protected override void Configure(IObjectTypeDescriptor <EvolutionDetail> descriptor)
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, Item, ItemType>(x => x.Item);
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, EvolutionTrigger, EvolutionTriggerType>(x => x.Trigger);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.Gender)
     .Description("The gender the evolving pokémon species must be in order to evolve into this pokémon species.");
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, Item, ItemType>(x => x.HeldItem);
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, Move, MoveType>(x => x.KnownMove);
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, Type, TypePropertyType>(x => x.KnownMoveType);
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, Location, LocationType>(x => x.Location);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.MinLevel)
     .Description("The minimum required level of the evolving pokémon species to evolve into this pokémon species.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.MinHappiness)
     .Description("The minimum required level of happiness the evolving pokémon species to evolve into this pokémon species.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.MinBeauty)
     .Description("The minimum required level of beauty the evolving pokémon species to evolve into this pokémon species.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.MinAffection)
     .Description("The minimum required level of affection the evolving pokémon species to evolve into this pokémon species.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.NeedsOverworldRain)
     .Description("Whether or not it must be raining in the overworld to cause evolution this pokémon species.");
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, PokemonSpecies, PokemonSpeciesType>(x => x.PartySpecies);
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, Type, TypePropertyType>(x => x.PartyType);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.RelativePhysicalStats)
     .Description("The required relation between the Pokémon's Attack and Defense stats. 1 means Attack > Defense. 0 means Attack = Defense. -1 means Attack < Defense.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.TimeOfDay)
     .Description("The required time of day. Day or night.");
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionDetail, PokemonSpecies, PokemonSpeciesType>(x => x.TradeSpecies);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.TurnUpsideDown)
     .Description("Whether or not the 3DS needs to be turned upside-down as this Pokémon levels up.");
Example #2
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 protected override void ConcreteConfigure(IObjectTypeDescriptor <Item> descriptor)
     descriptor.Description(@"An item is an object in the games which the player can pick up, keep in their bag, and use in some manner. 
         They have various uses, including healing, powering up, helping catch Pokémon, or to access a new area.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.Cost)
     .Description("The price of this item in stores.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.FlingPower)
     .Description("The power of the move Fling when used with this item.");
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <Item, ItemFlingEffect, ItemFlingEffectType>(x => x.FlingEffect);
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceCollectionField <Item, ItemAttribute, ItemAttributeType>(x => x.Attributes);
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceField <Item, ItemCategory, ItemCategoryType>(x => x.Category);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.HeldByPokemon)
     .Description("A list of pokémon that might be found in the wild holding this item.")
     .Type <ListType <ItemHolderPokemonType> >();
     descriptor.Field(x => x.GameIndices)
     .Description("A list of game indices relevent to this item by generation.")
     .Type <ListType <GenerationGameIndexType> >();
     descriptor.UseNullableApiResourceField <Item, EvolutionChain, EvolutionChainType>(x => x.BabyTriggerFor);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.EffectEntries)
     .Description("The effect of this ability listed in different languages.")
     .Type <ListType <VerboseEffectType> >();
     descriptor.Field(x => x.FlavorGroupTextEntries)
     .Description("The flavor text of this ability listed in different languages.")
     .Type <ListType <VersionGroupFlavorTextType> >();
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 protected override void ConcreteConfigure(IObjectTypeDescriptor <EvolutionChain> descriptor)
     descriptor.Description(@"Evolution chains are essentially family trees. 
         They start with the lowest stage within a family 
         and detail evolution conditions for each as well as pokémon 
         they can evolve into up through the hierarchy.");
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <EvolutionChain, Item, ItemType>(x => x.BabyTriggerItem);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.Chain)
     .Description(@"The base chain link object. 
             Each link contains evolution details for a pokémon in the chain. 
             Each link references the next pokémon in the natural evolution order.")
     .Type <ChainLinkType>();
 /// <inheritdoc/>
 protected override void ConcreteConfigure(IObjectTypeDescriptor <PokemonSpecies> descriptor)
     descriptor.Description(@"A Pokémon Species forms the basis for at least one pokémon. 
         Attributes of a Pokémon species are shared across all varieties of pokémon within the species. 
         A good example is Wormadam; Wormadam is the species which can be found in three different varieties, Wormadam-Trash, Wormadam-Sandy and Wormadam-Plant.");
     descriptor.Ignore(x => x.FormDescriptions);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.Order)
     .Description(@"The order in which species should be sorted.
             Based on National Dex order, except families are grouped together and sorted by stage.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.GenderRate)
     .Description("The chance of this Pokémon being female, in eighths; or -1 for genderless.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.CaptureRate)
     .Description("The base capture rate; up to 255. The higher the number, the easier the catch.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.BaseHappiness)
     .Description("The happiness when caught by a normal pokéball; up to 255. The higher the number, the happier the pokémon.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.IsBaby)
     .Description("Whether or not this is a baby pokémon.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.HatchCounter)
     .Description("Initial hatch counter: one must walk 255 × (hatch_counter + 1) steps before this Pokémon's egg hatches, unless utilizing bonuses like Flame Body's.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.HasGenderDifferences)
     .Description("Whether or not this pokémon can have different genders.");
     descriptor.Field(x => x.FormsSwitchable)
     .Description("Whether or not this pokémon has multiple forms and can switch between them.");
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceField <PokemonSpecies, GrowthRate, GrowthRateType>(x => x.GrowthRate);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.PokedexNumbers)
     .Description("A list of pokedexes and the indexes reserved within them for this pokémon species.")
     .Type <ListType <PokemonSpeciesDexEntryType> >();
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceCollectionField <PokemonSpecies, EggGroup, EggGroupType>(x => x.EggGroups);
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceField <PokemonSpecies, PokemonColor, PokemonColorType>(x => x.Color);
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceField <PokemonSpecies, PokemonShape, PokemonShapeType>(x => x.Shape);
     descriptor.UseNullableNamedApiResourceField <PokemonSpecies, PokemonSpecies, PokemonSpeciesType>(x => x.EvolvesFromSpecies);
     descriptor.UseApiResourceField <PokemonSpecies, EvolutionChain, EvolutionChainType>(x => x.EvolutionChain);
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceField <PokemonSpecies, PokemonHabitat, PokemonHabitatType>(x => x.Habitat);
     descriptor.UseNamedApiResourceField <PokemonSpecies, Generation, GenerationType>(x => x.Generation);
     descriptor.Field(x => x.PalParkEncounters)
     .Description("A list of encounters that can be had with this pokémon species in pal park.")
     .Type <ListType <PalParkEncounterAreaType> >();
     descriptor.Field(x => x.Genera)
     .Description("The genus of this pokémon species listed in multiple languages.")
     .Type <ListType <GenusType> >();
     descriptor.Field(x => x.Varieties)
     .Description("A list of the pokémon that exist within this pokémon species.")
     .Type <ListType <PokemonSpeciesVarietyType> >();
     descriptor.Field(x => x.FlavorTextEntries)
     .Type <ListType <PokemonSpeciesFlavorTextsType> >();