Example #1
            public static void UpdateBalls(Vector3 center, ILPoints balls, ILOutArray <float> velocity, bool addBalls)
                using (ILScope.Enter()) {
                    ILArray <float> position = balls.Positions.Storage;
                    ILArray <float> colors   = balls.Colors.Storage;
                    if (addBalls)
                        // increase number of balls (this is very inefficient!)
                        position[full, r(end + 1, end + 10)] = tosingle(randn(3, 10));
                        colors[full, r(end + 1, end + 10)]   = tosingle(rand(4, 10));
                        velocity[full, r(end + 1, end + 10)] = tosingle(randn(3, 10));
                    ILArray <float> d    = array <float>(center.X, center.Y, center.Z);
                    ILArray <float> off  = position * 0.1f;
                    ILArray <float> dist = sqrt(sum(position * position));
                    ILArray <int> where   = find(dist < 0.2f);
                    velocity[full, where] = velocity[full, where]
                                            + tosingle(rand(3, where.Length)) * 0.2f;
                    dist.a     = position - d;
                    off.a      = off + dist * -0.02f / sqrt(sum(dist * dist));
                    velocity.a = velocity * 0.95f - off;
                    balls.Positions.Update(position + velocity * 0.12f);
                    ILArray <float> Zs = abs(position[end, full]);

                    colors[end, full] = Zs / maxall(Zs) * 0.7f + 0.3f;
Example #2
            /// <summary>
            /// computes normalized magnitudes out of raw samples
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="buffer">sample buffer from naudio</param>
            /// <param name="buffLen">number of samples</param>
            /// <param name="fftLen">number of samples for fft </param>
            /// <param name="MaxValue">[output] index of maximum magnitude value</param>
            /// <returns>normalized magnitudes (for Y axis)</returns>
            public static ILRetArray <float> GetMagnitudes(byte[] buffer, int buffLen, int fftLen, ILOutArray <int> MaxValue)
                using (ILScope.Enter()) {
                    // how many samples returned from naudio?
                    int newSampleLen = Math.Min(buffLen / 2, fftLen);
                    // create a temporary array for the samples
                    ILArray <float> tmp = zeros <float>(fftLen, 1);

                    // transfer byte[] buffer to temp array
                    for (int s = 0; s < newSampleLen; s++)
                        tmp.SetValue((short)(buffer[s * 2 + 1] << 8 | buffer[s * 2]), s);

                    // transform into frequency domain, we use a simple cosine window here
                    ILArray <float> cosWin = sin(pif * counter <float>(0f, 1f, tmp.Length, 1) / (tmp.Length - 1));
                    //ILArray<float> hamm = (0.54f - 0.46f * cos(2f * pif * counter<float>(0f,1f,ret.Length,1)/ (ret.Length - 1)));

                    // compute the magnitudes, keep relevant part only
                    tmp.a = abs(fft(tmp * cosWin)[r(0, end / 2 + 1)]);
                    // some poor mans high pass filter
                    if (tmp.Length > 20)
                        tmp["0:20"] = tmp[20];

                    // compute max values
                    ILArray <int>   maxTmpId = 0; // -> we do want the indices
                    ILArray <float> maxTmp   = sort(tmp, Indices: maxTmpId, descending: true);
                    // assign to output parameter
                    MaxValue.a = maxTmpId["0:4"];
                    // return magnitudes Y values
Example #3
        // the callback from naudio
        void waveInStream_DataAvailable(object sender, WaveInEventArgs e)
            if (m_shutdown)
            using (ILScope.Enter()) {
                // prepare variables for requesting X values and the index of the maximum value
                ILArray <int> maxID = 1;
                // convert the recorded samples in computation module:
                ILArray <float> Y = Computation.GetMagnitudes(e.Buffer, e.BytesRecorded, m_fftlen, maxID);
                // update the line shape
                // update the marker point
                ILArray <float> markerPoints = ILMath.zeros <float>(2, maxID.S[0]);
                markerPoints[0, ":"] = ILMath.tosingle(maxID);
                markerPoints[1, ":"] = Y[maxID];

                // on the first only run we zoom to content
                if (m_startup)
                    m_startup = false;
                    ilPanel1.Scene.First <ILPlotCube>().Reset();
                // redraw the scene
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Computes FFT for the given sampleset.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Samples">Sampleset on which to compute a FFT</param>
        public FFT(List <double> Samples, List <BandFrequencyDefinition> CustomBands = null)
            using (ILScope.Enter())
                ILInArray <double>   inArr  = Samples.ToArray();
                ILRetArray <complex> output = ILMath.fft(inArr);
                rawFFTOutput = output.ToArray();


            if (CustomBands != null)
                foreach (BandFrequencyDefinition customBand in CustomBands)
        public static List <Item> fastSort(List <Item> unsorted)
            //double [] values = unsorted.ConvertAll<double>(item => item.Value).ToArray();

