public MapBackground GetMapBackground() { if (maps.Contains((String)MapsList.SelectedItem)) { return((MapBackground)maps[(String)MapsList.SelectedItem]); } else { IMGEntry entry = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Map/" + (String)MapsList.SelectedItem); if (entry == null) { maps.Add((String)MapsList.SelectedItem, null); return(null); } else { MapBackground bg = new MapBackground(); MapBackground.Object = entry; lock (MapEditor.MapLock) bg.Load(); maps.Add((String)MapsList.SelectedItem, bg); return(bg); } } }
public static void SwapInt(IMGEntry e1, IMGEntry e2) { int temp = e1.GetInt(); e1.SetInt(e2.GetInt()); e2.SetInt(temp); }
public MaplePyhsics(IMGEntry physics, int x, int y) { this.physics = physics; this.x = x; this.y = y; new Thread(new ThreadStart(UpdateThread)).Start(); }
public void Load() { IMGEntry back = Object.GetChild("back"); if (back == null) { return; } foreach (IMGEntry b in back.childs.Values) { if (b.GetInt("ani") != 1 && b.GetString("bS") != "") { MapBack mb = new MapBack(); mb.Object = b; mb.Image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Back/" + b.GetString("bS") + ".img").GetChild("back/" + b.GetInt("no").ToString()); mb.ID = int.Parse(b.Name); backs.Add(mb); } } backs = backs.OrderBy(o => o.ID).ToList <MapBack>(); Bitmap = new Bitmap(800, 600); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(Bitmap)) { foreach (MapBack b in backs) { b.Draw(g); } } }
public void GenerateFrames() { if (Image.GetChild("delay") == null) { return; } frames = new List <MapObjectFrame>(); IMGEntry originalImage = Image.parent; foreach (IMGEntry frame in originalImage.childs.Values) { MapObjectFrame f = new MapObjectFrame(); try { f.ID = int.Parse(frame.Name); } catch { continue; // to handle:"blend" } f.Image = Map.GetRealImage(frame); f.Object = Object; animationTime += f.Image.GetInt("delay"); frames.Add(f); } frames = frames.OrderBy(x => x.ID).ToList <MapObjectFrame>(); }
private static bool IsPadded(IMGEntry entry, int startID) { for (int i = startID; i < entry.childs.Count + startID; i++) { if (!entry.childs.Contains(i.ToString())) { return(false); } } return(true); }
public static IMGEntry GetRealImage(IMGEntry entry) { if (entry.value.type == WZObject.WZObjectType.WZ_CANVAS) { return(entry); } else if (entry.value.type == WZObject.WZObjectType.WZ_UOL) { return(GetRealImage(entry.parent.GetChild(((WZUOL)entry.value).path))); } return(null); }
public void Add(MapItem item) { if (item is MapObject) { MapObject o = (MapObject)item; int id = 0; while (layer.GetChild("obj").childs.Contains(id.ToString())) { id++; } o.ID = id; o.Object.Name = o.ID.ToString(); objects.Add(o); objects.Sort(Map.CompareItems); layer.GetChild("obj").Add(o.Object); OrderObjects(); } else if (item is MapTile) { MapTile t = (MapTile)item; string style = info.GetString("tS"); IMGFile tilesF = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Tile/" + style + ".img"); if (tilesF.GetChild(t.Object.GetString("u") + "/" + t.Object.GetInt("no").ToString()) == null) { t.Object.SetInt("no", MapEditor.Instance.random.Next(tilesF.GetChild(t.Object.GetString("u")).childs.Count)); } IMGEntry image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Tile/" + style + ".img").GetChild(t.Object.GetString("u") + "/" + t.Object.GetInt("no").ToString()); if (t.Image != image) { t.Image = image; } int id = 0; while (layer.GetChild("tile").childs.Contains(id.ToString())) { id++; } t.ID = id; t.Object.Name = t.ID.ToString(); tiles.Add(t); tiles.Sort(Map.CompareItems); layer.GetChild("tile").Add(t.Object); OrderTiles(); } else { Map.Instance.Add(item); } }
