private readonly IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> _scripts; // lowercase script name -> script code public ScriptRunner(INotebook notebook, IReadOnlyDictionary <string, string> scripts) { _notebook = notebook; _scripts = scripts; _stmtRunners = new Dictionary <Type, Action <Ast.Stmt, ScriptEnv> > { [typeof(Ast.SqlStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteSqlStmt((Ast.SqlStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.DeclareStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteDeclareStmt((Ast.DeclareStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.SetStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteSetStmt((Ast.SetStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.IfStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteIfStmt((Ast.IfStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.WhileStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteWhileStmt((Ast.WhileStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ForStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteForStmt((Ast.ForStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.BlockStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteBlockStmt((Ast.BlockStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.BreakStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteBreakStmt((Ast.BreakStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ContinueStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteContinueStmt((Ast.ContinueStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.PrintStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecutePrintStmt((Ast.PrintStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ExecuteStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteExecuteStmt((Ast.ExecuteStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ReturnStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteReturnStmt((Ast.ReturnStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ThrowStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteThrowStmt((Ast.ThrowStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.RethrowStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteRethrowStmt((Ast.RethrowStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.TryCatchStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteTryCatchStmt((Ast.TryCatchStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ImportCsvStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteImportCsvStmt((Ast.ImportCsvStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ImportTxtStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteImportTxtStmt((Ast.ImportTxtStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ExportTxtStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteExportTxtStmt((Ast.ExportTxtStmt)s, e), [typeof(Ast.ImportXlsStmt)] = (s, e) => ExecuteImportXlsStmt((Ast.ImportXlsStmt)s, e) }; }
public void Construtor(INotebook notebookBuilder) { notebookBuilder.BuildCPU(); notebookBuilder.BuildMemoria(); notebookBuilder.BuildTela(); notebookBuilder.BuildVGA(); }
private ExportTxtStmtRunner(INotebook notebook, ScriptEnv env, ScriptRunner runner, Ast.ExportTxtStmt stmt) { _notebook = notebook; _env = env; _runner = runner; _stmt = stmt; _filePath = GetFilePath(); foreach (var option in _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionKeys()) { switch (option) { case "TRUNCATE_EXISTING_FILE ": _truncateExistingFile = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "FILE_ENCODING": _fileEncoding = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionEncoding(option, _runner, _env); break; default: throw new Exception($"\"{option}\" is not a recognized option name."); } } if (_fileEncoding == null) { _fileEncoding = new UTF8Encoding(encoderShouldEmitUTF8Identifier: false); } }
public bool TryLoadFile(string fileName, INotebook notebook) { try { using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open)) { notebook.RemoveAllNotes(); var notes = FileUtils.Deserialize <List <INote> >(fileStream); ThrowIf.Variable.IsNull(notes, nameof(notes)); //var notes = (List<INote>) formatter.Deserialize(fileStream); foreach (var note in notes) { notebook.Add(note); } } _userOutput.WriteMessage("Successfully loaded!"); return(true); } catch (SerializationException ex) { _userOutput.WriteMessage("Failed to deserialize. " + ex.Message); return(false); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { _userOutput.WriteMessage($"File {fileName} doesn't exist"); return(false); } }
