public string Execute(IList <string> parameters)
            var userId = this.userService.GetLoggedUserId();

            var myPosts = postService.GetAllMyPosts(userId);

        public void Should_Return_The_Right_Collection()
            var ContextMock = new AnimaniaConsoleContext(Effort.DbConnectionFactory.CreateTransient());

            var LocationMock   = new Mock <ILocationServices>();
            var AnimalTypeMock = new Mock <IAnimalTypeServices>();
            var BreedTypeMock  = new Mock <IBreedTypeServices>();

            postServices = new PostServices(ContextMock, LocationMock.Object, AnimalTypeMock.Object, BreedTypeMock.Object);
            User user = new User()
                Id       = 1,
                UserName = "******",
                Password = "******",
                Email    = "*****@*****.**"
            BreedType breed = new BreedType()
                BreedTypeName = "TestBreed",
                AnimalTypeId  = 1
            AnimalType type = new AnimalType()
                AnimalTypeName = "TestAnimalTypeName",
            Location location = new Location()
                LocationName = "TestLocation",
            var animal = new Animal
                AnimalName   = "TestAnimalTypeName",
                Birthday     = DateTime.Now,
                AnimalTypeId = 1,
                BreedTypeId  = 1,
                LocationId   = 1,
                UserId       = 1

            var post = new CreatePostModel()
                Title          = "1234567890",
                Description    = "12345678901234567890",
                Status         = true,
                Price          = 12.0M,
                LocationName   = location.LocationName,
                AnimalTypeName = "TestAnimalTypeName",
                BreedTypeName  = "TestBreed",
                AnimalName     = "TestAnimalName",
                Birthday       = DateTime.Now

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(postServices.GetAllMyPosts(1), typeof(IEnumerable <PostModel>));
Example #3
        public string Execute(IList <string> parameters)
            var    userPosts = postServices.GetAllMyPosts(userService.GetLoggedUserId());
            var    random    = new Random().Next();
            string filePath  = "../../../AnimaniaConsole.Core/PDFReports/";
            string fileName  = $"{random}.pdf";

            FileStream fs = new FileStream(filePath + fileName, FileMode.Create);
            // Create an instance of the document class which represents the PDF document itself.
            Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 25, 25, 30, 30);
            // Create an instance to the PDF file by creating an instance of the PDF
            // Writer class using the document and the filestrem in the constructor.
            PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, fs);

            document.AddSubject("This is a PDF showing current posts");
            // Open the document to enable you to write to the document

            // Add a simple and wellknown phrase to the document in a flow layout manner
            document.Add(new Paragraph("Those are the current posts:"));
            foreach (var item in userPosts)
                var    date   = item.PostDate.ToString();
                string status = (item.Status) ? "ACTIVE" : "INACTIVE";

                document.Add(new Paragraph((date)));
                document.Add(new Paragraph((status)));

                document.Add(new Paragraph(item.Title));
                document.Add(new Paragraph(item.Description));
            // Close the document
            // Close the writer instance
            // Always close open filehandles explicity
            return($"PDF File has been created! You can find it in the following folder: {filePath}");