Example #1
 public void IMUSensorUpdatedHandler(IMU imuSensor)
     if (PropertyChanged != null)
         PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("IMUSensor"));
Example #2
    // Use this for initialization
    private void Start()
        //runs the pidLoop at 2khz
        InvokeRepeating("pidLoop", 0, loopTime);

        //gets access to all other scripts attached to this game obejct
        receiver     = gameObject.GetComponent <RX>();
        getIMU       = gameObject.GetComponent <IMU>();
        motorControl = gameObject.GetComponent <Motor>();
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles receiving a payload from ROCKS representing IMU data.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="opcode">Opcode for packet received from ROCKS.</param>
        /// <param name="payload">BCL packets received from ROCKS representing IMU data.</param>
        /// <returns>bool - Success of receiving and parsing payload into a IMU object.</returns>
        public bool HandlePacket(byte opcode, byte[] payload)
            // Is opcode, payload valid (able to be made into IMU object). If no, return false

            // Form payload into IMU object, update current data
            IMU parsedIMU = BclPayloadToIMU(payload);

            this.imu = parsedIMU;

            // TODO return value
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Transform IMU data in the form of a BCL payload into the IMU object resulting from this payload.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="payload">The payload representing the IMU data.</param>
        /// <returns>GPS - The IMU data formed from the BCL payload.</returns>
        private IMU BclPayloadToIMU(byte[] payload)
            // TODO validity checking

            // BCL packet -> IMU object
            short xAccel  = (short)((payload[0] << 8) | payload[1]);
            short yAccel  = (short)((payload[2] << 8) | payload[3]);
            short zAccel  = (short)((payload[4] << 8) | payload[5]);
            short xOrient = (short)((payload[6] << 8) | payload[7]);
            short yOrient = (short)((payload[8] << 8) | payload[9]);
            short zOrient = (short)((payload[10] << 8) | payload[11]);

            IMU parsedIMU = new IMU(xAccel, yAccel, zAccel, xOrient, yOrient, zOrient);

Example #5
    // Delete all Test Objects and files before starting
    public void Start()
        dock         = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("dockDevice").GetComponent <dockProperties>();
        device       = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("virtualDevice");
        imu          = device.GetComponent <IMU>();
        dockPresets  = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("dockPresets").ToList();
        checkObjects = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("clipCheck").ToList();

        // sort the dock presets
        dockPresets = dockPresets.OrderBy(preset => preset.transform.position.x).ToList();


        // Creates a new test before starting
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 如果不用简单工厂
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="str1"></param>
        private void button2_NoEncapsulation(string className)
            string str1 = "";

            if (className == "gps")
                Gps e1 = new Gps();
                str1 = e1.GetName();
                Invoke(new show(showTextbox), new object[] { str1 });
                IMU e2 = new IMU();
                str1 = e2.GetName();
                Invoke(new show(showTextbox), new object[] { str1 });
Example #7
        public static IMUNotifyData ToIMUNotifyData(IMU data)
            var ret = IMUNotifyData.Empty;

            ret.deviceId = data.DeviceId;
            ret.acc[0]   = data.Acc.x;
            ret.acc[1]   = data.Acc.y;
            ret.acc[2]   = data.Acc.z;
            ret.gyro[0]  = data.Gyro.x;
            ret.gyro[1]  = data.Gyro.y;
            ret.gyro[2]  = data.Gyro.z;
            ret.mag[0]   = data.Mag.x;
            ret.mag[1]   = data.Mag.y;
            ret.mag[2]   = data.Mag.z;
            ret.quat[0]  = data.Quat.x;
            ret.quat[1]  = data.Quat.y;
            ret.quat[2]  = data.Quat.z;
            ret.quat[3]  = data.Quat.w;
Example #8
            private static EulerIMU ToEuler(IMU imu)
                if (imu == null)
                    return new EulerIMU()
                               X_Pitch = 0,
                               Y_Roll  = 0,
                               Z_Yaw   = 0

                //C# portation
                double ySqr  = imu.QY * imu.QY;
                var    euler = new EulerIMU();
                // roll (x-axis rotation)
                double t0 = +2.0 * (imu.QW * imu.QX + imu.QY * imu.QZ);
                double t1 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (imu.QX * imu.QX + ySqr);

                euler.Y_Roll  = Math.Atan2(t0, t1);
                euler.Y_Roll *= 180 / Math.PI;

