public static bool AddParsedSubObjectReplacement(IListControl ctl, object obj) { if (obj is FixedListItem) { switch (((FixedListItem)obj).Position) { case FixedListItemPosition.First: ctl.FixedItemsFirst.Add(obj); break; case FixedListItemPosition.Last: ctl.FixedItemsLast.Add(obj); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid FixedListItem position."); } return(true); } else if (obj is ListItem) { ctl.Items.Add((ListItem)obj); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
public static bool AddParsedSubObjectReplacement(IListControl ctl, object obj) { if (obj is FixedListItem) { switch (((FixedListItem) obj).Position) { case FixedListItemPosition.First: ctl.FixedItemsFirst.Add(obj); break; case FixedListItemPosition.Last: ctl.FixedItemsLast.Add(obj); break; default: throw new InvalidOperationException("Invalid FixedListItem position."); } return true; } else if (obj is ListItem) { ctl.Items.Add((ListItem) obj); return true; } else return false; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { int entityTypeValue = 0; Int32.TryParse(Request.QueryString["EntityType"], out entityTypeValue); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(EntityType), entityTypeValue)) { _selectedEntityType = (EntityType)entityTypeValue; _entityTypeDefined = true; } if (_entityTypeDefined) { // load list control for given entity. Control controlToAdd = Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/List" + GeneralUtils.EntityTypeToEntityName(_selectedEntityType) + "Instances.ascx"); _lister = controlToAdd as IListControl; if (_lister != null) { phListControls.Controls.Add(controlToAdd); } phListArea.Visible = false; // load search control controlToAdd = Page.LoadControl("~/Controls/Search" + GeneralUtils.EntityTypeToEntityName(_selectedEntityType) + ".ascx"); _searcher = controlToAdd as ISearchControl; if (_searcher != null) { _searcher.AllowSingleEntitySearches = false; _searcher.AllowMultiEntitySearches = true; _searcher.SearchClicked += new EventHandler(searcher_SearchClicked); phSearchControls.Controls.Add(controlToAdd); phSearchArea.Visible = true; } bool?showSearchArea = (bool?)ViewState["showSearchArea"]; if (showSearchArea.HasValue) { // stored in viewstate, show the correct area. phSearchArea.Visible = showSearchArea.Value; phListArea.Visible = !showSearchArea.Value; } } if (!Page.IsPostBack) { if (_entityTypeDefined) { this.Title += _selectedEntityType.ToString() + " instances"; lblEntityName.Text = GeneralUtils.EntityTypeToEntityName(_selectedEntityType); } // check for user info if (SessionHelper.GetUserID() == string.Empty) { Response.Redirect("Login.aspx"); } } }
/// <summary> /// Construcst the SelectorControlBinder with the Selector Control. /// </summary> /// <param name="listControl"></param> public HabaneroSelectorControlBinder(TControlType listControl) { _controlAdaptorFactory = new WinFormsControlAdaptorFactory(); ControlBinders = new List <HabaneroControlBinder <TBo> >(); _lstControl = _controlAdaptorFactory.GetHabaneroControl(listControl) as IListControl; _selectorManager = CreateBoColSelector(ListControl); _selectorManager.BusinessObjectSelected += OnBusinessObjectSelected; }
public virtual void DrawItemImage(IListControl parent, ListControlDrawItemEventArgs e) { if (e.Image == null) { return; } Size size = e.Image.Size; e.Graphics.DrawImage(e.Image, e.Bounds.Left + e.Offset, e.Bounds.Top + (e.Bounds.Height - size.Height) / 2, size.Width, size.Height); e.Offset += size.Width + parent.Padding.Left; }
public virtual SizeF MeasureItem(IListControl parent, Graphics g, ImageComboItem item) { TextFormatFlags flags = GetFlags(parent, item.Text); SizeF sizeF1 = TextRenderer.MeasureText(g, item.Text, parent.Font, parent.ClientSize, flags); SizeF sizeF2 = item.Image != null ? item.Image.Size : SizeF.Empty; if (sizeF1.Height < (double)parent.DefaultItemHeight) { sizeF1.Height = parent.DefaultItemHeight; } return(new SizeF(Math.Max(sizeF1.Width, sizeF2.Width), Math.Max(Math.Max(sizeF1.Height, sizeF2.Height), parent.DefaultItemHeight))); }
public virtual void DrawItemBackground(IListControl parent, ListControlDrawItemEventArgs e) { using ( Brush brush = new SolidBrush(!EnumExtensions.HasFlag(e.State, DrawItemState.HotLight) || EnumExtensions.HasFlag(e.State, DrawItemState.Selected) || !AllowHotTrack ? (!parent.Enabled || EnumExtensions.HasFlag(e.State, DrawItemState.Selected) ? (!parent.Enabled || !parent.IsDroppedDown && parent.HideSelection && (!EnumExtensions.HasFlag(e.State, DrawItemState.Focus) && parent.FullRowSelect) ? SystemColors.Control : parent.HighlightBackColor) : parent.BackColor) : parent.HotTrackColor)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, e.Bounds); }
