Example #1
 public PersistantValueInfo(IMemberAL storage)
     if (!BuildProcs(storage.MemberType, out Creator, out Persistor, out Restorer, ref storage))
         throw new DMError("Type {0} is not supposed to be marked with {2}. Invalid type. Only ValueTypes, strings and classes which implement {1} or {5}. Any combination with {3}<T> and {4}<T> by this types also supported.", storage.MemberType.FullName, typeof(IViewStateSerializable).Name, typeof(PersistantFieldAttribute).Name, typeof(IVariable <>).Name, typeof(ICollection <>).Name, typeof(IIntKeyedDataObject).Name);
     Storage = storage;
Example #2
 public PersistantValueInfo(IMemberAL storage)
     if (!BuildProcs(storage.MemberType, out Creator, out Persistor, out Restorer, ref storage))
         throw new DMError(Translations.PersistantValueInfo_PersistantValueInfo_Type__0__is_not_supposed_to_be_marked_with__2___Invalid_type__Only_ValueTypes__strings_and_classes_which_implement__1__or__5___Any_combination_with__3__T__and__4__T__by_this_types_also_supported_, storage.MemberType.FullName, typeof(IViewStateSerializable).Name, typeof(PersistantFieldAttribute).Name, typeof(IVariable <>).Name, typeof(ICollection <>).Name, typeof(IIntKeyedDataObject).Name);
     Storage = storage;
        public static IMemberAL GetMember([NotNull] this IMemberAL owner, [NotNull] string memberName)
            var t = owner.MemberType;
            var f = t.GetField(memberName);

            if (f != null)
                return(new ChainAbstraction(owner, f.ToAbstaction()));
            var p = t.GetProperty(memberName);

            if (p != null)
                return(new ChainAbstraction(owner, p.ToAbstraction()));
Example #4
 static ControllerParametersUtility()
     // compiling controller parameters
     foreach (var field in typeof(TController).GetFields(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.SetField | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic))
         if (field.HasAtr <ControllerParameterAttribute>())
             IMemberAL al = field.ToAbstaction();
             var       mt = al.MemberType;
             if (mt == typeof(int) || mt == typeof(string) || mt.IsEnum)
                 __ControllerParameters.Add(field.Name, al);
                 throw new DMError("Type {0} cannot be specified for controller parameter", mt.FullName);
Example #5
        private static bool BuildProcs(Type type, out ConstructorInfo creator, out Func <object, object> persistor, out Func <ConstructorInfo, object, object> restorer, ref IMemberAL storage)
            if (type.IsValueType || type == typeof(string))
                persistor = Persist_SimpleValue;
                restorer  = Restore_SimpleValue;
                creator   = null;

            bool isViewStateSerializable = false,
                 isTypedVariable         = false,
                 isTypedCollection       = false,
                 isIntKeyedDataObject    = false;

            foreach (var intf in type.GetInterfaces().Append(type))
                if (typeof(IViewStateSerializable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                    isViewStateSerializable = true;

                if (typeof(IIntKeyedDataObject).IsAssignableFrom(type))
                    isIntKeyedDataObject = true;

                if (intf.IsGenericType)
                    var gIntf = intf.GetGenericTypeDefinition();
                    if (gIntf == typeof(IVariable <>))
                        isTypedVariable = true;

                    if (gIntf == typeof(ICollection <>))
                        isTypedCollection = true;

            if (isIntKeyedDataObject)
                persistor = Persist_IntKeyedDataObject;
                restorer  = Restore_IntKeyedDataObject;
                creator   = SafeGetConstructor(type);

            if (isViewStateSerializable)
                persistor = Persist_IViewStateSerializable;
                restorer  = Restore_IViewStateSerializable;
                creator   = SafeGetConstructor(type);

            if (isTypedVariable)
                storage = storage.GetMember("Value");
                if (BuildProcs(storage.MemberType, out creator, out persistor, out restorer, ref storage))

            if (isTypedCollection)
                var                   subType = type.GetGenericArguments()[0];
                ConstructorInfo       c;
                Func <object, object> p;
                Func <ConstructorInfo, object, object> r;
                if (BuildProcs(subType, out c, out p, out r, ref storage))
                    creator = SafeGetConstructor(type);
                    var man = (IPersistManager)typeof(TypedCollectionValueInfo <>).MakeGenericType(new[] { subType }).GetConstructor(TYPED_COLLECTION_VALUE_INFO_CONSTRUCTOR_PARAMETERS)
                              .Invoke(new object[] { creator, c, p, r });
                    persistor = man.Persist;
                    restorer  = man.Restore;

            persistor = null;
            restorer  = null;
            creator   = null;
 public ChainAbstraction(IMemberAL owner, IMemberAL member)
     _Owner = owner;
     _Member = member;
 public ChainAbstraction(IMemberAL owner, IMemberAL member)
     _Owner  = owner;
     _Member = member;