                // pitch (y-axis rotation)
                double t2 = +2.0 * (imu.QW * imu.QY - imu.QZ * imu.QX);

                t2             = ((t2 > 1.0) ? 1.0 : t2);
                t2             = ((t2 < -1.0) ? -1.0 : t2);
                euler.X_Pitch  = Math.Asin(t2);
                euler.X_Pitch *= 180 / Math.PI;

                // yaw (z-axis rotation)
                double t3 = +2.0 * (imu.QW * imu.QZ + imu.QX * imu.QY);
                double t4 = +1.0 - 2.0 * (ySqr + imu.QZ * imu.QZ);

                euler.Z_Yaw  = Math.Atan2(t3, t4);
                euler.Z_Yaw *= 180 / Math.PI;

Example #9
        public static string ToIMUNotifyJson(string deviceId, float[] acc, float[] gyro, float[] mag, float[] quat)
            var imuData = new IMU {
                DeviceId = deviceId,
                Acc      = new Vector3 {
                    x = acc[0], y = acc[1], z = acc[2]
                Gyro = new Vector3 {
                    x = gyro[0], y = gyro[1], z = gyro[2]
                Mag = new Vector3 {
                    x = mag[0], y = mag[1], z = mag[2]
                Quat = new Quaternion {
                    x = quat[0], y = quat[1], z = quat[2], w = quat[3]
            var data = new GrayBlueJson <IMU> {
                Type    = JsonType.NotifyIMU.ToString(),
                Content = imuData

        public void BuildImu()
            IEquip e = new IMU();

Example #11
        private DriveCommand DriveNoBallDetected(TennisBall ball)
            // Sanity check
            if (ball != null)

            Console.Write("Ball not detected | ");

            // Clear verification queue if it has values

            GPS    ascent         = AscentPacketHandler.GPSData;
            double distanceToGate = ascent.GetDistanceTo(this.gate);

            // Kick back to GPS
            if (distanceToGate > DISTANCE_SWITCH_TO_GPS)    // 6 meters
                Console.WriteLine("Distance: " + distanceToGate + ". Switch to GPS");

                switchToGPS = true;

            // Turn to face heading, drive toward it
            if (distanceToGate > DISTANCE_USE_HEADING)      // 3 meters
                Console.WriteLine("Distance: " + distanceToGate + ". Turning toward heading to drive towrad it");

                short  ascentHeading = AscentPacketHandler.Compass;
                double headingToGate = ascent.GetHeadingTo(this.gate);

                Console.Write("currCompass: "******" | headingToGoal: " + headingToGate + " | distance: " + distanceToGate + " | ");

                // Aligned with heading. Start going straight
                if (IMU.IsHeadingWithinThreshold(ascentHeading, headingToGate, Scan.HEADING_THRESHOLD))

                // Turn toward gate heading angle
                if (IMU.IsHeadingWithinThreshold(ascentHeading, (headingToGate + 90) % 360, 90))

                // Probably would work, kept as reference

                 * double lowBound = headingToGate;
                 * double highBound = (headingToGate + 180) % 360;
                 * if (lowBound < highBound)
                 * {
                 *  if (lowBound < ascentHeading && ascentHeading < highBound)
                 *  {
                 *      return DriveCommand.LeftTurn(DriveCommand.SPEED_VISION_SCAN);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      return DriveCommand.RightTurn(DriveCommand.SPEED_VISION_SCAN);
                 *  }
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {
                 *  if (!(highBound < ascentHeading && ascentHeading < lowBound))
                 *  {
                 *      return DriveCommand.LeftTurn(DriveCommand.SPEED_VISION_SCAN);
                 *  }
                 *  else
                 *  {
                 *      return DriveCommand.RightTurn(DriveCommand.SPEED_VISION_SCAN);
                 *  }
                 * }

            // If scanning, complete scan
            if (this.scan != null)
                Console.WriteLine("Scanning... Distance: " + distanceToGate);

                if (!this.scan.IsComplete())

