internal static string IdentifyMovieByVideoFingerprint(IMLItem item, ConnectionResult connectionresult, bool FileServerIsOnline, bool IsUNC, string location, string parent ) { #region function variables string moviehash = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item,"VideoHash"); string imdbid = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item,"ImdbID"); #endregion if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbid)) return imdbid; #region Compute Hash if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(moviehash)) { //if ( Importer.EnableHashing) //{ if (!IsUNC || FileServerIsOnline) { if (File.Exists(location)) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Computing video fingerprint for " + item.Name + "..."); MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Computing video fingerprint for " + item.Name + "..."); Thread.Sleep(200); moviehash = Hasher.ComputeHash(location, item); item.Tags["VideoHash"] = moviehash; item.SaveTags(); } else { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "The video file in location field was not found. MediaFairy cannot identify this film."); Thread.Sleep(Settings.SleepValue); } } //} } else moviehash = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item,"VideoHash"); item.SaveTags(); #endregion MovieDescriptorReader.ReadMovieDescriptor(item, moviehash, parent, item.Name ); if (Settings.PrimaryVideoFingerprintMatchingSource == "OSDb") { OSDbVideoFingeprintIdentifier.IdentifyMovieByHashOSDb(item, connectionresult); imdbid = TMDbVideoFingerprintIdentifier.IdentifyMovieByHashTMDb(item, connectionresult); } else { TMDbVideoFingerprintIdentifier.IdentifyMovieByHashTMDb(item, connectionresult); imdbid = OSDbVideoFingeprintIdentifier.IdentifyMovieByHashOSDb(item, connectionresult); } return imdbid; }
public static void ImportMediaInfoforVideo (MediaInfoLib.MediaInfo mi, IMLItem item, string filesize, string filecodec, int videoDuration) { if (!MeediFier.Settings.MediaInfoIsEnabled) return; Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Setting item's Media Information tags..."); try { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("filesize: " + filesize); item.Tags["filesize"] = filesize; item.SaveTags(); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("filecodec: " + filecodec); item.Tags["Format"] = filecodec; item.SaveTags(); ImportVideoInfo(mi, item, videoDuration); ImportAudioInfo(mi, item); item.Tags["general_bitrate"] = mi.Get (0, 0, "OverallBitRate"); item.SaveTags(); } catch (Exception e) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("An unexpected error ocurred while importing media information. The error was:" + Environment.NewLine + e.ToString()); } item.SaveTags(); }
//REFACTOR: internal static void SetUpdateFlag(IMLItem item) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "ImdbID"))) { ClearProcessedFlag(item); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Year"))) { ClearProcessedFlag(item); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Title"))) { ClearProcessedFlag(item); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "OriginalTitle"))) { ClearProcessedFlag(item); return; } if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "SortTitle"))) { ClearProcessedFlag(item); return; } item.Tags["E.F.I.-processed"] = "--processed--"; item.SaveTags(); }
internal static bool CheckForExistingSubtitleSetHasSubtitleFlag (string itemName, IMLItem item, string parentPath, string subfilePathSrt, string subfilePathSub) { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Determining if subtitle exists for " + item.Name); if (File.Exists(subfilePathSrt) || File.Exists(subfilePathSub)) { item.Tags["HasSubtitle"] = "True"; item.SaveTags(); DeleteSubtitleZipFile(itemName, parentPath); return false; } return true; }
internal static void CleanItemNameSetOriginalTitleTag(IMLItem item) { string itemName = item.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName)) { return; } itemName = itemName.Replace('_', ' '); itemName = itemName.Replace('.', ' '); item.Name = itemName; string originalTitleTmp = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "OriginalTitle"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalTitleTmp)) { return; } item.Tags["OriginalTitle"] = item.Name; item.SaveTags(); Debugger.LogMessageToFile(String.Format( "The item's original name {0} was stored to OrginalTitle tag.", item.Name)); }
private static void ClearProcessedFlag(IMLItem item) { item.Tags["E.F.I.-processed"] = String.Empty; item.SaveTags(); }
internal static void AddFileToSection (out IMLItem item, IMLSection section, string itemName, string itemLocation, string externalID) { //TODO: Implement option to not update the Media Section on each imported item. if (Settings.UpdateMediaSectionOnEachImportedItem) { section.BeginUpdate(); } item = section.AddNewItem (itemName, itemLocation); item.ExternalID = externalID; item.SaveTags(); if (Settings.UpdateMediaSectionOnEachImportedItem) { section.EndUpdate(); } }
internal static void LinkFilmItemChains (IMLSection moviesSection, IMLItemList allFilmItems, IMLItem Item) { if (!MeediFier.Settings .FilmItemChainLinkerIsEnabled) return; if (allFilmItems == null || allFilmItems.Count <= 0) return; MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress (MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "scanning for un-linked files..."); Application.DoEvents(); foreach (IMLItem item in allFilmItems) { string itemImdbID = Helpers .GetTagValueFromItem (item, "ImdbID"); string itemToCompareImdbID = Helpers .GetTagValueFromItem (Item, "ImdbID"); if (item.Location == Item.Location || itemImdbID != itemToCompareImdbID) continue; if (item.Location.StartsWith("|") || Item.Location.StartsWith("|")) continue; Item.Location = "|" + Item.Location + "|" + item.Location + "|"; Item.SaveTags(); moviesSection.DeleteItem(item); } }
internal static bool DescriptorAlreadyExists(IMLItem item, string xmlpath) { if (File.Exists(xmlpath)) { item.Tags["HasDescriptor"] = "true"; item.SaveTags(); return true; } return false; }
internal static void SetSortTitleTag (IMLItem item) { string title = Helpers .GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Title"); string sortTitle = Helpers .GetTagValueFromItem (item, "SortTitle"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title)) { return; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sortTitle)) { return; } if (title.StartsWith("The")) { sortTitle = title.Remove (0, 4) + ", The "; Debugger.LogMessageToFile (String.Format ("Set item's SortTitle to:" + " '{0}'.", sortTitle)); } else { sortTitle = title; } item.Tags["SortTitle"] = sortTitle; item.SaveTags(); }
private static void CalculateAndSaveHashToLibrary(IMLItem item, string location) { Helpers.LogMessageToFile(String.Format ("Calculating video fingerprint for {0}...", item.Name)); MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress (ImportProgress.CurrentProgress, String.Format("Calculating video fingerprint for {0}...", item.Name)); Thread.Sleep(200); string videoHash = Hasher.CalculateFileHash(location, item); item.Tags["Hash"] = videoHash; item.SaveTags(); }