public MapMarkSelect() { InitializeComponent(); IMGEntry Marks = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("MapHelper.img").GetChild("mark"); foreach (IMGEntry mark in Marks.childs.Values) { ImageViewer imageViewer = Panel.Add(mark.GetCanvas().GetBitmap(), mark.Name, false); imageViewer.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(ImageViewer_MouseClick); imageViewer.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(ImageViewer_MouseDoubleClick); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog ofdOpen = new OpenFileDialog(); ofdOpen.Filter = "Mark|*.png"; if (ofdOpen.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.Cancel) { string FileName = ofdOpen.FileName; string ImageName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(FileName); foreach (ImageViewer iv in Panel.Controls) { if (iv.Name == ImageName) { Error.Text = "Error: There is already a mark with this name."; return; } } Image i = Bitmap.FromFile(FileName); if (i.Width > 38 || i.Height > 38) { Error.Text = "Error: The size of the image must not be larger than 38x38"; return; } IMGEntry marks = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("MapHelper.img").GetChild("mark"); IMGEntry entry = new IMGEntry(); WZCanvas c = new WZCanvas(); c.SetBitmap((Bitmap)i); c.format = WZCanvas.ImageFormat.FORMAT_4444; entry.SetCanvas(c); entry.Name = ImageName; marks.Add(entry); marks.parent.ToSave = true; Error.Text = ""; ImageViewer imageViewer = new ImageViewer(); imageViewer.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom; imageViewer.Image = c.GetBitmap(); imageViewer.Width = c.GetBitmap().Width + 6; imageViewer.Height = c.GetBitmap().Height + 6; imageViewer.Name = entry.Name; imageViewer.MouseClick += new MouseEventHandler(ImageViewer_MouseClick); imageViewer.MouseDoubleClick += new MouseEventHandler(ImageViewer_MouseDoubleClick); imageViewer.IsThumbnail = false; Panel.Controls.Add(imageViewer); } }
public void CreateFootholdDesignList() { IMGEntry entry = Image.GetChild("foothold"); if (entry != null) { foreach (IMGEntry e in entry.childs.Values) { MapFootholdDesign fh = new MapFootholdDesign(); fh.Object = Object; fh.Image = e; Footholds.Add(fh); } } }
public void GenerateFrames() { frames = new List <MapBackFrame>(); IMGEntry originalImage = Image.parent; foreach (IMGEntry frame in originalImage.childs.Values) { MapBackFrame f = new MapBackFrame(); f.ID = int.Parse(frame.Name); f.Image = Map.GetRealImage(frame); f.Object = Object; animationTime += f.Image.GetInt("delay"); frames.Add(f); } frames = frames.OrderBy(x => x.ID).ToList <MapBackFrame>(); }
public static void Pad(IMGEntry entry, MapItem[] items, int startID) { while (!IsPadded(entry, startID)) { foreach (IMGEntry e in entry.childs.Values) { int ID = int.Parse(e.Name); if (ID > startID) { if (!entry.childs.Contains((ID - 1).ToString())) { e.Rename((ID - 1).ToString()); break; } } } } UpdateMapItems(items); }
