public static IOMemoryStream BuildArkFile(IOMemoryStream nameTable, IOMemoryStream binaryDataNames, IOMemoryStream embeddedBinaryData, IOMemoryStream unknownFlagData, IOMemoryStream gameObjectHeadStream, IOMemoryStream gameObjectBodyStream, int headerUnknownData1, float headerGameTime, int headerSaveCount)
            //Create MemoryStream
            IOMemoryStream ms = new IOMemoryStream(true);

            //Now that we have all of that data generated, we need to get offsets.
            long binaryDataNameOffset       = HEADER_SIZE_BYTES;                                    //Offset to map names
            long embeddedBinaryDataOffset   = binaryDataNameOffset + binaryDataNames.length;        //Offset to embedded binary data
            long unknownFlagsOffset         = embeddedBinaryDataOffset + embeddedBinaryData.length; //Offset to the unknown flags
            long gameObjectHeadOffset       = unknownFlagsOffset + unknownFlagData.length;          //Offset to the game object heads
            long binaryNameTableOffset      = gameObjectHeadOffset + gameObjectHeadStream.length;   //Offset to name table
            long gameObjectPropertiesOffset = binaryNameTableOffset + nameTable.length;             //Offset to the game object props

            //Now that we have all of our data, it's time to actually put it into the file. We're going to start generating the header
            //Use version 9, the latest
            ms.WriteShort(9);                             //0
            ms.WriteInt((int)binaryDataNameOffset);       // 2
            ms.WriteInt(headerUnknownData1);              //Unknown header data. Appears to be 0 commonly. Index 6
            ms.WriteInt((int)binaryNameTableOffset);      //10
            ms.WriteInt((int)gameObjectPropertiesOffset); //14
            ms.WriteFloat(headerGameTime);                //18
            ms.WriteInt(headerSaveCount);                 //22

            //Now, it's time to copy all of the data into the file.