internal static void AddFileToSection(out IMLItem item, IMLSection section, string itemName, string itemLocation, string externalID) { //TODO: Implement option to not update the Media Section on each imported item. if (Settings.UpdateMediaSectionOnEachImportedItem) section.BeginUpdate(); item = section.AddNewItem (itemName, itemLocation); item.ExternalID = externalID; item.SaveTags(); if (Settings.UpdateMediaSectionOnEachImportedItem) section.EndUpdate(); }
public static bool ExtractMetadataFromEpisodeFilename(IMLItem item, string location, IMLSection Section, IMLSection TvSection, bool RanFromTvSection, IEnumerable<string> combinedSceneTags) { if (!Settings.ExtractMetadataFromFilenames) return false; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Name)) return false; try { //Importer.thisProgress.Progress(Importer.CurrentProgress, "Performing meta-information extraction..."); Helpers.UpdateProgress("Performing diagnostic operations", "Performing meta-information extraction...", item); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Performing meta-information extraction..."); #region Clean Iten Name from common tags Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Cleaning Item Name..."); string itemName = item.Name; itemName = VideoFilenameCleaner.CleanVideoFilename(itemName, combinedSceneTags ).Trim(); item.Name = itemName; item.SaveTags(); #endregion RecognizeSeries(TvSection, Section, RanFromTvSection, item, location); } catch (Exception e) { StatusForm.statusForm.TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000, "Error parsing filename", "An unexpected error ocurred in the filename parser. " + Environment.NewLine + "Please see the Debug.log file for details.", ToolTipIcon.Warning); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("An unexpected error occured in the filename parsing method. The error was: " + e.ToString()); } return false; }
public static string SaveImage (byte[] imagedata, IMLItem item, bool isPoster, string specificImageTag,string ImageFile) { #region Save image file try { //MessageBox.Show("imagefile: " + ImageFile); _fileStream = File.Create(ImageFile); _fileStream.Write(imagedata, 0, imagedata.Length); _fileStream.Close(); if (isPoster) { item.ImageFile = ImageFile; item.SaveTags(); } else { item.Tags[specificImageTag] = ImageFile; item.SaveTags(); } return ImageFile; } catch (Exception ex) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Error while saving Poster image for " + item.Name + ": " + ex.Message); return ""; } #endregion }
internal static bool ValidateDownloadedDataAndRetry(string language, IMLItem item, string firstsub, WebClient client, string zipfilePath) { StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(zipfilePath); if (CheckFirstLineForHtmlToken(sr)) return true; Sleep10SecsToRetry(sr); File.Delete(zipfilePath); client.DownloadFile(firstsub, zipfilePath); sr = File.OpenText(zipfilePath); if (!CheckFirstlineForHtmlTokenFinalTry (zipfilePath, sr)) return false; MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress (ImportProgress.CurrentProgress, "Subtitle for " + item.Name + " was downloaded succesfully."); Thread.Sleep(1500); item.Tags ["Subtitle language"] = language; item.SaveTags(); sr.Close(); sr.Dispose(); return true; }
private static string GetIMDbIdByVideoHash(IMLItem item, ConnectionResult connectionresult, string imdbid, string moviehash) { if (!connectionresult.OSDbIsOnline) return imdbid; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(moviehash)) return imdbid; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbid)) return imdbid; imdbid = OSoperations.FindImdbIDbyHash2 (moviehash, item, connectionresult.OsDbLoginResult.token, ref connectionresult.OSDbIsOnline); item.Tags["ImdbID"] = imdbid; item.SaveTags(); return imdbid; }
internal static bool SaveXmlDocument(IMLItem item, string filmFolder, XmlDocument doc, string xmlpath) { try { doc.Save(xmlpath); item.SaveTags(); return true; } catch (Exception) { //MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); StatusForm.statusForm.TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(10000, "Access to a media directory was rectricted", "MediaFairy could not write a film descriptor file in the directory " + filmFolder + " because Windows security privileges do not allow modification for this directory.", ToolTipIcon.Warning); Thread.Sleep(2000); return false; } }
internal static void CleanItemNameSetOriginalTitleTag(IMLItem item) { string itemName = item.Name; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(itemName)) return; itemName = itemName.Replace('_', ' '); itemName = itemName.Replace('.', ' '); item.Name = itemName; string originalTitleTmp = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "OriginalTitle"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(originalTitleTmp)) return; item.Tags["OriginalTitle"] = item.Name; item.SaveTags(); Debugger.LogMessageToFile(String.Format( "The item's original name {0} was stored to OrginalTitle tag.", item.Name)); }
internal static string IdentifyMovieByHashTMDb (IMLItem item, ConnectionResult connectionresult) { //TmdbAPI api = new TmdbAPI(Importer.ApiKey); #region function variables string name = item.Name; string moviehash = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Hash"); string imdbid = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "ImdbID"); string location = item.Location; FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(location); long byteSize = fi.Length; #endregion if (!Settings.EnableVideoHasher) return imdbid; if (!connectionresult.InternetConnectionAvailable && Settings.ConnectionDiagnosticsEnabled) return imdbid; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbid)) return imdbid; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(moviehash)) return imdbid; #region Get ImdBID string TMDbUrl = "" + Settings.TMDbApiKey + "/" + moviehash + "/" + byteSize; Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Trying to get IMDb ID from url " + TMDbUrl + "..."); #region request and return Response stream WebResponse objResponse = Downloaders.TryDatabaseRequest(TMDbUrl, "Movies", "TheMovieDatabase", item); if (objResponse == null) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("The web response from TMdb was not valid. The IMDb ID for this film cannot be retrieved."); return imdbid; } Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Getting Response stream..."); Stream stream = objResponse.GetResponseStream(); #endregion #region Load XML document XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument(); try { doc.Load(stream); } catch (Exception) { try { doc.Load(stream); } catch (Exception e) { StatusForm.statusForm.TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000, "Unable to parse online response.", "An unexpected error occurred while trying to read