public void Idle() { _timer.Enabled = false; if (_current == _leftDown) { if (NativeMethods.Section.TouchOverClick) { NativeMethods.MouseEvent(NativeMethods.Section.LeftHandMode ? MouseEventFlags.RightUp : MouseEventFlags.LeftUp); } } else if (_current == _rightDown) { if (NativeMethods.Section.TouchOverClick) { NativeMethods.MouseEvent(NativeMethods.Section.LeftHandMode ? MouseEventFlags.LeftUp : MouseEventFlags.RightUp); } } else if (_current == _middleDown) { if (NativeMethods.Section.MiddleClick) { NativeMethods.MouseEvent(MouseEventFlags.MiddleUp); } } _current = _idle; }
public override void Initialize() { currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); lastMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.Escape); lastKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.Escape); reversiGame = ReversiGame.CurrentGame; boardRectangle = boardRect; aiTypePieces = new Piece[2, AIMaxCount]; AICount = ReversiAIType.GetAINames().Length; AIIndex[0] = GameSettings.DefaultAIIndex; AIIndex[1] = GameSettings.DefaultAIIndex; board = curGame.LoadContent <Texture2D>(@"Images\Board"); settingBoard = curGame.LoadContent <Texture2D>(@"Images\SettingBoard"); int pieceSize = boardRect.Width / ReversiGame.BoardSize; startButton = CreateChild <StartButton, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X + pieceSize * 3, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * 6, pieceSize * 2, pieceSize)); startButton.Initialize(settingType); showPieces[0] = CreateChild <Piece, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X + pieceSize * 3, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * 2, pieceSize, pieceSize)); showPieces[0].PieceState = PieceState.Black; showPieces[1] = CreateChild <Piece, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X + pieceSize * 4, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * 2, pieceSize, pieceSize)); showPieces[1].PieceState = PieceState.White; playerTypePieces[0] = CreateChild <Piece, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X + pieceSize * 1, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * 3, pieceSize, pieceSize)); playerTypePieces[0].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.CanMove; chooseIndex[0] = 0; PlayerType[0] = PlayerTypes.Human; playerTypePieces[1] = CreateChild <Piece, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X + pieceSize * 2, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * 3, pieceSize, pieceSize)); playerTypePieces[1].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.Normal; playerTypePieces[2] = CreateChild <Piece, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X + pieceSize * 5, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * 3, pieceSize, pieceSize)); playerTypePieces[2].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.CanMove; chooseIndex[1] = 2; PlayerType[1] = PlayerTypes.AI; playerTypePieces[3] = CreateChild <Piece, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X + pieceSize * 6, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * 3, pieceSize, pieceSize)); playerTypePieces[3].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.Normal; for (int i = 0; i < AIMaxCount; i++) { aiTypePieces[0, i] = CreateChild <Piece, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * (i + 3), pieceSize, pieceSize)); } for (int i = 0; i < AIMaxCount; i++) { aiTypePieces[1, i] = CreateChild <Piece, Rectangle>(new Rectangle(boardRect.X + pieceSize * 7, boardRect.Y + pieceSize * (i + 3), pieceSize, pieceSize)); } foreach (Piece piece in showPieces) { piece.ForceShow = true; } foreach (Piece piece in playerTypePieces) { piece.ForceShow = true; } foreach (Piece piece in aiTypePieces) { piece.ForceShow = true; } base.Initialize(); }
public override void Initialize() { currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); lastMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.LeftControl, Keys.RightControl, Keys.Z); lastKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.LeftControl, Keys.RightControl, Keys.Z); base.Initialize(); }
