Example #1
        public bool Charge(UUID agentID, int amount, string text, int daysUntilNextCharge, TransactionType type, string identifer, bool chargeImmediately)
            IMoneyModule moneyModule = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();

            if (moneyModule != null)
                if (chargeImmediately)
                    bool success = moneyModule.Charge(agentID, amount, text, type);
                    if (!success)
                IScheduleService scheduler = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IScheduleService>();
                if (scheduler != null)
                    OSDMap itemInfo = new OSDMap();
                    itemInfo.Add("AgentID", agentID);
                    itemInfo.Add("Amount", amount);
                    itemInfo.Add("Text", text);
                    itemInfo.Add("Type", (int)type);
                    SchedulerItem item = new SchedulerItem("ScheduledPayment" + identifer,
                                                           OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(itemInfo), false,
                                                           DateTime.UtcNow, daysUntilNextCharge, RepeatType.days, agentID);
                    itemInfo.Add("SchedulerID", item.id);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Request that a client (agent) begin an asset transfer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="transaction"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param>
        /// <param name="storeLocal"></param>
        /// <param name="tempFile"></param>
        public void HandleUDPUploadRequest(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID assetID, UUID transaction, sbyte type,
                                           byte[] data, bool storeLocal, bool tempFile)
//            MainConsole.Instance.Debug("HandleUDPUploadRequest - assetID: " + assetID.ToString() + " transaction: " + transaction.ToString() + " type: " + type.ToString() + " storelocal: " + storeLocal + " tempFile: " + tempFile);

            if (((AssetType)type == AssetType.Texture ||
                 (AssetType)type == AssetType.Sound ||
                 (AssetType)type == AssetType.TextureTGA ||
                 (AssetType)type == AssetType.Animation) &&
                tempFile == false)
                IScene       scene = remoteClient.Scene;
                IMoneyModule mm    = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();

                if (mm != null)
                    if (!mm.Charge(remoteClient.AgentId, mm.UploadCharge, "", TransactionType.UploadCharge))
                        remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Unable to upload asset. Insufficient funds.", false);

            AgentAssetTransactions transactions = GetUserTransactions(remoteClient.AgentId);

            AssetXferUploader uploader = transactions.RequestXferUploader(transaction);

            if (uploader != null)
                uploader.StartUpload(remoteClient, assetID, transaction, type, data, storeLocal, tempFile);
Example #3
 private object ChargeNext(string functionName, object parameters)
     if (functionName.StartsWith("ScheduledPayment"))
         OSDMap          itemInfo    = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(parameters.ToString());
         IMoneyModule    moneyModule = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();
         UUID            agentID     = itemInfo["AgentID"];
         string          scdID       = itemInfo["SchedulerID"];
         string          text        = itemInfo["Text"];
         int             amount      = itemInfo["Amount"];
         TransactionType type        = !itemInfo.ContainsKey("Type") ? TransactionType.SystemGenerated : (TransactionType)itemInfo["Type"].AsInteger();
         if (CheckWhetherUserShouldPay(agentID, text))
             bool success = moneyModule.Charge(agentID, amount, text, type);
             if (!success)
                 if (OnUserDidNotPay != null)
                     OnUserDidNotPay(agentID, functionName.Replace("ScheduledPayment", ""), text);
             IScheduleService scheduler = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IScheduleService>();
             if (scheduler != null)
Example #4
 private object ChargeNext(string functionName, object parameters)
     if (functionName == "ScheduledPayment")
         OSDMap       itemInfo    = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeJson(parameters.ToString());
         IMoneyModule moneyModule = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();
         UUID         agentID     = itemInfo["AgentID"];
         string       scdID       = itemInfo["SchedulerID"];
         string       text        = itemInfo["Text"];
         int          amount      = itemInfo["Amount"];
         if (CheckWhetherUserShouldPay(agentID, text))
             bool success = moneyModule.Charge(agentID, amount, text);
             if (!success)
                 if (OnUserDidNotPay != null)
                     OnUserDidNotPay(agentID, text);
             IScheduleService scheduler = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IScheduleService>();
             if (scheduler != null)
        public bool Charge(UUID agentID, int amount, string text, int daysUntilNextCharge)
            IMoneyModule moneyModule = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();