public Map(IMGEntry map) { Instance = this; MapEditor.Instance.EditBack.Enabled = false; = map; IMGEntry Info = map.GetChild("info"); IMGEntry MiniMap = map.GetChild("miniMap"); if (Info.GetChild("VRTop") != null) { VRLeft = Info.GetInt("VRLeft"); VRTop = Info.GetInt("VRTop"); VRRight = Info.GetInt("VRRight"); VRBottom = Info.GetInt("VRBottom"); } if (MiniMap == null) { if (VRTop == 0) { throw new Exception("Unhandled Map"); } CenterX = -VRLeft + 50; CenterY = -VRTop + 50; Width = VRRight + CenterX + 100; Height = VRBottom + CenterY + 100; } else { CenterX = MiniMap.GetInt("centerX"); CenterY = MiniMap.GetInt("centerY"); Width = MiniMap.GetInt("width"); Height = MiniMap.GetInt("height"); if (VRTop == 0) { VRLeft = -CenterX + 69; VRTop = -CenterY + 86; VRRight = Width - CenterX - 69; VRBottom = Height - CenterY - 86; } } fly = Info.GetBool("swim") ? -1 : 1; int maxX = Int32.MinValue; int maxY = Int32.MinValue; int minX = Int32.MaxValue; int minY = Int32.MaxValue; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { MapLayer layer = new MapLayer(); IMGEntry layerEntry = map.GetChild(i.ToString()); layer.layer = layerEntry; = layerEntry.GetChild("info"); layer.ID = i; IMGEntry objects = layerEntry.GetChild("obj"); foreach (IMGEntry o in objects.childs.Values) { MapObject mo = new MapObject(); mo.Object = o; mo.Image = GetRealImage(MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Obj/" + o.GetString("oS") + ".img").GetChild(o.GetString("l0") + "/" + o.GetString("l1") + "/" + o.GetString("l2") + "/0")); mo.ID = int.Parse(o.Name); mo.CreateFootholdDesignList(); footholdsGroups.Add(o.GetInt("zM")); layer.objects.Add(mo); } layer.objects.Sort(CompareItems); layer.OrderObjects(); IMGEntry tiles = layerEntry.GetChild("tile"); foreach (IMGEntry t in tiles.childs.Values) { MapTile mt = new MapTile(); mt.Object = t; mt.Image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Tile/" +"tS") + ".img").GetChild(t.GetString("u") + "/" + t.GetInt("no").ToString()); //mt.Image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Tile/blackTile.img").GetChild(t.GetString("u") + "/0"); mt.ID = int.Parse(t.Name); mt.SetDesign(t.GetString("u")); mt.CreateFootholdDesignList(); footholdsGroups.Add(t.GetInt("zM")); layer.tiles.Add(mt); } layer.tiles.Sort(CompareItems); layer.OrderTiles(); IMGEntry footholds = map.GetChild("foothold/" + i.ToString()); if (footholds != null) { foreach (IMGEntry group in footholds.childs.Values) { //if (group.Name != "3") continue; MapFootholds f = new MapFootholds(int.Parse(group.Name)); f.Object = group; layer.footholdGroups.Add(f.ID, f); foreach (IMGEntry fhe in group.childs.Values) { MapFoothold fh = new MapFoothold(int.Parse(fhe.Name)); fh.Object = fhe; fh.Group = f; fh.s1 = new MapFootholdSide(); fh.s2 = new MapFootholdSide(); fh.s1.Object = fhe; fh.s2.Object = fhe; fh.s1.ID = 1; fh.s2.ID = 2; fh.s1.Foothold = fh; fh.s2.Foothold = fh; if (fhe.GetInt("x1") < minX) { minX = fhe.GetInt("x1"); } if (fhe.GetInt("y1") < minY) { minY = fhe.GetInt("y1"); } if (fhe.GetInt("x2") < minX) { minX = fhe.GetInt("x2"); } if (fhe.GetInt("y2") < minY) { minY = fhe.GetInt("y2"); } if (fhe.GetInt("x1") > maxX) { maxX = fhe.GetInt("x1"); } if (fhe.GetInt("y1") > maxY) { maxY = fhe.GetInt("y1"); } if (fhe.GetInt("x2") > maxX) { maxX = fhe.GetInt("x2"); } if (fhe.GetInt("y2") > maxY) { maxY = fhe.GetInt("y2"); } f.footholds.Add(fh.ID, fh); } } } layers.Add(layer); } /*if (VRTop == 0) * { * if (maxX != Int32.MinValue) * { * VRLeft = minX + 30; * VRRight = maxX - 30; * VRTop = minY - 