private bool IsUnusedParameterCandidate(IParameterSymbol parameter)
                // Ignore certain special parameters/methods.
                // Note that "method.ExplicitOrImplicitInterfaceImplementations" check below is not a complete check,
                // as identifying this correctly requires analyzing referencing projects, which is not
                // supported for analyzers. We believe this is still a good enough check for most cases so
                // we don't have to bail out on reporting unused parameters for all public methods.

                if (parameter.IsImplicitlyDeclared ||
                    parameter.Name == DiscardVariableName ||
                    parameter.ContainingSymbol is not IMethodSymbol method ||
                    method.IsImplicitlyDeclared ||
                    method.IsExtern ||
                    method.IsAbstract ||
                    method.IsVirtual ||
                    method.IsOverride ||
                    method.PartialImplementationPart != null ||
                    !method.ExplicitOrImplicitInterfaceImplementations().IsEmpty ||
                    method.IsAccessor() ||
                    method.IsAnonymousFunction() ||
                    _compilationAnalyzer.MethodHasHandlesClause(method) ||

                // Ignore parameters of record primary constructors since they map to public properties
                // TODO: Remove this when implicit operations are synthesised:
                if (method.IsConstructor() &&

                // Ignore event handler methods "Handler(object, MyEventArgs)"
                // as event handlers are required to match this signature
                // regardless of whether or not the parameters are used.
                if (_eventArgsTypeOpt != null &&
                    method.Parameters.Length == 2 &&
                    method.Parameters[0].Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_Object &&

                // Ignore flagging parameters for methods with certain well-known attributes,
                // which are known to have unused parameters in real world code.
                if (method.GetAttributes().Any(a => _attributeSetForMethodsToIgnore.Contains(a.AttributeClass)))

                // Methods used as delegates likely need to have unused parameters for signature compat.
                if (_methodsUsedAsDelegates.ContainsKey(method))

                // Ignore special parameter names for methods that need a specific signature.
                // For example, methods used as a delegate in a different type or project.
                // This also serves as a convenient way to suppress instances of unused parameter diagnostic
                // without disabling the diagnostic completely.
                // We ignore parameter names that start with an underscore and are optionally followed by an integer,
                // such as '_', '_1', '_2', etc.
                if (parameter.IsSymbolWithSpecialDiscardName())

                // Don't report on valid GetInstance method of ICustomMarshaler.
                // See
                if (method is { MetadataName : "GetInstance", IsStatic : true, Parameters.Length : 1, ContainingType : { } containingType } methodSymbol&&
                    methodSymbol.Parameters[0].Type.SpecialType == SpecialType.System_String &&
                    containingType.AllInterfaces.Any((@interface, marshaler) => @interface.Equals(marshaler), _iCustomMarshaler))
