public EntityGroundVehicle(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle, ObjectHandle objectHandle, TransactionHandle transactionHandle) { this.WISE = WISE; this.Database = databaseHandle; this.Object = objectHandle; this.Transaction = transactionHandle; }
public EntityEquipmentSensorCBRNAP2Ce(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle, ObjectHandle objectHandle, TransactionHandle transactionHandle) { this.WISE = WISE; this.Database = databaseHandle; this.Object = objectHandle; this.Transaction = transactionHandle; }
public EntityEquipment(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle, ObjectHandle objectHandle) { this.WISE = WISE; this.Database = databaseHandle; this.Object = objectHandle; this.Transaction = TransactionHandle.None; }
public WISEObject(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle, ObjectHandle objectHandle, TransactionHandle transactionHandle) { this.WISE = WISE; this.Database = databaseHandle; this.Object = objectHandle; this.Transaction = transactionHandle; }
public static bool InitializeModel(INETWISEDriverSink2 wiseAccess) { bool bResult = false; INETWISEStringCache stringCache = wiseAccess as INETWISEStringCache; // The UnInitialize call is needed to clear string cache when WISE restarts Entity.UnInitialize(); bResult = Entity.Initialize( stringCache ); EntityGroundVehicle.UnInitialize(); bResult = EntityGroundVehicle.Initialize( stringCache ); EntityEquipment.UnInitialize(); bResult = EntityEquipment.Initialize( stringCache ); EntityEquipmentSensor.UnInitialize(); bResult = EntityEquipmentSensor.Initialize( stringCache ); EntityEquipmentSensorCBRN.UnInitialize(); bResult = EntityEquipmentSensorCBRN.Initialize( stringCache ); EntityEquipmentSensorCBRNAP2Ce.UnInitialize(); bResult = EntityEquipmentSensorCBRNAP2Ce.Initialize( stringCache ); EntityEquipmentSensorCBRNLCD.UnInitialize(); bResult = EntityEquipmentSensorCBRNLCD.Initialize( stringCache ); CBRNLCDControl.UnInitialize(); bResult = CBRNLCDControl.Initialize( stringCache ); return bResult; }
public static bool InitializeModel(INETWISEDriverSink2 wiseAccess) { bool bResult = false; INETWISEStringCache stringCache = wiseAccess as INETWISEStringCache; // The UnInitialize call is needed to clear string cache when WISE restarts ///#### BEGIN FOREACH_ENTITY <#EntityClassMerged#>.UnInitialize(); bResult = <#EntityClassMerged#>.Initialize( stringCache ); ///#### END FOREACH_ENTITY return bResult; }
public void Clear() { this.WISE = null; this.Database = WISEConstants.WISE_TRANSITION_CACHE_DATABASE; this.Object = WISEConstants.WISE_INVALID_HANDLE; }
public static bool IsTypeOf(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle hDatabase, ObjectHandle hObject) { uint result = WISEError.WISE_ERROR; AttributeHandle hAttr = WISEConstants.WISE_INVALID_HANDLE; string strEntityType = string.Empty; if ((WISE == null) || (hObject == WISEConstants.WISE_INVALID_HANDLE)) { return false; } result = WISE.GetAttributeHandle(hDatabase, hObject, WISEConstants.WISE_TEMPLATE_OBJECT_TYPE, ref hAttr); if (WISEError.CheckCallFailed(result)) { return false; } result = WISE.GetAttributeValue(hDatabase, hObject, hAttr, ref strEntityType); return WISEError.CheckCallSucceeded(result) && IsTypeOf(strEntityType); }
public CBRNLCDControl(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle, EventHandle eventHandle) { this.WISE = WISE; this.Database = databaseHandle; this.Handle = eventHandle; }
public uint CreateInstance(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle hDatabase) { uint result = WISEError.WISE_ERROR; EventHandle eventHandle = this.Handle; if (WISE == null) { result = WISEError.WISE_E_INVALID_ARG; return result; } if (eventHandle == WISEConstants.WISE_INVALID_HANDLE) { // Create event from template, if none exist. Dictionary<string, AttributeHandle> attributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeHandle>(); result = WISE.CreateEventFromTemplate(hDatabase, CBRNLCDControl.ClassName, ref eventHandle, ref attributes); } if (WISEError.CheckCallSucceeded(result)) { this.WISE = WISE; this.Database = WISEConstants.WISE_INVALID_HANDLE; this.Handle = eventHandle; } return result; }
public Service(INETWISEDriverSink2 sink, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle) { this._sink = sink; this._hDatabase = databaseHandle; }
public abstract WISE_RESULT CreateInstance(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle hDatabase, string objectName);
public EntityEquipmentSensorCBRNLCD(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle, ObjectHandle objectHandle, TransactionHandle transactionHandle) : base(WISE, databaseHandle, objectHandle, transactionHandle) { }
public EntityGroundVehicle(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle, ObjectHandle objectHandle, TransactionHandle transactionHandle) : base(WISE, databaseHandle, objectHandle, transactionHandle) { }
public EntityEquipmentSensorCBRNI28(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle databaseHandle, ObjectHandle objectHandle) : base(WISE, databaseHandle, objectHandle) { }
public uint CreateInstance(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle hDatabase) { return CreateInstance(WISE, hDatabase, ""); }
public uint CreateInstance(INETWISEDriverSink2 WISE, DatabaseHandle hDatabase, string objectName) { uint result = WISEError.WISE_ERROR; ObjectHandle objectHandle = this.Object; if (WISE == null) { result = WISEError.WISE_E_INVALID_ARG; return result; } if (objectHandle == WISEConstants.WISE_INVALID_HANDLE) { // Create object from template, if none exist. Dictionary<string, AttributeHandle> attributes = new Dictionary<string, AttributeHandle>(); // it's set from Template result = WISE.CreateObjectFromTemplate(hDatabase, objectName, EntityGroundVehicle.ClassName, ref objectHandle, ref attributes); } if (WISEError.CheckCallSucceeded(result)) { this.WISE = WISE; this.Database = WISEConstants.WISE_INVALID_HANDLE; this.Object = objectHandle; } return result; }
public WISEObjectFactory(INETWISEDriverSink2 sink, DatabaseHandle hDatabase) { _sink = sink; _hDatabase = hDatabase; }