300; * VRBottom = maxY + 10; * } * }*/ left = minX + 30; right = maxX - 30; top = minY - 300; bottom = maxY + 10; if (Info.GetChild("VRLeft") != null) { if (left < Info.GetInt("VRLeft") + 20) { left = Info.GetInt("VRLeft") + 20; } if (right > Info.GetInt("VRRight")) { right = Info.GetInt("VRRight"); } if (top < Info.GetInt("VRTop") + 65) { top = Info.GetInt("VRTop") + 65; } if (bottom > Info.GetInt("VRBottom")) { bottom = Info.GetInt("VRBottom"); } } left -= 10; right += 10; top -= 10; bottom += 10; IMGEntry back = map.GetChild("back"); foreach (IMGEntry b in back.childs.Values) { if (b.GetString("bS") != "") { MapBack mb = new MapBack(); mb.Object = b; if (b.GetInt("ani") == 0) { mb.Image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Back/" + b.GetString("bS") + ".img").GetChild("back/" + b.GetInt("no").ToString()); } else { mb.Image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Back/" + b.GetString("bS") + ".img").GetChild("ani/" + b.GetInt("no").ToString() + "/0"); } mb.ID = int.Parse(b.Name); if (b.GetInt("ani") == 1) { mb.GenerateFrames(); } backs.Add(mb); } } backs = backs.OrderBy(o => o.ID).ToList <MapBack>(); IMGEntry elr = map.GetChild("ladderRope"); if (elr != null) { foreach (IMGEntry lr in elr.childs.Values) { MapLR mlr = new MapLR(); mlr.Object = lr; mlr.ID = int.Parse(lr.Name); mlr.s1 = new MapLRSide(); mlr.s2 = new MapLRSide(); mlr.s1.Object = lr; mlr.s2.Object = lr; mlr.s1.ID = 1; mlr.s2.ID = 2; mlr.s1.LR = mlr; mlr.s2.LR = mlr; lrs.Add(mlr); } } lrs = lrs.OrderBy(l => l.ID).ToList <MapLR>(); IMGEntry eseats = map.GetChild("seat"); if (eseats != null) { foreach (IMGEntry s in eseats.childs.Values) { MapSeat ms = new MapSeat(); ms.Object = s; ms.ID = int.Parse(s.Name); seats.Add(ms); } } seats = seats.OrderBy(l => l.ID).ToList <MapSeat>(); IMGEntry eLifes = map.GetChild("life"); if (eLifes != null) { foreach (IMGEntry l in eLifes.childs.Values) { MapLife ml; if (l.GetString("type") == "n") { ml = new MapNPC(); } else { ml = new MapMob(); } ml.Object = l; if (ml is MapNPC) { IMGFile npc = MapEditor.npc.Directory.GetIMG(l.GetString("id") + ".img"); if (npc.GetChild("info/link") != null) { npc = MapEditor.npc.Directory.GetIMG(npc.GetString("info/link") + ".img"); } ml.Image = npc.GetChild("stand/0"); } else { IMGFile mob = MapEditor.mob.Directory.GetIMG(l.GetString("id") + ".img"); if (mob.GetChild("info/link") != null) { mob = MapEditor.mob.Directory.GetIMG(mob.GetString("info/link") + ".img"); } ml.Image = mob.GetChild("stand/0"); if (ml.Image == null) { ml.Image = mob.GetChild("fly/0"); } } ml.Image = GetRealImage(ml.Image); ml.ID = int.Parse(l.Name); lifes.Add(ml); } } lifes = lifes.OrderBy(l => l.ID).ToList <MapLife>(); IMGEntry eReactors = map.GetChild("reactor"); if (eReactors != null) { foreach (IMGEntry r in eReactors.childs.Values) { MapReactor mr = new MapReactor(); mr.Object = r; IMGFile reactor = MapEditor.reactor.Directory.GetIMG(r.GetString("id") + ".img"); if (reactor.GetChild("info/link") != null) { reactor = MapEditor.reactor.Directory.GetIMG(reactor.GetString("info/link") + ".img"); } mr.Image = reactor.GetChild("0/0"); mr.Image = GetRealImage(mr.Image); mr.ID = int.Parse(r.Name); reactors.Add(mr); } } lifes = lifes.OrderBy(l => l.ID).ToList <MapLife>(); IMGEntry pImage = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("MapHelper.img").GetChild("portal/game/pv/0"); IMGEntry