response stream." + Environment.NewLine + "Please check the log file for more details on this error.", ToolTipIcon.Warning); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("An unexpected error occurred while trying to read response stream. The error was: " + e.ToString()); return imdbid; } } #endregion //string XmlText = doc.InnerText; //MessageBox.Show(XmlText); #region Parse XML nodes to get IMDb ID XmlNodeList nodelist = doc.ChildNodes; bool FoundFirst = false; foreach (XmlNode node in nodelist) { //MessageBox.Show("First level: " + node.Name); if (node.HasChildNodes) { foreach (XmlNode childnode in node.ChildNodes) { //MessageBox.Show("Second level: " + node.Name); foreach (XmlNode result in node.ChildNodes) { //MessageBox.Show("Third level: " + result.Name); foreach (XmlNode movie in result.ChildNodes) { //MessageBox.Show("Fourth level: " + movie.Name); if (movie.Name == "movie" && !FoundFirst) { FoundFirst = true; //MessageBox.Show("Fifth level: " + movie.Name); XmlNode Tag = movie.SelectSingleNode("imdb_id"); if (Tag == null) return imdbid; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Tag.InnerText)) return imdbid; imdbid = Tag.InnerText; Debugger.LogMessageToFile("The film's IMDb ID " + imdbid + " was succesfully extracted from the TMDb response stream."); } } } } } } #endregion #region Save found IMDbID to item's tag if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbid)) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Online identification by video fingerprint (using TMDb) was successful!"); MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Online identification by video fingerprint (using TMDb) was succesfull!"); Thread.Sleep(2000); item.Tags["ImdbID"] = imdbid; item.SaveTags(); } else { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Online identification by video's fingerprint (using TMDb) was not possible."); } #endregion #endregion return imdbid; }
internal static bool DownloadFilmInfoFromSevenVideoNet (IMLItem Item, string location) { if (!MediaFairy.Settings.SevenFilmDetailsEnabled) return false; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "SevenUpdated"))) return true; #region Construct search URL string BaseUrl = ""; string ItemName = Item.Name; string ItemTitle = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "Title"); string filmPage = ""; ItemTitle = StringFunctions.replaceIllegalCharacters(ItemTitle, "-"); string SearchUrl = ItemTitle.Replace(' ', '+'); string Suffix = "&imageField22.x=0&imageField22.y=0"; SearchUrl = BaseUrl + SearchUrl + Suffix; #endregion try { #region Download film html page Helpers.UpdateProgress("Updating Movies Section...", "Searching Seven Video Net for film " + ItemTitle + "...", Item); string MovieID = Downloaders.MineWebDataReturnFirstMatch(SearchUrl, "showOneMovieImage.xml&id=(?<MovieID>.*?)\""); //MessageBox.Show("MovieID: " + MovieID); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(MovieID)) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("No results were found for this film. Unable to download aditiional film information from AMG."); return false; } string filmUrl = "" + MovieID; Debugger.LogMessageToFile("filmUrl: " + filmUrl); Helpers.UpdateProgress("Updating Movies Section...", "Downloading film information from Seven Video Net...", Item); filmPage = HtmlDownloaders.DownloadHTMLfromURLUnicode(filmUrl); //Debugger.LogMessageToFile(filmPage); //MessageBox.Show("filmPage: " + filmPage); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(filmPage)) return false; #endregion #region Download Details #region Synopsis string Synopsis = RegExMatchers.MatchExpressionReturnFirstMatchFirstGroup(filmPage, "<td align=\"justified\"><p>(?<Synopsis>[^$]*?)<br>"); //Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Synopsis: " + Synopsis); string[] dirtyText = RegExMatchers.MatchExpressionReturnAllMatchesFirstGroup(Synopsis, "<.*?>"); if (dirtyText != null) { foreach (string dirtyTag in dirtyText) { Synopsis = Synopsis.Replace(dirtyTag, ""); } } //MessageBox.Show("Synopsis: " + Synopsis); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Synopsis)) { Item.Tags["LongOverview"] = Synopsis; Item.SaveTags(); } string Tagline = RegExMatchers.MatchExpressionReturnFirstMatchFirstGroup(filmPage, "<span class=\"comment\">(?<Tagline>.*?)</span>"); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Tagline)) { Item.Tags["Tagline"] = Tagline; Item.SaveTags(); } string TitleGR = RegExMatchers.MatchExpressionReturnFirstMatchFirstGroup(filmPage, "<b>(?<TitleGR>.*?)</b><br/>"); Item.Tags["TitleGR"] = TitleGR; Item.SaveTags(); #endregion #endregion Item.Tags["SevenUpdated"] = "true"; Item.SaveTags(); } catch (Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.ToString()); } return true; }
private static bool ImageFileExistsInItemLocatiohn (IMLItem item, bool fileServerIsOnline, bool isUNC) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.ImageFile)) return false; if (!fileServerIsOnline && isUNC) return false; if (!File.Exists(item.ImageFile)) return false; item.SaveTags(); return true; }
private static bool LookForPosterInItemLocation(IMLItem item, bool fileServerIsOnline, bool isUNC, string imageFile) { if (!fileServerIsOnline && isUNC) return false; if (!File.Exists(imageFile)) return false; item.ImageFile = imageFile; item.SaveTags(); return true; }
internal static string IdentifyMovieByHashOSDb(IMLItem item, ConnectionResult connectionresult) { #region function variables string moviehash = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Hash"); string imdbid = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "ImdbID"); #endregion if (!Settings.EnableVideoHasher) return imdbid; if (!connectionresult.InternetConnectionAvailable && Settings.ConnectionDiagnosticsEnabled) return imdbid; if (!connectionresult.OSDbIsOnline) return imdbid; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbid)) return imdbid; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(moviehash)) return imdbid; #region Get ImdBID imdbid = OSoperations.FindImdbIDbyHash2(moviehash, item, connectionresult.OsDbLoginResult.token, ref connectionresult.OSDbIsOnline); #region Construct correct IMDbID in case it was received wrong if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbid)) { if (!imdbid.StartsWith("tt")) { if (imdbid.Length == 6) imdbid = "0" + imdbid; imdbid = "tt" + imdbid; } else { if (imdbid.Length == 8) { imdbid = imdbid.Remove(0, 2); imdbid = "0" + imdbid; imdbid = "tt" + imdbid; } } } #endregion #region Save found IMDbID to item's tag if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(imdbid)) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile ("Online identification by video fingerprint" + " (using OSDb) was successful!"); MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress (MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Online identification by" + " video fingerprint (using OSDb)" + " was succesfull!"); //Thread.Sleep(200); item.Tags["ImdbID"] = imdbid; item.SaveTags(); } else { Debugger.LogMessageToFile ("Online identification by video's" + " fingerprint (using OSDb)" + " was not possible."); } #endregion #endregion return imdbid; }
