Example #1
	public static byte[] EncodeToADPCM(AudioClip source, IMAADPCM.ADPCMState[] states = null)
		Debug.Log ("channels = " + source.channels);
		float[] data = new float[source.samples*source.channels];
		source.GetData(data, 0);
		IMAADPCM.ADPCMState state = new IMAADPCM.ADPCMState();
		state.valprev = 0;
		int count = source.samples;
		byte[] bytes = new byte[count/2];
		for (int i = 0; i < count/2; i++) 
			int m1 = i*2;
			int m2 = i*2+1;
			//samples en entrée
			short i1 = (short)(data[i*2+0]*32768f);
			short i2 = (short)(data[i*2+1]*32768f);
			if (m1%1017 == 0 && states != null)
				Debug.Log ("modulo1");
				int stateindex = m1/1017;
				states[stateindex].valprev = state.valprev;
				states[stateindex].index = state.index;
			byte b1 = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(i1, ref state);
			if (m2%1017 == 0 && states != null)
				Debug.Log ("modulo2");
				int stateindex = m2/1017;
				states[stateindex].valprev = state.valprev;
				states[stateindex].index = state.index;
			byte b2 = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(i2, ref state);
			//Debug.Log (""+b1+" " + b2);
			//bytes[i] = (byte)(b1*16+b2);
			bytes[i] = (byte)(b1*16+b2);
		return bytes;
Example #2
        public static MemoryStream encodeCompressedFromWAV(string source)
            WAVFile      wav = new WAVFile();
            MemoryStream ms  = new MemoryStream();

            wav.Open(source, WAVFile.WAVFileMode.READ);

            IMAADPCM.ADPCMState state = new IMAADPCM.ADPCMState();
            byte enc1, enc2;

            for (long i = 0; i < wav.NumSamples / 2; i++)
                enc1 = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(wav.GetNextSampleAs16Bit(), ref state);
                enc2 = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(wav.GetNextSampleAs16Bit(), ref state);
                ms.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(Utils.binaryString(enc2, 4) + Utils.binaryString(enc1, 4), 2)), 0, 1);

Example #3
        public static bool replaceSample(int sampleIndex, string path)
            long offset = IVAUDSingle.WIoffset[sampleIndex] + IVAUDSingle.headerSize;

            byte[] dataBefore = new byte[offset - IVAUDSingle.headerSize];
            byte[] dataAfter  = new byte[IVAUD.file.Length - (offset + IVAUDSingle.WInumSamplesInBytes_computed[sampleIndex])];

            //Get data between header and replaced sample
            IVAUD.file.Seek(IVAUDSingle.headerSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            IVAUD.file.Read(dataBefore, 0, dataBefore.Length);

            //Get data between replaced sample and eof
            IVAUD.file.Seek(offset + IVAUDSingle.WInumSamplesInBytes_computed[sampleIndex], SeekOrigin.Begin);
            IVAUD.file.Read(dataAfter, 0, dataAfter.Length);

            //Close file

            //Open WAV file and encode it
            WAVFile wav = new WAVFile();

            wav.Open(path, WAVFile.WAVFileMode.READ);

            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            IMAADPCM.ADPCMState state = new IMAADPCM.ADPCMState();
            //byte enc1, enc2;

            byte[] bytes     = new byte[2];
            int    loopValue = ((wav.DataSizeBytes - 8) / wav.BytesPerSample);

            /*Debug.WriteLine((((wav.DataSizeBytes - 8) / wav.BytesPerSample)) / 2);
             * Debug.WriteLine(wav.NumSamples / 2);
             * Debug.WriteLine((((wav.DataSizeBytes - 8) / wav.BytesPerSample)));
             * Debug.WriteLine(wav.NumSamples);*/

            //for (long i = 0; i < wav.NumSamples / 2; i++) {
            for (long i = 0; i < loopValue / 2; i++)
                bytes[0] = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(wav.GetNextSampleAs16Bit(), ref state);
                bytes[1] = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(wav.GetNextSampleAs16Bit(), ref state);
                ms.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(Utils.binaryString(bytes[1], 4) + Utils.binaryString(bytes[0], 4), 2)), 0, 1);

            long originalOffset = offset + IVAUDSingle.WInumSamplesInBytes_computed[sampleIndex];