public bool TrySaveFile(string fileName, INotebook notebook) { var stream = FileUtils.Serialize(notebook.Notes); if (fileName.Length <= 0) { stream.Dispose(); return(false); } try { using (var fileStream = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Create)) { stream.Position = 0; stream.CopyTo(fileStream); } _userOutput.WriteMessage("Notebook saved successfully!"); stream.Dispose(); return(true); } catch (SerializationException ex) { _userOutput.WriteMessage("Failed to serialize. " + ex.Message); stream.Dispose(); return(false); } }
private static T WithTransactionCore <T>(INotebook notebook, Func <T> func, bool rollback) { var value = default(T); WithTransactionCore(notebook, () => { value = func(); }, rollback); return(value); }
public static T WithTransaction <T>(INotebook notebook, Func <T> func) { var value = default(T); WithTransaction(notebook, () => { value = func(); }); return(value); }
public override string Execute() { string notebookName = base.Parameters[0]; INotebook notebook = base.Factory.CreateNotebook(notebookName); EngineMaikaTI.LoggedUser.AddNotebook(notebook); EngineMaikaTI.CurrentNotebook = notebook; return(Messages.NotebookCreated(notebookName)); }
public SaveNoteCommand([NotNull] INotebook notebook, [NotNull] IUserFileInput userFileInput, [NotNull] IFileSaver fileSaver) { ThrowIf.Variable.IsNull(notebook, nameof(notebook)); ThrowIf.Variable.IsNull(userFileInput, nameof(userFileInput)); ThrowIf.Variable.IsNull(fileSaver, nameof(fileSaver)); _notebook = notebook; _userFileInput = userFileInput; _fileSaver = fileSaver; }
public TokenQueue(IEnumerable <Token> input, INotebook notebook) { Notebook = notebook; _tokens = input.ToList(); if (_tokens.Any()) { _eofLocation = (int)(_tokens.Last().Utf8Start + _tokens.Last().Utf8Length); } else { _eofLocation = 0; } }
public static INotebook WCFclient() { ChannelFactory <INotebook> factory = new ChannelFactory <INotebook>(new WebHttpBinding() { }, new EndpointAddress(@"")); factory.Endpoint.Behaviors.Add(new WebHttpBehavior() { }); INotebook proxy = factory.CreateChannel(); return(proxy); }
public AddNoteCommand([NotNull] INotebook notebook, [NotNull] IUserInput userInput, [NotNull][ItemNotNull] IReadOnlyList <INoteCreator> creators, [NotNull] IUserOutput userOutput) { ThrowIf.Variable.IsNull(notebook, nameof(notebook)); ThrowIf.Variable.IsNull(userInput, nameof(userInput)); ThrowIf.Variable.IsNull(userOutput, nameof(userOutput)); ThrowIf.Variable.IsNull(creators, nameof(creators)); _notebook = notebook; _userInput = userInput; _creators = creators.ToDictionary(x => x.NoteType.ToLower()); _userOutput = userOutput; }
public static void VerifyColumnsExist(string[] colNames, string tableName, INotebook notebook) { var tableInfo = notebook.Query($"PRAGMA TABLE_INFO ({tableName.DoubleQuote()})"); var nameColIndex = tableInfo.GetIndex("name"); var actualColNames = tableInfo.Rows.Select(x => x[nameColIndex].ToString().ToLower()).ToList(); foreach (var name in colNames.Where(x => x != null)) { if (!actualColNames.Contains(name.ToLower())) { throw new Exception($"The table \"{tableName}\" does not contain the column \"{name}\"."); } } }
public static void CreateOrTruncateTable(IReadOnlyList <string> srcColNames, Ast.ImportColumn[] dstColNodes, IReadOnlyList <string> dstColNames, string dstTableName, bool temporaryTable, bool truncateExistingTable, INotebook notebook) { // create the table if it doesn't already exist. var columnDefs = new List <string>(); if (dstColNodes.All(x => x == null)) { // the user did not specify a column list, so all columns will be included columnDefs.AddRange(srcColNames.Select(SqlUtil.DoubleQuote)); } else { // the user specified which columns to include for (int i = 0; i < dstColNodes.Length; i++) { if (dstColNodes[i] != null) { var name = dstColNames[i]; var type = dstColNodes[i].TypeConversion?.ToString() ?? ""; string sqlType = ""; if (dstColNodes[i].TypeConversion.HasValue) { switch (dstColNodes[i].TypeConversion.Value) { case Ast.TypeConversion.Integer: sqlType = "integer"; break; case Ast.TypeConversion.Real: sqlType = "real"; break; default: sqlType = "text"; break; } } columnDefs.Add($"{name.DoubleQuote()} {sqlType}"); } } } var columnDefsList = string.Join(", ", columnDefs); var sql = $"CREATE {(temporaryTable ? "TEMPORARY" : "")} TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + $"{dstTableName.DoubleQuote()} ({columnDefsList})"; notebook.Execute(sql); if (truncateExistingTable) { notebook.Execute($"DELETE FROM {dstTableName.DoubleQuote()}"); } }
