Example #1
        public static void HandleLoginRequestPacket(IPacket packet, IRemoteClient client, IMultiplayerServer server)
            var loginRequestPacket = (LoginRequestPacket)packet;
            var remoteClient = (RemoteClient)client;
            if (loginRequestPacket.ProtocolVersion < server.PacketReader.ProtocolVersion)
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Client outdated! Use beta 1.7.3."));
            else if (loginRequestPacket.ProtocolVersion > server.PacketReader.ProtocolVersion)
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Server outdated! Use beta 1.7.3."));
            else if (server.Worlds.Count == 0)
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Server has no worlds configured."));
            else if (!server.PlayerIsWhitelisted(remoteClient.Username) && server.PlayerIsBlacklisted(remoteClient.Username))
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("You're banned from this server"));
            else if (server.Clients.Count(c => c.Username == client.Username) > 1)
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("The player with this username is already logged in"));
                remoteClient.LoggedIn = true;
                remoteClient.Entity = new PlayerEntity(remoteClient.Username);
                remoteClient.World = server.Worlds[0];
                remoteClient.ChunkRadius = 2;

                if (!remoteClient.Load())
                    remoteClient.Entity.Position = remoteClient.World.SpawnPoint;
                // Make sure they don't spawn in the ground
                var collision = new Func<bool>(() =>
                    var feet = client.World.GetBlockID((Coordinates3D)client.Entity.Position);
                    var head = client.World.GetBlockID((Coordinates3D)(client.Entity.Position + Vector3.Up));
                    var feetBox = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(feet).BoundingBox;
                    var headBox = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(head).BoundingBox;
                    return feetBox != null || headBox != null;
                while (collision())
                    client.Entity.Position += Vector3.Up;

                // Send setup packets
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new LoginResponsePacket(0, 0, Dimension.Overworld));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new WindowItemsPacket(0, remoteClient.Inventory.GetSlots()));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new SpawnPositionPacket((int)remoteClient.Entity.Position.X,
                        (int)remoteClient.Entity.Position.Y, (int)remoteClient.Entity.Position.Z));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new SetPlayerPositionPacket(remoteClient.Entity.Position.X,
                        remoteClient.Entity.Position.Y + 1,
                        remoteClient.Entity.Position.Y + remoteClient.Entity.Size.Height + 1,
                        remoteClient.Entity.Position.Z, remoteClient.Entity.Yaw, remoteClient.Entity.Pitch, true));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new TimeUpdatePacket(remoteClient.World.Time));

                // Start housekeeping for this client
                var entityManager = server.GetEntityManagerForWorld(remoteClient.World);
                server.Scheduler.ScheduleEvent("remote.keepalive", remoteClient, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), remoteClient.SendKeepAlive);
                server.Scheduler.ScheduleEvent("remote.chunks", remoteClient, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), remoteClient.ExpandChunkRadius);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.ServerConfiguration.MOTD))
                if (!Program.ServerConfiguration.Singleplayer)
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Yellow + "{0} joined the server.", remoteClient.Username);
Example #2
        public static void HandleLoginRequestPacket(IPacket _packet, IRemoteClient _client, IMultiplayerServer server)
            var packet = (LoginRequestPacket)_packet;
            var client = (RemoteClient)_client;

            if (packet.ProtocolVersion < server.PacketReader.ProtocolVersion)
                client.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Client outdated! Use beta 1.7.3."));
            else if (packet.ProtocolVersion > server.PacketReader.ProtocolVersion)
                client.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Server outdated! Use beta 1.7.3."));
            else if (server.Worlds.Count == 0)
                client.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Server has no worlds configured."));
                client.LoggedIn    = true;
                client.Entity      = new PlayerEntity(client.Username);
                client.World       = server.Worlds[0];
                client.ChunkRadius = 2;

                if (!client.Load())
                    client.Entity.Position = client.World.SpawnPoint;

                // Send setup packets
                client.QueuePacket(new LoginResponsePacket(0, 0, Dimension.Overworld));
                client.QueuePacket(new WindowItemsPacket(0, client.Inventory.GetSlots()));
                client.QueuePacket(new SpawnPositionPacket((int)client.Entity.Position.X,
                                                           (int)client.Entity.Position.Y, (int)client.Entity.Position.Z));
                client.QueuePacket(new SetPlayerPositionPacket(client.Entity.Position.X,
                                                               client.Entity.Position.Y + 1,
                                                               client.Entity.Position.Y + client.Entity.Size.Height + 1,
                                                               client.Entity.Position.Z, client.Entity.Yaw, client.Entity.Pitch, true));
                client.QueuePacket(new TimeUpdatePacket(client.World.Time));