ePortals = map.GetChild("portal"); if (ePortals != null) { foreach (IMGEntry p in ePortals.childs.Values) { MapPortal mp = new MapPortal(); mp.Object = p; mp.ID = int.Parse(p.Name); mp.Image = pImage; portals.Add(mp); } } seats = seats.OrderBy(l => l.ID).ToList <MapSeat>(); IMGEntry tooltipsE = map.GetChild("ToolTip"); if (tooltipsE != null) { foreach (IMGEntry tte in tooltipsE.childs.Values) { if (tte.Name.Contains("char")) { continue; } MapToolTip tt = new MapToolTip(); tt.Object = tte; tt.ID = int.Parse(tte.Name); tt.Image = MapEditor.stringf.Directory.GetIMG("ToolTipHelp.img").GetChild("Mapobject").GetChild(int.Parse(MapEditor.Instance.MapID).ToString()).GetChild(tte.Name); tt.c1 = new MapToolTipCorner(); tt.c1.Object = tte; tt.c1.type = MapToolTipCornerType.TopLeft; tt.c1.ToolTip = tt; tt.c2 = new MapToolTipCorner(); tt.c2.Object = tte; tt.c2.type = MapToolTipCornerType.TopRight; tt.c2.ToolTip = tt; tt.c3 = new MapToolTipCorner(); tt.c3.Object = tte; tt.c3.type = MapToolTipCornerType.BottomLeft; tt.c3.ToolTip = tt; tt.c4 = new MapToolTipCorner(); tt.c4.Object = tte; tt.c4.type = MapToolTipCornerType.BottomRight; tt.c4.ToolTip = tt; tooltips.Add(tt); } } IMGEntry clockEntry = map.GetChild("clock"); if (clockEntry != null) { clock = new MapClock(); clock.Object = clockEntry; clock.Image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Obj/etc.img").GetChild("clock/fontTime"); } }
public void Add(MapItem item) { if (item is MapLife) { MapLife l = (MapLife)item; int id = 0; IMGEntry le = map.GetChild("life"); if (le == null) { le = new IMGEntry(); le.Name = "life";; } while (le.childs.Contains(id.ToString())) { id++; } l.ID = id; l.Object.Name = l.ID.ToString(); lifes.Add(l); lifes.Sort(Map.CompareItems); le.Add(l.Object); } else if (item is MapReactor) { MapReactor r = (MapReactor)item; int id = 0; IMGEntry re = map.GetChild("reactor"); if (re == null) { re = new IMGEntry(); re.Name = "reactor";; } while (re.childs.Contains(id.ToString())) { id++; } r.ID = id; r.Object.Name = r.ID.ToString(); reactors.Add(r); reactors.Sort(Map.CompareItems); re.Add(r.Object); } else if (item is MapLR) { MapLR l = (MapLR)item; int id = 1; IMGEntry lrse = map.GetChild("ladderRope"); if (lrse == null) { lrse = new IMGEntry(); lrse.Name = "ladderRope";; } while (lrse.childs.Contains(id.ToString())) { id++; } l.ID = id; l.Object.Name = l.ID.ToString(); lrs.Add(l); lrs.Sort(Map.CompareItems); lrse.Add(l.Object); } else if (item is MapSeat) { MapSeat s = (MapSeat)item; int id = 0; IMGEntry seate = map.GetChild("seat"); if (seate == null) { seate = new IMGEntry(); seate.Name = "seat";; } while (seate.childs.Contains(id.ToString())) { id++; } s.ID = id; s.Object.Name = s.ID.ToString(); seats.Add(s); seats.Sort(Map.CompareItems); seate.Add(s.Object); } else if (item is MapPortal) { MapPortal p = (MapPortal)item; int id = 0; IMGEntry portalse = map.GetChild("portal"); if (portalse == null) { portalse = new IMGEntry(); portalse.Name = "portal";; } while (portalse.childs.Contains(id.ToString())) { id++; } p.ID = id; p.Object.Name = p.ID.ToString(); p.Image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("MapHelper.img").GetChild("portal/game/pv/0"); portals.Add(p); portals.Sort(Map.CompareItems); portalse.Add(p.Object); } else if (item is MapToolTip) { MapToolTip t = (MapToolTip)item; int id = 