public void Destroy() { EventSystem <UpdateEvent> .UnregisterListener(OnUpdate); state.Exit(); state = null; oldState = null; }
public void RightDown() { _timer.Enabled = false; _current = _rightDown; if (NativeMethods.Section.TouchOverClick) { NativeMethods.MouseEvent(NativeMethods.Section.LeftHandMode ? MouseEventFlags.LeftDown : MouseEventFlags.RightDown); } }
public void MiddleDown() { _timer.Enabled = false; _current = _middleDown; if (NativeMethods.Section.MiddleClick) { NativeMethods.MouseEvent(MouseEventFlags.MiddleDown); } }
public void SetLast(IMouseState last) { (last as MouseState)?.SetLast(null); LastState = last; if (last != null) { PositionMouseDown = last.PositionMouseDown; } }
// 获取鼠标指针所在的棋子位置 public static ReversiPiecePosition IsMouseInPiece(IMouseState currentMouseState) { if (currentMouseState.X > Board.BoardRectangle.X && currentMouseState.Y > Board.BoardRectangle.Y) { int x, y; x = (currentMouseState.X - Board.BoardRectangle.X) / (Board.BoardRectangle.Width / ReversiGame.BoardSize); y = (currentMouseState.Y - Board.BoardRectangle.Y) / (Board.BoardRectangle.Height / ReversiGame.BoardSize); return(new ReversiPiecePosition(x, y)); } return(null); }
private void addTestInputManagerStep() { AddStep("Add InputManager", () => { testInputManager = new TestInputManager(); Add(testInputManager); state = testInputManager.CurrentState; mouse = state.Mouse; keyboard = state.Keyboard; joystick = state.Joystick; }); }
private void OnUpdate(UpdateEvent updateEvent) { if (switchToNewState == true) { state = newState; switchToNewState = false; } SpawnEnemy(); state.Update(); }
private void ProcessWheel(IMouseState currState) { if (currState.WheelPosition == prevState.WheelPosition) { return; } var wheelDelta = currState.WheelPosition - prevState.WheelPosition; var state = prevState.CloneTyped(); state.WheelPosition = currState.WheelPosition; FireWheel(state, wheelDelta); prevState = state; }
private void FireWheel(IMouseState state, int wheelDelta) { inputService.OnInputEvent(new MouseEventArgs { ComplexEventType = MouseEventType.Wheel, EventButtons = MouseButtons.None, State = state, Delta = IntVector2.Zero, WheelDelta = wheelDelta, KeyModifyers = GetKeyModifyersFromInput(), Viewport = guiLazy.Value.RenderControl.Viewports.Single() }); }
private void FireButton(IMouseState state, MouseButtons button, MouseEventType eventType) { inputService.OnInputEvent(new MouseEventArgs { ComplexEventType = eventType, EventButtons = button, State = state, Delta = IntVector2.Zero, WheelDelta = 0, KeyModifyers = GetKeyModifyersFromInput(), Viewport = guiLazy.Value.RenderControl.Viewports.Single() }); }
public override void Initialize() { buttonStartNormalTexture = curGame.LoadContent <Texture2D>(@"Images\StartButton0"); buttonStartRollTexture = curGame.LoadContent <Texture2D>(@"Images\StartButton1"); buttonResumeNormalTexture = curGame.LoadContent <Texture2D>(@"Images\ResumeButton0"); buttonResumeRollTexture = curGame.LoadContent <Texture2D>(@"Images\ResumeButton1"); buttonRestartRollTexture = curGame.LoadContent <Texture2D>(@"Images\ResumeButton2"); currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); lastMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.Enter); lastKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.Enter); }
void SwitchMouseState() { hitInfo = Utility.CameraRay(); var tag = (Tag)Enum.Parse(typeof(Tag), hitInfo.collider?.tag); if (EventSystem.current.IsPointerOverGameObject() || !mouseStates.ContainsKey(tag)) { currentState = mouseStates[Tag.Untagged]; } else { currentState = mouseStates[tag]; } currentState.Hover(); }
public bool Process(string command) { switch (command) { case "line": _mouseState = new DrawLineMouseState(); return true; case "rectangle": _mouseState = new DrawRectangleState(); return true; case "exit": return false; default: throw new InvalidCommandException(command + " is not recognized."); } }