                // Start housekeeping for this client
                var entityManager = server.GetEntityManagerForWorld(client.World);
                server.Scheduler.ScheduleEvent(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(10), client.SendKeepAlive);
                server.Scheduler.ScheduleEvent(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1), client.ExpandChunkRadius);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.Configuration.MOTD))
                server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Yellow + "{0} joined the server.", client.Username);
Example #3
        public static void HandlePlayerDiggingPacket(IPacket _packet, IRemoteClient _client, IMultiplayerServer server)
            var   packet     = (PlayerDiggingPacket)_packet;
            var   client     = (RemoteClient)_client;
            var   world      = _client.World;
            var   position   = new Coordinates3D(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);
            var   descriptor = world.GetBlockData(position);
            var   provider   = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(descriptor.ID);
            short damage;
            int   time;

            switch (packet.PlayerAction)
            case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.DropItem:
                // Throwing item
                if (client.SelectedItem.Empty)
                var spawned = client.SelectedItem;
                spawned.Count = 1;
                var inventory = client.SelectedItem;
                var item = new ItemEntity(client.Entity.Position + new Vector3(0, PlayerEntity.Height, 0), spawned);
                item.Velocity = MathHelper.FowardVector(client.Entity.Yaw) * 0.3;
                client.Inventory[client.SelectedSlot] = inventory;

            case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.StartDigging:
                foreach (var nearbyClient in server.Clients)     // TODO: Send this repeatedly during the course of the digging
                    var c = (RemoteClient)nearbyClient;
                    if (c.KnownEntities.Contains(client.Entity))
                        c.QueuePacket(new AnimationPacket(client.Entity.EntityID, AnimationPacket.PlayerAnimation.SwingArm));
                if (provider == null)
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "WARNING: block provider for ID {0} is null (player digging)", descriptor.ID);
                    provider.BlockLeftClicked(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);

                // "But why on Earth does this behavior change if you use shears on leaves?"
                // "This is poor seperation of concerns"
                // "Let me do a git blame and flame whoever wrote the next line"
                // To answer all of those questions, here:
                // Minecraft sends a player digging packet when the player starts and stops digging a block (two packets)
                // However, it only sends ONE packet if the block would be mined immediately - which usually is only the case
                // for blocks that have a hardness equal to zero.
                // The exception to this rule is shears on leaves. Leaves normally have a hardness of 0.2, but when you mine them
                // using shears the client only sends the start digging packet and expects them to be mined immediately.
                // So if you want to blame anyone, send flames to Notch for the stupid idea of not sending "stop digging" packets
                // for hardness == 0 blocks.

                time = BlockProvider.GetHarvestTime(descriptor.ID, client.SelectedItem.ID, out damage);
                if (time <= 20)
                    provider.BlockMined(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);
                client.ExpectedDigComplete = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(time);

            case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.StopDigging:
                foreach (var nearbyClient in server.Clients)
                    var c = (RemoteClient)nearbyClient;
                    if (c.KnownEntities.Contains(client.Entity))
                        c.QueuePacket(new AnimationPacket(client.Entity.EntityID, AnimationPacket.PlayerAnimation.None));
                if (provider != null && descriptor.ID != 0)
                    time = BlockProvider.GetHarvestTime(descriptor.ID, client.SelectedItem.ID, out damage);
                    if (time <= 20)
                        break;     // Already handled earlier
                    var diff = (DateTime.UtcNow - client.ExpectedDigComplete).TotalMilliseconds;
                    if (diff > -100)     // Allow a small tolerance
                        provider.BlockMined(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);
                        // Damage the item
                        if (damage != 0)
                            var tool = server.ItemRepository.GetItemProvider(client.SelectedItem.ID) as ToolItem;
                            if (tool != null && tool.Uses != -1)
                                var slot = client.SelectedItem;
                                slot.Metadata += damage;
                                if (slot.Metadata >= tool.Uses)
                                    slot.Count = 0;     // Destroy item
                                client.Inventory[client.SelectedSlot] = slot;
Example #4
        public static void HandlePlayerBlockPlacementPacket(IPacket _packet, IRemoteClient _client, IMultiplayerServer server)
            var packet = (PlayerBlockPlacementPacket)_packet;
            var client = (RemoteClient)_client;