0; IMGEntry ToolTips = map.GetChild("ToolTip"); if (ToolTips == null) { ToolTips = new IMGEntry(); ToolTips.Name = "ToolTip";; } while (ToolTips.childs.Contains(id.ToString())) { id++; } t.ID = id; t.Object.Name = t.ID.ToString(); tooltips.Add(t); tooltips.Sort(Map.CompareItems); ToolTips.Add(t.Object); } else if (item is MapClock) { if (clock == null) { clock = item as MapClock; clock.Object.Name = "clock"; clock.Image = MapEditor.file.Directory.GetIMG("Obj/etc.img").GetChild("clock/fontTime"); map.Add(clock.Object); } } else { layers[(int)MapEditor.Instance.Layer.Value].Add(item); } }
public static void Pad(IMGEntry entry, MapItem[] items) { Pad(entry, items, 0); }
public void CreateFootholdDesignList() { GenerateFrames(); IMGEntry entry = Image.GetChild("foothold"); if (entry != null) { List <MapFootholdDesign> list = new List <MapFootholdDesign>(); for (int i = 0; i < entry.childs.Count; i++) { if (entry.childs[i].value == null) { List <MapFootholdDesign> l = new List <MapFootholdDesign>(); for (int j = 0; j < entry.childs[i].childs.Count; j++) { MapFootholdDesign fh = new MapFootholdDesign(); fh.Object = Object; fh.Image = entry.childs[i].childs[j]; l.Add(fh); } Footholds.Add(l); } else { MapFootholdDesign fh = new MapFootholdDesign(); fh.Object = Object; fh.Image = entry.childs[i]; list.Add(fh); } } if (list.Count > 0) { Footholds.Add(list); } } entry = Image.GetChild("ladder"); if (entry != null) { foreach (IMGEntry e in entry.childs.Values) { MapLRDesign lr = new MapLRDesign(true); lr.Object = Object; lr.Image = e; LRs.Add(lr); } } entry = Image.GetChild("rope"); if (entry != null) { foreach (IMGEntry e in entry.childs.Values) { MapLRDesign lr = new MapLRDesign(false); lr.Object = Object; lr.Image = e; LRs.Add(lr); } } entry = Image.GetChild("..").GetChild("seat"); if (entry != null) { foreach (IMGEntry e in entry.childs.Values) { MapSeatDesign s = new MapSeatDesign(); s.Object = Object; s.Image = e; Seats.Add(s); } } }
public GetMapInfo(IMGEntry info) { InitializeComponent(); List <string> MusicNames = new List <string>(); lock (MapEditor.SoundLock) { foreach (IMGFile bgms in MapEditor.sound.Directory.IMGs.Values) { if (bgms.Name.Substring(0, 3) == "Bgm") { foreach (IMGEntry sound in bgms.childs.Values) { MusicNames.Add(bgms.Name + "/" + sound.Name); } } } } MusicNames.Sort(); BGMsList.Items.AddRange(MusicNames.ToArray()); BGMsList.SelectedItem = info.GetString("bgm").Replace("/", ".img/"); int returnMap = info.GetInt("returnMap"); if (returnMap == 999999999) { IsReturnMap.Checked = true; ReturnMap.Enabled = false; } else { IsReturnMap.Checked = false; ReturnMap.Enabled = true; } ReturnMap.Text = returnMap.ToString(); IsTown.Checked = info.GetInt("town") == 1; IsSwim.Checked = info.GetInt("swim") == 1; IsMiniMap.Checked = info.parent.GetChild("miniMap") != null; selectedMark = info.GetString("mapMark"); MarkPreview.Image = MapMarkSelect.GetMark(selectedMark); Bitmap background = new Bitmap(800, 600); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(background)) { foreach (MapBack b in Map.Instance.backs) { b.Draw(g); } } Bitmap thumb = new Bitmap(160, 120); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(thumb)) { g.InterpolationMode = InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic; g.DrawImage(background, 0, 0, 160, 120); g.Dispose(); } BackgroundPreview.Image = thumb; }