private void ProcessMove(IMouseState currState) { if (currState.Position == prevState.Position) { return; } canBeClick = false; canBeDoubleClick = false; var delta = currState.Position - prevState.Position; var state = prevState.CloneTyped(); state.Position = currState.Position; state.NormalizedPosition = currState.NormalizedPosition; state.HmgnPosition = currState.HmgnPosition; FireMove(state, delta); prevState = state; }
public void LeftDownPending() { _current = _leftDownPending; _timer.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// In order to provide a reliable event system to drawables, we want to ensure that we reprocess input queues (via the /// main loop in <see cref="InputManager"/> after each and every button or key change. This allows /// correct behaviour in a case where the input queues change based on triggered by a button or key. /// </summary> /// <param name="newStates">One ore more states which are to be converted to distinct states.</param> /// <returns>Processed states such that at most one attribute change occurs between any two consecutive states.</returns> private IEnumerable <InputState> createDistinctStates(IEnumerable <InputState> newStates) { IKeyboardState lastKeyboard = CurrentState.Keyboard; IMouseState lastMouse = CurrentState.Mouse; foreach (var state in newStates) { if (state.Mouse == null && state.Keyboard == null) { // we still want to return at least one state change. yield return(state); } if (state.Mouse != null) { // first we want to create a copy of ourselves without any button changes // this is done only for mouse handlers, as they have positional data we want to handle in a separate pass. var iWithoutButtons = state.Mouse.Clone(); for (MouseButton b = 0; b < MouseButton.LastButton; b++) { iWithoutButtons.SetPressed(b, lastMouse?.IsPressed(b) ?? false); } //we start by adding this state to the processed list... var newState = state.Clone(); newState.Mouse = lastMouse = iWithoutButtons; yield return(newState); //and then iterate over each button/key change, adding intermediate states along the way. for (MouseButton b = 0; b < MouseButton.LastButton; b++) { if (state.Mouse.IsPressed(b) != (lastMouse?.IsPressed(b) ?? false)) { lastMouse = lastMouse?.Clone() ?? new MouseState(); //add our single local change lastMouse.SetPressed(b, state.Mouse.IsPressed(b)); newState = state.Clone(); newState.Mouse = lastMouse; yield return(newState); } } } if (state.Keyboard != null) { if (lastKeyboard != null) { foreach (var releasedKey in lastKeyboard.Keys.Except(state.Keyboard.Keys)) { var newState = state.Clone(); newState.Keyboard = lastKeyboard = new KeyboardState { Keys = lastKeyboard.Keys.Where(d => d != releasedKey).ToArray() }; yield return(newState); } } foreach (var pressedKey in state.Keyboard.Keys.Except(lastKeyboard?.Keys ?? new Key[] { })) { var newState = state.Clone(); newState.Keyboard = lastKeyboard = new KeyboardState { Keys = lastKeyboard?.Keys.Union(new[] { pressedKey }) ?? new[] { pressedKey } }; yield return(newState); } } } }
public void MiddleDownPending() { _current = _middleDownPending; _timer.Enabled = true; }
public InputState(InputState last = null) { Keyboard = new KeyboardState(last?.Keyboard); Mouse = new MouseState(last?.Mouse); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (settingBoardState == SettingBoardState.Showing) { settingBoardState = SettingBoardState.Show; } else if (settingBoardState == SettingBoardState.Show) { if (startButton.StartButtonClicked) { for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { PlayerSettings.Player[i].Type = PlayerType[i]; if (PlayerType[i] == PlayerTypes.AI) { PlayerSettings.Player[i].AIIndex = AIIndex[i]; } } settingBoardState = SettingBoardState.HidingForNewGame; } else if (startButton.ResumeButtonClicked) { settingBoardState = SettingBoardState.HidingForResume; } else { // 绘制选择状态 foreach (Piece piece in showPieces) { piece.CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.Normal; } foreach (Piece piece in playerTypePieces) { piece.CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.Normal; } foreach (int i in chooseIndex) { playerTypePieces[i].