                    // Clear scan, will rescan below
                    this.scan = null;

            switch (this.completedScans)
            case 0:
                // Initialize the first scan
                if (distanceToGate > DISTANCE_CLOSE_RANGE)          // 2 meters
                    // Turn toward heading. Scan, use heading as reference
                    StatusHandler.SendDebugAIPacket(Status.AIS_BEGIN_SCAN, "Scan: Using heading as reference. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));
                    Console.WriteLine("Scan: Using heading as reference. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));

                    this.scan = new Scan(this.gate, true);
                    // Scan
                    StatusHandler.SendDebugAIPacket(Status.AIS_BEGIN_SCAN, "Scan: Not using heading as reference. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));
                    Console.WriteLine("Scan: Not using heading as reference. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));

                    this.scan = new Scan(this.gate, false);


            case 1:
                // Align toward heading, drive for 10ish seconds,
                StatusHandler.SendDebugAIPacket(Status.AIS_BEGIN_SCAN, "Scan: 1st 10s scan toward heading. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));
                Console.WriteLine("Scan: Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2) + ". Scanning (using heading). Driving 5m away...");

                this.scan = new Scan(this.gate, SCAN_DRIVE_STRAIGHT_DURATION_MILLIS);


             * case 2:
             * {
             *  // Broaden HSV values, scan
             *  StatusHandler.SendDebugAIPacket(Status.AIS_BEGIN_SCAN, "Scan: Broadening HSV values. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));
             *  Console.WriteLine("Scan: Broadening HSV values. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));
             *  this.camera.BroadenHsvValues();
             *  this.scan = new Scan(this.gate, false);
             *  break;
             * }
            case 2:
                // Align toward heading (again), drive for 5ish seconds,
                StatusHandler.SendDebugAIPacket(Status.AIS_BEGIN_SCAN, "Scan: 2nd 5m scan toward heading. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));
                Console.WriteLine("Scan: 2nd 5m scan toward heading. Distance: " + Math.Round(distanceToGate, 2));

                this.scan = new Scan(this.gate, SCAN_DRIVE_STRAIGHT_DURATION_MILLIS);


            case 3:
                // We've already run 1 scan, 1 5m scan, 1 broaden HSV, 1 more 5m scan, so drive straight to kick back to GPS and do it over again


Example #12
 public IMUViewModel()
     IMUSensor = StatusUpdater.Instance.RoverStatus.IMUSensor;
     StatusUpdater.Instance.IMUUpdated += new StatusUpdater.IMUUpdatedDelegate(this.IMUSensorUpdatedHandler);
Example #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Find the next DriveCommand to be issued to ROCKS.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>DriveCommand - the next drive command for ROCKS to execute.</returns>
        public DriveCommand FindNextDriveCommand()
            GPS    currGPS        = AscentPacketHandler.GPSData;
            short  currCompass    = AscentPacketHandler.Compass;
            double idealDirection = currGPS.GetHeadingTo(gate);
            double distance       = AscentPacketHandler.GPSData.GetDistanceTo(gate);

            // Add distance to averaging queue
            while (this.averagingQueue.Count >= AVERAGING_QUEUE_CAPACITY)
                double value;
                this.averagingQueue.TryDequeue(out value);

            // Debugging - delete
            Console.Write("currCompass: "******" | headingToGoal: " + idealDirection + " | distance: " + distance + " | ");

            // Stop when within proximity to see if average distance of last 5 distances is within proximity.
            // If so, wait to switch to Vision, otherwise this acts as a buffer.
            if (distance <= GATE_PROXIMITY)

            // If current heading within threshold, go straight
            if (IMU.IsHeadingWithinThreshold(currCompass, idealDirection, THRESHOLD_HEADING_ANGLE))

            // not aligned with endGPS point, need to turn
            // the math here is strange due to compass vs unit circle stuff
            // the first case takes care of all time when the ideal direction is in some way east of us,
            // and the second case takes care of all time when the ideal direction is in some way west of us
            double opposite = (idealDirection + 180) % 360;

            if (idealDirection < opposite)
                // Modulo not necessary - ideal direction < 180
                if (currCompass > idealDirection && currCompass < opposite)
                    // Turn left
                    // Turn right
                // Modulo necessary
                if ((currCompass > idealDirection && currCompass < 360) || (currCompass >= 0 && currCompass < opposite))
                    // Turn left
                    // Turn right
Example #14
        public void Init()
            XmlNode node = XmlParser.GetModelNode(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "\\..\\..\\..\\IMUTests.xml");

            testIMU = new IMU(node.FirstChild.ChildNodes[1], program.assetList[0]);
Example #15
 public IMUHandler()
     // TODO better way of doing this to avoid null pointers?
     this.imu = new IMU(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
 private void IMUTest_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
     imu = new IMU();
 private void Start()
     imu = GetComponent <IMU>();
Example #18
 public IMUAdapter(IMU target)
     _target = target;
Example #19
    public static void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
        String      Gimbal_content = String.Empty;
        String      content        = String.Empty;
        List <byte> data           = new List <byte>();

        double[] data_f = new double[9];
        double[] data_9axis = new double[9];
        double[] acc = new double[3];
        double[] gyr = new double[3];
        double[] mag = new double[3];
        int      deviceID, SN;

