Example #1
        public async Task <ResponseMessage> ValidatePasswordRecoveryToken(string token)
            //Check if the provided token matches a record in the passwordRecoveryRepo and the record is not more than 1 day old and is still active.
            var encryptedToken = Cryptography.Hash_sha256(token);

            //Find passwordRecoveryState from repo
            var result = await passwordRecoveryRepository.GetRecoveryProcessFromToken(encryptedToken);

            if (result == null)
                return(new ResponseMessage(false, null, null, "Unauthorized token, this may be caused by a broken link. Try requesting another password reset."));

            if (!result.IsActive)
                return(new ResponseMessage(false, null, null, "This password recovery link is no longer active, or has been used before. Try requesting another password reset."));

            var expirationDate = result.RecoveryRequestedAt.AddDays(1);

            if (DateTime.UtcNow.CompareTo(expirationDate) > 0)
                return(new ResponseMessage(false, null, null, "This password recovery link has expired. Try requesting another password reset."));

            return(new ResponseMessage(true));
Example #2
        public async Task <ResponseMessage> UpdatePassword(string token, string newPassword, string confirmNewPassword)
            var tokenResponse = await _passwordRecoveryRepository.GetRecoveryProcessFromToken(Cryptography.Hash_sha256(token));

            var validateResponse = ValidateTokenResponse(tokenResponse);

            if (!validateResponse.IsSuccessful)

            if (!newPassword.Equals(confirmNewPassword))
                return(new ResponseMessage(false, null, null, "New Password and Confirm New Password must match"));

            if (confirmNewPassword.Length < 6)
                return(new ResponseMessage(false, null, null, "Password must be atleast 6 characters long"));

            if (!ValidatePassword(confirmNewPassword).IsSuccessful)
                return(new ResponseMessage(false, null, null, "Special characters are not allowed in the password"));

            //Password match all criteria, hash password and update password for user
            await userStore.UpdatePassword(tokenResponse.UserId, BCrypt.Net.BCrypt.HashPassword(confirmNewPassword));

            //Recovery Procedure completed invalidate the recovery procedure process state.
            await _passwordRecoveryRepository.InvalidateRecoveryProcess(tokenResponse.Id);

            return(new ResponseMessage(true));