public NoteSearch(INotebook notebook) { this.notebook = notebook; string indexPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments), ".marknote", "index"); analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer(LuceneVersion.LUCENE_48); indexDirectoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(indexPath); // TODO - change all console access to log statements Console.WriteLine("Index path: {0}", indexPath); RebuildIndex(notebook.NoteDir, indexPath); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var fabricante = new Fabricante(); INotebook notebookBuilder = null; notebookBuilder = new MacBookBuilder(); fabricante.Construtor(notebookBuilder); Console.WriteLine($"Notebook Construido: {notebookBuilder.Notebook.NomeNotebook}\n" + $"Tela: {notebookBuilder.Notebook.Tela}\n" + $"CPU: {notebookBuilder.Notebook.Cpu}\n" + $"VGA: {notebookBuilder.Notebook.Vga}"); Console.ReadKey(); }
private ImportCsvStmtRunner(INotebook notebook, ScriptEnv env, ScriptRunner runner, Ast.ImportCsvStmt stmt) { _notebook = notebook; _env = env; _runner = runner; _stmt = stmt; foreach (var option in _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionKeys()) { switch (option) { case "SKIP_LINES": _skipLines = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionLong(option, _runner, _env, 0, minValue: 0); break; case "TAKE_LINES": _takeLines = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionLong(option, _runner, _env, -1, minValue: -1); break; case "HEADER_ROW": _headerRow = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, true); break; case "TRUNCATE_EXISTING_TABLE": _truncateExistingTable = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "TEMPORARY_TABLE": _temporaryTable = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "FILE_ENCODING": _fileEncoding = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionEncoding(option, _runner, _env); break; case "IF_CONVERSION_FAILS": _ifConversionFails = (IfConversionFails)_stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionLong( option, _runner, _env, 1, minValue: 1, maxValue: 3); break; default: throw new Exception($"\"{option}\" is not a recognized option name."); } } }
private void DeleteNotebook(INotebook nb) { if (nb.State == NotebookState.New || System.Windows.MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you wish to remove the notebook: '" + nb.Title + "'?", "OP.Notes", MessageBoxButton.YesNo) == MessageBoxResult.Yes) { nb.BeforeSave -= notebook_BeforeSave; nb.AfterSave -= notebook_AfterSave; _notebooks.Remove(nb); nb.Delete(); var li = lbNotebooks.Items.OfType <ListBoxItem>().First(ti => ((ucNotebook)ti.Tag).Notebook == nb); var ctrlNb = (ucNotebook)li.Tag; if (pnlNotebooks.Children.Contains(ctrlNb)) { pnlNotebooks.Children.Remove(ctrlNb); } lbNotebooks.Items.Remove(li); } }
private ImportTxtStmtRunner(INotebook notebook, ScriptEnv env, ScriptRunner runner, Ast.ImportTxtStmt stmt) { _notebook = notebook; _env = env; _runner = runner; _stmt = stmt; _filePath = GetFilePath(); _tableName = _runner.EvaluateIdentifierOrExpr(_stmt.TableName, _env); _lineNumberColumnName = _stmt.LineNumberColumnName == null ? null : _runner.EvaluateIdentifierOrExpr(_stmt.LineNumberColumnName, _env); _textColumnName = _stmt.TextColumnName == null ? null : _runner.EvaluateIdentifierOrExpr(_stmt.TextColumnName, _env); foreach (var option in _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionKeys()) { switch (option) { case "SKIP_LINES": _skipLines = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionLong(option, _runner, _env, 0, minValue: 0); break; case "TAKE_LINES": _takeLines = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionLong(option, _runner, _env, -1, minValue: -1); break; case "TRUNCATE_EXISTING_TABLE": _truncateExistingTable = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "TEMPORARY_TABLE": _temporaryTable = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "FILE_ENCODING": _fileEncoding = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionEncoding(option, _runner, _env); break; default: throw new Exception($"\"{option}\" is not a recognized option name."); } } }
