public CanHaveSourcesNode(ITreeNode trueNode, ITreeNode falseNode, GetPrice getPrice, IMapController map) : base(trueNode, falseNode, null) { this.getPrice = getPrice; condition = Condition; = map; }
public FortShowParade(IMapController map, double kHasSources, double kPointsToWin, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Show Parade") { double sum = kHasSources + kPointsToWin; this.kHasSources = kHasSources / sum; this.kPointsToWin = kPointsToWin / sum; }
/// <inheritdoc /> public async ValueTask <IMapController> CreateMap(int serverId, int mapId) { IMapController mapController = null; try { var appId = this.GenerateMapAppIdentifier(serverId, mapId); await this.jsRuntime.InvokeVoidAsync("CreateMap", serverId, mapId, this.GetMapContainerIdentifier(serverId, mapId), appId); var gameServer = this.serverService.GetGameServer(serverId); mapController = new MapController(this.jsRuntime, appId, gameServer, mapId); gameServer.RegisterMapObserver((ushort)mapId, mapController); } catch { if (mapController != null) { await mapController.DisposeAsync(); } throw; } return(mapController); }
public override void InstantiationAction(IMapController mapController) { if (_bullet == null || _bullet.IsDead()) { SpawnBullet(mapController); } }
public void Init(LootData _itemData, IMapController map, IEntityController entityController) { _map = map; _entityController = entityController; _entityController.OnMonsterKilled += OnMonsterKilled; }
private async void Awake() { var initTaskCompletion = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); _initTask = initTaskCompletion.Task; if (node == null) { Debug.LogError($"{nameof(MapNodeBase)} not set in {nameof(NodeEffectsManager)} {name}!"); initTaskCompletion.SetResult(true); return; } node.OnStateChanged += OnNodeStateChanged; // Get the WorldMap, async in case it's Awake runs after this, or it's loaded at runtime const float mapControllerTimeout = 0.2f; // Arbitrary short time, just to give MapController a chance to load _mapController = await MapDependencyContainer.ResolveAsync <IMapController>(mapControllerTimeout); if (_mapController == null) { initTaskCompletion.SetResult(false); return; } _mapController.OnZoomed += OnZoomedIn; _mapController.OnNodeClicked += OnNodeClicked; initTaskCompletion.SetResult(true); }
public BuildRoad(IMapController map, int k, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Build road") { kPoints = k / 1000.0f; kCantBuildTown = 1.0f - kPoints; lastBestRoad = null; }
private void Awake() { _mapController = gameObject.GetComponent <IMapController>(); _tankController = gameObject.GetComponent <ITankController>(); _inputController = gameObject.GetComponent <IInputController>(); _enemyController = gameObject.GetComponent <IEnemyController>(); }
public FruitTree(BuildingDef def, string layerName, MapSpot anchor, IMapController controller, MapRotation rotation) : base(def, layerName, anchor, controller, rotation) { _stageLengths = new List <Dictionary <string, int> >(); _stageLengths.Add(new Dictionary <string, int> { { "HOUR", 1 } }); _stageLengths.Add(new Dictionary <string, int> { { "HOUR", 1 } }); _stageLengths.Add(new Dictionary <string, int> { { "HOUR", 1 } }); var outputConfif = new InventoryConfig() { CanProvideItems = true, CanReceiveItems = false, HasMassLimit = false, MaxMass = -1, RespectsStackLimit = false }; var timeKeeper = GameMaster.Instance.GetController <ITimeKeeper>(); _timeKeeper = timeKeeper; _finishDate = timeKeeper.ProjectTime(_stageLengths[0]); _outputInventory = new DefaultInventory(GameMaster.Instance.GetController <IItemController>(), this, outputConfif); }
private void HideMap(object sender, CancelEventArgs e) { IMapController mapController = GetComponent <MapController>(); mapController.GETMapView().setGameObjectVisibility(false); mapController.GETMapView().DisableRadial(); }
public void InitAIComponent(IMapController mapController, int[][] koef) { this.mapController = mapController; Desirability.SetMapController(mapController); thinkGoal = new ThinkGoal(mapController, koef, 0); }