internal static void MarkSeriesAsNotListed(IMLItem Item, string SeriesName) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("The Series named " + SeriesName + " was not found in TVdb."); Item.Tags["NotListed"] = "true"; Item.SaveTags(); }
//REFACTOR: internal static void SetDetailsFlag(IMLItem item) { if ( (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Title"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Year"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Actors"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "ActorRoles"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Director"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Genre"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "LongOverview"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Overview"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Rating"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "ReleaseDate"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Review"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Runtime"))) && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem (item, "Studio"))) ) { item.Tags ["HasDetails"] = "True"; item.SaveTags(); } else { item.Tags ["HasDetails"] = String.Empty; item.SaveTags(); } }
//TODO: Test if the overloads for this function are working correctly. //Used fy the Film Updater public static bool ExtractMetadataFromMovieFilename ( IMLItem item, IEnumerable<string> combinedSceneTags) { if (!Settings.ExtractMetadataFromFilenames) return false; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty (item.Name)) return false; Helpers.UpdateProgress ("Performing diagnostic operations", "Performing local metadata extraction..."); Debugger.LogMessageToFile ("Performing local metadata extraction..."); try { ExtractImdbIdFromFilename (item, combinedSceneTags); item.Name = VideoFilenameCleaner .CleanVideoFilename (item.Name, combinedSceneTags ); item.SaveTags(); //TODO: The change I made to the video filename cleaner should avoid the need of calling this function more than once. item.Name = VideoFilenameCleaner .CleanVideoFilename (item.Name, combinedSceneTags).Trim(); item.SaveTags(); item.Name = VideoFilenameCleaner .CleanVideoFilename (item.Name, combinedSceneTags).Trim(); item.SaveTags(); ExtractYearFromFilename(item); } catch (Exception e) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile ("An unexpected error occured" + " in the filename parsing method. " + "The error was: " + e ); } return false; }
private static string SetItemTagsFromOutput(IMLItem item, IEnumerable<string> lines, string title, ref string artist, ref string album, ref string tracknumber, ref string genre, ref string year) { string puid; foreach (string line in lines) { //MessageBox.Show(line); #region Set library tags #region Set Title if (line.Contains("Title:")) { //MessageBox.Show("line contains Title!"); title = line.Remove(0, 7); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(title.Trim())) { //MessageBox.Show(Title); item.Tags["Title"] = title; item.Name = title; item.SaveTags(); } } #endregion #region Set Artist if (line.Contains("Artist:")) { artist = line.Remove(0, 8); //MessageBox.Show(artist); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(artist)) { item.Tags["Artist"] = artist; item.SaveTags(); } MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, item.Name + " was succesfully identified!"); Thread.Sleep(1000); } #endregion #region Set Album if (line.Contains("Album:")) { album = line.Remove(0, 7); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(album)) { //MessageBox.Show(Album); item.Tags["Album"] = album; item.SaveTags(); } } #endregion #region Set track number if (line.Contains("Track number:")) { tracknumber = line.Remove(0, 14); if (tracknumber.Trim() != "(null)") { //MessageBox.Show(tracknumber); item.Tags["Track No."] = tracknumber; item.SaveTags(); } } #endregion #region Set Genre if (line.Contains("Genre:")) { genre = line.Remove(0, 7); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(genre.Trim())) { //MessageBox.Show(Title); item.Tags["Genre"] = genre; item.SaveTags(); } } #endregion #region Set Year if (line.Contains("Year:")) { year = line.Remove(0, 6); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(year.Trim())) { //MessageBox.Show(Title); item.Tags["Year"] = year; item.SaveTags(); } } #endregion #region Set PUID if (!line.Contains("PUID:")) continue; puid = line.Remove(0, 8); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(puid.Trim())) continue; //MessageBox.Show(PUID); item.Tags["PUID"] = puid; item.SaveTags(); #endregion #endregion } return title; }
internal static void PopulateAudioTags (string album, string title, File audiofile, string artist, IMLItem item) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(artist) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) item.Tags["Artist"] = audiofile.Tag.FirstAlbumArtist; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(album) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) item.Tags["Album"] = audiofile.Tag.Album; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(title) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) item.Tags["Title"] = audiofile.Tag.Title; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(audiofile.Tag.Title)) item.Name = audiofile.Tag.Title; string genre = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Genre"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(genre) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) item.Tags["Genre"] = audiofile.Tag.JoinedGenres; string track = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Track"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(track) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (audiofile.Tag.Track != 0) item.Tags["Track"] = audiofile.Tag.Track; } string year = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Year"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(year) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (audiofile.Tag.Year != 0) item.Tags["Year"] = audiofile.Tag.Year; } string lyrics = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Lyrics"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(lyrics) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(audiofile.Tag.Lyrics)) item.Tags["Lyrics"] = audiofile.Tag.Lyrics; } string beatsPerMinute = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "BeatsPerMinute"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(beatsPerMinute) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (audiofile.Tag.BeatsPerMinute != 0) item.Tags["BeatsPerMinute"] = audiofile.Tag.BeatsPerMinute; } string comment = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Comment"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(comment) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(audiofile.Tag.Comment)) item.Tags["Comment"] = audiofile.Tag.Comment; } string