public ActionResult AddToCart(ShirtVariation currentContent, decimal Quantity, string Monogram)
            // ToDo: (lab D1) add a LineItem to the Cart
            var cart     = _orderRepository.LoadOrCreateCart <ICart>(PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId(), "Default");
            var cartItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().SingleOrDefault(item => item.Code == currentContent.Code);

            if (cartItem == null)
                cartItem          = _orderGroupFactory.CreateLineItem(currentContent.Code, cart);
                cartItem.Quantity = Quantity;
                cartItem.Quantity += Quantity;

            var validLineItem = _lineItemValidator.Validate(cartItem, cart.MarketId, (item, issue) => { });

            if (validLineItem)
                cartItem.Properties["Monogram"] = Monogram;

            // if we want to redirect
            ContentReference cartRef  = _contentLoader.Get <StartPage>(ContentReference.StartPage).Settings.cartPage;
            CartPage         cartPage = _contentLoader.Get <CartPage>(cartRef);
            var    name         = cartPage.Name;
            var    lang         = ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture;
            string passingValue = cart.Name;

            // go to the cart page, if needed
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", lang + "/" + name, new { passedAlong = passingValue }));
Example #2
        private ILineItem GetOrAdjustLineItem(ICart cart, string code, decimal quantity, string monogram)
            var item = cart.GetAllLineItems()
                       .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Code.Equals(code, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase));

            if (item != null)
                item.Quantity += quantity;
                item          = _orderGroupFactory.CreateLineItem(code, cart);
                item.Quantity = quantity;

                if (_lineItemValidator.Validate(item, cart.Market, (i, issue) => { }))

            item.Properties["Monogram"] = monogram;
        public ActionResult AddToCart
            (ShirtVariation currentContent, decimal Quantity, string Monogram) //
            // New
            var cart = _orderRepository.LoadOrCreateCart <ICart>(
                PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId(), "Default");


            // new line, check in TrousersController
            cart.Properties["SpecialShip"] = false;

            string code = currentContent.Code;

            var lineItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Code == code);

            if (lineItem == null)
                lineItem          = _orderGroupFactory.CreateLineItem(code, cart);
                lineItem.Quantity = Quantity;

                    (lineItem, GetContact(), _currentMarket.GetCurrentMarket().MarketId, cart.Currency
                    , (lineItemToValidate, ValidationIssue) => { });

                // older
                var justChecking = lineItem.GetDiscountedPrice(cart.Currency);

                // new, just a check
                var dd = _promotionEngine.Evaluate(currentContent.ContentLink);
                if (dd.Count() != 0)
                    var ddd = dd.First().SavedAmount;
                    var ddd = 0;

                //ILineItemDiscountAmount lineItemDiscountAmount = null;
                //lineItemDiscountAmount.EntryAmount = 10;


                // new - need the RewardDescriptions as well
                // don't get the discount for the first LI...?
                lineItem.Quantity += Quantity;

            ccService.CheckOnLineItem(currentContent, lineItem);

            // new
            var d = lineItem.GetEntryDiscount();

            #region Could be more pro-active - checking Market & Inventory before adding the LI

            var validationIssues = new Dictionary <ILineItem, ValidationIssue>();
            var validLineItem    = _lineItemValidator.Validate(lineItem, _currentMarket.GetCurrentMarket().MarketId
                                                               , (item, issue) => ValidationIssuesClassLevel.Add(item, issue));

            // crash here if the previous lines fond issues... like "not in market"
            cart.ValidateOrRemoveLineItems((item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue));


            if (validLineItem)
                // not good, the SDK says

                /* -- Line item calculator --
                 * The LineItemCalculator calculates a line item's extended price
                 *   and discounted price.Extended price. Includes order-level discount amount
                 *   (spread over all line items in the shipment) and any line item discount amount.
                 * Discounted price. Only calculates the price with the "line item discount amount,"
                 * that is, the discount for a specific item.*/

                // ...have to do something like this for now - out-commented for now
                //LineItem li = (LineItem)lineItem;
                //li.LineItemDiscountAmount = (decimal)Session["SavedMoney"]; // ...and it gets into CM

                // doesn't seem "to bite"
                //lineItem.Properties["LineItemDiscountAmount"] = (decimal)Session["SavedMoney"];
                //InMemoryLineItem memLI = (InMemoryLineItem)lineItem;

                lineItem.Properties["Monogram"] = Monogram;
                lineItem.Properties["RequireSpecialShipping"] = currentContent.RequireSpecialShipping;

                // Below - need to set the cart.Properties["SpecialShip"] = false; ... it's null now
                // Bug in 11, rewritten for now

                // new October 2017 - gives the discount set properly in the cart
                IEnumerable <RewardDescription> discounts = cart.ApplyDiscounts();


                // dummy for now... RoCe: Fix
                Session["SecondPayment"] = false;

            string passingValue = cart.Name; // if needed, send something along

            ContentReference cartRef = _contentLoader.Get <StartPage>(ContentReference.StartPage).Settings.cartPage;