private static WorldScreen CreateWorldScreen(CharacterSpriteMock player, IMapController mapController, ScreenConstants screenConstants = null) { if(screenConstants == null) screenConstants = new ScreenConstants(); var loaderMock = new Mock<ISpriteLoader>(); loaderMock.Setup(o => o.GetSprite(It.IsAny<string>())).Returns(player); return new WorldScreen(mapController, loaderMock.Object, screenConstants); }
public virtual void Init(IMapController mapController, INodeManager nodeManager) { _mapController = mapController; _nodeManager = nodeManager; _mapController.OnNodeClicked += OnNodeClicked; _input.OnInputUpdate += OnInput; }
public FortCaptureHexa(IMapController map, int k, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Capture hexa") { kPoints = k / 1000.0f; kCapture = 1 - kPoints; bestHexa = null; bestHexaIDs = new List<int>(); }
private void ShowMap(object sender, GPSDataReceivedEventArgs e) { IMapController mapController = GetComponent <MapController>(); mapController.GETMapView().setGameObjectVisibility(true); mapController.GETMapView().EnableRadial(); mapController.GETMapView().ZoomIntoPoint(e.latitude, e.longitude); }
public RaiseSources(IMapController map, ISourceAll source, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Raise sources") { List<ISourceAll> sourceList = new List<ISourceAll>(); sourceList.Add(source); this.source = sourceList; Init(); }
public void InitAIComponent(IMapController mapController, int[][] koef) { this.mapController = mapController; Desirability.SetMapController(mapController); double [] koefhard = new double[] { 0.50753910, 0.69240258, 0.75383028, 0.005387260, 0.03888009, 0.31205954, 0.73031067, 0.38760135, 0.33115000, 0.85088233, 0.55350950, 0.39943568, 0.18883969, 0.41989920, 0.20405476, 0.34062831, 0.33398948, 0.71093270, 0.69218646 }; thinkGoal = new ThinkGoal(mapController, koefhard, 0); }
public override void InstantiationAction(IMapController mapController) { var wasSpacePressed = Input.GetKeyDown(ConsoleKey.Spacebar); if (wasSpacePressed && (_bullet == null || _bullet.IsDead())) { SpawnBullet(mapController); } }
public BuildTown(IMapController map, double kNearestTown, double kTownItself, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Build Town") { lastBestTown = null; double sum = (kNearestTown + kTownItself); this.kNearestTown = kNearestTown / sum; this.kTownItself = kTownItself / sum; }
public DecisionTree(IMapController map, AIEasy ai) { actionSource = new List<ActionSource>(); activeState = new ActiveState(); = map; = ai; BuildTree(); }
public BaseMapStructure(MapStructDef def, string layerName, MapSpot anchor, IMapController controller, MapRotation rotation) : base(def) { MapController = controller ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(controller)); Anchor = anchor ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(anchor)); MapLayerName = layerName; _def = def ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(def)); MapStructValidator.ValidateDef(def); _rotationMapping = MapStructHelper.FootprintToMapSpotsDictionary(def.Footprint, rotation, anchor); }
public void Init(IEntityController entityController, IMapController map, TimeController timeController, BaseGameEvents.MonsterEvents events, List <MonsterData> monsterData) { _timeController = timeController; _timeController.AddScheduledEntity(this); _entityController = entityController; _map = map; _monsterEvents = events; _monsterData = monsterData; }
public void Init(IMapController mapController, BaseEntityCreationData entityCreationData, BaseGameEvents gameEvents) { _mapController = mapController; _entityCreationData = entityCreationData; _allEntities = new List <BaseEntity>(); _entitiesToAdd = new List <BaseEntity>(); _entitiesToRemove = new List <BaseEntity>(); _gameEvents = gameEvents; }