            //Change header values
            IVAUDSingle.WInumSamplesInBytes[sampleIndex]          = (int)ms.Length;
            IVAUDSingle.WInumSamplesInBytes_computed[sampleIndex] = Utils.getPaddedSize(IVAUDSingle.WInumSamplesInBytes[sampleIndex]);
            IVAUDSingle.WInumSamples16Bit[sampleIndex]            = (int)(ms.Length * 2);
            IVAUDSingle.WIsamplerate[sampleIndex] = (ushort)wav.SampleRateHz;
            if (IVAUDSingle.WIHsize[sampleIndex] > 32)
                IVAUDSingle.WInumSamples16Bit2[sampleIndex] = (uint)(ms.Length * 2);

            //Change later offsets
            long newOffset    = offset + IVAUDSingle.WInumSamplesInBytes_computed[sampleIndex];
            long offsetChange = newOffset - originalOffset;

            for (int i = 0; i < IVAUDSingle.WIHoffset.Count; i++)
                if ((IVAUDSingle.WIoffset[i] + IVAUDSingle.headerSize) > offset)
                    IVAUDSingle.WIoffset[i] += offsetChange;


            //Get WAV data
            byte[] dataWAV = new byte[ms.Length];
            ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            ms.Read(dataWAV, 0, (int)ms.Length);

            //Write header
            FileStream fs = new FileStream(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") + "\\IVATB\\Current" + Utils.sessionID + ".tmp", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

            fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            if (!IVAUDSingle.write(fs))

            //Write before-data
            fs.Seek(IVAUDSingle.headerSize, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fs.Write(dataBefore, 0, dataBefore.Length);

            //Write sample
            fs.Seek(offset, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fs.Write(dataWAV, 0, dataWAV.Length);

            //Write after-data
            fs.Seek(offset + IVAUDSingle.WInumSamplesInBytes_computed[sampleIndex], SeekOrigin.Begin);
            fs.Write(dataAfter, 0, dataAfter.Length);

            //Fix file length if needed
            if (offsetChange < 0)
                fs.SetLength(fs.Length + offsetChange);


            //Replace the file
            //File.Copy(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") + "\\IVATB\\Replace" + Utils.sessionID + ".tmp", Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") + "\\IVATB\\Current" + Utils.sessionID + ".tmp", true);

            //Reload the file
            IVAUD.load(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("TEMP") + "\\IVATB\\Current" + Utils.sessionID + ".tmp");

Example #4
	public static byte[] GetADPCMWAVData(AudioClip clip, int maxsamples)
		Debug.Log ("maxsamples="+maxsamples);
		int headersize = 60;
		float[] fdata = new float[clip.samples*clip.channels];
		int rawdatasize = (clip.samples*clip.channels)/2;
		if (rawdatasize>maxsamples/2)
			rawdatasize = maxsamples/2;
		clip.GetData(fdata, 0);

		int 	SampleRate 			= 22050;
		int 	ByteRate 			= 11100;

