Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// If we ever need to support fees or CoF network payment with other providers than CMT/RideLinq,
        /// we'll need to keep track of on which company the pre-auth has been made and handle it properly because, as of today, orderPaymentDetail is unique by order.
        /// </summary>
        public PreAuthorizePaymentResponse PreAuthorize(string companyKey, Guid orderId, AccountDetail account, decimal amountToPreAuthorize, bool isReAuth = false, bool isSettlingOverduePayment = false, bool isForPrepaid = false, string cvv = null)
            // we pass the orderId just in case it might exist but most of the time it won't since preauth is done before order creation
            if (IsPayPal(account.Id, orderId, isForPrepaid))
                return(_payPalServiceFactory.GetInstance(companyKey).PreAuthorize(account.Id, orderId, account.Email, amountToPreAuthorize, isReAuth));

            // if we call preauth more than once, the cvv will be null but since preauth already passed once, it's safe to assume it's ok
            var response = GetInstance(companyKey).PreAuthorize(companyKey, orderId, account, amountToPreAuthorize, isReAuth, isSettlingOverduePayment, false, cvv);

            // when CMT has preauth enabled, remove this ugly code and delete temp info for everyone
            // we can't delete here for CMT because we need the cvv info in the CommitPayment method
            if (GetPaymentSettings(companyKey).PaymentMode != PaymentMethod.Cmt &&
                GetPaymentSettings(companyKey).PaymentMode != PaymentMethod.RideLinqCmt)
                // delete the cvv stored in database once preauth is done, doesn't fail if it doesn't exist

Example #2
        public CommitPreauthorizedPaymentResponse CommitPayment(string companyKey, Guid orderId, AccountDetail account, decimal preauthAmount, decimal amount, decimal meterAmount, decimal tipAmount,
                                                                string transactionId, string reAuthOrderId = null, bool isForPrepaid = false, string kountSessionId = null, string customerIpAddress = null)
            // No need to use preauthAmount for CMT because we can't preauthorize

                var orderDetail = _orderDao.FindById(orderId);
                if (orderDetail == null)
                    throw new Exception("Order not found");

                var creditCard          = _creditCardDao.FindById(account.DefaultCreditCard.GetValueOrDefault());
                var commitTransactionId = transactionId;

                if (_serverPaymentSettings.PaymentMode == PaymentMethod.RideLinqCmt)

                    var pairingToken = orderDetail.IsManualRideLinq
                        ? _orderDao.GetManualRideLinqById(orderId).PairingToken
                        : _orderDao.FindOrderPairingById(orderId).PairingToken;

                    var request = new CmtRideLinqAuthorizationRequest
                        PairingToken      = pairingToken,
                        CofToken          = creditCard.Token,
                        LastFour          = creditCard.Last4Digits,
                        SessionId         = kountSessionId,
                        Email             = account.Email,
                        CustomerIpAddress = customerIpAddress,
                        BillingFullName   = creditCard.NameOnCard

                    if (creditCard.ZipCode.HasValue())
                        request.ZipCode = creditCard.ZipCode;

                    var requestUrl = string.Format("payment/{0}/authorize/{1}", request.PairingToken, request.CofToken);
                    _logger.LogMessage("Trying to authorize payment for CMT RideLinq (settling an overdue payment). Url: {0} Request {1}", requestUrl, request.ToJson());

                        var response = _cmtMobileServiceClient.Post(requestUrl, request);
                        if (response != null && response.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.OK)
                            _logger.LogMessage("Call to CMT RideLinq authorize succeeded");
                            return(new CommitPreauthorizedPaymentResponse
                                IsSuccessful = true,
                                AuthorizationCode = "NoAuthCodeReturnedFromCmtRideLinqAuthorize",
                                Message = "Success",
                                TransactionId = commitTransactionId,
                                TransactionDate = DateTime.UtcNow
                    catch (WebServiceException ex)
                        _logger.LogMessage("Response: {0} {1} (Body: {2})", ex.StatusCode, ex.StatusDescription, ex.ResponseBody);

                        var cmtErrorCode = ex.ResponseBody.FromJson <ErrorResponse>();
                        if (cmtErrorCode.ResponseCode == CmtErrorCodes.TripAlreadyAuthorized)

                            // this should be considered a success
                            _logger.LogMessage("Received error code 615, consider it a success");
                            return(new CommitPreauthorizedPaymentResponse
                                IsSuccessful = true,
                                AuthorizationCode = "NoAuthCodeReturnedFromCmtRideLinqAuthorize",
                                Message = "Success",
                                TransactionId = commitTransactionId,
                                TransactionDate = DateTime.UtcNow

                        return(new CommitPreauthorizedPaymentResponse
                            IsSuccessful = false,
                            TransactionId = commitTransactionId,
                            Message = ex.ResponseBody

                    return(new CommitPreauthorizedPaymentResponse
                        IsSuccessful = false,
                        TransactionId = commitTransactionId
                    string authorizationCode = null;

                    var orderStatus = _orderDao.FindOrderStatusById(orderId);
                    if (orderStatus == null)
                        throw new Exception("Order status not found");

                    var deviceId   = orderStatus.VehicleNumber;
                    var driverId   = orderStatus.DriverInfos == null ? 0 : orderStatus.DriverInfos.DriverId.To <int>();
                    var employeeId = orderStatus.DriverInfos == null ? string.Empty : orderStatus.DriverInfos.DriverId;
                    var tripId     = orderStatus.IBSOrderId.Value;
                    var fleetToken = _serverPaymentSettings.CmtPaymentSettings.FleetToken;
                    var customerReferenceNumber = orderStatus.ReferenceNumber.HasValue()
                        ? orderStatus.ReferenceNumber
                        : orderDetail.IBSOrderId.ToString();

                    var tempPaymentInfo = _orderDao.GetTemporaryPaymentInfo(orderId);
                    var cvv             = tempPaymentInfo != null ? tempPaymentInfo.Cvv : null;

                    var authRequest = new AuthorizationRequest
                        FleetToken              = fleetToken,
                        DeviceId                = deviceId,
                        Amount                  = (int)(amount * 100),
                        CardOnFileToken         = creditCard.Token,
                        CustomerReferenceNumber = customerReferenceNumber,
                        DriverId                = driverId,
                        EmployeeId              = employeeId,
                        ShiftUuid               = orderDetail.Id.ToString(),
                        Fare           = (int)(meterAmount * 100),
                        Tip            = (int)(tipAmount * 100),
                        TripId         = tripId,
                        ConvenienceFee = 0,
                        Extras         = 0,
                        Surcharge      = 0,
                        Tax            = 0,
                        Tolls          = 0,
                        Cvv2           = cvv

                    // remove temp payment info

                    var authResponse = Authorize(authRequest);

                    var isSuccessful   = authResponse.ResponseCode == 1;
                    var isCardDeclined = authResponse.ResponseCode == 607;

                    if (isSuccessful)
                        commitTransactionId = authResponse.TransactionId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                        authorizationCode   = authResponse.AuthorizationCode;

                    return(new CommitPreauthorizedPaymentResponse
                        IsSuccessful = isSuccessful,
                        AuthorizationCode = authorizationCode,
                        Message = authResponse.ResponseMessage,
                        TransactionId = commitTransactionId,
                        IsDeclined = isCardDeclined,
                        TransactionDate = isSuccessful ? (DateTime?)authResponse.AuthorizationDate : null
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new CommitPreauthorizedPaymentResponse
                    IsSuccessful = false,
                    TransactionId = transactionId,
                    Message = ex.Message