            if (moneyModule != null)
                bool success = moneyModule.Charge(agentID, amount, text);
                if (!success)
                IScheduleService scheduler = m_registry.RequestModuleInterface <IScheduleService>();
                if (scheduler != null)
                    OSDMap itemInfo = new OSDMap();
                    itemInfo.Add("AgentID", agentID);
                    itemInfo.Add("Amount", amount);
                    itemInfo.Add("Text", text);
                    SchedulerItem item = new SchedulerItem("ScheduledPayment",
                                                           OSDParser.SerializeJsonString(itemInfo), false,
                                                           DateTime.Now.AddDays(daysUntilNextCharge) - DateTime.Now);
                    itemInfo.Add("SchedulerID", item.id);
Example #6
        private bool ChargeUser(string asset_type, OSDMap map, out int charge, out int resourceCost)
            IMoneyModule mm = m_service.Registry.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();

            charge       = 0;
            resourceCost = 0;

            if (mm != null)
                if (asset_type == "texture" ||
                    asset_type == "animation" ||
                    asset_type == "snapshot" ||
                    asset_type == "sound")
                    charge = mm.UploadCharge;
                else if (asset_type == "mesh" ||
                         asset_type == "object")
                    OSDMap   meshMap       = (OSDMap)map["asset_resources"];
                    OSDArray instance_list = (OSDArray)meshMap["instance_list"];
                    OSDArray mesh_list     = (OSDArray)meshMap["mesh_list"];
                    OSDArray texture_list  = (OSDArray)meshMap["texture_list"];
                    charge = texture_list.Count * mm.UploadCharge +
                             meshMap.Count * mm.UploadCharge;
                    resourceCost = meshMap.Count * mm.UploadCharge;
                if (charge > 0 &&
                    !mm.Charge(m_service.AgentID, mm.UploadCharge, "Upload Charge"))
        /// <summary>
        /// Request that a client (agent) begin an asset transfer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="remoteClient"></param>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="transaction"></param>
        /// <param name="type"></param>
        /// <param name="data"></param></param>
        /// <param name="tempFile"></param>
        public void HandleUDPUploadRequest(IClientAPI remoteClient, UUID assetID, UUID transaction, sbyte type,
                                           byte[] data, bool storeLocal, bool tempFile)
//            m_log.Debug("HandleUDPUploadRequest - assetID: " + assetID.ToString() + " transaction: " + transaction.ToString() + " type: " + type.ToString() + " storelocal: " + storeLocal + " tempFile: " + tempFile);

            if (((AssetType)type == AssetType.Texture ||
                 (AssetType)type == AssetType.Sound ||
                 (AssetType)type == AssetType.TextureTGA ||
                 (AssetType)type == AssetType.Animation) &&
                tempFile == false)
                Scene        scene = (Scene)remoteClient.Scene;
                IMoneyModule mm    = scene.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();

                if (mm != null)
                    if (!mm.Charge(remoteClient, mm.UploadCharge))
                        remoteClient.SendAgentAlertMessage("Unable to upload asset. Insufficient funds.", false);

            AgentAssetTransactions transactions = GetUserTransactions(remoteClient.AgentId);

            IMonitorModule monitorModule = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IMonitorModule>();

            if (monitorModule != null)
                INetworkMonitor networkMonitor = (INetworkMonitor)monitorModule.GetMonitor(m_scene.RegionInfo.RegionID.ToString(), "Network Monitor");

            AssetXferUploader uploader = transactions.RequestXferUploader(transaction);

            if (uploader != null)
                uploader.Initialise(remoteClient, assetID, transaction, type, data, storeLocal, tempFile);
Example #8
        public string NewAgentInventoryRequest(string request, UUID agentID)
            OSDMap map = (OSDMap)OSDParser.DeserializeLLSDXml(request);

            //TODO:  The Mesh uploader uploads many types of content. If you're going to implement a Money based limit
            // You need to be aware of this and

