private const int APPEND = -1; //mark the index so it appends to the container

        protected int AddTemplateToContainer(IPDFContainerComponent container, int index, IPDFTemplate template)
            int count = 0;
            IEnumerable <IPDFComponent> generated = template.Instantiate(index, container);

            foreach (IPDFComponent comp in generated)
                Component actual = comp as Component;
                if (null != actual)
                    if (index >= 0 && index < container.Content.Count)
                        container.Content.Insert(index, actual);
                if (comp is IPDFBindableComponent)
                    ((IPDFBindableComponent)comp).DataBinding += PDFDataGridTemplateColumn_DataBinding;
Example #2
 protected override void DoDataBindToContainer(PDFDataContext context, IPDFContainerComponent container)
     if (this.Test && this.Visible)
         base.DoDataBindToContainer(context, container);
        /// <summary>
        /// Lays out all the contents of the list item in the current itemblock and returns the used height of the
        /// components it has laid out.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entry"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private PDFUnit LayoutItemContent(ListNumberEntry entry)
            ComponentList          contents  = null;
            IPDFContainerComponent container = entry.ListItem as IPDFContainerComponent;

            PDFUnit avail = _itemblock.CurrentRegion.AvailableHeight;

            if (container.HasContent)
                //because we are mimicing being the container - set the full style to the item style
                Style last = this.FullStyle;
                this.FullStyle = entry.FullStyle;

                contents = container.Content;

                //And restore the full style to the previous item after.
                this.FullStyle = last;

            // Calculate the height used and return
            PDFUnit newAvail = _itemblock.CurrentRegion.AvailableHeight;
            PDFUnit used     = avail - newAvail;

        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a new Component in the container
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="ele"></param>
        private void InsertComponentInContainer(IPDFContainerComponent container, int index, IPDFComponent ele, PDFInitContext init, PDFLoadContext load)
            IPDFComponentList list = container.Content as IPDFComponentList;

            list.Insert(index, ele);
 /// <summary>
 /// Removes any previously bound Components
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="all"></param>
 /// <param name="container"></param>
 private void ClearPreviousBoundComponents(ICollection <IPDFComponent> all, IPDFContainerComponent container)
     //dispose and clear
     foreach (Component ele in all)
Example #6
 private bool ShowEmptyTemplate(IPDFContainerComponent container, int index, PDFDataContext context)
     if (null == this.EmptyTemplate)
         this.InstantiateAndAddWithTemplate(this.EmptyTemplate, 0, index, container, context);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        protected virtual void DoDataBindToContainer(PDFDataContext context, IPDFContainerComponent container)
            //If we have a template and should be binding on it

            int oldindex = context.CurrentIndex;
            int index    = container.Content.IndexOf(this);

            DoBindDataIntoContainer(container, index, context);
            _toparent = container;

            context.CurrentIndex = oldindex;
Example #8
        protected virtual void ParseHtmlContents(string source, string html, IPDFContainerComponent container, int insertIndex)
            HTMLParserSettings settings = GetParserSettings();

            if (this.Format == HtmlFormatType.Markdown)
                Markdown md = new Markdown();
                html = md.Transform(html);
            HTMLParser parser = new HTMLParser(html, settings);

            Stack <IPDFComponent> route = new Stack <IPDFComponent>();

            IPDFComponentList contents = container.Content;

            //int codeDepth = 0;
            foreach (Scryber.Html.Parsing.HTMLParserResult result in parser)
                if (result.Valid && null != result.Parsed)
                    IPDFComponent parsed = result.Parsed;

                    if (result.IsEnd)
                        if (route.Count == 0)
                            contents.Insert(insertIndex, parsed);
                            if (parsed is IPDFLoadableComponent)
                                ((IPDFLoadableComponent)parsed).LoadedSource = source;
                            IPDFContainerComponent parent = (IPDFContainerComponent)route.Peek();
        // methods