copyright = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Copyright"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(copyright) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(audiofile.Tag.Copyright)) item.Tags["Copyright"] = audiofile.Tag.Copyright; } string disc = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Disc"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(disc) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (audiofile.Tag.Disc != 0) item.Tags["Disc"] = audiofile.Tag.Disc; } string discCount = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "DiscCount"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(discCount) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (audiofile.Tag.DiscCount != 0) item.Tags["DiscCount"] = audiofile.Tag.DiscCount; } string composer = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Composer"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(composer) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(audiofile.Tag.FirstComposer)) item.Tags["Composer"] = audiofile.Tag.FirstComposer; } string performer = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Performer"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(performer) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(audiofile.Tag.FirstPerformer)) item.Tags["Performer"] = audiofile.Tag.FirstPerformer; } string albumArtists = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "AlbumArtists"); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(albumArtists) || Settings.OverwriteExistingMusicTags) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(audiofile.Tag.JoinedAlbumArtists)) item.Tags["AlbumArtists"] = audiofile.Tag.JoinedAlbumArtists; } item.SaveTags(); }
private static void GetMainDetails(IMLItem item, ITVDBSeries series) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.ID)) { MediaSectionsAllocator.TvSeriesSection.BeginUpdate(); IMLItem seriesItem = MediaSectionsAllocator.TvSeriesSection.AddNewItem(series.SeriesName, series.ID); seriesItem.ExternalID = series.ID; seriesItem.SaveTags(); MediaSectionsAllocator.TvSeriesSection.EndUpdate(); item.Tags["SeriesID"] = series.ID; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Actors)) item.Tags["SeriesActors"] = series.Actors; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Airs_DayOfWeek) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Airs_TimeOfDay)) item.Tags["SeriesAirs"] = series.Airs_DayOfWeek + " @ " + series.Airs_TimeOfDay; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.FirstAired.ToShortDateString())) item.Tags["SeriesFirstAired"] = series.FirstAired; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Genre)) item.Tags["SeriesGenre"] = series.Genre; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.IMDb_ID)) item.Tags["SeriesIMDbID"] = series.IMDb_ID; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Language)) item.Tags["SeriesLanguage"] = series.Language; if (series.LastUpdated != 0) item.Tags["SeriesLastUpdated"] = series.LastUpdated; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Network)) item.Tags["SeriesNetwork"] = series.Network; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Overview)) item.Tags["SeriesOverview"] = series.Overview; if (series.Rating > 0) item.Tags["SeriesRating"] = series.Rating; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Runtime)) item.Tags["SeriesRuntime"] = series.Runtime; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.SeriesName)) item.Tags["SeriesName"] = series.SeriesName; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Status)) item.Tags["SeriesStatus"] = series.Status; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.Zap2It_ID)) item.Tags["Zap2ItID"] = series.Zap2It_ID; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(series.ID)) item.Tags["SeriesID"] = series.ID; item.SaveTags(); }
private static string GetImdbidFromXmlRpcStruct(IMLItem Item, XmlRpcStruct mystruct) { string token = String.Empty; string imdbid = String.Empty; Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Parsing the XMLRPC structure returned by OSdb..."); try { #region scan entries and get imdbid foreach (DictionaryEntry d in mystruct) { token = Convert.ToString(d.Key); if (token == "data") { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("data structure found."); object value = d.Value; XmlRpcStruct s = (XmlRpcStruct)value; //unboxing foreach (DictionaryEntry e in s) { object objb = e.Value; Type type = objb.GetType(); string typename = type.Name; if (typename == "Object[]") { //Importer.thisProgress.Progress(Item.Name + " could not be identified by fingerpint. Will search by film's title..."); //Thread.Sleep(Importer.Importer.SleepValue); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("OSdb returned multiple XMLRPC structures. " + Item.Name + " could not be identified by video fingerprint."); Item.Tags["OSdbMatched"] = "false"; Item.SaveTags(); return ""; } XmlRpcStruct movie = (XmlRpcStruct)objb; //unboxing foreach (DictionaryEntry f in movie) { token = Convert.ToString(f.Key); if (token == "MovieImdbID") { object g = f.Value; imdbid = (string)g; Item.Tags["OSdbMatched"] = "true"; Item.SaveTags(); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("The film's IMDbID was successfully extracted from OSdb response."); } }//foreach d in dictionary }//foreach e in dictionary } } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { StatusForm.statusForm.TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(5000, "Online video identification was unsuccesfull", "An error occured while reading the response from OSdb. The error was logged to the plugin's debug.log file.", ToolTipIcon.Error); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("An error occured on the XMLRPC structure parser. The error was: " + e.ToString() ); } return imdbid; }
internal static void GetEpisodeThumbnail(IMLItem item, bool fileServerIsOnline, bool isUNC, string mdfSettingsb, IBaseSystem iBaseSystem, ITVDBEpisode episode, WebClient client) { string imageFile = TVShows.CreateEpisodeThumbsFilePath (item, mdfSettingsb, ".jpg", iBaseSystem); string imagelocation = imageFile; if (File.Exists(imagelocation)) { item.ImageFile = imagelocation; item.SaveTags(); return; } if (!Settings.WantEpisodeThumbnails) return; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(episode.ImageFile)) return; if (!fileServerIsOnline && isUNC) return; MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Downloading episode thumbnail..."); try { client.DownloadFile(episode.ImageFile, imagelocation); item.ImageFile = imagelocation; item.SaveTags(); } catch { try { client.DownloadFile(episode.ImageFile, imagelocation); item.ImageFile = imagelocation; item.SaveTags(); } catch { } } }