public BuildSourceBuilding(IMapController map, double kBuildingItself, double kHasSources, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Build Source Building") { double sum = kBuildingItself + kHasSources; this.kBuildingItself = kBuildingItself / sum; this.kHasSources = kHasSources / sum; lastBestTown = null; lastBestPos = 0; }
public InteractiveLocationController( IMapController mapController, IUnitsController unitsController, ICameraController cameraController) { _mapController = mapController; _unitsController = unitsController; _cameraController = cameraController; Initialize(); }
public BuildTown(IMapController map, double kNearestTown, double kTownItself, double kPoints, int depth, BuildSourceBuilding buildingGoal) : base(map, depth, "Build Town") { lastBestTown = null; double sum = (kNearestTown + kTownItself + kPoints); this.kNearestTown = kNearestTown / sum; this.kTownItself = kTownItself / sum; this.kPoints = kPoints / sum; this.buildingGoal = buildingGoal; }
public ArmiesLayer( IGuiServices guiServices, IMapController mapController, IMapArmyGuiFactory armyGuiFactory, IMapRouteDrawer routeDrawer, ModalLayer modalLayer) : base(guiServices) { _mapController = mapController; _armyGuiFactory = armyGuiFactory; _routeDrawer = routeDrawer; _modalLayer = modalLayer; }
private void SpawnBullet(IMapController mapController) { _bullet = new EnemyBullet(Direction, 1, this); _bullet.Position = Position.Clone(); DirectionalMovement.Move(Direction, _bullet.Position); var wasSpawned = mapController.Spawn(_bullet); if (!wasSpawned) { _bullet = null; } }
public CitiesLayer( IGuiServices guiServices, IMapController mapController, IMapCityGuiFactory cityGuiFactory, IMapRouteDrawer routeDrawer, ModalLayer modalLayer) : base(guiServices) { _mapController = mapController; _cityGuiFactory = cityGuiFactory; _routeDrawer = routeDrawer; _modalLayer = modalLayer; }
public BuildFort(IMapController map, double kBestHexa, double kHasMoney, double kPoints, double kHasOtherFort, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Build fort") { this.kHasFort = 0.2; double sum = kBestHexa + kHasMoney + kPoints + kHasOtherFort; this.kBestHexa = kBestHexa / sum; this.kHasMoney = kHasMoney / sum; this.kPoints = kPoints / sum; this.kHasOtherFort = kHasOtherFort / sum; lastBestTown = null; lastBestPos = 0; }
public GameStatisticsWindow( IGuiServices guiServices, ITexts texts, ILegionInfo legionInfo, IMapController mapController, IPlayersRepository playersRepository) : base(guiServices) { _texts = texts; _legionInfo = legionInfo; _mapController = mapController; _playersRepository = playersRepository; CreateElements(); }
public BuildMonastery(IMapController map, double k, double kHasMonastery, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Build Monastery") { const double koef = 1000.0; k *= koef; kHasSources = k; k = (k - (int)kHasSources) * koef; kBestSource = k; k = (k - (int)kBestSource) * koef; kHexa = k; k = (k - (int)kHexa) * koef; kHasOtherMonastery = k; BaseInit(kHasMonastery); }
public MapGuiLayer( IGuiServices guiServices, IMapController mapController, ITexts texts, IPlayersRepository playersRepository, ILegionInfo legionInfo, ModalLayer modalLayer, ICommonGuiFactory commonGuiFactory) : base(guiServices) { _mapController = mapController; _texts = texts; _playersRepository = playersRepository; _legionInfo = legionInfo; _modalLayer = modalLayer; _commonGuiFactory = commonGuiFactory; }
public BuildMonastery(IMapController map, double kHexa, double kHasSources, double kBestSource, double kHasOtherMonastery, double kPoints, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Build Monastery") { kHasMonastery = 0.2; double sum = kHexa + kHasSources + kBestSource + kHasOtherMonastery + kPoints; this.kHexa = kHexa / sum; this.kHasSources = kHasSources / sum; this.kBestSource = kBestSource / sum; this.kHasOtherMonastery = kHasOtherMonastery / sum; this.kPoints = kPoints / sum; lastBestTown = null; lastBestPos = 0; }