        // Retrieve the state object and the handler socket
        // from the asynchronous state object.
        StateObject state = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;

        Socket handler = state.workSocket;

            // Read data from the client socket.
            int bytesRead = handler.EndReceive(ar);

            if (bytesRead > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i <= bytesRead - 27; i++)
                    if (state.buffer[i] == 35 && state.buffer[i + 1] == 222 && state.buffer[i + 2] == 233 &&
                        state.buffer[i + 24] == 233 && state.buffer[i + 25] == 222 && state.buffer[i + 26] == 36)
                        //Get the data from packet
                        for (int index = i + 3; index <= i + 23; index++)

                        if (!state.IDchecked)
                            deviceID = data[0];
                            state.IDchecked   = true;
                            Sensors[deviceID] = new IMU();
                            //myForm.Invoke(new UpdateLableHandler(myForm.printRemsg), count.ToString());
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Thread ID: ");

                            deviceID = data[0];    //packetData[3]

                            SN = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]);
                            gyr[0] = (short)(data[3] << 8 | data[4]);
                            gyr[1] = (short)(data[5] << 8 | data[6]);
                            gyr[2] = (short)(data[7] << 8 | data[8]);
                            acc[0] = (short)(data[9] << 8 | data[10]);
                            acc[1] = (short)(data[11] << 8 | data[12]);
                            acc[2] = (short)(data[13] << 8 | data[14]);
                            mag[0] = (short)(data[15] << 8 | data[16]);
                            mag[1] = (short)(data[17] << 8 | data[18]);
                            mag[2] = (short)(data[19] << 8 | data[20]);

                            // (""+ gyr[0]+" " +gyr[1]+" "+ gyr[2]);
                            // TCP_Handler.pitch = acc[0];
                            // TCP_Handler.roll = acc[1];
                            // TCP_Handler.yaw = acc[2];
                            double degree = 0;
                            double temp   = 0;
                            int    range  = 0;
                            if (count == 1)
                                Gimbaloffset_flag_Y = true;
                                Gimbaloffset_flag_R = true;
                                Gimbaloffset_flag_P = true;
                            switch (deviceID)   //看哪個sensor
                            case 11:            //yaw
                                temp  = acc[0]; //磁角值(原本是加速度值,但韌體封包改成是磁角值,因為磁角的值只有一個)
                                range = 1006;   //0`1006(理論上0~3.3V,值為0~1023,但可變電阻是人工的,無法精準,所以可能調到0~3.2V,值為0~1006,每顆都不一樣)
                                yaw_status = count_yaw;
                                if (Gimbaloffset_flag_Y)
                                    yawoffset           = temp / range * 360; //初始值
                                    Gimbaloffset_flag_Y = false;              //設立flag使他只讀一次
                                degree = temp / range * 360 - yawoffset;
                                if (degree >= 180)    //限制在-180~180度
                                    degree -= 360;
                                else if (degree < -180)
                                    degree += 360;
                                TCP_Handler.yaw = Math.Abs(degree) > 1 ? degree : 0;


                            case 12:      //roll
                                temp  = acc[0];
                                range = 1013;
                                roll_status = count_roll;
                                if (Gimbaloffset_flag_R)
                                    rolloffset          = temp / range * 360;
                                    Gimbaloffset_flag_R = false;
                                degree = temp / range * 360 - rolloffset;
                                if (degree >= 180)
                                    degree -= 360;
                                else if (degree < -180)
                                    degree += 360;
                                TCP_Handler.roll = Math.Abs(degree) > 1 ? degree : 0;

                            case 13:      //pitch
                                temp  = acc[0];
                                range = 1005;
                                pitch_status = count_pitch;
                                if (Gimbaloffset_flag_P)
                                    pitchoffset         = temp / range * 360;
                                    Gimbaloffset_flag_P = false;
                                degree = temp / range * 360 - pitchoffset;
                                if (degree >= 180)
                                    degree -= 360;
                                else if (degree < -180)
                                    degree += 360;
                                TCP_Handler.pitch = Math.Abs(degree) > 1 ? degree : 0;