        /// <summary>
        /// Main override so that the data can be bound to the any templates
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="includeChildren"></param>
        protected override void DoDataBind(PDFDataContext context, bool includeChildren)
            if (_addedonbind != null && _addedonbind.Count > 0)
                this.ClearPreviousBoundComponents(_addedonbind, _toparent);
            else if (null == _addedonbind)
                _addedonbind = new List <IPDFComponent>();

            //call the base method first
            base.DoDataBind(context, includeChildren);

            if (includeChildren)
                IPDFContainerComponent container = GetContainerParent();
                DoDataBindToContainer(context, container);
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="containerposition"></param>
        /// <param name="template"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        protected override void DoBindDataIntoContainer(IPDFContainerComponent container, int containerposition, PDFDataContext context)
            int          prevcount = context.CurrentIndex;
            PDFDataStack stack     = context.DataStack;

            object         origData = stack.HasData ? stack.Current : null;
            IPDFDataSource source   = stack.HasData ? stack.Source : null;

            foreach (WithField fld in this.Fields)
                this.BindingActions.Add(origData, source, fld);

            if (this.AutoBindContent != DataAutoBindContent.None)
                this.AddAutoBindFields(origData, source, context);

            this.BindActionedComponents(this.BindingActions, context);
Example #11
        public static void AddDataContent(this ContainerComponent container, string dataContent, PDFContextBase context)
            var found = GetDataContent(container, dataContent, context);

            if (null == found)

            var content = found.Instantiate(0, container);

            if (null != content)
                IPDFContainerComponent icontainer = container;

                foreach (var item in content)
                    if (item is Component)
Example #12
        protected virtual void EnsureContentsParsed(PDFContextBase context, bool performload)
            if (_parsed)

            IPDFContainerComponent container = this.GetContainerParent();
            int index = container.Content.IndexOf(this);

                if (_added != null && _added.Count > 0)
                    foreach (IPDFComponent prev in _added)
                        container.Content.Remove(prev as Component);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new PDFParserException("The previousl parsed components could not be removed from the parent container. See the inner exception for more details.", ex);

            string fullpath = string.Empty;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Source))
                    fullpath = this.MapPath(this.Source);
                    if (Uri.IsWellFormedUriString(fullpath, UriKind.Absolute))
                        using (System.Net.WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient())
                            this._contentsAsString = wc.DownloadString(fullpath);
                        this._contentsAsString = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(fullpath);
                        if (this.UnEncode)
                            this._contentsAsString = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(this._contentsAsString);
                else if (null != this.XHTMLContents)
                    fullpath          = "HTMLFragment.Contents";
                    _contentsAsString = this.XHTMLContents.OuterXml;
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.RawContents))
                    _contentsAsString = this.RawContents;

                    if (this.UnEncode)
                        this._contentsAsString = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(this._contentsAsString);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new PDFParserException("Could not download the required html contents from the specified source: " + fullpath, ex);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this._contentsAsString))
                if (null == this._added)
                    _added = new List <IPDFComponent>();

                    this.ParseHtmlContents(fullpath, this._contentsAsString, container, index);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    throw new PDFParserException("The Html reader could not parse the Html contents from the specified source: " + fullpath, ex);

                if (_added.Count > 0)
                    //Need to do the initialization for each of the items.

                    PDFInitContext initContext = new PDFInitContext(context.Items, context.TraceLog, context.PerformanceMonitor, this.Document);
                    for (int i = 0; i < _added.Count; i++)

                    //If the load even has already happened then we need to execute the load event
                    //for each of the relevant items that were added.

                    if (performload)
                        PDFLoadContext loadContext = new PDFLoadContext(context.Items, context.TraceLog, context.PerformanceMonitor, this.Document);
                        for (int i = 0; i < _added.Count; i++)
                            IPDFComponent comp = _added[i];
                            if (comp is VisualComponent)
                                (comp as VisualComponent).Load(loadContext);