            // get to the cart page, if needed
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { node = cartRef, routedData = passingValue }));

            #region Checking on Redirects/Transfers
            // workaround for RedirectToAction (as we do from Cart --> CheckOut)... doesn´t work at the moment from ECF-pages
            //Url url = _urlResolver.GetUrl(cartRef);
            //CartPage cartPage = _contentLoader.Get<CartPage>(cartRef);
            //var lang2 = ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture;
            //var name = cartPage.Name;

            //return RedirectToAction("Index", lang2 + "/" + name, new { passedAlong = passingValue }); // Change this in "Fund"
            //return RedirectToAction("Index", "en/Cart", new { passedAlong = passingValue }); // works
            //string passingValue = ch.Cart.Name; // if needed, the cart for example
            //return RedirectToAction("Index", new { node = theRef, passedAlong = passingValue }); // nothing is happening

            //return (ActionResult)View(model); //nope

            //return RedirectToAction("Index", new { node = theRef, passedAlong = passingValue }); // njet
            //Server.Transfer("http://localhost:49918" + _urlResolver.GetUrl(theRef.ToPageReference())); // njet

            //return RedirectToAction("Index", new { node = theRef.ToPageReference(), passedAlong = passingValue });
            //return RedirectToRoute()

            //              return  RedirectToAction( new RouteValueDictionary()
            //     new{
            //          "controller" = Blah,
            //          "action" = Blah,
            //          "foo" = “Bar”
            //     }

            // var x = HttpContext.Server.TransferRequest("");
            // Response.Redirect(_urlResolver.GetUrl(theRef)); // OK

            //return RedirectToAction("Index",url.Uri.OriginalString , new { passedAlong = passingValue });  // nope

            //return null;

Example #4
        public ActionResult AddToCart(ShirtVariation currentContent, decimal Quantity, string Monogram)
            // LoadOrCreateCart - in EPiServer.Commerce.Order.IOrderRepositoryExtensions
            var cart = _orderRepository.LoadOrCreateCart <ICart>(
                PrincipalInfo.CurrentPrincipal.GetContactId(), "Default");

            //cart.  // ...have a look at all the extension methods

            string code = currentContent.Code;

            // Manually checking - could have a look at the InventoryRecord - properties
            // ...could be part of an optional lab in Fund
            IWarehouse      wh  = _whRep.GetDefaultWarehouse();
            InventoryRecord rec = _invService.Get(code, wh.Code);

            // ... can get: Sequence contains more than one matching element...
            // ...when we have two different lineitems for the same SKU
            // Use when the cart is empty/one LI for SKU with Qty --> no crash
            var lineItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().SingleOrDefault(x => x.Code == code);


            // Below works for the same SKU on different LineItems... Changing back for the Fund
            //var lineItem = cart.GetAllLineItems().First(x => x.Code == code); // Changed to this for multiple LI with the same code - crash if no cart

            // ECF 12 changes - market.MarketId
            IMarket market = _currentMarket.GetCurrentMarket();

            if (lineItem == null)
                lineItem          = _orderFactory.CreateLineItem(code, cart);
                lineItem.Quantity = Quantity; // gets this as an argument for the method

                // ECF 12 changes - market.MarketId
                    (lineItem, GetContact(), market.MarketId, cart.Currency,
                    (lineItemToValidate, validation) => { }); // does not take care of the messages here

                // Qty increases ... no new LineItem ...
                // original for Fund.
                lineItem.Quantity += Quantity; // need an update
                // maybe do price validation here too

            // Validations
            var validationIssues = new Dictionary <ILineItem, ValidationIssue>();

            // ECF 12 changes - market.MarketId
            // RoCe - This needs to be updated to get the message out + Lab-steps added...
            var validLineItem = _lineItemValidator.Validate(lineItem, market.MarketId, (item, issue) => { });

            cart.ValidateOrRemoveLineItems((item, issue) => validationIssues.Add(item, issue), _lineItemValidator);
            //var someIssue = validationIssues.First().Value;

            if (validLineItem) // We're happy
                // If MDP - error when adding, may need to reset IIS as the model has changed
                //    when adding/removing the MetaField in CM
                lineItem.Properties["Monogram"] = Monogram;


            ContentReference cartRef     = _contentLoader.Get <StartPage>(ContentReference.StartPage).Settings.CartPage;
            ContentReference cartPageRef = EPiServer.Web.SiteDefinition.Current.StartPage;
            CartPage         cartPage    = _contentLoader.Get <CartPage>(cartRef);
            var name = cartPage.Name;
            var lang = ContentLanguage.PreferredCulture;

            string passingValue = cart.Name; // if something is needed

            //return RedirectToAction("Index", new { node = theRef, passedAlong = passingValue }); // Doesn't work
            return(RedirectToAction("Index", lang + "/" + name, new { passedAlong = passingValue })); // Works