public BuildMarket(IMapController map, double kHexa, double kHasSources, double kBestSource, double kHasOtherMarket, double kPoints, int depth) : base(map, depth, "BuildMarket") { this.kHasMarket = 0.2; double sum = kHexa + kHasSources + kBestSource + kHasOtherMarket + kPoints; this.kHexa = kHexa / sum; this.kHasSources = kHasSources / sum; this.kBestSource = kBestSource / sum; this.kHasOtherMarket = kHasOtherMarket / sum; this.kPoints = kPoints / sum; lastBestTown = null; lastBestPos = 0; }
public BuildMarket(IMapController map, double k, double kHasMarket, int depth) : base(map, depth, "BuildMarket") { const double koef = 1000.0; k *= koef; kHasSources = k; k = (k - (int)kHasSources) * koef; kBestSource = k; k = (k - (int)kBestSource) * koef; kHexa = k; k = (k - (int)kHexa) * koef; kHasOtherMarket = k; BaseInit(kHasMarket); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); _mapView = FindViewById<MapView>(Resource.Id.mapview); _mapView.SetTileSource(TileSourceFactory.DefaultTileSource); _mapView.SetBuiltInZoomControls(true); _mapController = _mapView.Controller; _mapController.SetZoom(25); var centreOfMap = new GeoPoint(51496994, -134733); _mapController.SetCenter(centreOfMap); }
public void Init(IEntityController entityController, IMapController mapController, BattleTraitData data, IBattleEntity owner, BaseGameEvents gameEvents) { _targets = new List <IBattleEntity>(); _data = data; _entityController = entityController; _owner = owner; _attacks = new List <BaseAttack>(); _currentAttackIdx = 0; _gameEvents = gameEvents; _battleEvents = gameEvents.Battle; foreach (var attackData in data.Attacks) { var attack = attackData.SpawnRuntime(); attack.Init(entityController, mapController); _attacks.Add(attack); } }
private static MapEffectState GetState(IMapController mapController, IMapNode node) { if (!node.Available) { return(MapEffectState.Unavailable); } if (IsZoomedInOn(mapController, node)) { return(MapEffectState.ZoomedIn); } if (IsHighlighted(node)) { return(MapEffectState.Highlighted); } return(MapEffectState.Normal); }
protected virtual void Awake() { _input = CreateInputController(); _timeController = new TimeController(); _entityController = CreateEntityController(); _mapController = CreateMapController(); _monsterCreator = new MonsterCreator(); _eventLogger = CreateGameLogger(); _result = GameResult.None; _loading = false; InitPlayStates(); InitPlayStateData(); ExtendedInit(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); _mapView = FindViewById <MapView>(Resource.Id.mapview); _mapView.SetTileSource(TileSourceFactory.DefaultTileSource); _mapView.SetBuiltInZoomControls(true); _mapController = _mapView.Controller; _mapController.SetZoom(25); var centreOfMap = new GeoPoint(51496994, -134733); _mapController.SetCenter(centreOfMap); }
private void IsVisibleChangedEventHandler(object sender, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { if ((bool)e.NewValue == true) { if (presenter != null) { presenter.OnViewShow(); } if (mapController == null) { mapController = new MapBrowserController(this.webBrowser); this.webBrowser.LoadCompleted += new LoadCompletedEventHandler(WebBrowserLoadCompleted); Presenter.WorkItem.Items.Add(mapController); } else { ShowRoute(); } } }
public ThinkGoal(IMapController map, int[][] koef, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Think") { sumSources = 0; level = 0; coeficients = koef; if (koef == null) { koef = new int[11][]; koef[0] = new int[4]; koef[1] = new int[2]; koef[2] = new int[4]; koef[3] = new int[5]; koef[4] = new int[2]; koef[5] = new int[6]; koef[6] = new int[6]; koef[7] = new int[2]; koef[8] = new int[2]; koef[9] = new int[2]; koef[10] = new int[2]; koef[0] = new int[] { 1, 300, 500, 100 }; koef[1] = new int[] {4, 100}; koef[2] = new int[] {1, 200, 100, 200}; koef[3] = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; koef[4] = new int[] {1, 200}; koef[5] = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; koef[6] = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}; koef[7] = new int[] {1, 100}; koef[8] = new int[] {1, 200}; koef[9] = new int[] {2, 300}; koef[10] = new int[] {3, 100}; coeficients = koef; } AddMainGoals(); }