            _parsed = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="containerposition"></param>
        /// <param name="template"></param>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        protected virtual void DoBindDataIntoContainer(IPDFContainerComponent container, int containerposition, PDFDataContext context)
            int          prevcount = context.CurrentIndex;
            PDFDataStack stack     = context.DataStack;

            object         data   = stack.HasData ? context.DataStack.Current : null;
            IPDFDataSource source = stack.HasData ? context.DataStack.Source : null;

            int         count      = 0;
            int         added      = 0;
            IEnumerator enumerator = null;

            if (CanEnumerate(data))
                if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                    context.TraceLog.Begin(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Starting to bind enumerable data into container " + this.ID);

                IEnumerable ienum = data as IEnumerable;
                enumerator = this.CreateEnumerator(ienum);
                while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                    context.CurrentIndex = count;
                    context.DataStack.Push(enumerator.Current, source);
                    int number = 0;

                    IPDFTemplate template = this.GetTemplateForBinding(context, count, added + containerposition);
                    if (null != template)
                        number = InstantiateAndAddWithTemplate(template, count, added + containerposition, container, context);


                    if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                        context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Debug, "Binding Template", "Bound data into template index : " + count + " and added " + number + " components");

                    added += number;
                if (count == 0)
                    context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Message, "Binding Template", "ZERO items were data bound with the Binding Template Component as MoveNext returned false from the start");

                if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                    context.TraceLog.End(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Completed binding enumerable data into Binding Template Component, " + added + " components added, with " + count + " enumerable data items");
                else if (context.ShouldLogVerbose)
                    context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Completed binding enumerable data into Binding Template Component, " + added + " components added, with " + count + " enumerable data items");
            else if (data != null)
                if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                    context.TraceLog.Begin(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Starting to bind single data into Binding Template Component");

                context.CurrentIndex = 1;
                context.DataStack.Push(data, source);
                IPDFTemplate template = this.GetTemplateForBinding(context, count, added + containerposition);
                if (null != template)
                    added += InstantiateAndAddWithTemplate(template, count, added + containerposition, container, context);

                if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                    context.TraceLog.End(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Completed binding single data into the Binding Template Component, " + added + " components added.");
                else if (context.ShouldLogVerbose)
                    context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Completed binding single data into the Binding Template Component, " + added + " components added.");
                if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                    context.TraceLog.Begin(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Starting to bind into Binding Template Component with NO context data");

                context.CurrentIndex = 1;
                IPDFTemplate template = this.GetTemplateForBinding(context, count, added + containerposition);
                if (null != template)
                    added += InstantiateAndAddWithTemplate(template, count, added + containerposition, container, context);

                if (context.ShouldLogDebug)
                    context.TraceLog.End(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Completed binding the Binding Template Component with NO data, " + added + " components added.");
                else if (context.ShouldLogVerbose)
                    context.TraceLog.Add(TraceLevel.Verbose, "Binding Template", "Completed binding the Binding Template Component with NO data, " + added + " components added.");

            context.CurrentIndex = prevcount;
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new instance of the template and adds it to this components content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context"></param>
        /// <param name="count"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        /// <param name="template"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected virtual int InstantiateAndAddWithTemplate(IPDFTemplate template, int count, int index, IPDFContainerComponent container, PDFDataContext context)
            if (null == template)

            PDFInitContext init = GetInitContext(context);
            PDFLoadContext load = GetLoadContext(context);

            IEnumerable <IPDFComponent> created = template.Instantiate(count, this);
            int added = 0;

            if (created != null)
                foreach (IPDFComponent ele in ((IEnumerable)created))
                    InsertComponentInContainer(container, index, ele, init, load);
                    if (ele is IPDFBindableComponent)

                    //raise the event
                    this.OnItemDataBound(context, ele);
Example #15
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="container"></param>
 /// <param name="containerposition"></param>
 /// <param name="template"></param>
 /// <param name="context"></param>
 protected virtual void DoBindDataIntoContainer(IPDFContainerComponent container, int containerposition, PDFDataContext context)
Example #16
        public void InstantiateTemplate(IPDFTemplate template, PDFLayoutContext context, PDFRect available, int pageindex)
            if (null == template)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("template");
            if (null == context)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("context");