            //if (llsdRequest.asset_type == "texture" ||
            //     llsdRequest.asset_type == "animation" ||
            //     llsdRequest.asset_type == "sound")
            // {
            IClientAPI client = null;

            IMoneyModule mm = m_scene.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();

            if (mm != null)
                if (m_scene.TryGetClient(agentID, out client))
                    if (!mm.Charge(agentID, mm.UploadCharge, "Asset upload"))
                        if (client != null)
                            client.SendAgentAlertMessage("Unable to upload asset. Insufficient funds.", false);
                        map          = new OSDMap();
                        map["rsvp"]  = "";
                        map["state"] = "error";
            // }

            string asset_type     = map["asset_type"].AsString();
            string assetName      = map["name"].AsString();
            string assetDes       = map["description"].AsString();
            string capsBase       = "/CAPS/NewFileAgentInventoryVariablePrice/";
            string inventory_type = map["inventory_type"].AsString();
            UUID   newAsset       = UUID.Random();
            UUID   newInvItem     = UUID.Random();
            UUID   parentFolder   = map["folder_id"].AsUUID();
            string uploaderPath   = Util.RandomClass.Next(5000, 8000).ToString("0000") + "/";

            AssetUploader uploader =
                new AssetUploader(assetName, assetDes, newAsset, newInvItem, parentFolder, inventory_type,
                                  asset_type, capsBase + uploaderPath, MainServer.Instance, agentID, this);

                new BinaryStreamHandler("POST", capsBase + uploaderPath, uploader.uploaderCaps));

            string uploaderURL = m_scene.RegionInfo.ServerURI + capsBase +

            map                  = new OSDMap();
            map["rsvp"]          = uploaderURL;
            map["state"]         = "upload";
            map["resource_cost"] = 0;
            map["upload_price"]  = 0;
Example #9
        public void ClassifiedInfoUpdate(UUID queryClassifiedID, uint queryCategory, string queryName,
                                         string queryDescription, UUID queryParcelID,
                                         uint queryParentEstate, UUID querySnapshotID, Vector3 queryGlobalPos,
                                         byte queryclassifiedFlags,
                                         int queryclassifiedPrice, IClientAPI remoteClient)
            IScenePresence p = remoteClient.Scene.GetScenePresence(remoteClient.AgentId);

            if (p == null)
                return; //Just fail
            IScheduledMoneyModule scheduledMoneyModule = p.Scene.RequestModuleInterface <IScheduledMoneyModule> ();
            IMoneyModule          moneyModule          = p.Scene.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule> ();
            Classified            classcheck           = ProfileFrontend.GetClassified(queryClassifiedID);

            if (((queryclassifiedFlags & 32) != 32) && moneyModule != null)
                //Single week
                if (!moneyModule.Charge(remoteClient.AgentId, queryclassifiedPrice, "Add Classified", TransactionType.ClassifiedCharge))
                    remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("You do not have enough money to create this classified.");
            else if (scheduledMoneyModule != null)
                if (classcheck != null)
                    scheduledMoneyModule.RemoveFromScheduledCharge("[Classified: " + queryClassifiedID + "]");

                var payOK = scheduledMoneyModule.Charge(
                    remoteClient.AgentId,                                                       // who to charge
                    queryclassifiedPrice,                                                       // how much
                    "Add Reoccurring Classified (" + queryClassifiedID + ")",                   // description
                    TransactionType.ClassifiedCharge,                                           // transaction type
                    "[Classified: " + queryClassifiedID + "]",                                  // scheduler identifier
                    true,                                                                       // charger immediately
                    false);                                                                     // run once
                if (!payOK)
                    remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("You do not have enough money to create this classified.");

            UUID    creatorUUID     = remoteClient.AgentId;
            UUID    classifiedUUID  = queryClassifiedID;
            uint    category        = queryCategory;
            string  name            = queryName;
            string  description     = queryDescription;
            uint    parentestate    = queryParentEstate;
            UUID    snapshotUUID    = querySnapshotID;
            string  simname         = remoteClient.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName;
            Vector3 globalpos       = queryGlobalPos;
            byte    classifiedFlags = queryclassifiedFlags;
            int     classifiedPrice = queryclassifiedPrice;

