Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// TODO: Remove episode lookup from theTVDb.com and search from trakt.tv instead now that API methods exist
        /// </summary>
        public static IMDbEpisode GetIMDbEpisodeFromTVDb(Dictionary <string, string> episode)
                string tvEpisodeName = GetEpisodeName(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle]);
                string tvShowName    = GetShowName(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle]);
                string tvShowYear    = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cYear];
                string tvShowImdbId  = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cIMDbID];

                // search for the show
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Searching for tv show {0} on thetvdb.com", tvShowName);
                var searchResults = TVDbAPI.SearchShow(tvShowName);
                if (searchResults == null)
                    UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to search for tv show {0} from thetvdb.com", tvShowName), true);

                // get the first match that contains the same 'year'
                // only if we're using a csv export file
                var tvdbShowSearchResult = new TVDbShowSearch.Series();
                if (episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cProvider].IsCSVExport())
                    tvdbShowSearchResult = searchResults.Shows.Find(s => s.FirstAired != null && s.FirstAired.Contains(tvShowYear));
                    if (tvdbShowSearchResult == null)
                        UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to search for tv show {0} ({1}) from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvShowYear), true);
                    // the website populates the 'year' with the episode year (not show)
                    // so we can't use that for a show match.
                    // However, the website populates the IMDb using the IMDb ID of the show (not episode).
                    tvdbShowSearchResult = searchResults.Shows.Find(s => s.ImdbId != null && s.ImdbId == tvShowImdbId);
                    if (tvdbShowSearchResult == null)
                        UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to search for tv show {0} (imdb_id:{1}) from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvShowImdbId ?? "<empty>"), true);

                // get the show info for the given show
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Getting tv show info for {0} [tvdb_id:{1}] on thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvdbShowSearchResult.Id));
                var tvdbShowInfo = TVDbAPI.GetShowInfo(tvdbShowSearchResult.Id.ToString());
                if (tvdbShowInfo == null)
                    UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to get show info for tv show {0} [tvdb_id:{1}] from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvdbShowSearchResult.Id), true);

                // we now have a list of episodes from thetvdb.com, we can use the IMDb Episode Title to lookup a tvdb ID
                var tvdbEpisodeInfo = tvdbShowInfo.Episodes.Find(e => e.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == tvEpisodeName.ToLowerInvariant());
                if (tvdbEpisodeInfo == null)
                    // we can also lookup by airDate if using a csv export file
                    if (episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cProvider].IsCSVExport())
                        string episodeAirDate = null;
                        episode.TryGetValue(IMDbFieldMapping.cReleaseDate, out episodeAirDate);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(episodeAirDate))
                            tvdbEpisodeInfo = tvdbShowInfo.Episodes.Find(e => e.AirDate == episodeAirDate);

                        // still no luck?
                        if (tvdbEpisodeInfo == null)
                            UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to get episode info for tv show {0} [tvdb_id:{1}] - {2} [AirDate:{3}] from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvdbShowSearchResult.Id, tvEpisodeName, episodeAirDate ?? "<empty>"), true);
                        if (tvdbEpisodeInfo == null)
                            UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to get episode info for tv show {0} [tvdb_id:{1}] - {2} from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvdbShowSearchResult.Id, tvEpisodeName), true);

                // Note: Web Parsing does not use the IMDb ID for the episode, only the show.
                //       we're also not setting the created date from the webrequest.
                var imdbEpisode = new IMDbEpisode
                    EpisodeName   = tvEpisodeName,
                    EpisodeNumber = tvdbEpisodeInfo.EpisodeNumber,
                    ImdbId        = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cProvider].IsCSVExport() ? episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cIMDbID] : null,
                    SeasonNumber  = tvdbEpisodeInfo.SeasonNumber,
                    ShowName      = tvShowName,
                    TvdbId        = tvdbEpisodeInfo.Id

                // we will convert this to the correct date format later
                if (episode.ContainsKey(IMDbFieldMapping.cCreated))
                    imdbEpisode.Created = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cCreated];
                if (episode.ContainsKey(IMDbFieldMapping.cAdded))
                    imdbEpisode.Created = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cAdded];

                if (episode.ContainsKey(IMDbFieldMapping.cRating))
                    imdbEpisode.Rating = string.IsNullOrEmpty(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cRating]) ? 0 : int.Parse(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cRating]);

                // return the episode
            catch (Exception e)
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to get episode info for '{0}' from thetvdb.com, Reason: '{1}'", episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle], e.Message), true);
        public static IMDbEpisode GetIMDbEpisodeFromTrakt(Dictionary <string, string> episode)
            if (IMDb.mImportCancelled)

                string tvEpisodeName = GetEpisodeName(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle]);
                string tvShowName    = GetShowName(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle]);
                string tvShowYear    = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cYear];
                string tvShowImdbId  = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cIMDbID];