public virtual void DrawItemText(IListControl parent, ListControlDrawItemEventArgs e) { int num = Math.Max(2, parent.Padding.Right); int width = e.Bounds.Width - (e.Offset + num); TextFormatFlags flags = GetFlags(parent, e.Item.Text); var rectangle = new Rectangle(e.Bounds.X + e.Offset, e.Bounds.Y, TextRenderer.MeasureText(e.Graphics, e.Item.Text, e.Font, new Size(width, e.Bounds.Height)).Width + num, e.Bounds.Height); if (rectangle.Width > width) { rectangle.Width = width; } Color foreColor; if (EnumExtensions.HasFlag(e.State, DrawItemState.Selected)) { Color color; if (!parent.IsDroppedDown && parent.HideSelection && !EnumExtensions.HasFlag(e.State, DrawItemState.Focus)) { color = SystemColors.Control; foreColor = parent.ForeColor; } else { color = parent.HighlightBackColor; foreColor = parent.HighlightForeColor; } if (!parent.FullRowSelect) { using (Brush brush = new SolidBrush(color)) e.Graphics.FillRectangle(brush, rectangle); } } else { foreColor = parent.Enabled ? parent.ForeColor : SystemColors.GrayText; } TextRenderer.DrawText(e.Graphics, e.Item.Text, e.Font, rectangle, foreColor, flags); if (!EnumExtensions.HasFlag(e.State, DrawItemState.Focus) || EnumExtensions.HasFlag(e.State, DrawItemState.NoFocusRect)) { return; } ControlPaint.DrawFocusRectangle(e.Graphics, parent.FullRowSelect ? e.Bounds : rectangle); }
public static void InsertFixedItems(IListControl ctl) { int i = 0; int prevIndex = (ctl is DropDownList ? ((DropDownList) ctl).SelectedIndex : -1); foreach (FixedListItem li in ctl.FixedItemsFirst) { ListItem newItem = new ListItem(li.Text, li.Value); newItem.Selected = false; ctl.Items.Insert(i++, newItem); } foreach (FixedListItem li in ctl.FixedItemsLast) { ListItem newItem = new ListItem(li.Text, li.Value); newItem.Selected = false; ctl.Items.Add(newItem); } if (ctl is DropDownList) ((DropDownList) ctl).SelectedIndex = prevIndex + i; }
protected virtual TextFormatFlags GetFlags(IListControl parent, string text) { TextFormatFlags textFormatFlags1 = TextFormatFlags.NoPrefix | TextFormatFlags.VerticalCenter | TextFormatFlags.WordEllipsis; TextFormatFlags textFormatFlags2; if (!parent.WordWrap) { if (text.IndexOfAny(new char[2] { '\n', '\r' }) == -1) { textFormatFlags2 = textFormatFlags1 | TextFormatFlags.SingleLine; goto label_4; } } textFormatFlags2 = textFormatFlags1 | TextFormatFlags.WordBreak; label_4: return(textFormatFlags2); }
private Control GetEditControl(PropertyInfo property, ModulePropertyAttribute attribute) { string name = property.Name; if (PropertyValues.ContainsKey(name)) { attribute.DefaultValue = PropertyValues[name]; } PortalControl editControl = attribute.GetEditControl(property.PropertyType); editControl.ID = name; string value = Context.Request.Form[name]; if (value != null) { ITextControl textControl = editControl as ITextControl; if (textControl != null) { textControl.Text = value; return(editControl); } IListControl listControl = editControl as IListControl; if (listControl != null) { ListItem item = listControl.Items.FindByValue(value); if (item != null) { item.Selected = true; } return(editControl); } } return(editControl); }
public static void InsertFixedItems(IListControl ctl) { int i = 0; int prevIndex = (ctl is DropDownList ? ((DropDownList)ctl).SelectedIndex : -1); foreach (FixedListItem li in ctl.FixedItemsFirst) { ListItem newItem = new ListItem(li.Text, li.Value); newItem.Selected = false; ctl.Items.Insert(i++, newItem); } foreach (FixedListItem li in ctl.FixedItemsLast) { ListItem newItem = new ListItem(li.Text, li.Value); newItem.Selected = false; ctl.Items.Add(newItem); } if (ctl is DropDownList) { ((DropDownList)ctl).SelectedIndex = prevIndex + i; } }
protected ListControl(Generator g, Type type, bool initialize = true) : base(g, type, initialize) { handler = (IListControl)base.Handler; }
internal /*public*/ ListDataHelper(IListControl parent, StateBag parentViewState) { _parent = parent; _parentViewState = parentViewState; }
public virtual void Bind(IListControl parent) { }
public NormalizeControlNames(IListControl ctl) : this((Control) ctl) { }
public NormalizeControlNames(IListControl ctl) : this((Control)ctl) { }