            //// maybe more efficient? safes O(n) run
            //double[] values = new double[unsorted.Count];
            //for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) {
            //    values[i] = unsorted[i].Value;
            using (ILScope.Enter()) {
                // convert incoming
                ILArray <double> doubles    = zeros(unsorted.Count);
                double[]         doublesArr = doubles.GetArrayForWrite();
                for (int i = 0; i < doubles.Length; i++)
                    doublesArr[i] = unsorted[i].Value;
                // do fast sort
                ILArray <double> indices = empty();
                doubles = sort(doubles, Indices: indices);
                // convert outgoing
                List <Item> ret = new List <Item>(unsorted.Count);
                foreach (double i in indices)
Example #6
 protected void DoNessesaryMagicForStartUp()
     Load += (sender, args) =>
         using (ILScope.Enter())
             Clock.Running = true;
Example #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Create some test data for plotting
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="ang">end angle for a spiral</param>
 /// <param name="resolution">number of points to plot</param>
 /// <returns>3d data matrix for plotting, points in columns</returns>
 public static ILRetArray <float> CreateData(int ang, int resolution)
     using (ILScope.Enter())
         ILArray <float> A   = linspace <float>(0, ang * pi, resolution);
         ILArray <float> Pos = zeros <float>(3, A.S[1]);
         Pos["0;:"] = sin(A);
         Pos["1;:"] = cos(A);
         Pos["2;:"] = A;
 public static ILRetCell DBQuery()
     using (ILScope.Enter()) {
         // prepare return cell
         ILCell ret = cell(size(2, 2));
         // todo: fetch data from db and replace below example data
         ret[0, 0] = "header_1";
         ret[1, 0] = "header_2";
         ret[0, 1] = rand(100, 200);
         ret[1, 1] = ones <float>(2, 3000);
        public void Update(ILInArray <double> A)
            using (ILScope.Enter(A))
                var plot = ilPanel1.Scene.First <ILLinePlot>(tag: "mylineplot");
                if (plot != null)


 static void Main(string[] args)
     using (ILScope.Enter()) {
         ILCell data = Helper.DBQuery();
         // data is:
         //Cell [2,2]
         //[0]: <String>           header 1  <Double> [100,200]
         //[1]: <String>           header 2  <Single> [2,3000]
         // store into mat file
         ILMatFile mat  = new ILMatFile();
         var       key1 = (string)data.GetArray <string>(0, 0);
         mat.AddArray(data.GetArray <double>(0, 1), key1);     // stores rand(100,200) as key: "header1"
         // proceed with other columns...
         // write mat file
        public static List <Item> makeData(int n)
            List <Item> ret = new List <Item>(n);

            using (ILScope.Enter()) {
                ILArray <double> A      = rand(1, n);
                double[]         values = A.GetArrayForRead();
                for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                    ret.Add(new Item()
                        Value = values[i]
Example #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Example update function used for dynamic updates to the plot
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="A">New data, matching the requirements of your plot</param>
        public void Update(ILInArray <double> A)
            using (ILScope.Enter(A))
                // fetch a reference to the plot
                var plot = ilPanel1.Scene.First <ILLinePlot>(tag: "mylineplot");
                if (plot != null)
                    // make sure, to convert elements to float
                    // ... do more manipulations here ...

                    // finished with updates? -> Call Configure() on the changes

                    // cause immediate redraw of the scene
        /// <summary>
        /// This methids creates a system array based on an ILNumerics array.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The type of the objects stored in the array.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="A">The ILNumerics array.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the newly created system array contain the values of the ILNumerics array.</returns>
        private static System.Array toSystemMatrix <T>(ILInArray <T> A)
            using (ILScope.Enter(A))
                // some error checking (to be improved...)
                if (object.Equals(A, null))
                    throw new ArgumentException("A may not be null");
                if (!A.IsMatrix)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Matrix expected");

                // create return array
                System.Array ret = Array.CreateInstance(typeof(T), A.S.ToIntArray().Reverse().ToArray());
                // fetch underlying system array
                T[] workArr = A.GetArrayForRead();
                // copy memory block
                Buffer.BlockCopy(workArr, 0, ret, 0, Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(T)) * A.S.NumberOfElements);
Example #14
        private void StartBtn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //string f = FunctionSelectionCombo.SelectedItem.ToString();
            //if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(funkcja)&&!funkcja.Equals("Proszę wybrać funkcję do optymalizacji"))
            //  ileCzastek = Convert.ToInt16(ParticleQuantityUpDown.Value);
            // maxEpochs = Convert.ToInt16(MaxEpochUpDown.Value);
            // optymalizacja = new PSO(dziedzinyFunkcji[funkcja], ileCzastek, maxEpochs, funkcja);
            //  MessageBox.Show(string.Format("Znalezione minimum to {0} z błędem {1}", PSO.PSOSolution().Item1, PSO.PSOSolution().Item2),"Rezultat optymalizacji",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);
            // }
            // else MessageBox.Show("Nie wybrano funkcji do optymalizacji","BŁĄD!",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Error);