            var             slot     = client.SelectedItem;
            var             position = new Coordinates3D(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);
            BlockDescriptor?block    = null;

            if (position != -Coordinates3D.One)
                if (position.DistanceTo((Coordinates3D)client.Entity.Position) > 10 /* TODO: Reach */)
                block = client.World.GetBlockData(position);
                // TODO: Handle situations like firing arrows and such? Is that how it works?
            bool use = true;

            if (block != null)
                var provider = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(block.Value.ID);
                if (provider == null)
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "WARNING: block provider for ID {0} is null (player placing)", block.Value.ID);
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "Error occured from client {0} at coordinates {1}", client.Username, block.Value.Coordinates);
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "Packet logged at {0}, please report upstream", DateTime.UtcNow);
                if (!provider.BlockRightClicked(block.Value, packet.Face, client.World, client))
                    position += MathHelper.BlockFaceToCoordinates(packet.Face);
                    var oldID   = client.World.GetBlockID(position);
                    var oldMeta = client.World.GetMetadata(position);
                    client.QueuePacket(new BlockChangePacket(position.X, (sbyte)position.Y, position.Z, (sbyte)oldID, (sbyte)oldMeta));
                    client.QueuePacket(new SetSlotPacket(0, client.SelectedSlot, client.SelectedItem.ID, client.SelectedItem.Count, client.SelectedItem.Metadata));
            if (!slot.Empty)
                if (use)
                    var itemProvider = server.ItemRepository.GetItemProvider(slot.ID);
                    if (itemProvider == null)
                        server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "WARNING: item provider for ID {0} is null (player placing)", block.Value.ID);
                        server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "Error occured from client {0} at coordinates {1}", client.Username, block.Value.Coordinates);
                        server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "Packet logged at {0}, please report upstream", DateTime.UtcNow);
                    if (block != null)
                        if (itemProvider != null)
                            itemProvider.ItemUsedOnBlock(position, slot, packet.Face, client.World, client);
                        // TODO: Use item
Example #5
        public static void HandleLoginRequestPacket(IPacket packet, IRemoteClient client, IMultiplayerServer server)
            var loginRequestPacket = (LoginRequestPacket)packet;
            var remoteClient       = (RemoteClient)client;

            if (loginRequestPacket.ProtocolVersion < server.PacketReader.ProtocolVersion)
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Client outdated! Use beta 1.7.3."));
            else if (loginRequestPacket.ProtocolVersion > server.PacketReader.ProtocolVersion)
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Server outdated! Use beta 1.7.3."));
            else if (server.Worlds.Count == 0)
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("Server has no worlds configured."));
            else if (!server.PlayerIsWhitelisted(remoteClient.Username) && server.PlayerIsBlacklisted(remoteClient.Username))
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("You're banned from this server"));
            else if (server.Clients.Count(c => c.Username == client.Username) > 1)
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new DisconnectPacket("The player with this username is already logged in"));
                remoteClient.LoggedIn    = true;
                remoteClient.Entity      = new PlayerEntity(remoteClient.Username);
                remoteClient.World       = server.Worlds[0];
                remoteClient.ChunkRadius = 2;

                if (!remoteClient.Load())
                    remoteClient.Entity.Position = remoteClient.World.SpawnPoint;
                // Make sure they don't spawn in the ground
                var collision = new Func <bool>(() =>
                    var feet    = client.World.GetBlockID((Coordinates3D)client.Entity.Position);
                    var head    = client.World.GetBlockID((Coordinates3D)(client.Entity.Position + Vector3.Up));
                    var feetBox = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(feet).BoundingBox;
                    var headBox = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(head).BoundingBox;
                    return(feetBox != null || headBox != null);
                while (collision())
                    client.Entity.Position += Vector3.Up;

                var entityManager = server.GetEntityManagerForWorld(remoteClient.World);

                // Send setup packets
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new LoginResponsePacket(client.Entity.EntityID, 0, Dimension.Overworld));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new WindowItemsPacket(0, remoteClient.Inventory.GetSlots()));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new UpdateHealthPacket((remoteClient.Entity as PlayerEntity).Health));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new SpawnPositionPacket((int)remoteClient.Entity.Position.X,
                                                                 (int)remoteClient.Entity.Position.Y, (int)remoteClient.Entity.Position.Z));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new SetPlayerPositionPacket(remoteClient.Entity.Position.X,
                                                                     remoteClient.Entity.Position.Y + 1,
                                                                     remoteClient.Entity.Position.Y + remoteClient.Entity.Size.Height + 1,
                                                                     remoteClient.Entity.Position.Z, remoteClient.Entity.Yaw, remoteClient.Entity.Pitch, true));
                remoteClient.QueuePacket(new TimeUpdatePacket(remoteClient.World.Time));

