Example #1
        internal void FlushExecutionLog(MemoryStream listenerStream)
            // Because the execution log target is filling its own
            // buffer in a different thread, we have to copy its current buffer
            // to our own buffer to have a static blob to send with the notification
            // TODO: A better way of doing this without copying bytes.
            // Maybe add a "Pause" operation to the binary logger so it blocks its thread
            // while we read/send the buffer.
            if (m_finishedSendingPipResults && !m_sendCancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested && m_flushedExecutionLog.Length > 0)
                // A final flush of the execution log may come after all the pip results are sent
                // In that case, we send the blob individually:
                m_masterClient.NotifyAsync(new WorkerNotificationArgs()
                    ExecutionLogBlobSequenceNumber = m_xlgBlobSequenceNumber++,
                    ExecutionLogData = new ArraySegment <byte>(m_flushedExecutionLog.GetBuffer(), 0, (int)m_flushedExecutionLog.Length)
