Example #1
        private async Task <XRpcStruct> MetaWeblogNewMediaObjectAsync(string userName, string password, XRpcStruct file)
            var user = await ValidateUserAsync(userName, password);

            var name = file.Optional <string>("name");
            var bits = file.Optional <byte[]>("bits");

            var    directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(name);
            var    filePath      = _mediaFileStore.Combine(directoryName, Path.GetFileName(name));
            Stream stream        = null;

                stream   = new MemoryStream(bits);
                filePath = await _mediaFileStore.CreateFileFromStreamAsync(filePath, stream);

            var publicUrl = _mediaFileStore.MapPathToPublicUrl(filePath);

            return(new XRpcStruct() // Some clients require all optional attributes to be declared Wordpress responds in this way as well.
                   .Set("file", publicUrl)
                   .Set("url", publicUrl)
                   .Set("type", file.Optional <string>("type")));
        public async Task <string> CreateFile()
            using var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hello world!"));
            await _mediaFileStore.CreateFileFromStreamAsync("Demo.txt", stream);

        // This action will demonstrate how to create a file in the Media folder and read it from there.
        public async Task <string> CreateFileInMediaFolder()
            // You need to initialize a stream if you have a specific text you want to write into the file. If you
            // already have a stream for that just use it (you'll see it later)!
            using (var stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Hi there!")))
                // The third parameter here is optional - if true, it will override the file if already exists.
                await _mediaFileStore.CreateFileFromStreamAsync(TestFileRelativePath, stream, true);

            // Use this method to check if the file exists (it will be null if the file doesn't exist). It's similar to
            // the built-in FileInfo class but not that robust.
            var fileInfo = await _mediaFileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(TestFileRelativePath);

            // The IMediaFileStore has its own specific methods such as mapping the file path to a public URL. Since
            // the files in the Media folder are accessible from the outside this can be handy.
            var publicUrl = _mediaFileStore.MapPathToPublicUrl(TestFileRelativePath);

            return($"Successfully created file! File size: {fileInfo.Length} bytes. Public URL: {publicUrl}");
Example #4
        public async Task <ActionResult <object> > Upload(
            string path,
            string contentType,
            ICollection <IFormFile> files)
            if (!await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Permissions.ManageMedia))

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(path))
                path = "";

            var result = new List <object>();

            // Loop through each file in the request
            foreach (var file in files)
                // TODO: support clipboard

                if (!_allowedFileExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(file.FileName), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                        name   = file.FileName,
                        size   = file.Length,
                        folder = path,
                        error  = S["This file extension is not allowed: {0}", Path.GetExtension(file.FileName)].ToString()

                    _logger.LogInformation("File extension not allowed: '{0}'", file.FileName);


                var fileName = _mediaNameNormalizerService.NormalizeFileName(file.FileName);

                Stream stream = null;
                    var mediaFilePath = _mediaFileStore.Combine(path, fileName);
                    stream        = file.OpenReadStream();
                    mediaFilePath = await _mediaFileStore.CreateFileFromStreamAsync(mediaFilePath, stream);

                    var mediaFile = await _mediaFileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(mediaFilePath);

                catch (Exception ex)
                    _logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred while uploading a media");

                        name   = fileName,
                        size   = file.Length,
                        folder = path,
                        error  = ex.Message

            return(new { files = result.ToArray() });
Example #5
        // Newly added files
        private async Task <object> MoveNewFilesToContentItemDirAndUpdatePaths1(IFormFile fileToUpload, ContentItem contentItem)
            // Generate Random name.
            string extension = Utils.GetFileExtension(fileToUpload.FileName);

            //  string name = $"{Utils.GenerateUniqueString()}.{extension}";
            string uniqueName = Utils.GenerateUniqueString();
            string name       = $"{uniqueName}.{extension}";