		int blockalign = 1024; //taille d'un header ADPCM complet
		int blockdata = blockalign-4;//252;
		int blocks = rawdatasize/blockdata;
		int datasize = blocks * blockalign;
		//IMAADPCM.ADPCMState[] states = new IMAADPCM.ADPCMState[blocks+1];
		//for (int i=0;i<blocks;++i)
		//	states[i] = new IMAADPCM.ADPCMState();
		//byte[] data = EncodeToADPCM(record, states);
		uint totalsize = (uint)(datasize+headersize);
		Debug.Log ("total size = " + totalsize);
		byte[] total = new byte[totalsize];
		byte[] b = null;
		b = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("RIFF");
		b.CopyTo(total, 0);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(total.Length-8);
		b.CopyTo(total, 4);
		b = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("WAVE");
		b.CopyTo(total, 8);
		//fmt CHUNK =======================
		b = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("fmt ");
		b.CopyTo(total, 12);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(20); //taille du block fmt
		b.CopyTo(total, 16);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)17); //FORMAT 0x11=INA ADPCM (17) OK !!!
		//b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)57); 
		//b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)259); //FORMAT 0x11=INA ADPCM (17)
		b.CopyTo(total, 20);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)1); //CHANNELS OK !!!
		b.CopyTo(total, 22);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)SampleRate); //SR
		b.CopyTo(total, 24);
		//byte rate = SR/2 + overhead
		//b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)(22050*1/2)); //byte rate //SR*channels*2
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)(ByteRate)); //byte rate //SR*channels*2
		b.CopyTo(total, 28);
		//block align
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)blockalign); //2 : 16 bits mono 512 dans le fichier Audacity
		b.CopyTo(total, 32);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)4); //bits per samples, 4
		b.CopyTo(total, 34);
		//taille de la zone extended
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)2); 
		b.CopyTo(total, 36);
		int samplesperblock = (blockalign-4)*2+1;
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)samplesperblock);  //nombre de samples par bloc : (512-4)*2+1
		b.CopyTo(total, 38);
		b = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("fact");
		b.CopyTo(total, 40);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(4); //taille du block fact : 4 octets
		b.CopyTo(total, 44);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)datasize*2);  //nombre de samples au total
		b.CopyTo(total, 48);
		b = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("data");
		b.CopyTo(total, 52);
		b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)totalsize);
		b.CopyTo(total, 56);
		//on commence à header size
		//compression IMA ADPCM
		//Debug.Log("Samples per blocks = " + samplesperblock);
		IMAADPCM.ADPCMState state = new IMAADPCM.ADPCMState();
		state.valprev = 0;
		state.index = 0;
		int count = (blocks-1) * samplesperblock;
		int dest = 0;
		bool first = true;
		for (int s=0;s<count;++s) //pour tous les samples en entrée
			short input = (short)(fdata[s]*32768f);
			int m = s%samplesperblock;
			byte adpcm = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(input, ref state);
			if (m == 0)
				//premier sample du bloc
				//il faut écrire un header mais ne pas émettre normalement le sample
				//byte adpcm = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(input, ref state);
				//Debug.Log ("write adpcm header at dest " + dest + " first="+first + " vals " + state.valprev + " " + state.index);
				b = System.BitConverter.GetBytes(state.valprev);
				total[headersize+dest+0] = b[0];
				total[headersize+dest+1] = b[1];
				total[headersize+dest+2] = state.index;
				total[headersize+dest+3] = 0;//adpcm; //hack pour avoir quand même le nible dans le header NON ! semble poser un problème sur la box
				dest += 4;
				first = true;
				//byte adpcm = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(input, ref state);
				//byte adpcm = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(input, ref state);
				//cas normal, on écrit l'échantillon
				//byte adpcm = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(input, ref state);
				if (first)
					total[headersize+dest] = (byte)(adpcm);
					first = false;
					total[headersize+dest] += (byte)(adpcm*16);
					dest ++;
					first = true;
		return total;
Example #5
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //Debug test
            //args = (@"E:\Mijn documenten\Visual Studio 2010\ADPCMEncoder\~24000HZTEST.wav|test").Split(Convert.ToChar("|"));
            //args = (@"E:\Mijn documenten\Visual Studio 2010\ADPCMEncoder\TestFiles\LoadingSNOW.wav|test").Split(Convert.ToChar("|"));

            //Print header
            Console.WriteLine("IMA ADPCM Encoder");
            Console.WriteLine(" by Flitskikker");

            //Check args
            if (args.Length == 0)
                //No args
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: No command line arguments passed. Press any key to exit...");

            //Check file
            if (!File.Exists(args[0]))
                //File not found
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: File \"" + args[0] + "\" not found. Press any key to exit...");

            //Print file
            Console.WriteLine("File: " + args[0]);

            //Load file
            WAVFile wav = new WAVFile();

            wav.Open(args[0], WAVFile.WAVFileMode.READ);