                // Start housekeeping for this client
                server.Scheduler.ScheduleEvent("remote.keepalive", remoteClient, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10), remoteClient.SendKeepAlive);
                server.Scheduler.ScheduleEvent("remote.chunks", remoteClient, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), remoteClient.ExpandChunkRadius);

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Program.ServerConfiguration.MOTD))
                if (!Program.ServerConfiguration.Singleplayer)
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Yellow + "{0} joined the server.", remoteClient.Username);
Example #6
        public static void HandlePlayerDiggingPacket(IPacket _packet, IRemoteClient _client, IMultiplayerServer server)
            var packet     = (PlayerDiggingPacket)_packet;
            var client     = (RemoteClient)_client;
            var world      = _client.World;
            var position   = new Coordinates3D(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);
            var descriptor = world.GetBlockData(position);
            var provider   = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(descriptor.ID);

            switch (packet.PlayerAction)
            case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.DropItem:
                // Throwing item
                if (client.SelectedItem.Empty)
                var spawned = client.SelectedItem;
                spawned.Count = 1;
                var inventory = client.SelectedItem;
                var item = new ItemEntity(client.Entity.Position + new Vector3(0, PlayerEntity.Height, 0), spawned);
                item.Velocity = MathHelper.FowardVector(client.Entity.Yaw) * 0.3;
                client.Inventory[client.SelectedSlot] = inventory;

            case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.StartDigging:
                foreach (var nearbyClient in server.Clients)     // TODO: Send this repeatedly during the course of the digging
                    var c = (RemoteClient)nearbyClient;
                    if (c.KnownEntities.Contains(client.Entity))
                        c.QueuePacket(new AnimationPacket(client.Entity.EntityID, AnimationPacket.PlayerAnimation.SwingArm));
                if (provider == null)
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "WARNING: block provider for ID {0} is null (player digging)", descriptor.ID);
                    provider.BlockLeftClicked(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);
                if (provider != null && provider.Hardness == 0)
                    provider.BlockMined(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);

            case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.StopDigging:
                foreach (var nearbyClient in server.Clients)
                    var c = (RemoteClient)nearbyClient;
                    if (c.KnownEntities.Contains(client.Entity))
                        c.QueuePacket(new AnimationPacket(client.Entity.EntityID, AnimationPacket.PlayerAnimation.None));
                if (provider != null && descriptor.ID != 0)
                    provider.BlockMined(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);
        public static void HandlePlayerDiggingPacket(IPacket _packet, IRemoteClient _client, IMultiplayerServer server)
            var packet = (PlayerDiggingPacket)_packet;
            var client = (RemoteClient)_client;
            var world = _client.World;
            var position = new Coordinates3D(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);
            var descriptor = world.GetBlockData(position);
            var provider = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(descriptor.ID);
            short damage;
            int time;
            switch (packet.PlayerAction)
                case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.DropItem:
                    // Throwing item
                    if (client.SelectedItem.Empty)
                    var spawned = client.SelectedItem;
                    spawned.Count = 1;
                    var inventory = client.SelectedItem;
                    var item = new ItemEntity(client.Entity.Position + new Vector3(0, PlayerEntity.Height, 0), spawned);
                    item.Velocity = MathHelper.FowardVector(client.Entity.Yaw) * 0.3;
                    client.Inventory[client.SelectedSlot] = inventory;
                case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.StartDigging:
                    foreach (var nearbyClient in server.Clients) // TODO: Send this repeatedly during the course of the digging
                        var c = (RemoteClient)nearbyClient;
                        if (c.KnownEntities.Contains(client.Entity))
                            c.QueuePacket(new AnimationPacket(client.Entity.EntityID, AnimationPacket.PlayerAnimation.SwingArm));
                    if (provider == null)
                        server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "WARNING: block provider for ID {0} is null (player digging)", descriptor.ID);
                        provider.BlockLeftClicked(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);