public BuildFort(IMapController map, double k, double kHasFort, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Build fort") { this.kHasFort = kHasFort; const double koef = 1000.0; k *= koef; kHasMoney = k; k = (k - (int) kHasMoney) * koef; kPointsToWin = k; k = (k - (int) kPointsToWin) * koef; kBestHexa = k; k = (k - (int) kBestHexa) * koef; kHasOtherFort = k; double sum = kBestHexa + kHasMoney + kPointsToWin + kHasOtherFort; kBestHexa = kBestHexa / sum; kHasMoney = kHasMoney / sum; kPointsToWin = kPointsToWin / sum; kHasOtherFort = kHasOtherFort / sum; }
private void SearchClicked(object sender, BackEventArgs e) { Debug.Log(myLocation); if (!alreadyfetched) { var query = CineastUnityInterface.Runtime.Vitrivr.UnityInterface.CineastApi.Utils.QueryBuilder .BuildSpatialSimilarityQuery(myLocation.getLat(), myLocation.getLon()); QueryCineastAndProcess(query, false); alreadyfetched = true; } else { setFetchedActiveList(); } IResultPanelModel resultPanelModel = transform.GetComponent <ResultPanelController>().GETResultPanelModel(); IMainMenuController menuController = GetComponent <MainMenuController>(); IResultPanelView resultPanelView = transform.GetComponent <ResultPanelController>().GETResultPanelView(); Vector3 newpos = new Vector3(Camera.main.transform.position.x, Camera.main.transform.position.y, Camera.main.transform.position.z); resultPanelView.setResultPosition(newpos); menuController.GETMainMenuModel().ChangeVisibility(false); view.setVisibility(false); resultPanelModel.ChangeResultVisibility(true); IMapController mapController = GetComponent <MapController>(); mapController.GETMapView().setGameObjectVisibility(false); IMapMenuController mapMenuController = GetComponent <MapMenuController>(); mapMenuController.GETMapMenuView().MenuVisibility(false); ITemporalController temporalController = GetComponent <TemporalController>(); temporalController.GETItTemporalView().MenuVisibility(false); }
public void DrawMap(IMapController controller, object args) { var batch = args as SpriteBatch; DrawMap(batch, controller); }
public void DrawMap(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, IMapController controller) { DrawLayer(spriteBatch, controller.GetLayer("GROUND")); }
public InventUpgrade(IMapController map, int k, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Invent upgrade") { kPoints = k / 1000.0f; kUpgrade = 1 - kPoints; }
public BuildMarket(IMapController map, double kHexa, double kHasSources, double kBestSource, double kHasOtherMarket, double kHasMarket, int depth) : base(map, depth, "BuildMarket") { BaseInit(kHasMarket); }
public FortStealSourcesAtom(IMapController map, IPlayer player, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Steal sources") { this.player = player; }
public InventUpgrade(IMapController map, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Invent upgrade") { }
public WaitTurnAtom(IMapController map, int turn, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Wait turn") { this.turn = turn; }
public RaiseSources(IMapController map, List<ISourceAll> sourceList, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Raise sources") { this.source = sourceList; Init(); }
public abstract void InstantiationAction(IMapController mapController);
public BuildRoadAtom(IMapController map, IRoad road, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Build road") { this.road = road; }
protected override void DisposeInternal() { _mapController = null; base.DisposeInternal(); }
public RaiseSources(IMapController map, PriceKind priceKind, int depth) : this(map, map.GetPrice(priceKind), depth) { }
public Grid(IMapController mapController) { _mapController = mapController; }
public FortShowParadeAtom(IMapController map, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Show parade") { }
public FortCaptureHexa(IMapController map, int depth) : base(map, depth, "Capture hexa") { bestHexa = null; bestHexaIDs = new List<int>(); }