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.CanMove; } for (int i = 0; i < AICount; i++) { if (chooseIndex[0] == 1) { aiTypePieces[0, i].PieceState = PieceState.Black; } else { aiTypePieces[0, i].PieceState = PieceState.Empty; } if (chooseIndex[1] == 2) { aiTypePieces[1, i].PieceState = PieceState.White; } else { aiTypePieces[1, i].PieceState = PieceState.Empty; } } if (chooseIndex[0] == 1) { aiTypePieces[0, AIIndex[0]].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillReverse; } if (chooseIndex[1] == 2) { aiTypePieces[1, AIIndex[1]].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillReverse; } if (curGame.IsActive) { // 获取鼠标状态 lastMouseState = currentMouseState; currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); ReversiPiecePosition tempPosition = Board.IsMouseInPiece(currentMouseState); // 如果移动鼠标 if (tempPosition != null) { // 如果划过的是黑白子 if (tempPosition.Y == 2) { if (tempPosition.X == 3) { showPieces[0].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillMove; } else if (tempPosition.X == 4) { showPieces[1].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillMove; } } // 如果划过的是玩家类型选择 else if (tempPosition.Y == 3) { int index = -1; if (tempPosition.X == 1) { index = 0; } else if (tempPosition.X == 2) { index = 1; } else if (tempPosition.X == 5) { index = 2; } else if (tempPosition.X == 6) { index = 3; } if (index >= 0) { playerTypePieces[index].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillMove; } } // 如果划过的是AI类型 if ((tempPosition.X == 0 || tempPosition.X == 7) && (tempPosition.Y >= 3 && tempPosition.Y <= 2 + AICount)) { if (chooseIndex[0] == 1 && tempPosition.X == 0) { int index = tempPosition.Y - 3; aiTypePieces[0, index].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillMove; } if (chooseIndex[1] == 2 && tempPosition.X == 7) { int index = tempPosition.Y - 3; aiTypePieces[1, index].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillMove; } } // 如果按下鼠标左键 if ((currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed) && (lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released)) { // 如果点击的是黑白子 if (tempPosition.Y == 2) { if (tempPosition.X == 3) { chooseIndex[0] = 0; PlayerType[0] = PlayerTypes.Human; chooseIndex[1] = 2; PlayerType[1] = PlayerTypes.AI; } else if (tempPosition.X == 4) { chooseIndex[0] = 1; PlayerType[0] = PlayerTypes.AI; chooseIndex[1] = 3; PlayerType[1] = PlayerTypes.Human; } } // 如果点击的是玩家类型选择 else if (tempPosition.Y == 3) { if (tempPosition.X == 1) { chooseIndex[0] = 0; PlayerType[0] = PlayerTypes.Human; } if (tempPosition.X == 2) { chooseIndex[0] = 1; PlayerType[0] = PlayerTypes.AI; } if (tempPosition.X == 5) { chooseIndex[1] = 2; PlayerType[1] = PlayerTypes.AI; } if (tempPosition.X == 6) { chooseIndex[1] = 3; PlayerType[1] = PlayerTypes.Human; } } // 如果点击的是AI类型选择 if (tempPosition.X == 0 || tempPosition.X == 7) { if (chooseIndex[0] == 1 && tempPosition.X == 0) { AIIndex[0] = tempPosition.Y - 3; } if (chooseIndex[1] == 2 && tempPosition.X == 7) { AIIndex[1] = tempPosition.Y - 3; } } } } } foreach (Piece piece in showPieces) { piece.Update(gameTime); } foreach (Piece piece in playerTypePieces) { piece.Update(gameTime); } foreach (Piece piece in aiTypePieces) { piece.Update(gameTime); } startButton.Update(gameTime); } // 获取键盘状态 lastKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState; currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.Escape); // 当按下 Escape 键时 if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Escape) && lastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape)) { if (settingType == SettingType.Pause) { settingBoardState = SettingBoardState.HidingForResume; } } } else if (settingBoardState == SettingBoardState.HidingForNewGame) { // TODO: 隐藏动画 settingBoardState = SettingBoardState.HideForNewGame; } else if (settingBoardState == SettingBoardState.HidingForResume) { // TODO: 隐藏动画 settingBoardState = SettingBoardState.HideForResume; } else if (settingBoardState == SettingBoardState.HideForNewGame) { curGame.State = GameState.StartLoad; } else if (settingBoardState == SettingBoardState.HideForResume) { curGame.State = GameState.InGame; } // base.Update(gameTime); }