            UUID   parceluuid = p.CurrentParcelUUID;
            string parcelname = "Unknown";
            IParcelManagementModule parcelManagement = remoteClient.Scene.RequestModuleInterface <IParcelManagementModule> ();

            if (parcelManagement != null)
                ILandObject parcel = parcelManagement.GetLandObject(p.AbsolutePosition.X, p.AbsolutePosition.Y);
                if (parcel != null)
                    parcelname = parcel.LandData.Name;
                    parceluuid = parcel.LandData.GlobalID;

            uint creationdate = (uint)Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();

            uint expirationdate = (uint)Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60);

            Classified classified = new Classified {
                ClassifiedUUID  = classifiedUUID,
                CreatorUUID     = creatorUUID,
                CreationDate    = creationdate,
                ExpirationDate  = expirationdate,
                Category        = category,
                Name            = name,
                Description     = description,
                ParcelUUID      = parceluuid,
                ParentEstate    = parentestate,
                SnapshotUUID    = snapshotUUID,
                SimName         = simname,
                GlobalPos       = globalpos,
                ParcelName      = parcelname,
                ClassifiedFlags = classifiedFlags,
                PriceForListing = classifiedPrice,
                ScopeID         = remoteClient.ScopeID

        public void ClassifiedInfoUpdate(UUID queryclassifiedID, uint queryCategory, string queryName,
                                         string queryDescription, UUID queryParcelID,
                                         uint queryParentEstate, UUID querySnapshotID, Vector3 queryGlobalPos,
                                         byte queryclassifiedFlags,
                                         int queryclassifiedPrice, IClientAPI remoteClient)
            IScenePresence p = remoteClient.Scene.GetScenePresence(remoteClient.AgentId);

            if (p == null)
                return; //Just fail
            IMoneyModule money = p.Scene.RequestModuleInterface <IMoneyModule>();

            if (money != null)
                Classified classcheck = ProfileFrontend.GetClassified(queryclassifiedID);
                if (classcheck == null)
                    if (!money.Charge(remoteClient.AgentId, queryclassifiedPrice, "Add Classified"))
                        remoteClient.SendAlertMessage("You do not have enough money to create this classified.");

            UUID    creatorUUID     = remoteClient.AgentId;
            UUID    classifiedUUID  = queryclassifiedID;
            uint    category        = queryCategory;
            string  name            = queryName;
            string  description     = queryDescription;
            uint    parentestate    = queryParentEstate;
            UUID    snapshotUUID    = querySnapshotID;
            string  simname         = remoteClient.Scene.RegionInfo.RegionName;
            Vector3 globalpos       = queryGlobalPos;
            byte    classifiedFlags = queryclassifiedFlags;
            int     classifiedPrice = queryclassifiedPrice;

            UUID   parceluuid = p.CurrentParcelUUID;
            string parcelname = "Unknown";
            IParcelManagementModule parcelManagement =
                remoteClient.Scene.RequestModuleInterface <IParcelManagementModule>();

            if (parcelManagement != null)
                ILandObject parcel = parcelManagement.GetLandObject(p.AbsolutePosition.X, p.AbsolutePosition.Y);
                if (parcel != null)
                    parcelname = parcel.LandData.Name;
                    parceluuid = parcel.LandData.InfoUUID;

            uint creationdate = (uint)Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch();

            uint expirationdate = (uint)Util.UnixTimeSinceEpoch() + (365 * 24 * 60 * 60);

            Classified classified = new Classified
                ClassifiedUUID  = classifiedUUID,
                CreatorUUID     = creatorUUID,
                CreationDate    = creationdate,
                ExpirationDate  = expirationdate,
                Category        = category,
                Name            = name,
                Description     = description,
                ParcelUUID      = parceluuid,
                ParentEstate    = parentestate,
                SnapshotUUID    = snapshotUUID,
                SimName         = simname,
                GlobalPos       = globalpos,
                ParcelName      = parcelname,
                ClassifiedFlags = classifiedFlags,
                PriceForListing = classifiedPrice,
                ScopeID         = remoteClient.ScopeID