            //Show WAV info
            Console.WriteLine("WAV Info:");
            Console.WriteLine("\tBits per sample:\t" + wav.BitsPerSample.ToString() + " bits");
            Console.WriteLine("\tBytes per sample:\t" + wav.BytesPerSample.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\tBytes per second:\t" + wav.BytesPerSec.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\tData size:\t\t" + wav.DataSizeBytes.ToString() + " bytes");
            Console.WriteLine("\tDuration:\t\t" + Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal((double)wav.NumSamples / (double)wav.SampleRateHz), 2).ToString() + " seconds (" + Utils.getDurationString(wav.NumSamples, wav.SampleRateHz) + ")");
            Console.WriteLine("\tEncoding type:\t\t" + wav.EncodingType.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\tFile size:\t\t" + wav.FileSizeBytes.ToString() + " bytes");
            Console.WriteLine("\t# of channels:\t\t" + wav.NumChannels.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\t# of samples:\t\t" + wav.NumSamples.ToString());
            Console.WriteLine("\tRIFF type:\t\t" + wav.RIFFTypeString);
            Console.WriteLine("\tSample Rate:\t\t" + wav.SampleRateHz.ToString() + " Hz");
            Console.WriteLine("\tWAV header:\t\t" + wav.WAVHeaderString);

            //Check bits
            if (wav.BitsPerSample != 16)
                //Not 16 bits
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: WAV should have 16 bits per sample. Press any key to exit...");

            //Check bytes per sample
            if (wav.BytesPerSample / wav.NumChannels != 2)
                //Not 2 bytes
                Console.WriteLine("ERROR: WAV should have (wav.NumChannels * 2) bytes per sample. Press any key to exit...");

            //Print message
            Console.WriteLine("Ready to go! Press any key when ready...");

            //Wait for input

            if (wav.NumChannels > 1)
                //Split channels
                Console.WriteLine("Saving separate channels...");

                List <WAVFile> wavs = new List <WAVFile>();

                for (int c = 0; c < wav.NumChannels; c++)
                    wavs.Add(new WAVFile());
                    wavs[c].Create(Path.GetDirectoryName(args[0]) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[0]) + "_" + (c + 1).ToString() + ".wav", false, wav.SampleRateHz, wav.BitsPerSample, true);

                int numSamplesCorrected = ((wav.DataSizeBytes - 8) / wav.BytesPerSample);

                //for (long i = 0; i < wav.NumSamples / wav.NumChannels; i++) {
                for (long i = 0; i < numSamplesCorrected; i++)
                    for (int c = 0; c < wav.NumChannels; c++)

                for (int c = 0; c < wav.NumChannels; c++)

            Console.WriteLine("Encoding file(s)...");

            IMAADPCM.ADPCMState state = new IMAADPCM.ADPCMState();
            WAVFile             cwav  = new WAVFile();
            int nc = wav.NumChannels;

            for (int c = 0; c < wav.NumChannels; c++)
                Console.WriteLine("Encoding file: " + Path.GetDirectoryName(args[0]) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[0]) + "_" + (c + 1).ToString() + ".bin");

                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
                cwav = new WAVFile();

                // Open splitted WAV
                if (wav.NumChannels > 1)
                    cwav.Open(Path.GetDirectoryName(args[0]) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[0]) + "_" + (c + 1).ToString() + ".wav", WAVFile.WAVFileMode.READ_WRITE);
                    cwav = wav;
                    //cwav.Open(args[0], WAVFile.WAVFileMode.READ_WRITE);

                byte[] bytes     = new byte[2];
                int    loopValue = ((cwav.DataSizeBytes - 8) / cwav.BytesPerSample);

                //Actual encode
                for (long i = 0; i < loopValue / 2; i++)
                    bytes[0] = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(cwav.GetNextSampleAs16Bit(), ref state);
                    bytes[1] = IMAADPCM.encodeADPCM(cwav.GetNextSampleAs16Bit(), ref state);
                    ms.Write(BitConverter.GetBytes(Convert.ToInt32(Utils.binaryString(bytes[1], 4) + Utils.binaryString(bytes[0], 4), 2)), 0, 1);

                //Get WAV data
                byte[] dataWAV = new byte[ms.Length];
                ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                ms.Read(dataWAV, 0, (int)ms.Length);

                //Create file
                FileStream fs = new FileStream(Path.GetDirectoryName(args[0]) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(args[0]) + "_" + (c + 1).ToString() + ".bin", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);

                //Write sample
                fs.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                fs.Write(dataWAV, 0, dataWAV.Length);


                if (nc == 1)

            //Close WAV file

            //Print message
            Console.WriteLine("Done! Press any key to exit...");

            //Wait for input