            List <IPDFComponent> generated = new List <IPDFComponent>(template.Instantiate(GeneratedCount, this));

            if (generated.Count == 0)

            PDFInitContext init = new PDFInitContext(context.Items, context.TraceLog, context.PerformanceMonitor, this.Document)
                Compression  = context.Compression,
                OutputFormat = context.OutputFormat,
                Conformance  = context.Conformance

            PDFLoadContext load = new PDFLoadContext(context.Items, context.TraceLog, context.PerformanceMonitor, this.Document)
                Compression  = context.Compression,
                OutputFormat = context.OutputFormat,
                Conformance  = context.Conformance

            PDFDataContext data = new PDFDataContext(context.Items, context.TraceLog, context.PerformanceMonitor, this.Document)
                Compression  = context.Compression,
                OutputFormat = context.OutputFormat,
                Conformance  = context.Conformance

            IPDFContainerComponent container  = this;
            IPDFComponentList      components = container.Content as IPDFComponentList;

            for (int index = 0; index < generated.Count; index++)
                IPDFComponent comp = generated[index];
                components.Insert(index, comp);

            foreach (IPDFComponent comp in generated)
            foreach (IPDFComponent comp in generated)
                if (comp is IPDFBindableComponent)
                    (comp as IPDFBindableComponent).DataBind(data);
Example #17
        protected override void DoBindDataIntoContainer(IPDFContainerComponent container, int containerposition, PDFDataContext context)
            IPDFDataSource origSource = context.DataStack.Source;
            object         origData   = context.DataStack.Pop();

            object parentData = null;

            if (context.DataStack.HasData)
                parentData = context.DataStack.Current;

            Style applied = this.GetAppliedStyle();

            applied = applied.Flatten();

            IEnumerator enumerator = this.GetDataEnumerator(origData);

            if (this.AutoBindContent != DataAutoBindContent.None)

            TableGrid grid = new TableGrid();


            if (this.HasStyle && this.Style.HasValues)
                this.Style.MergeInto(grid.Style, Style.DirectStylePriority);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.StyleClass))
                grid.StyleClass = this.StyleClass;

            if (this.HasOutline)
                grid.Outline = this.Outline;

            int colindex = 0;
            int rowindex = -1;

            this._bindingActions = new List <BindingActionList>();

            if (this.ShouldBuildHeader())
                TableHeaderRow header = new TableHeaderRow();

                BindingActionList headBind = new BindingActionList();

                //Add the columns

                foreach (DataGridColumn column in this.Columns)
                    if (column.Visible == false)

                    Component comp = column.DoBuildHeaderCell(grid, header, rowindex, colindex, context);
                    if (null != comp && null != parentData)
                        headBind.Add(new BindingAction(parentData, origSource, comp));


            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
                colindex = 0;
                TableRow row = new TableRow();

                BindingActionList rowBind = new BindingActionList();

                foreach (DataGridColumn column in this.Columns)
                    if (column.Visible == false)

                    Component comp = column.DoBuildItemCell(grid, row, rowindex, colindex, context);
                    if (null != comp)
                        rowBind.Add(new BindingAction(enumerator.Current, origSource, comp));



            colindex = 0;

            if (this.ShouldBuildFooter())
                TableFooterRow footer = new TableFooterRow();

                BindingActionList footBind = new BindingActionList();

                foreach (DataGridColumn column in this.Columns)
                    if (column.Visible == false)

                    Component comp = column.DoBuildFooterCell(grid, footer, rowindex, colindex, context);
                    if (null != comp && null != parentData)
                        footBind.Add(new BindingAction(parentData, origSource, comp));

            context.DataStack.Push(origData, origSource);

            this.InitAndLoadRoot(grid, context);
            this.BindActionedComponents(this.BindingActions, context);

            bool allhidden = RemoveHiddenColumns(context);

            if (allhidden || grid.Rows.Count == 0)
                grid.Visible = false;
                this.ShowEmptyTemplate(container, containerposition, context);

            this.RemoveHeadersAndFooters(grid, context);

            _built = grid;