                // get all seasons for show basis the tv show name (IMDb ID in CSV file is the episode ID and not show ID!)
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus($"Getting sesaon/episode summary for tv show {tvShowName} on trakt.tv");
                var searchResults = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetShowSeasons(tvShowName.ToSlug());

                if (searchResults == null)
                    UIUtils.UpdateStatus($"Failed to get season/episode summary for tv show {tvShowName.ToSlug()} on trakt.tv", true);

                // find the episode name in list of episodes from season summary
                var seasonInfo = searchResults.FirstOrDefault(s => s.Episodes.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Title.ToLowerInvariant() == tvEpisodeName.ToLowerInvariant()) != null);
                if (seasonInfo == null)
                    UIUtils.UpdateStatus($"Failed to find matching episode name {tvShowName}: {tvEpisodeName} in available season episodes on trakt.tv");

                // we know it exists already, so just query it
                var episodeInfo = seasonInfo.Episodes.FirstOrDefault(e => e.Title.ToLowerInvariant() == tvEpisodeName.ToLowerInvariant());

                var imdbEpisode = new IMDbEpisode
                    EpisodeName   = tvEpisodeName,
                    EpisodeNumber = (int)episodeInfo.Number,
                    ImdbId        = episodeInfo.Ids.ImdbId,
                    SeasonNumber  = (int)episodeInfo.Season,
                    ShowName      = tvShowName,
                    TraktId       = (int)episodeInfo.Ids.Trakt

                // we will convert this to the correct date format later
                if (episode.ContainsKey(IMDbFieldMapping.cCreated))
                    imdbEpisode.Created = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cCreated];
                if (episode.ContainsKey(IMDbFieldMapping.cAdded))
                    imdbEpisode.Created = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cAdded];

                if (episode.ContainsKey(IMDbFieldMapping.cRating))
                    imdbEpisode.Rating = string.IsNullOrEmpty(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cRating]) ? 0 : int.Parse(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cRating]);

                // return the episode
            catch (Exception e)
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus($"Failed to get episode info for '{episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle]}' from trakt.tv, Reason: '{e.Message}'", true);
        public static IMDbEpisode GetIMDbEpisodeFromTrakt <T>(T episode)
                string tvEpisodeName          = null;
                int?   tvEpisodeRating        = null;
                string tvEpisodeRatedAt       = null;
                string tvEpisodeWatchlistedAt = null;
                string tvEpisodeImdbId        = null;
                string tvShowName             = null;

                if (episode is IMDbRateItem)
                    tvShowName       = GetShowName((episode as IMDbRateItem).Title);
                    tvEpisodeName    = GetEpisodeName((episode as IMDbRateItem).Title);
                    tvEpisodeRating  = (episode as IMDbRateItem).MyRating;
                    tvEpisodeRatedAt = (episode as IMDbRateItem).RatedDate;
                    tvEpisodeImdbId  = (episode as IMDbRateItem).Id;
                else if (episode is IMDbListItem)
                    tvShowName             = GetShowName((episode as IMDbListItem).Title);
                    tvEpisodeName          = GetEpisodeName((episode as IMDbListItem).Title);
                    tvEpisodeWatchlistedAt = (episode as IMDbListItem).CreatedDate;
                    tvEpisodeImdbId        = (episode as IMDbListItem).Id;

                // get all seasons for show basis the tv show name
                // the IMDb ID in CSV file is the episode ID and not show ID!
                // the Year and Release Date is the episode Year and Release Date
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus($"Getting sesaon/episode summary for tv show '{tvShowName}' on trakt.tv");

                var searchResults = TraktAPI.TraktAPI.GetShowSeasons(tvShowName.ToSlug());
                if (searchResults == null)
                    UIUtils.UpdateStatus($"Failed to get season/episode summary for tv show {tvShowName.ToSlug()} on trakt.tv", true);

                // find the episode name in the list of episodes from the season summary
                // fallback to episode IMDb Id
                var seasonInfo = searchResults.FirstOrDefault(season => season?.Episodes.FirstOrDefault(ep => (ep.Title?.ToLowerInvariant() == tvEpisodeName.ToLowerInvariant()) ||
                                                                                                        (ep.Ids?.ImdbId == tvEpisodeImdbId)) != null);
                if (seasonInfo == null)
                    UIUtils.UpdateStatus($"Failed to find matching episode name '{tvShowName}: {tvEpisodeName} [{tvEpisodeImdbId}]' in available season episodes on trakt.tv");

                // we know it exists already, so just query it
                var episodeInfo = seasonInfo.Episodes.FirstOrDefault(e => (e.Title.ToLowerInvariant() == tvEpisodeName.ToLowerInvariant()) ||
                                                                     (e.Ids?.ImdbId == tvEpisodeImdbId));

                var imdbEpisode = new IMDbEpisode
                    EpisodeName   = episodeInfo.Title,
                    EpisodeNumber = (int)episodeInfo.Number,
                    SeasonNumber  = (int)episodeInfo.Season,
                    ShowName      = tvShowName,
                    TraktId       = (int)episodeInfo.Ids.Trakt,
                    Rating        = tvEpisodeRating ?? 0,
                    Created       = episode is IMDbRateItem ? tvEpisodeRatedAt : tvEpisodeWatchlistedAt

            catch (Exception e)
                string ep = episode is IMDbRateItem ? (episode as IMDbRateItem).Title : (episode as IMDbListItem).Title;