                    // "But why on Earth does this behavior change if you use shears on leaves?"
                    // "This is poor seperation of concerns"
                    // "Let me do a git blame and flame whoever wrote the next line"
                    // To answer all of those questions, here:
                    // Minecraft sends a player digging packet when the player starts and stops digging a block (two packets)
                    // However, it only sends ONE packet if the block would be mined immediately - which usually is only the case
                    // for blocks that have a hardness equal to zero.
                    // The exception to this rule is shears on leaves. Leaves normally have a hardness of 0.2, but when you mine them
                    // using shears the client only sends the start digging packet and expects them to be mined immediately.
                    // So if you want to blame anyone, send flames to Notch for the stupid idea of not sending "stop digging" packets
                    // for hardness == 0 blocks.

                    time = BlockProvider.GetHarvestTime(descriptor.ID, client.SelectedItem.ID, out damage);
                    if (time <= 20)
                        provider.BlockMined(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);
                    client.ExpectedDigComplete = DateTime.UtcNow.AddMilliseconds(time);
                case PlayerDiggingPacket.Action.StopDigging:
                    foreach (var nearbyClient in server.Clients)
                        var c = (RemoteClient)nearbyClient;
                        if (c.KnownEntities.Contains(client.Entity))
                            c.QueuePacket(new AnimationPacket(client.Entity.EntityID, AnimationPacket.PlayerAnimation.None));
                    if (provider != null && descriptor.ID != 0)
                        time = BlockProvider.GetHarvestTime(descriptor.ID, client.SelectedItem.ID, out damage);
                        if (time <= 20)
                            break; // Already handled earlier
                        var diff = (DateTime.UtcNow - client.ExpectedDigComplete).TotalMilliseconds;
                        if (diff > -100) // Allow a small tolerance
                            provider.BlockMined(descriptor, packet.Face, world, client);
                            // Damage the item
                            if (damage != 0)
                                var tool = server.ItemRepository.GetItemProvider(client.SelectedItem.ID) as ToolItem;
                                if (tool != null && tool.Uses != -1)
                                    var slot = client.SelectedItem;
                                    slot.Metadata += damage;
                                    if (slot.Metadata >= tool.Uses)
                                        slot.Count = 0; // Destroy item
                                    client.Inventory[client.SelectedSlot] = slot;
        public static void HandlePlayerBlockPlacementPacket(IPacket _packet, IRemoteClient _client, IMultiplayerServer server)
            var packet = (PlayerBlockPlacementPacket)_packet;
            var client = (RemoteClient)_client;

            var slot = client.SelectedItem;
            var position = new Coordinates3D(packet.X, packet.Y, packet.Z);
            BlockDescriptor? block = null;
            if (position != -Coordinates3D.One)
                if (position.DistanceTo((Coordinates3D)client.Entity.Position) > 10 /* TODO: Reach */)
                block = client.World.GetBlockData(position);
                // TODO: Handle situations like firing arrows and such? Is that how it works?
            bool use = true;
            if (block != null)
                var provider = server.BlockRepository.GetBlockProvider(block.Value.ID);
                if (provider == null)
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "WARNING: block provider for ID {0} is null (player placing)", block.Value.ID);
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "Error occured from client {0} at coordinates {1}", client.Username, block.Value.Coordinates);
                    server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "Packet logged at {0}, please report upstream", DateTime.Now);
                if (!provider.BlockRightClicked(block.Value, packet.Face, client.World, client))
                    position += MathHelper.BlockFaceToCoordinates(packet.Face);
                    var oldID = client.World.GetBlockID(position);
                    var oldMeta = client.World.GetMetadata(position);
                    client.QueuePacket(new BlockChangePacket(position.X, (sbyte)position.Y, position.Z, (sbyte)oldID, (sbyte)oldMeta));
                    client.QueuePacket(new SetSlotPacket(0, client.SelectedSlot, client.SelectedItem.ID, client.SelectedItem.Count, client.SelectedItem.Metadata));
            if (!slot.Empty)
                if (use)
                    var itemProvider = server.ItemRepository.GetItemProvider(slot.ID);
                    if (itemProvider == null)
                        server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "WARNING: item provider for ID {0} is null (player placing)", block.Value.ID);
                        server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "Error occured from client {0} at coordinates {1}", client.Username, block.Value.Coordinates);
                        server.SendMessage(ChatColor.Red + "Packet logged at {0}, please report upstream", DateTime.Now);
                    if (block != null)
                        if (itemProvider != null)
                            itemProvider.ItemUsedOnBlock(position, slot, packet.Face, client.World, client);
                        // TODO: Use item