public static Movie GetDetailsFromOSdb(string imdbid, IMLItem Item) { Movie m; m = new Movie(); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Attempting to download film details for item " + Item.Name + " from OSdb ..."); mystruct = Proxy.GetIMDBMovieDetails("token", imdbid); Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Retrieving data from OSdb response..."); #region parse rsults and return details foreach (DictionaryEntry d in mystruct) { token = Convert.ToString(d.Key); if (token == "data") { object value = d.Value; Console.WriteLine(value.GetType()); XmlRpcStruct s = (XmlRpcStruct)value; foreach (DictionaryEntry e in s) { token = Convert.ToString(e.Key); if (token == "title") { string str = (string)e.Value; m.Name = str; } if (token == "tagline") { string str = (string)e.Value; m.Tagline = str; } if (token == "year") { string str = (string)e.Value; m.Year = str; } if (token == "duration") { string str = (string)e.Value; m.Duration = str; } if (token == "plot") { string str = (string)e.Value; m.Plot = str; } if (token == "trivia") { string str = (string)e.Value; m.Trivia = str; } if (token == "goofs") { string str = (string)e.Value; m.Goofs = str; } token = Convert.ToString(e.Key); if (token == "directors") { value = e.Value; s = (XmlRpcStruct)value; string str = ""; int i = 1; foreach (DictionaryEntry f in s) { if (i == s.Count) str = (string)f.Value; else str = f.Value + "|"; i++; } m.Directors = str; } token = Convert.ToString(e.Key); if (token == "cast") { value = e.Value; s = (XmlRpcStruct)value; string str = ""; int i = 1; foreach (DictionaryEntry f in s) { if (i == s.Count) str += (string)f.Value; else str += f.Value + "|"; i++; } m.Cast = str; } token = Convert.ToString(e.Key); if (token == "writers") { value = e.Value; s = (XmlRpcStruct)value; string str = ""; int i = 1; foreach (DictionaryEntry f in s) { if (i == s.Count) str += (string)f.Value; else str += f.Value + "|"; i++; } m.Writers = str; } token = Convert.ToString(e.Key); if (token == "genres") { value = e.Value; string[] genres = (string[])value; string str = ""; int i = 1; foreach (string genre in genres) { if (i == genres.Length) str += genre; else str += genre + "|"; i++; } m.Genres = str; } token = Convert.ToString(e.Key); if (token == "cover") { string str = (string)e.Value; m.Cover = str; } } } } #endregion Debugger.LogMessageToFile("Saving results from item's tags..."); #region save results to item's tags if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Name)) { Item.Name = m.Name; Item.Tags["Title"] = m.Name; } //Item.Tags["Poster URL"] = m.Cover; if (Settings.WantOSdbDetails) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Tagline)) { string TaglineTag; if (Settings.MovieNightCompatibility) TaglineTag = "Subtitle"; else TaglineTag = "Tagline"; Item.Tags[TaglineTag] = m.Tagline; } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Year)) Item.Tags["Year"] = m.Year; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Duration)) Item.Tags["Runtime"] = m.Duration; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Plot)) Item.Tags["Overview"] = m.Plot; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Directors)) Item.Tags["Director"] = m.Directors; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Cast)) Item.Tags["Actors"] = m.Cast; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Genres)) Item.Tags["Genre"] = m.Genres; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Writers)) Item.Tags["Writer"] = m.Writers; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Trivia)) Item.Tags["Trivia"] = m.Trivia; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(m.Goofs)) Item.Tags["Mistakes"] = m.Goofs; Item.Tags["HasDetails"] = "True"; } Item.SaveTags(); #endregion return m; }
internal static bool ValidateDownloadedDataAndRetry(string language, IMLItem item, string firstsub, WebClient client, string zipfilePath) { StreamReader sr = File.OpenText(zipfilePath); string zipfileLine = sr.ReadLine(); if (zipfileLine != null && zipfileLine.Contains("DOCTYPE html")) { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress (MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "The subtitle archive was corrupt." + " Retrying in 10 seconds..."); sr.Close(); Thread.Sleep(10000); File.Delete(zipfilePath); client.DownloadFile(firstsub, zipfilePath); sr = File.OpenText(zipfilePath); zipfileLine = sr.ReadLine(); if (zipfileLine != null && zipfileLine.Contains("DOCTYPE html")) { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Unable to extract subtitle. The downloaded archive was corrupt."); sr.Close(); Thread.Sleep(1500); File.Delete(zipfilePath); return false; } MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress (MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Subtitle for " + item.Name + " was downloaded succesfully."); Thread.Sleep(1500); item.Tags["HasSubtitle"] = "True"; item.Tags["Subtitle language"] = language; item.SaveTags(); sr.Close(); sr.Dispose(); } return true; }
internal static bool SearchForAndDownloadFilmCoverArtFromMultipleSources (IMLItem item, string location, string videoFilename, string mdfSettingsa, IBaseSystem ibs, string imageFile) { #region initialize variables string movieName = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Title"); string releaseYear = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Year"); #endregion string title = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(item, "Title"); var imageUrls = new List<string>(); var previewImages = new List<string>(); //PreviewImages = ImageUrls; //TODO: Skip searching secondary sources if cover art is found from the first source. #region Add the image URLs from all sources if (MeediFier.Settings.PosterPrimarySource == "TheMovieDatabase") { if (MeediFier.Settings.TMDbPostersEnabled) { if (imageUrls.Count == 0 || MeediFier.Settings.AlwaysPromptForImages) { //imageUrls.AddRange(TMDbFilmCoverArtScraper.GetFilmPostersFromTMDb(item, ref previewImages)); //tmp = ""; //tmp = GetFilmPosterFromTMDb(Item); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) // ImageUrls.Add(tmp); } } if (MeediFier.Settings.ImpAwardsPostersEnabled) { if (imageUrls.Count == 0 || MeediFier.Settings.AlwaysPromptForImages) { List<string> tmpList = ImpAwardsFilmCoverArtDownloader.GetPoster(item, movieName, releaseYear, "Both"); imageUrls.AddRange(tmpList); previewImages.AddRange(tmpList); } } } else { if (MeediFier.Settings.ImpAwardsPostersEnabled) { if (imageUrls.Count == 0 || MeediFier.Settings.AlwaysPromptForImages) { List<string> tmpList = ImpAwardsFilmCoverArtDownloader.GetPoster(item, movieName, releaseYear, "Both"); imageUrls.AddRange(tmpList); previewImages.AddRange(tmpList); } } if (MeediFier.Settings.TMDbPostersEnabled) { if (imageUrls.Count == 0 || MeediFier.Settings.AlwaysPromptForImages) { //imageUrls.AddRange(TMDbFilmCoverArtScraper.GetFilmPostersFromTMDb(item, ref previewImages)); //tmp = ""; //tmp = GetFilmPosterFromTMDb(Item); //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) // ImageUrls.Add(tmp); } } } if (MeediFier.Settings.IMDbPostersEnabled) { if (imageUrls.Count == 0 || MeediFier.Settings.AlwaysPromptForImages) { string