public void RightDownPending() { _current = _rightDownPending; _timer.Enabled = true; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MouseState"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="native">The native.</param> protected internal MouseState(IMouseState native) : base(native) { }
public LocalMouseState(IMouseState state, Drawable us) { NativeState = state; = us; }
public MouseState(IMouseState last = null) { LastState = last; PositionMouseDown = last?.PositionMouseDown; }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (curGame.IsActive) { // 获取鼠标状态 lastMouseState = currentMouseState; currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); bool isMouseInUp = false, isMouseInDown = false; if (currentMouseState.X >= buttonRectangle.Left && currentMouseState.Y >= buttonRectangle.Top && currentMouseState.X <= buttonRectangle.Right && currentMouseState.Y <= buttonRectangle.Bottom) { if (currentMouseState.Y <= buttonRectangle.CenterY) { isMouseInUp = true; } else { isMouseInDown = true; } } if (isMouseInUp || isMouseInDown) { if (type == SettingType.Start) { buttonTexture = buttonStartRollTexture; } else if (type == SettingType.Pause) { if (isMouseInUp) { buttonTexture = buttonResumeRollTexture; } else if (isMouseInDown) { buttonTexture = buttonRestartRollTexture; } } // 如果单击鼠标左键 if ((currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) && (lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (type == SettingType.Start || isMouseInDown) { startButtonClicked = true; } else { resumeButtonClicked = true; } } } // 当按下 Enter 键时 lastKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState; currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.Enter); if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Enter) && lastKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Enter)) { if (type == SettingType.Start) { startButtonClicked = true; } else { resumeButtonClicked = true; } } if (buttonTexture == null) { if (type == SettingType.Start) { buttonTexture = buttonStartNormalTexture; } else if (type == SettingType.Pause) { buttonTexture = buttonResumeNormalTexture; } } } // base.Update(gameTime); }
//SetPointerState public void SetPointerState() { _mouseState = new PointerState(this); }
public override void Update(GameTime gameTime) { if (isMyTurn && !isMovingPiece && curGame.IsActive) { // 获取键盘状态 lastKeyboardState = currentKeyboardState; currentKeyboardState = Keyboard.GetState(Keys.LeftControl, Keys.RightControl, Keys.Z); // 当按下 Ctrl+Z 时 if ((currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftControl) || currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.RightControl)) && currentKeyboardState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z)) { isCtrlZPressed = true; } else if (currentKeyboardState.IsKeyUp(Keys.Z)) { if (isCtrlZPressed) { isCtrlZPressed = false; if (GameSettings.IsRegretEnabled) { RegretMovePiece(); } } } foreach (ReversiPiecePosition rpp in reversiGame.GetEnabledPositions()) { pieces[rpp.X, rpp.Y].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.CanMove; } lastMouseState = currentMouseState; currentMouseState = Mouse.GetState(); ReversiPiecePosition tempPosition = Board.IsMouseInPiece(currentMouseState); // 如果移动鼠标 if (tempPosition != null && reversiGame.IspieceEnabled(tempPosition)) { pieces[tempPosition.X, tempPosition.Y].