private void AddNotebook(INotebook nb, bool editTitle) { _notebooks.Add(nb); var li = new ucNotebookTitle() { Notebook = nb, Tag = new ucNotebook() { RenderTransform = new TranslateTransform(), Notebook = nb, WordWrap = toggleWrap.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(), ShowTags = toggleTags.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault(), TagsOnTop = toggleTagsOnTop.IsChecked.GetValueOrDefault() } }; li.NotebookDeleteRequested += (s, e) => DeleteNotebook(li.Notebook); lbNotebooks.Items.Add(li); lbNotebooks.SelectedItem = li; nb.BeforeSave += notebook_BeforeSave; nb.AfterSave += notebook_AfterSave; }
public static void WithTransaction(INotebook notebook, Action action) { bool didBeginTransaction = false; if (!notebook.IsTransactionActive()) { notebook.Execute("BEGIN"); didBeginTransaction = true; } try { action(); if (didBeginTransaction) { notebook.Execute("COMMIT"); } } catch { if (didBeginTransaction) { notebook.Execute("ROLLBACK"); } throw; } }
private static void WithTransactionCore(INotebook notebook, Action action, bool rollback) { var didBeginTransaction = false; if (!notebook.IsTransactionActive()) { notebook.Execute("BEGIN"); didBeginTransaction = true; } try { action(); if (didBeginTransaction) { notebook.Execute(rollback ? "ROLLBACK" : "COMMIT"); } } catch { if (didBeginTransaction) { notebook.Execute("ROLLBACK"); } throw; } }
public TouchscreenDecorator(INotebook notebook) : base(notebook) { }
// must be run from the SQLite thread public static void Run(INotebook notebook, ScriptEnv env, ScriptRunner runner, Ast.ExportTxtStmt stmt) { var exporter = new ExportTxtStmtRunner(notebook, env, runner, stmt); exporter.Export(); }
public void AddNotebook(INotebook notebook) { this.Notebooks.Add(notebook); }
public NotebookDecorator(INotebook notebook) { this._notebook = notebook; }
private ImportXlsStmtRunner(INotebook notebook, ScriptEnv env, ScriptRunner runner, Ast.ImportXlsStmt stmt) { _notebook = notebook; _env = env; _runner = runner; _stmt = stmt; _filePath = _runner.EvaluateExpr <string>(_stmt.FilenameExpr, _env); if (!File.Exists(_filePath)) { throw new Exception($"The specified XLS/XLSX file was not found: \"{_filePath}\""); } if (_stmt.WhichSheetExpr != null) { _whichSheet = _runner.EvaluateExpr(_stmt.WhichSheetExpr, _env); } int?index; foreach (var option in _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionKeys()) { switch (option) { case "FIRST_ROW": _firstRowIndex = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionInt(option, _runner, _env, 1, minValue: 1) - 1; break; case "LAST_ROW": var lastRowNum = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionInt(option, _runner, _env, 0, minValue: 0); if (lastRowNum == 0) { _lastRowIndex = null; } else { _lastRowIndex = lastRowNum - 1; } break; case "FIRST_COLUMN": index = XlsUtil.ColumnRefToIndex(_stmt.OptionsList.GetOption <object>(option, _runner, _env, null)); if (index.HasValue) { _firstColumnIndex = index.Value; } else { throw new Exception($"The {option} option must be a valid column number or string."); } break; case "LAST_COLUMN": var lastColumnValue = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOption <object>(option, _runner, _env, null); if (lastColumnValue.Equals(0)) { _lastColumnIndex = null; break; } index = XlsUtil.ColumnRefToIndex(lastColumnValue); if (index.HasValue) { _lastColumnIndex = index.Value; } else { throw new Exception($"The {option} option must be a valid column number or string."); } break; case "HEADER_ROW": _headerRow = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, true); break; case "TRUNCATE_EXISTING_TABLE": _truncateExistingTable = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "TEMPORARY_TABLE": _temporaryTable = _stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionBool(option, _runner, _env, false); break; case "IF_CONVERSION_FAILS": _ifConversionFails = (IfConversionFails)_stmt.OptionsList.GetOptionLong( option, _runner, _env, 1, minValue: 1, maxValue: 3); break; default: throw new Exception($"\"{option}\" is not a recognized option name."); } } }
// must be run from the SQLite thread public static void Run(INotebook notebook, ScriptEnv env, ScriptRunner runner, Ast.ImportXlsStmt stmt) { var importer = new ImportXlsStmtRunner(notebook, env, runner, stmt); SqlUtil.WithTransaction(notebook, importer.Import); }
public App(INotebook nb) { _book = nb; }
public ScriptParser(INotebook notebook) { _notebook = notebook; _preprocessor = new MacroProcessor(notebook); }