tmp = IMDbCoverArtScraper.GetFilmPosterFromIMDb (item); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(tmp)) { imageUrls.Add(tmp); previewImages.Add(tmp); } } } #endregion if (imageUrls.Count == 0 || previewImages.Count == 0) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("The image URLs list is empty. No online posters were found for this film."); return false; } string posterUrl = ImageSelectionEngine .UserSelectsImage (item, imageUrls, previewImages, "poster"); #region Download Image Helpers.UpdateProgress ("Updating Films Section...", "Downloading film poster for " + title + "...", item); byte[] imageData = MeediFier.Downloaders .TrytoDownloadData(posterUrl, "Movies", "", item); if (imageData == null) return false; #endregion #region Save Image //if (SaveImage(imageData, Item, Importer.PosterNamingMethod, Importer.WhereToSavePoster, Importer.PosterFolder, true, VideoFilename, filepath, "", "") != "") if (ImageFileConstructor.SaveImage(imageData, item,true,"",imageFile) != "") { if (MeediFier.Settings.ResizeFilmPosters) { Helpers.UpdateProgress ("Updating Movies Section", "Resizing image...", item); ImageResizer.ResizeImage (imageFile, imageFile, MeediFier.Settings.FilmPosterWidth, MeediFier.Settings.FilmPosterHeight, false); } item.SaveTags(); return true; } return false; #endregion }
internal static void ExtractAndRenameSubtitle(string language, IMLItem item, string parentPath, string videoFilename, string zipfilePath, FastZip fz) { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Subtitle for " + item.Name + " was downloaded succesfully."); Thread.Sleep(1500); item.Tags["HasSubtitle"] = "True"; item.Tags["Subtitle language"] = language; item.SaveTags(); string subtitleFilename; string subtitleExtension; videoFilename = ConstructSubtitleFilenameAndExtractSubtitle (item, parentPath, videoFilename, fz, zipfilePath, out subtitleFilename, out subtitleExtension); RenameSubtitleAccordingToVideoFilename (item, parentPath, videoFilename, subtitleFilename, subtitleExtension); }
//TODO: This function should be changed to use regural expressions. private static string ExtractImdbIdFromFilename (IMLItem item, IEnumerable<string> combinedSceneTags) { string imdbid = String.Empty; if (combinedSceneTags == null) return imdbid; if (!item.Name.Contains("tt")) return imdbid; int imdbidIndex = item.Name.IndexOf ("tt", StringComparison.Ordinal); if ((item.Name.Length - imdbidIndex) <= 2) return imdbid; Char firstDigit = item.Name[imdbidIndex + 2]; if (imdbidIndex >= 0 && Char.IsNumber(firstDigit)) { int imdbIndexStart = imdbidIndex; int imdbIndexEnd = 0; imdbidIndex = imdbidIndex + 2; //string substring = item.Name.Substring(imdbid_index, item.Name.Length - imdbid_index - 1); for (int i = imdbidIndex; i <= item.Name.Length; i++) { if (Char.IsNumber(item.Name[i])) { imdbIndexEnd = i; } else break; } int imdbidLength = imdbIndexEnd - imdbidIndex + 1; imdbid = item.Name.Substring(imdbidIndex, imdbidLength); imdbid = "tt" + imdbid; item.Tags["ImdbID"] = imdbid; string leftNamepart = item.Name.Substring(0, imdbIndexStart); string rightNamepart = item.Name.Substring(imdbIndexEnd + 1, item.Name.Length - imdbIndexEnd - 1); item.Name = leftNamepart + rightNamepart; item.SaveTags(); } Debugger.LogMessageToFile (String.Format ("ImdbID {0} was extracted" + " from item's name...", imdbid)); return imdbid; }
public static void OrganizeMediaFiles(IMLItem Item, string ItemTitle, string[] multipart, ref string location, string SortingDestination, string directoryTagMask, itemUpdateParams updateParams, string MediaType) { if (!updateParams.FileServerIsOnline) return; if (Settings.OnlyTaggedForMoving && (!Settings.OnlyTaggedForMoving || Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "ReadyToSort") != "true")) return; if (Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "FileSorted") == "true") return; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ItemTitle)) return; #region local varibales bool assignedLocationtoFirstItem = false; string fileTitle = ItemTitle; fileTitle = ToolBox.Utils.StringProcessors.StringBuilderProcessing.NormalizePath(fileTitle); string filmTitle = ItemTitle; filmTitle = ToolBox.Utils.StringProcessors.StringBuilderProcessing.NormalizePath(filmTitle); string multipaTlocation = ""; bool CancelMoving = false; #endregion if (!SortingDestination.EndsWith(@"\")) SortingDestination = SortingDestination + @"\"; #region loop files in item's location int i = 1; foreach (string partLocation in multipart) { if (File.Exists(partLocation)) { #region partfile variables FileInfo partfileInfo = new FileInfo(partLocation); string videoextension = partfileInfo.Extension; long filesize = partfileInfo.Length; long secstocopy = filesize / 10000000; string folderToMove = ""; #endregion #region synthesise full directory path #region Synthesize folder if (Settings.DirectoryStructure == "Simple- Default directory structures") { #region default structure if (MediaType == "Film") { folderToMove = SortingDestination + filmTitle + @"\"; } if (MediaType == "TvShow") { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "SeriesName")) || Item.Tags["SeriesName"] == null) CancelMoving = true; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "SeasonNumber")) || Item.Tags["SeasonNumber"] == null) CancelMoving = true; string seriesNameNorm = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "SeriesName"); seriesNameNorm = ToolBox.Utils.StringProcessors.StringBuilderProcessing.NormalizePath(seriesNameNorm); folderToMove = SortingDestination + seriesNameNorm + @"\" + "Season " + Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "SeasonNumber") + @"\"; } if (MediaType == "Music") { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "Album"))) CancelMoving = true; folderToMove = SortingDestination + @"\" + Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "Artist") + @"\" + Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "Album") + @"\"; } if (!Directory.Exists(folderToMove)) Directory.CreateDirectory(folderToMove); #endregion } else { #region advanced structure string[] FolderStructure = directoryTagMask.Split('\\'); string tagname = ""; string tagvalue = ""; folderToMove = SortingDestination; #region Loop folder tag mask and construct new path foreach (string folder in FolderStructure) { tagname = folder.Trim('<', '>'); tagvalue = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, tagname); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(tagvalue)) { CancelMoving = true; MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "The item's tag '" + tagname + "' contains an empty value. Sorting operation was cancelled."); Thread.Sleep(2500); } else { tagvalue = ToolBox.Utils.StringProcessors.StringBuilderProcessing.NormalizePath(tagvalue); folderToMove += tagvalue + @"\"; //FolderToMove = Helpers.NormalizePath(FolderToMove); //MessageBox.Show(FolderToMove); if (!Directory.Exists(folderToMove)) Directory.CreateDirectory(folderToMove); } } #endregion #endregion } #endregion