                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(gyr[0].ToString() + " " + gyr[1].ToString() + " " + gyr[2].ToString());
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(acc[0].ToString() + " " + acc[1].ToString() + " " + acc[2].ToString());
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(mag[0].ToString() + " " + mag[1].ToString() + " " + mag[2].ToString());
                            //Raw data tranformation (calculate the ture value)

                            // n = mag.Length
                            // for (int i = 0 ;i< n;i++)

                            Sensors[deviceID].SN = SN;

                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("SN: " + SN.ToString());
                            // Write the data to file
                            //data_f = Sensors[deviceID].data_f;

                            //content += SN + "\t";
                            //content += deviceID + "\t";
                            Gimbal_content += SN + "\t";
                            Gimbal_content += deviceID + "\t";
                            Gimbal_content += degree + "\t";

                            //Debug.Print("my parameter G:{0},Q:{1},A:{2}", IMU.gyr_gf[0, 0], IMU.Q[0, 0], IMU.acc_gf[0, 0]);
                            string       filename = foldername + "Sensor" + deviceID.ToString() + ".txt";
                            StreamWriter sw       = new StreamWriter(filename, true);
                        content        = "";
                        Gimbal_content = "";
                        //WritetoFile(content, 1);
                #region original method to get the data
                //for (int i = bytesRead - 1; i >= 26; i--)
                //    {
                //        //Decode the packet received from client
                //        if (state.buffer[i] == 36 && state.buffer[i - 1] == 222 && state.buffer[i - 2] == 233 &&
                //            state.buffer[i - 24] == 233 && state.buffer[i - 25] == 222 && state.buffer[i - 26] == 35)
                //        {
                //            //Get the data from packet
                //            for (int index = i - 23; index <= i - 3; index++)
                //                data.Add(state.buffer[index]);

                //            if (!state.IDchecked)
                //            {
                //                deviceID = data[0];
                //                MR_Term.SID_List.Add(deviceID);
                //                state.IDchecked = true;
                //                MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID] = new IMU();
                //                System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("idchecked");
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {

                //                count++;
                //                //myForm.Invoke(new UpdateLableHandler(myForm.printRemsg), count.ToString());
                //                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Thread ID: ");
                //                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId.ToString());

                //                deviceID = data[0];
                //                SN = (data[1] << 8 | data[2]);
                //                //Gyro
                //                gyr[0] = (short)(data[3] << 8 | data[4]);
                //                gyr[1] = (short)(data[5] << 8 | data[6]);
                //                gyr[2] = (short)(data[7] << 8 | data[8]);
                //                //Acc
                //                acc[0] = (short)(data[9] << 8 | data[10]);
                //                acc[1] = (short)(data[11] << 8 | data[12]);
                //                acc[2] = (short)(data[13] << 8 | data[14]);
                //                //Mag
                //                mag[0] = (short)(data[15] << 8 | data[16]);
                //                mag[1] = (short)(data[17] << 8 | data[18]);
                //                mag[2] = (short)(data[19] << 8 | data[20]);

                //                //Raw data tranformation (calculate the ture value)
                //                for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                //                {
                //                    acc[n] = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].calcAcc(acc[n]);
                //                    gyr[n] = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].calcGyro(gyr[n]);
                //                    mag[n] = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].calcMag(mag[n]);
                //                }

                //                for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++)
                //                {
                //                    MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data_9axis[n] = acc[n];
                //                    MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data_9axis[n + 3] = gyr[n];
                //                    MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data_9axis[n + 6] = mag[n];
                //                }

                //                ++MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].indexInChart;
                //                MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].SN = SN;
                //                MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data_f = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].MovingAverage_life(acc, gyr, mag);

                //                switch (MR_Term.Mode)
                //                {
                //                    case MR_Term.Operation_Mode.M_Demo:
                //                        //====================Demo Mode==========================
                //                        #region Demo mode
                //                        if (MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].indexInChart < 10)
                //                        {
                //                            for (int t = 0; t < 9; t++)
                //                                MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data4IniAtt[t].Add(MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data_f[t]);
                //                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Att1");
                //                        }
                //                        else if (MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].indexInChart == 10)
                //                        {
                //                            for (int t = 0; t < 9; t++)
                //                                MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].DataAve[t] = IMU.mean(MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data4IniAtt[t]);

                //                            MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].initial_attitude(MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].DataAve);
                //                            MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].mag_ref[0] = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].DataAve[6];
                //                            MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].mag_ref[1] = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].DataAve[7];
                //                            MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].mag_ref[2] = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].DataAve[8];
                //                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q[0].ToString() + " " + MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q[1].ToString() + " " + MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q[2].ToString() + " " + MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q[3].ToString());
                //                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Att2");

