClient  = HttpClient;

            RomajiToHiragana = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(File.ReadAllText("LanguageResource/Hiragana.json"));
            foreach (var elem in RomajiToHiragana)
                HiraganaToRomaji.Add(elem.Value, elem.Key);
            RomajiToKatakana = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(File.ReadAllText("LanguageResource/Katakana.json"));
            foreach (var elem in RomajiToKatakana)
                KatakanaToRomaji.Add(elem.Value, elem.Key);
            foreach (var elem in ISO639)
                ISO639Reverse.Add(elem.Value, elem.Key);

            await Utils.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Static Preload", "Loading game preload (might take several minutes if this is the first time)"));

            Preloads = new IPreload[]
                new ShiritoriPreload(),
                new ArknightsPreload(),
                new ArknightsAudioPreload(),
                new KancollePreload(),
                new KancolleAudioPreload(),
                new GirlsFrontlinePreload(),
                new AzurLanePreload(),
                new FateGOPreload(),
                new PokemonPreload(),
                new AnimePreload(),
                new BooruQuizzPreload(),
                new BooruFillPreload()
            await Utils.Log(new LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, "Static Preload", "Game preload done"));

            await SM.InitAsync();


            if (File.Exists("Saves/Premium.txt"))
                AllowedPremium = File.ReadAllLines("Saves/Premium.txt");

            if (credentials.YouTubeKey != null)
                YouTube = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
                    ApiKey = credentials.YouTubeKey

            if (credentials.KitsuEmail != null)
                KitsuAuth = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Post, "https://kitsu.io/api/oauth/token")
                    Content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(new Dictionary <string, string>
                        { "grant_type", "password" },
                        { "username", credentials.KitsuEmail },
                        { "password", credentials.KitsuPassword }

            if (credentials.UploadWebsiteLocation != null)
                UploadWebsiteLocation = credentials.UploadWebsiteLocation;
                if (!UploadWebsiteLocation.EndsWith("/"))
                    UploadWebsiteLocation += "/";

                UploadWebsiteUrl = credentials.UploadWebsiteUrl;
                if (!UploadWebsiteUrl.EndsWith("/"))
                    UploadWebsiteUrl += "/";                                  // Makes sure the URL end with a /

            if (credentials.TopGgToken != null)
                DblToken = credentials.TopGgToken;

            if (credentials.GithubKey != null)
                GithubKey = credentials.GithubKey;

            if (File.Exists("Keys/GoogleAPI.json"))
                GoogleCredential googleCredentials = GoogleCredential.FromFile("Keys/GoogleAPI.json");
                TranslationClient = TranslationClient.Create();
                VisionClient      = ImageAnnotatorClient.Create();

            if (credentials.StatsWebsiteUrl != null)
                Website = new UploadManager(credentials.StatsWebsiteUrl, credentials.StatsWebsiteToken);

            if (credentials.MyDramaListApiKey != null)
                MyDramaListApiKey = credentials.MyDramaListApiKey;
Example #13
 public Quizz(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser user, IPreload preload, GameSettings settings) : base(textChan, user, preload, StaticObjects.ModeUrl, new SpeedMode(), settings)
     _words         = new List <QuizzPreloadResult>(preload.Load().Cast <QuizzPreloadResult>());
     _allValidNames = _words.SelectMany(x => x.Answers).ToArray();
Example #14
 /// <summary>
 /// Called by QuizzAudio
 /// </summary>
 public Quizz(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser user, IPreload preload, GameSettings settings, IPostMode mode, bool doesCongratulate) : base(textChan, user, preload, mode, new SpeedMode(), settings)
     _words            = new List <QuizzPreloadResult>(preload.Load().Cast <QuizzPreloadResult>());
     _allValidNames    = _words.SelectMany(x => x.Answers).ToArray();
     _doesCongratulate = doesCongratulate;
Example #15
 public FillAllBooru(IMessageChannel textChan, IUser user, IPreload preload, GameSettings settings) : base(textChan, user, preload, StaticObjects.ModeUrl, new SpeedFillAllBooruMode(), settings)