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillMove; foreach (ReversiPiecePosition rpp in reversiGame.GetReversePositions(tempPosition)) { pieces[rpp.X, rpp.Y].CurrentDisplay = DisplayState.WillReverse; } } // 如果单击鼠标左键 if ((currentMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Released) && (lastMouseState.LeftButton == ButtonState.Pressed)) { if (tempPosition != null && reversiGame.IspieceEnabled(tempPosition)) { isMovePieceCompleted = false; /*pieces[tempPosition.X, tempPosition.Y].PieceState = (PieceState)myPieceColor; * foreach (ReversiPiecePosition rpp in reversiGame.GetReversePositions(tempPosition)) * pieces[rpp.X, rpp.Y].PieceState = (PieceState)myPieceColor;*/ MovePiece(tempPosition); } } } if (isMovePieceCompleted && isMyTurn) { if (!reversiGame.IsGameOver && reversiGame.CurrentPiece == reversiGame.LastPiece) { // TODO: 添加无子可下的显示 } isMyTurn = false; isMovingPiece = false; } base.Update(gameTime); }
//SetDrawState public void SetDrawState(ShapeType type) { _mouseState = new DrawState(this, type); _selected = null; this._shapeSelect(""); }
/// <summary> /// Reads the mouse state from <see cref="GameHost.GetMouseState"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="elapsedSeconds">Fractional seconds passed since Update was called.</param> public void Update(TimeSpan elapsedSeconds) { IMouseState currentState = GameHost.Instance.GetMouseState(); // Update local state bool leftDown = currentState.IsLeftButtonDown; bool rightDown = currentState.IsRightButtonDown; bool middleDown = currentState.IsMiddleButtonDown; ScrollWheelValueChange = ScrollWheelValue - currentState.MouseWheel; ScrollWheelValue = currentState.MouseWheel; ScreenPosition = new Point((int)(currentState.ScreenPosition.X * Settings.Rendering.RenderScale.X), (int)(currentState.ScreenPosition.Y * Settings.Rendering.RenderScale.Y)) - new Point((int)(Settings.Rendering.RenderRect.X * Settings.Rendering.RenderScale.X), (int)(Settings.Rendering.RenderRect.Y * Settings.Rendering.RenderScale.Y)); // Count time for full clicks if (!_leftPressedLastFrame && leftDown) { _leftPressedLastFrame = true; } else if (leftDown) { _leftLastClickedTime += elapsedSeconds; } if (!_rightPressedLastFrame && rightDown) { _rightPressedLastFrame = true; } else if (rightDown) { _rightLastClickedTime += elapsedSeconds; } if (!_middlePressedLastFrame && middleDown) { _middlePressedLastFrame = true; } else if (middleDown) { _middleLastClickedTime += elapsedSeconds; } // Get the mouse button state change bool newLeftClicked = LeftButtonDown && !leftDown; bool newRightClicked = RightButtonDown && !rightDown; bool newMiddleClicked = MiddleButtonDown && !middleDown; // Set state of double clicks if (!newLeftClicked) { LeftDoubleClicked = false; } if (!newRightClicked) { RightDoubleClicked = false; } if (!newMiddleClicked) { MiddleDoubleClicked = false; } if (LeftClicked && newLeftClicked && _leftLastClickedTime < Settings.Input.MouseDoubleClickTime) { LeftDoubleClicked = true; } if (RightClicked && newRightClicked && _rightLastClickedTime < Settings.Input.MouseDoubleClickTime) { RightDoubleClicked = true; } if (MiddleClicked && newMiddleClicked && _middleLastClickedTime < Settings.Input.MouseDoubleClickTime) { MiddleDoubleClicked = true; } // Set state of click and mouse down LeftClicked = newLeftClicked && _leftLastClickedTime < Settings.Input.MouseClickTime; RightClicked = newRightClicked && _rightLastClickedTime < Settings.Input.MouseClickTime; MiddleClicked = newMiddleClicked && _middleLastClickedTime < Settings.Input.MouseClickTime; LeftButtonDown = leftDown; RightButtonDown = rightDown; MiddleButtonDown = middleDown; // Clear any click frame tracking if (_leftPressedLastFrame && !leftDown) { _leftPressedLastFrame = false; _leftLastClickedTime = TimeSpan.Zero; } if (_rightPressedLastFrame && !rightDown) { _rightPressedLastFrame = false; _rightLastClickedTime = TimeSpan.Zero; } if (_middlePressedLastFrame && !middleDown) { _middlePressedLastFrame = false; _middleLastClickedTime = TimeSpan.Zero; } }