            // instrukcja do przycisku start
            List <Populacja> tmp = new PSO(numberIterations, inertiaw, c1, c2, r1r2, linearinertia).PSOALG(population);


            animace = new Thread(ShowParticleMove);
            animace.IsBackground = true;
            if (thesame == true)
                resetB.Enabled = true;

            double[] tab      = new double[testnumber];
            float[]  sum      = new float[numberIterations];
            float[]  best     = new float[numberIterations];
            float[]  worst    = new float[numberIterations];
            float[]  bgfworst = new float[numberIterations];
            float[]  bgfbest  = new float[numberIterations];
            float[]  bgfav    = new float[numberIterations];

            float[] globalmin     = new float[testnumber];
            double  wynik         = 0;
            double  bestresult    = 0;
            double  worstresult   = 0;
            double  percentsucess = 0;
            double  tmpbest       = 0;
            double  tmpworst      = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < testnumber; ++i)
                population = new Populacja(PopulationSize, dim, Funkcje.FunctionName.type);
                population.SetRangeOfPopulation(Funkcje.FunctionName.type, error);

                //List<Populacja> tmp = new PSO(numberIterations, inertiaw, c1, c2, r1r2, linearinertia).PSOALG(population);//numberIterations, inertiaw
                tab[i]       = tmp.Min((x => x.NajlepszaFitness)); //tablica wartości wyników-z tego obliczyc % sukcesów
                wynik       += tab[i];
                globalmin[i] = (float)tmp.Min((x => x.NajlepszaFitness));

                if (Math.Abs(tab[i] - tmp.First().min) < tmp.First().exitError)

                if (i == 0)
                    tmpbest  = tab[i];
                    tmpworst = tab[i];
                int popnumber = 0;

                foreach (Populacja pop in tmp)
                    float b = 0;
                    float c = 0;

                    bgfav[popnumber] += (float)pop.NajlepszaFitness / testnumber;

                    var scene = new ILScene();
                    scene.Screen.First <ILLabel>().Visible = false;

                    foreach (Particle item in pop.population)
                        // MessageBox.Show(a.Length.ToString()+"  " +tmp.populationSize.ToString());
                        b += (float)item.fitnessValue;
                    c = (b / pop.population.Count) / testnumber;
                    sum[popnumber] += c;
                    if (tab[i] <= tmpbest)
                        best[popnumber]    = b / pop.population.Count;
                        bgfbest[popnumber] = (float)pop.NajlepszaFitness;
                        bestresult         = pop.NajlepszaFitness;
                        tmpbest            = tab[i];

                    if (tab[i] >= tmpworst)
                        worst[popnumber]    = b / pop.population.Count;
                        bgfworst[popnumber] = (float)pop.NajlepszaFitness;
                        worstresult         = pop.NajlepszaFitness;
                        tmpworst            = tab[i];

            frm.richTextBox1.AppendText("Średnie wartości funkci: " + wynik / testnumber + "\n" + "\n");
            frm.richTextBox1.AppendText("Najlepsza wartość funkcji: " + bestresult + "\n" + "\n");
            frm.richTextBox1.AppendText("Najgorsza wartość funkcji: " + worstresult + "\n" + "\n");
            frm.richTextBox1.AppendText("Procent sukcesu: " + percentsucess / testnumber * 100 + "%" + "\n" + "\n");

            var scena = new ILScene();

            using (ILScope.Enter())
                ILArray <float> AV       = sum;
                ILArray <float> BEST     = best;
                ILArray <float> WORST    = worst;
                ILArray <float> BGFworst = bgfworst;
                ILArray <float> BGFbest  = bgfbest;
                ILArray <float> BGFav    = bgfav;
                ILArray <float> GLOBAL   = globalmin;
                var             plot     = scena.Add(new ILPlotCube()
                    ScreenRect = new RectangleF(0, 0, 1, 0.4f),
                    Children   = { new ILLinePlot(AV.T,  lineColor:Color.Yellow),
                                   new ILLinePlot(BEST.T,  lineColor:Color.Blue),
                                   new ILLinePlot(WORST.T, lineColor:Color.Red), }

                var plot1 = scena.Add(new ILPlotCube()
                    ScreenRect = new RectangleF(0, 0.33f, 1, 0.4f),
                    Children   = { new ILLinePlot(BGFav.T,  lineColor:Color.Yellow),
                                   new ILLinePlot(BGFbest.T,  lineColor:Color.Blue),
                                   new ILLinePlot(BGFworst.T, lineColor:Color.Red), },

                var plot2 = scena.Add(new ILPlotCube()
                    ScreenRect = new RectangleF(0, 0.66f, 1, 0.3f),
                    Children   = { new ILLinePlot(GLOBAL.T, markerStyle: MarkerStyle.Diamond, lineColor: Color.Black) },

                var dg2 = plot2.AddDataGroup();
                dg2.Add(new ILLinePlot(GLOBAL.T, markerStyle: MarkerStyle.Diamond, lineColor: Color.Red));//,lineColor: Color.Red));
                dg2.ScaleModes.YAxisScale = AxisScale.Logarithmic;
                var axisY2 = plot2.Axes.Add(new ILAxis(dg2)
                    AxisName = AxisNames.YAxis,
                    Position = new Vector3(1, 0, 0),
                    Label    = { Text = "osiągnięte minimum (log)", Color = Color.Red },
                    Ticks    = { DefaultLabel = { Color = Color.Red } }

                frm.ilgraf.Scene = scena;