            // string link = fileRoute + name;

            var targetDir = GetContentItemFolder(contentItem);
            //  var finalFileName = (await GetFileHashAsync(x.Path)) + GetFileExtension(x.Path);
            var finalFileName = name;//(await GetFileHashAsync(uniqueName)) + extension;// GetFileExtension(x.Path);
            var finalFilePath = _fileStore.Combine(targetDir, finalFileName);

            //  string link = finalFilePath;

            await _fileStore.TryCreateDirectoryAsync(targetDir);

            // When there is a validation error before creating the content item we can end up with an empty folder
            // because the content item is different on each form submit . We need to remove that empty folder.
//            var previousDirPath = (await _fileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(x.Path)).DirectoryPath;
            //var previousDirPath = (await _fileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(name)).DirectoryPath;

            // fileName is a hash of the file. We preserve disk space by reusing the file.
            //if (await _fileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(finalFilePath) == null)
            // Copy contents to memory stream.
            Stream stream;

            stream = new MemoryStream();
            stream.Position = 0;
            // await _fileStore.MoveFileAsync(x.Path, finalFilePath);
            await _fileStore.CreateFileFromStreamAsync(finalFilePath, stream);   // ..MoveFileAsync(x.Path, finalFilePath);


            // x.Path = finalFilePath;

            //await DeleteDirIfEmpty(previousDirPath);
            string link = _fileStore.MapPathToPublicUrl(finalFilePath);

            // Make sure it is compatible with ASP.NET Core.
            return(new { link = link });
            //  return new { link =  Path.Combine( "/media/" ,link) };
            // return new { link = link.Replace("wwwroot/", "/") };

             * items.Where(x => !x.IsRemoved).ToList()
             *  .ForEach(async x =>
             *  {
             *      var targetDir = GetContentItemFolder(contentItem);
             *      var finalFileName = (await GetFileHashAsync(x.Path)) + GetFileExtension(x.Path);
             *      var finalFilePath = _fileStore.Combine(targetDir, finalFileName);
             *      await _fileStore.TryCreateDirectoryAsync(targetDir);
             *      // When there is a validation error before creating the content item we can end up with an empty folder
             *      // because the content item is different on each form submit . We need to remove that empty folder.
             *      var previousDirPath = (await _fileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(x.Path)).DirectoryPath;
             *      // fileName is a hash of the file. We preserve disk space by reusing the file.
             *      if (await _fileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(finalFilePath) == null)
             *      {
             *          await _fileStore.MoveFileAsync(x.Path, finalFilePath);
             *      }
             *      x.Path = finalFilePath;
             *      await DeleteDirIfEmpty(previousDirPath);
             *  });
Example #6
        public async Task <IActionResult> UploadMediaFromFroalaEditor()
            // if (!await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Permissions.ManageOwnMedia))
            // {
            //     return Forbid();
            // }

            var path = _attachedMediaToContentItemService.MediaFieldsTempSubFolder;

            var fileToUpload = GetFileToUpload(null);
            var result       = new object();

            // Loop through each file in the request
            // foreach (var file in files)
            if (fileToUpload != null)
                // TODO: support clipboard

                if (!_allowedFileExtensions.Contains(Path.GetExtension(fileToUpload.FileName), StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    result = new
                        name   = fileToUpload.FileName,
                        size   = fileToUpload.Length,
                        folder = path,
                        error  = S["This file extension is not allowed: {0}", Path.GetExtension(fileToUpload.FileName)]

                    _logger.LogInformation("File extension not allowed: '{0}'", fileToUpload.FileName);

                    //  continue;
                    Stream stream = null;
                        var mediaFilePath = _mediaFileStore.Combine(path, fileToUpload.FileName);
                        stream        = fileToUpload.OpenReadStream();
                        mediaFilePath = await _mediaFileStore.CreateFileFromStreamAsync(mediaFilePath, stream);

                        var mediaFile = await _mediaFileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(mediaFilePath);

                        result = CreateFileResult(mediaFile);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        _logger.LogError(ex, "An error occurred while uploading a media");

                        result = new { name = fileToUpload.FileName, size = fileToUpload.Length, folder = path, error = ex.Message };

