Example #1
        // *******************************Uncomment this method and comment out the other to implement AppFabric caching for market summary 

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the current market summary.  This results in an expensive DB query in the DAL; hence look to cache data returned for 60 second or so.
        /// </summary>
        public MarketSummaryDataModelWS getMarketSummary()
            // ============ To use WINDOWS SERVER App Fabric Caching (on-premise only): uncomment at top of page 'using Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching;'
            //              Add references to the host program (TradeWebBSL, BusinessServiceHost, BusinessServiceConsole and/or  BusinessServiceNTServiceHost project(s):
            //              \stocktrader\sharedlibraries\winserverappfabric\*.dll  (all assemblies in this directory).  
            //              Add reference to: \stocktrader\sharedlibraries\configuration\ConfigService.WinServerAppFabricUtility.dll
            // ============ To use WINDOWS AZURE App Fabric Caching (on-premise or on-azure): uncomment at top of page 'using Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching;'
            //              Add references to the host program (TradeWebBSL, BusinessServiceHost, BusinessServiceConsole and/or  BusinessServiceNTServiceHost project(s):
            //              \stocktrader\sharedlibraries\winazureappfabric\*.dll  (all assemblies in this directory).  
            //              Add reference to: \stocktrader\sharedlibraries\configuration\ConfigService.AzureAppFabricConfigUtility.dll

            //This is an example of using ConfigService distributed cache utility to access a Win Server or Win Azure AppFabric cache
            //without any cache config info embedded in config.  The utility returns a pre-tuned client, already connected to the
            //distributed cache so its high performance.  First, you must find the cache you want from the Settings.connectedCaches list.
            //This list is automatically created based on using ConfigWeb inherited settings to specified connected_caches.
            //Note, your app may use as many different caches (namespaces on Azure, or named caches on Win Server) as you want.
            //Just add more keys to ConfigSettings (currently, keys are defined for up to three different caches from a single app.
            //Also note below, on Azure AppFabric, there is only one named cache 'default'; but you can create many different namespaces, 
            //hence, many different caches (they will all just be named 'default', but the different namespaces mean they reside om
            //different servers (and maybe different geographic regions, depending on how you setup the App Fabric cache namespace(s).
            //At any rate, StockTrader as an app does not present a lot of opportunity to use a cache, since most information should not be
            //stale to the user.  However, market summary is an exception--who cares if updated only every 30 seconds or so?  Plus, its an
            //expensive query.  The below code is for example only.  Yo can also use ASP.NET local output caching from the Web app to cache the
            //results of the call to this method (or, put in a distributed cache the StockTrader Web app uses.  But, it is useful to
            //also cache the data here on the Web Service tier itself; since other clients may be calling this method a lot, putting stress
            //on the database. 

            //The differnce between using a local ASP.NET cache vs. a AppFabric distributed cache is one makes sure all nodes/instances in a scale-out 
            //cluster are using/presenting the exact same data; local .NET caching means nodes will be out of sync.  So it depends on the data
            //and the scenario on when to use a distributed cache vs. a node-local cache. You can never use a local cache for session data
            //in a scale-out scenario: the nodes must be using the same cache.  
            //Finally, most of the logic below to use the Config Service cache utility could be put into a re-usable method, if an app was going to use the utility in lots of places.

            MarketSummaryDataModelWS returnData=null;
            DistributedCaches myStockTraderMktSummaryCache=null;
            DataCache theCache =null;
            //First we need to find the actual cache we are interested in using, the service domain might be using many
            //different caches, potentially on different servers/azure namespaces.  We will look up by name.  However,
            //we really should look up by name and Azure namespace, since all Azure AppFabric caches are named 'default.' (as 
            //of this writing. On-premise, Win Server AppFabric clusters can have named caches with different names/properties.
            if (Settings.connectedCaches!=null)
                myStockTraderMktSummaryCache = Settings.connectedCaches.Find(delegate (DistributedCaches cacheExists) {return cacheExists.Name.ToLower().Equals("default");});
            //Ok, if we have it, keep going.  If you have not setup a distributed cache, the logic below simply gets it from the DB
            //on every call.
            if (myStockTraderMktSummaryCache!=null)
                //If using the ConfigServer pre-tuned DistributedCacheUtility, make sure to put the getDataCache call in a try-catch,
                //and call closeDataCache on an exception.  An exception can happen if for any reason the
                //cache connection from the client was broken.  The closeDataCache method ensure the cache is
                //disposed of, a new factory created and new connection established on any subsequent calls.
                    theCache = (DataCache)DistributedCacheUtility.getDataCache(myStockTraderMktSummaryCache, false, new Settings());
                    returnData = (MarketSummaryDataModelWS)theCache.Get("mktSummary");
                    DistributedCacheUtility.closeDataCache(myStockTraderMktSummaryCache, new Settings());
            //Ok, it was either not in the cache, or the cache was offline--so we must go get it from the DB.  And then stuff
            //it into the cache so next caller does not have to goto the DB.
            if (returnData == null)
                dalMarketSummary = Trade.DALFactory.MarketSummary.Create(Settings.DAL);
                    returnData = dalMarketSummary.getMarketSummaryData();
                    if (theCache != null && returnData!=null)
                            theCache.Put("mktSummary", returnData, new TimeSpan(0,0,60));
                        catch (Exception ePut)
                            ConfigUtility.writeConfigConsoleMessage("Warning:  a cache put operation failed.\n\n" + ePut.ToString(), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Warning, true, new Settings());
            return returnData;

         * */
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a single quote based on symbol.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="symbol">Symbol to get data for.</param>
        public QuoteDataModel getQuote(string symbol)
            dalMarketSummary = Trade.DALFactory.MarketSummary.Create(Settings.DAL);
                return dalMarketSummary.getQuote(symbol);
Example #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets a quotes based on symbols string.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="symbol">Symbol to get data for.</param>
 public List<QuoteDataModel> getQuotes(string symbols)
     dalMarketSummary = Trade.DALFactory.MarketSummary.Create(Settings.DAL);
         string[] quotes = symbols.Split(new char[] { ' ', ',', ';' });
         List<QuoteDataModel> quoteList = new List<QuoteDataModel>();
         foreach (string quote in quotes)
             string stringquotetrim = quote.Trim();
             if (!stringquotetrim.Equals(""))
                 QuoteDataModel quoteData = dalMarketSummary.getQuote(stringquotetrim);
                 if (quoteData != null)
         return quoteList;
Example #3
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the current market summary.  This results in an expensive DB query in the DAL; hence look to cache data returned for 60 second or so.
 /// </summary>
 public MarketSummaryDataModelWS getMarketSummary()
     MarketSummaryDataModelWS returnData=null;
         dalMarketSummary = Trade.DALFactory.MarketSummary.Create(Settings.DAL);
             returnData = dalMarketSummary.getMarketSummaryData();
     return returnData;