                UIUtils.UpdateStatus($"Failed to get episode info for '{ep}' from trakt.tv, Reason: '{e.Message}', StackTrace: '{e.StackTrace}'", true);
Example #4
        public static IMDbEpisode GetIMDbEpisodeFromTVDb(Dictionary<string, string> episode)
                string tvEpisodeName = GetEpisodeName(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle]);
                string tvShowName = GetShowName(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle]);
                string tvShowYear = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cYear];
                string tvShowImdbId = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cIMDbID];

                // search for the show
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus("Searching for tv show {0} on thetvdb.com", tvShowName);
                var searchResults = TVDbAPI.SearchShow(tvShowName);
                if (searchResults == null)
                    UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to search for tv show {0} from thetvdb.com", tvShowName), true);
                    return null;

                // get the first match that contains the same 'year'
                // only if we're using a csv export file
                var tvdbShowSearchResult = new TVDbShowSearch.Series();
                if (episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cProvider].IsCSVExport())
                    tvdbShowSearchResult = searchResults.Shows.Find(s => s.FirstAired != null && s.FirstAired.Contains(tvShowYear));
                    if (tvdbShowSearchResult == null)
                        UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to search for tv show {0} ({1}) from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvShowYear), true);
                        return null;
                    // the website populates the 'year' with the episode year (not show)
                    // so we can't use that for a show match.
                    // However, the website populates the IMDb using the IMDb ID of the show (not episode).
                    tvdbShowSearchResult = searchResults.Shows.Find(s => s.ImdbId != null && s.ImdbId == tvShowImdbId);
                    if (tvdbShowSearchResult == null)
                        UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to search for tv show {0} (imdb_id:{1}) from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvShowImdbId ?? "<empty>"), true);
                        return null;

                // get the show info for the given show
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Getting tv show info for {0} [tvdb_id:{1}] on thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvdbShowSearchResult.Id));
                var tvdbShowInfo = TVDbAPI.GetShowInfo(tvdbShowSearchResult.Id.ToString());
                if (tvdbShowInfo == null)
                    UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to get show info for tv show {0} [tvdb_id:{1}] from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvdbShowSearchResult.Id), true);
                    return null;

                // we now have a list of episodes from thetvdb.com, we can use the IMDb Episode Title to lookup a tvdb ID
                var tvdbEpisodeInfo = tvdbShowInfo.Episodes.Find(e => e.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == tvEpisodeName.ToLowerInvariant());
                if (tvdbEpisodeInfo == null)
                    // we can also lookup by airDate if using a csv export file
                    if (episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cProvider].IsCSVExport())
                        string episodeAirDate = null;
                        episode.TryGetValue(IMDbFieldMapping.cReleaseDate, out episodeAirDate);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(episodeAirDate))
                            tvdbEpisodeInfo = tvdbShowInfo.Episodes.Find(e => e.AirDate == episodeAirDate);

                        // still no luck?
                        if (tvdbEpisodeInfo == null)
                            UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to get episode info for tv show {0} [tvdb_id:{1}] - {2} [AirDate:{3}] from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvdbShowSearchResult.Id, tvEpisodeName, episodeAirDate ?? "<empty>"), true);
                            return null;
                        if (tvdbEpisodeInfo == null)
                            UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to get episode info for tv show {0} [tvdb_id:{1}] - {2} from thetvdb.com", tvShowName, tvdbShowSearchResult.Id, tvEpisodeName), true);
                            return null;

                // Note: Web Parsing does not use the IMDb ID for the episode, only the show.
                //       we're also not setting the created date from the webrequest.
                var imdbEpisode = new IMDbEpisode
                    Created = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cProvider].IsCSVExport() ? episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cCreated] : null,
                    EpisodeName = tvEpisodeName,
                    EpisodeNumber = tvdbEpisodeInfo.EpisodeNumber,
                    ImdbId = episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cProvider].IsCSVExport() ? episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cIMDbID] : null,
                    SeasonNumber = tvdbEpisodeInfo.SeasonNumber,
                    ShowName = tvShowName,
                    TvdbId = tvdbEpisodeInfo.Id

                if (episode.ContainsKey(IMDbFieldMapping.cRating))
                    imdbEpisode.Rating = string.IsNullOrEmpty(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cRating]) ? 0 : int.Parse(episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cRating]);

                // return the episode
                return imdbEpisode;
            catch (Exception e)
                UIUtils.UpdateStatus(string.Format("Failed to get episode info for '{0}' from thetvdb.com, Reason: '{1}'", episode[IMDbFieldMapping.cTitle], e.Message), true);
                return null;