Example #1
 public ChallengeComponent(IApplication application, INetworkedSession curSession, INetworkedSession otherSession, ChallengeDirection direction)
     _application = application;
     CurSession = curSession;
     OtherSession = otherSession;
     Direction = direction;
Example #2
        public void Leave(INetworkedSession session)
            if (!_sessions.Remove(session))
                throw new OperationException("You were not in the lobby to begin with?");

            var userId = session.Registry.Get<AuthComponent, uint>(auth => auth.Id);

            foreach (var existingSession in _sessions)
                existingSession.Publish(new SessionLeftLobbyEvent(userId));
Example #3
        public void SendMessage(INetworkedSession session, string message)
            if (!_sessions.Contains(session))
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Can not send a lobby message if you are not in the lobby");

            var userId = session.Registry.Get<AuthComponent, uint>(auth => auth.Id);

            foreach (var existingSession in _sessions.Where(t => t != session))
                existingSession.Publish(new LobbyMessageSentEvent(userId, message));
Example #4
        public bool CreateChallenge(INetworkedSession challenger, INetworkedSession challenged)
            if (_sessionInGame.Contains(challenger) || _sessionInGame.Contains(challenged) ||
                challenged.Registry.Has<ChallengeComponent>() || challenger.Registry.Has<ChallengeComponent>())
                return false;

            var challengerUserId = challenger.Registry.Get<AuthComponent, uint>(t => t.Id);
            challenger.Registry.Set(new ChallengeComponent(_application, challenger, challenged, ChallengeDirection.Challenged));
            challenged.Registry.Set(new ChallengeComponent(_application, challenged, challenger, ChallengeDirection.Challenger));

            challenged.Publish(new ChallengeCreatedEvent(challengerUserId));

            return true;
Example #5
        public void Join(INetworkedSession session)
            // if already joined, throw exception
            if (_sessions.Contains(session))
                throw new OperationException("You may only join the lobby once.");

            // publishes a join lobby event to user who just joined
            // passes in a list of lobby sessions converted from current sessions
            session.Publish(new JoinLobbyEvent(_sessions.Select(
                t => t.Registry.Get<AuthComponent, LobbySession>(auth => new LobbySession(auth.Id, auth.Username)))));

            var lobbySession = session.Registry.Get<AuthComponent, LobbySession>(auth => new LobbySession(auth.Id, auth.Username));

            // need to inform all other sessions
            foreach (var existingSession in _sessions)
                existingSession.Publish(new SessionJoinedLobbyEvent(lobbySession));

Example #6
        public void Join(INetworkedSession session)
            if (_sessions.Contains(session))
                throw new OperationException("You may only join the lobby once");

            //inform other existing sessions that a new session has joined
            session.Publish(new JoinLobbyEvent(_sessions.Select(
                t => t.Registry.Get<AuthComponent, LobbySession>(
                    auth => new LobbySession(auth.Id, auth.Username)

            //inform the rest in the lobby a new entry
            var lobbySession = session.Registry.Get<AuthComponent, LobbySession>(
                auth => new LobbySession(auth.Id, auth.Username)
            foreach (var existingSession in _sessions)
                existingSession.Publish(new SessionJoinedLobbyEvent(lobbySession));

Example #7
 public bool Contains(INetworkedSession session)
     return _sessions.Contains(session);
Example #8
        public void Leave(INetworkedSession session)
            if (!_sessions.Remove(session))
                throw new OperationException("You were not in the lobby to begin with");

            //inform the rest in the lobby an entry had left
            var userId = session.Registry.Get<AuthComponent, uint>(auth => auth.Id);
            foreach (var existingSession in _sessions)
                existingSession.Publish(new SessionLeftLobbyEvent(userId));

            session.Registry.TryGet<ChallengeComponent>(challenge =>