                //                        }
                //                        else
                //                        {
                //                            MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].EKF_cal(MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data_f, 0.02);
                //                            MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].eul = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].getEular(MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q);
                //                            MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q_out = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].getQout(MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].eul);

                //                            //MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].eul = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].qua2eul(MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].q);
                //                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print(deviceID.ToString() + ": " + MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].eul[0].ToString() + " " + MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].eul[1].ToString() + " " + MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].eul[2].ToString());
                //                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.Print("Att3");
                //                        }
                //                        #endregion

                //                        break;
                //                    case MR_Term.Operation_Mode.M_Record:
                //                        //====================Record Mode==========================
                //                        #region Record Mode

                //                        #endregion
                //                        break;
                //                    case MR_Term.Operation_Mode.M_Calibartion:
                //                        //====================Calibration Mode==========================
                //                        #region

                //                        #endregion
                //                        break;
                //                }

                //                //StopTime = DateTime.Now;
                //                //ts = StopTime - StartTime;
                //                //myForm.Invoke(new UpdateLableHandler(myForm.printTime), ts.ToString());
                //                if (deviceID == MR_Term.n_SID)
                //                    MR_Term.isGet = true;

                //                // Write the data to file
                //                data_f = MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].data_f;
                //                content += SN + "\t";
                //                content += deviceID + "\t";

                //                foreach (double d in data_f)
                //                {
                //                    content += Math.Round(d, 4) + "\t";
                //                }
                //                foreach (double e in MR_Term.Sensors[deviceID].eul)
                //                {
                //                    content += Math.Round(e, 2) + "\t";
                //                }

                //                string filename = foldername + "tdata" + deviceID.ToString() + ".txt";
                //                StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(filename, true);
                //                sw.WriteLine(content);

                //                sw.Close();
                //            }
                //        }
                //        else
                //        {
                //            content = "";
                //            //WritetoFile(content, 1);
                //            data.Clear();
                //        }
                //    }
                #region another receive method
                //for (int i = 0; i < bytesRead; i++)
                //    switch(state.buffer[i])
                //    {
                //        case 35:    //'#'
                //            start_flag = true;
                //            break;
                //        case 36:    //'$'
                //            count++;
                //            if (start_flag == true && data.Count == 21)
                //            {
                //                deviceID = data[0];
                //                SN = (short)(data[1] << 8 | data[2]);
                //                Acc_x = (short)(data[3] << 8 | data[4]);
                //                Acc_y = (short)(data[5] << 8 | data[6]);
                //                Acc_z = (short)(data[7] << 8 | data[8]);
                //                Gyro_x = (short)(data[9] << 8 | data[10]);
                //                Gyro_y = (short)(data[11] << 8 | data[12]);
                //                Gyro_z = (short)(data[13] << 8 | data[14]);
                //                Mag_x = (short)(data[15] << 8 | data[16]);
                //                Mag_y = (short)(data[17] << 8 | data[18]);
                //                Mag_z = (short)(data[19] << 8 | data[20]);
                //                content = deviceID + "\t" + SN + "\t" + Acc_x + "\t" + Acc_y + "\t" + Acc_z + "\t" + Gyro_x + "\t" +
                //                          Gyro_y + "\t" + Gyro_z + "\t" + Mag_x + "\t" + Mag_y + "\t" + Mag_z;

                //                //WritetoFile(content, deviceID);
                //                string filename = foldername + "tdata" + deviceID.ToString() + ".txt";
                //                StreamWriter sww = new StreamWriter(filename, true);
                //                sww.WriteLine(content);
                //                //sww.Flush();
                //                sww.Close();
                //            }
                //            else
                //            {
                //                start_flag = false;
                //                content = "";
                //                //WritetoFile(content);
                //                data.Clear();
                //            }
                //            myForm.Invoke( new UpdateLableHandler(myForm.printRemsg), count.ToString() );
                //            break;
                //        default:
                //            if (start_flag == true)
                //                data.Add(state.buffer[i]);
                //            break;
                //    }
            //continue to receive next data
            if (SocketApp.isRun)
                handler.BeginReceive(state.buffer, 0, StateObject.BufferSize, 0,
                                     out state.errorcode, new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), state);
        catch (ObjectDisposedException e)
            //do nothing
        catch (SocketException e)
            if (SocketApp.isRun)