if (MediaType == "Film") { #region standrand filename synthesizer if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "ImdbID"))) CancelMoving = true; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "Title"))) CancelMoving = true; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "Year") ) ) CancelMoving = true; string canonicalTitle = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "Title"); canonicalTitle = ToolBox.Utils.StringProcessors.StringBuilderProcessing.NormalizePath(canonicalTitle); fileTitle = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "ImdbID") + " - " + canonicalTitle + "(" + Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "Year") + ")"; #endregion } if (MediaType == "TvShow") { #region standrand filename synthesizer if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "EpisodeNumber") ) ) CancelMoving = true; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "EpisodeName") ) ) CancelMoving = true; string seriesNameNorm = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "SeriesName"); seriesNameNorm = ToolBox.Utils.StringProcessors.StringBuilderProcessing.NormalizePath(seriesNameNorm); string EpisodeNameNorm = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "EpisodeName"); EpisodeNameNorm = ToolBox.Utils.StringProcessors.StringBuilderProcessing.NormalizePath(EpisodeNameNorm); string SeasonNumberNorm = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "SeasonNumber"); if (SeasonNumberNorm.Length == 1) SeasonNumberNorm = "0" + SeasonNumberNorm; string EpisodeNumberNorm = Helpers.GetTagValueFromItem(Item, "EpisodeNumber"); if (EpisodeNumberNorm.Length == 1) EpisodeNumberNorm = "0" + EpisodeNumberNorm; fileTitle = seriesNameNorm + " S" + SeasonNumberNorm + "E" + EpisodeNumberNorm + " - " + EpisodeNameNorm; #endregion } if (MediaType == "Music") { } if (!folderToMove.EndsWith(@"\")) folderToMove = folderToMove + @"\"; if (multipart.Length > 1) fileTitle = fileTitle + "[" + i + "]"; string locationToMove = folderToMove + fileTitle + videoextension; #endregion #region decide if a file is going to be moved DialogResult result; bool DecideMoving = false; if (locationToMove == partLocation) { DecideMoving = false; } else if (Settings.PromptBeforeMoving) { result = MessageBox.Show(null, "I'm going to move video file to: " + locationToMove + " Is this ok?", "", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) DecideMoving = true; } else DecideMoving = true; #endregion if (DecideMoving) { if (!CancelMoving) { if (locationToMove != partLocation) { #region move the file and update library if (!updateParams.FileInUse) { MainImportingEngine.ThisProgress.Progress(MainImportingEngine.CurrentProgress, "Moving " + ItemTitle + "... " + secstocopy + " seconds remaining."); Thread.Sleep(500); try { File.Move(partLocation, locationToMove); #region Move the associated SRT subtitle string subtitleOldLocation = partLocation.Remove(partLocation.Length - 3, 3); subtitleOldLocation = subtitleOldLocation + "srt"; string subtitleNewLocation = locationToMove.Remove(locationToMove.Length - 3, 3); subtitleNewLocation = subtitleNewLocation + "srt"; if (File.Exists(subtitleOldLocation)) File.Move(subtitleOldLocation, subtitleNewLocation); #endregion #region Move the associated SUB subtitle subtitleOldLocation = partLocation.Remove(partLocation.Length - 3, 3); subtitleOldLocation = subtitleOldLocation + "sub"; subtitleNewLocation = locationToMove.Remove(locationToMove.Length - 3, 3); subtitleNewLocation = subtitleNewLocation + "sub"; if (File.Exists(subtitleOldLocation)) File.Move(subtitleOldLocation, subtitleNewLocation); #endregion #region update item tags if (updateParams.IsMultipart) { multipaTlocation += "|" + locationToMove; if (partLocation == multipart[multipart.Length - 1]) multipaTlocation += "|"; Item.Location = multipaTlocation; } else Item.Location = locationToMove; Item.Tags["FileSorted"] = "true"; Item.SaveTags(); #endregion #region Prevent the updating of item's location for the remaining parts if (!assignedLocationtoFirstItem) { location = locationToMove; assignedLocationtoFirstItem = true; } #endregion } catch (Exception e) { Debugger.LogMessageToFile("An error occurred while trying to move the file " + location + " to destination " + locationToMove + ". The error was: " + e); StatusForm.statusForm.TrayIcon.ShowBalloonTip(10000, "file moving error", "An unexpected error occured while MediaFairy was trying to move the media file " + location + " to " + locationToMove + ". The error was: " + e.Message, ToolTipIcon.Error); continue; } } #endregion } } } } i++; } //endof PartLocation loop #endregion }
//TODO: This function should be changed to use regural expressions. private static void ExtractYearFromFilename(IMLItem item) { #region First Try: Year in parenthesis int tempIndex = item.Name.IndexOf("[19"); int yearIndex = tempIndex >= 0 ? tempIndex + 1 : 0; tempIndex = item.Name.IndexOf("(19"); if (tempIndex >= 0) yearIndex = tempIndex + 1; tempIndex = item.Name.IndexOf(".19"); if (tempIndex >= 0) yearIndex = tempIndex + 1; tempIndex = item.Name.IndexOf("[20"); if (tempIndex >= 0) yearIndex = tempIndex + 1; tempIndex = item.Name.IndexOf("(20"); if (tempIndex >= 0) yearIndex = tempIndex + 1; tempIndex = item.Name.IndexOf(".20"); if (tempIndex >= 0) yearIndex = tempIndex + 1; #endregion #region Second Try: Year without parenthesis if (yearIndex == 0) { int lastChar = item.Name.Length - 1; int firstYearChar = lastChar - 3; string numberWord = item.Name.Substring(firstYearChar, 4); if (!numberWord.Contains("x") && !numberWord.Contains("E") && !numberWord.Contains("S") ) //the number extracted must Not belong to episode numbers { if (item.Name.Length >= 8) { if (Char.IsDigit(item.Name[lastChar])) { if (Char.IsDigit(item.Name[firstYearChar])) { #region Second Try: Year without parenthesis tempIndex = item.Name.IndexOf("19"); if (tempIndex >= 0) yearIndex = tempIndex; tempIndex = item.Name.IndexOf("20"); if (tempIndex >= 0) yearIndex = tempIndex; #endregion } } } } } #endregion #region Extract Year and store it in item's tag if (yearIndex <= 0) return; string year = item .Name.Substring (yearIndex, 4); item.Tags["Year"] = year; item.SaveTags(); item.Name = item.Name.Trim(); Char yearPrevChar = item.Name[yearIndex -1]; if (String.CompareOrdinal(yearPrevChar.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), '('.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) == 0 || String.CompareOrdinal(yearPrevChar.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), '['.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) == 0 || String.CompareOrdinal(yearPrevChar.ToString (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), '.'.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)) == 0) yearIndex = yearIndex - 1; item.Name = item.Name.Substring(0, yearIndex); item.Name = item.Name.Trim(); item.SaveTags(); Debugger.LogMessageToFile (String.Format ("The film's Year ({0})" + " was extracted from" + " item's name.", year)); #endregion }