Example #1
        public WayPointsFollowingRRTPlanner(
            double goalBias,
            int maximumNumberOfIterations,
            IVehicleModel vehicleModel,
            IMotionModel motionModel,
            ITrack track,
            ICollisionDetector collisionDetector,
            Random random,
            TimeSpan timeStep,
            IActionSet actions,
            IReadOnlyList <IGoal> wayPoints)
            if (goalBias > 0.5)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Goal bias must be at most 0.5 (given {goalBias}).");

            this.goalBias = goalBias;
            this.maximumNumberOfIterations = maximumNumberOfIterations;
            this.vehicleModel      = vehicleModel;
            this.motionModel       = motionModel;
            this.track             = track;
            this.collisionDetector = collisionDetector;
            this.random            = random;
            this.timeStep          = timeStep;
            this.wayPoints         = wayPoints;
            this.actions           = actions;

            distances        = new DistanceMeasurement(track.Width, track.Height);
            wayPointsReached = 0;

            ExploredStates = exploredStates;
Example #2
        public RRTPlanner(
            double goalBias,
            int maximumNumberOfIterations,
            IWorldDefinition world,
            Random random,
            TimeSpan timeStep,
            IGoal goal)
            if (goalBias > 0.5)
                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException($"Goal bias must be at most 0.5 (given {goalBias}).");

            this.goalBias = goalBias;
            this.maximumNumberOfIterations = maximumNumberOfIterations;
            this.vehicleModel      = world.VehicleModel;
            this.motionModel       = world.MotionModel;
            this.track             = world.Track;
            this.collisionDetector = world.CollisionDetector;
            this.random            = random;
            this.timeStep          = timeStep;
            this.goal    = goal;
            this.actions = world.Actions;

            distances = new DistanceMeasurement(track.Width, track.Height);

            ExploredStates = exploredStates;
Example #3
        public PIDAgent(IReadOnlyList <IActionTrajectory> path, IMotionModel motionModel, TimeSpan reactionTime)
            this.path         = path;
            this.motionModel  = motionModel;
            this.reactionTime = reactionTime;

            steeringController = new PIDController(0.0395, 0.000155, -0.785);

            Visualization = Observable.Merge <IVisualization>(
                Observable.Return(new Path(null, path.Select(segment => segment.State.Position).ToArray())),
                selectedTarget.Select(point => new Dot(point, 2, "red", reactionTime)),
                projectedPosition.Select(point => new Dot(point, 2, "blue", reactionTime)),
                crossTrackError.WithLatestFrom(selectedTarget, (error, target) => new Dot(target, Math.Abs(error), Math.Sign(error) == 1 ? "blue" : "red", reactionTime)));
        public HybridAStarPlanner(
            TimeSpan timeStep,
            IWorldDefinition world,
            IReadOnlyList <IGoal> wayPoints,
            bool greedy = false)
            this.timeStep  = timeStep;
            this.greedy    = greedy;
            this.wayPoints = wayPoints;

            vehicleModel      = world.VehicleModel;
            motionModel       = world.MotionModel;
            track             = world.Track;
            actions           = world.Actions;
            collisionDetector = world.CollisionDetector;

            discretizer = new StateDiscretizer(
                positionXCellSize: vehicleModel.Width / 2,
                positionYCellSize: vehicleModel.Width / 2,
                headingAngleCellSize: 2 * Math.PI / 36);

            ExploredStates = exploredStates;